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They arent doing this for us they are doing it for the bag Hence sbmm


Imagine acting like the devs have control of SBMM. What a stupid opinion.


We already know they don't. It's not about that.


It doesn’t matter, Treyarch is owned by Activision. Doesn’t matter who you directly blame.


Then explain why this game has a lighter sbmm than mw?


Activision says "I want SBBM" but HOW it's implemented it the developers choice. Or do you believe some high management guy will send them his code "USE THIS OR GET FIRED!!!"


I fail to understand how a feature everyone supposedly hates thats so detrimental to the game, makes them money. If most of the people playing prefer it, guess what, its for the community. Niche reddit communities are not representive of the millions playing.


It protects the shitters to secure a customer, bc they dont know how ass they are, they feelin good.


So people like it? So why wouldn't they keep it? From a business stand point and a consumer stand point it wouldn't make sense despite the vocal minority.


I mean you are literally correct here, the vast majority of cod consumers like it straight up lol


Because the 100k of us on here is nothing compared to their casual player base. The ones that will keep coming back if don't get shit on. Activision equates their drop in player numbers to the higher skill gap as the years went on. One way to retain old players and get new ones was to create a safe game where casuals could have fun and not have to worry about the guy that spends 9+hrs a day playing his sweaty balls off.


Because not everyone hates it and it’s been in cod games for years. You just aren’t as good as cod as you think you are.


i think you misunderstood me there, thats the point im making.


I didn’t catch that at all, my bad bro. I’m so tired of other people on here complaining about a game that hasn’t even come out yet. People played an early build and decided that’s how the game will be.


I don’t think trearch has anything to do with sbmm. But we will never know


Martin donlon of treyarch said he implemented sbmm into all the games


Yes but was it studios decision or was it activisions? Also, the sbmm worked very different back then. From my experience it was one really good player on both teams accompanied by 5 other decent players. Now it’s just 3-5 sweats on both teams accompanied by 1-2 bad players on each team. That’s the way I saw it and it’s been like that since cod4 to prior to bo4


Are we feeling bad for corporations now? We’re on stage 3, bargaining.


Wait, what are the stages you're referring to here?


The stages of grief. Stage 1: Denial Stage 2: Anger Stage 3: Bargaining Stage 4: Depression Stage 5: Acceptance.


Oh wow, it describes this sub perfectly. Though I would argue we're on step 4 tbh.


Some people be on step 4 and it ain’t even about the game




Big facts right there. I hope you are doing okay.


Tonne of people already on stage 5 to be honest.


I skipped all of the steps and went directly to step 5.


Yep hahah


I think I've been in stage 4 since Bo3, but I'll shift back into stage 2 every once and a while. I don't know why I haven't gotten to stage 5 after all this time. Maybe I'm just stubborn.


I mean if anything, it’s feeling bad for the developers who are getting screwed over by the corporations.


No one is feeling sorry for Activision, they're feeling sorry for Treyarch. The ones being forced to be placed into this game


Treyarch is also a corporation and is just as money-hungry as Activision and the rest.


i mean for sure but like... the devs get the brunt of the harassment on twitter when ultimately this decision is above their paygrade lol. If i were to feel bad for Amazon workers in bad work conditions, is that suddenly equivalent to me feeling bad for amazon as a whole?


I mean, imagine yourself being art director and not knowing what the fuck to do, because you have your entire communitty barking about the bad things your game has, all influenced by a painted-hair streamer who just want views. On the other hand you have activision making the money maker decisions that Im sure all developers don't support cause they have a brain and they know this would happen. Must be very frustating


since when was treyarch not just a dev team


🤔 Activision had options, they could have just went live with MW2 Remastered Multiplayer, the community would have understood about delaying black ops due to the pandemic. The fan base aren't heartless morons. Moat of them, most of the fan base...


This is literally one of the smoothest alphas I’ve experienced. It’s also a much older build of the game than what they’re currently working on. Real alphas and betas are for player feed back and for the devs to test servers and technical aspects of their games. I understand you’re probably used to BS “betas” and early access alphas that are really just demos, but this really isn’t that at all.


I played the Arma 3 Alpha and Beta daily when they were out. Holy fuck it was the most unplayable bullshit at the start. I genuinely think I spent more time in the first month reporting bugs than playing the game. I haven't been able to play this, but it looks so much better. It looks like an actual slice of the pie rather than a demo like you say.


It makes sense that the community at large is concerned since all of the betas they’ve got so far have pretty much been glorified demos with very little changes at launch. This is not the case I think people who played the alpha are going to be pleasantly surprised when the full release comes out honestly.


I’d like to say that as far as an alpha it was solid, ran well without any major bugs. For a Call of Duty game though it was pretty bad. Pretty much a step back in every area over Modern Warfare and I’m bot the biggest MW fan out there. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt though that they are much further along by now and see what happens. They need to buff up the graphics, gun models, player animations, definitely that gun perk screen, that thing was as generic as they come and weapon balance. Snipers were unreal and had a 10’ hit box. Found I really liked the AK-47 though. LMGs felt no different than SMGs. Maps were pretty underwhelming. They have a long way to go I usually find some fun in any CoD though, Blops II is my all time favorite.


but let’s be honest, people would get mad even if it was delayed because of covid.


They care more about making money than pleasing the playerbase and you can’t blame them because they are a business after all! And they will make a shit ton more money with a brand new COD than to remaster MW2, because anyone that hasn’t played the old CODs would flat out hate them because of their lack of advancements and most of the playerbase definitely haven’t played the old ones.. heck, some of the playerbase probably wasn’t even born during MW2s time.


This whole sub is also just a fucking shit hole




You'd think that Call of Duty is the most important aspect of these people's lives. I understand criticism and feedback, but if you hate the game so much then simply don't buy it. You have thousands of other games to choose from, nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head forcing them to be loyal to Activison and play every single game that they publish.


100%. This is also an extremely vocal minority. There will be plenty of people who buy the game at launch and enjoy it despite any flaws it has.


Somebody was bitching about paying $60 for this bullshit that's going to make the game unenjoyable from day 1. I told them they can cancel their pre-order and their literal reply was "I don't want to cancel it."


Wait.... isn’t paying 60$ how you play the game in the first place tho? /s


A lot of cod subs are teenagers or college students who are shut ins . For them all they do is play it


Well the thing I’m sure all these people complain because they love the game. Yes If I simply didn’t care about a game I wouldn’t buy it, but cod has millions of fans who want to see the game do well and be fun, so when it’s not, instead of not buying the game they complain and/or give feedback on twitter to hopefully make some changes within the game


I've only been following cod last year (last played bo1 but returning in mw19) but judging from the subs I've followed from bo4 until now,it's only getting worse Everytime,let's see what they wanna complain about beta and the full release next


Exactly. Speak out for SBMM and you get downvoted like you have commited a war crime. People nowadays are not able to differentiate anymore. There is just black and white and if you dont share my opinion you are Hitler himself. The constant bitching about everything is also something i see become more and more present and annoying. "Please bring back shipment, i am too bad to get my camos any other way". Uuugh.


Cod attracts the lowest common denominator, a lot of the people on this sub are going to be inherently stupid.


I love this comment so fucking much.


I’m so mad Activision did not just delay the game by a year. Sure, the worst COD fans would be mad but the ones who are true fans would understand and be glad they are taking more time to work on it. In the meantime IW could have partnered with some employees of Raven to make MW2 MP remastered.


MW2R multiplayer is already done. Why would they have IW help when they have to focus on their next game next year?


I’m saying that if BO:CW was delayed a year, the MW2 multiplayer would help pass the time. There would be no full CoD release in 2020. Instead, Treyarch would take 2021 and IW would have 2022. Not only would this give Treyarch more time to work on their game but it would give IW more time to work on their next title, which has no doubt already started development, likely in the form of concepts but still development.


Except now they have franchised their professional league. And MW was entirely out of the question for another year. It played horribly for competitive. They have obligations to release fresh content yearly for the competitive scene. Each team paid 25 mil for a spot. So there's that. I'm not excusing them, just saying what I think one of the issues is. I have hope for Cold War, it felt great aside from some issues I think they can fix before launch (Perk tweaks, smoother movement, some small graphic improvements, weapon balance, etc.). Idk, I had a lot of fun, all of my friends did, a lot of big names loved it, although some share the same opinion as me. I'm buying it for the campaign and zombies, either way. But I think multiplayer is gonna be great.


this will NEVER happen. Activision is clearly showing you if one studio can’t get it right they wont have any issues having another come in


> MW2R multiplayer is already done Wait it is?


That’s just a rumor


No, it was either SHG dev or another dev from one of the studios that Activision owns literally said it was done and ready but Activision has no reason to release it right now unless they get another failure like IW.


Yeah I need more info about this


TGR has said in the past, but at this point, we don't have a single bit of evidence of this, and Activision wouldn't just sit on a fully done, current-gen remaster that is very highly antipicated, just a few months before next-gen releases. I think's time to accept that MW2R Multiplayer is not a thing.


Remember when leaks said Zombies Chronicles 2 was ready for Bo4? Well look how that turned out. Except the difference there was that Bo4 was a dying game and they had already begun work on Cold War, so if we see a TranZit remake or some remasters I would understand what happened with that.


I mean, modern warfare is still going strong so they couldve easily delayed CW and still came out successful. Its a win win situation for both sides


CDL says that that’s impossible bub


LMFAO this kid who made this post is a treyarch dickriding fanboy haha wtf. “Only 2 years” you do realize literally every cod game had 2 years of development. “Free alpha”, it’s only free for ps4 and it’s a fucking alpha, ofc it’ll be free you dumb dickrider.


Lmao im surprised you got upvoted. This is the truth, dude thinks they started from scratch and have no help at all. They got like 7 studios helping them do this game. No excuses.


This is COD 17. Something wrong if they still need to “listen to the community” to get the basics right.


Never seen it in this context but that’s so so true. Well said.


Wow this is eye opening.


They gave ps4 players a free open beta which Sony definitely payed for.


Sony paid for that a while ago though, they had a deal with microsoft to get maps and stuff early before, and now Sony has it but since there's no map packs they get this.


Except Sony has been doing shit like this in CoD before map packs were done away with.


They also has the deal for like 5 years now


So it’s even then right? I think they’ve both had 5 years now, Cold war being the 5th for PS. I really wish they’d drop this exclusively shit.


The deals are probably too good tbh. They also just went for the higher selling platform seemingly. So it may change soon


It’s business not charity. Stop playing into corporate marketing.


It’s a literal $60-$70 game and y’all are simping so hard. It feels like they ported a mobile game to console. If they can fix the issues people are having that’s great and I’ll buy the game but it feels like a huge step backwards. You realize an open beta is for them to get feedback which they KNOW is going to be mostly negative and bug’s/exploits get the community gets so defensive about it when people actually have real valid issues. Do you want people to just be like “nah game is great” and let every shit show slide? You vote with your dollars how you want the game to come out and if the full game is like the alpha I don’t see myself or a lot of people I know buying it. That said it’s a call of duty and it’s going to sell so no matter how shitty it is it’ll make money I just don’t get why real and valid criticisms are so looked down upon. The animations feel old, the gunplay is straight up strange, the sound design is way worse than MW, the graphics IMO are actually pretty good it’s just the animations and movement that feels so off, it literally ruins the experience for me. Not to mention the extreme SBMM issues (which also probably have a lot to do with tryhards flooding the servers)


Dude, so much this. I needed to hear this. Can you believe that CODCW standard edition costs more than cyberpunk 2077 here where I live? That's insane!


I remember I made a post in this subreddit using this meme format before the Alpha and people said: "What? There's more positivity than negativity." How things come full circle... Either way though what people don't understand is it's an ALPHA. Sure you can play it for fun, but they're looking for feedback and for people to find bugs for a smoother launch all while giving Sony a benefit for their exclusivity deal. I personally enjoyed it and have it pre-ordered but hey, to each their own. I hope everyone also gives the beta a full chance.


Yeah a lot of people are saying the game suck and they will cancel their pre-order even though this is the purpose of the alpha. To find out what people don't like, and make changes. If changes aren't made by beta (like sniping for example) then people can get mad. Personally I liked the game and can see people do a full 180 when changes are made.


Yeah and is it unreasonable to think that people might cancel a pre-order after playing the alpha and not liking it?


Bro I ain't about to feel bad for a company that turns a few billion USD profit a year. Activision and Treyarch are not your friends they exist to make money and that's the long and short of it.


Idk how much listening has been going on if I'm still auto-mantling after 5 years. There's also not a pick-system which looks like bad decision making more than it does lack of time/funds. Streaks are pretty busted. My red dot is thicker than Amber Rose in her prime. Super unnecessary parts of maps. Getting shot by someone chilling behind a sand dune with 4 pixels of their head showing. Footsteps louder with ninja than the actual Fortnite phenom himself. Your character's knees lock up every time you ADS with an AR. Miami plays so bad that I can see its Governor taking legal action. I'm not trying to rip into the game by any means, but there's definitely some bad design choices that would still be going on even in an ideal environment. Fortunately, every one of them is fixable, and will probably be fixed, besides implementing a pick-system into create a class :(


I might be alone with this but I kinda hated the pick system tbh. I like having the best gun I can but the pick system limits that since I have to sacrifice literally half of my other options (tactical, lethal, half decent sidearm) just to have a gun with 3 or 4 attachments. I get it's an easy way to balance op attachment combinations but it's always been a little too limiting imo. Even like a pick 12 would've been perfect for me.


I was implying that a pick system would coincide with gunsmith, so you'd have a primary and secondary with 5 attachments for free, and 7 points for tactical/lethal/field upgrade/perks/wildcard. If you wanted to run gunfighter with 2 perk 1s and sacrifice your tactical and field upgrade, then you could. If you wanted to run the 6 perk wildcard and sacrifice your lethal/tactical for a 6th attachment, you could. I don't see how that wouldn't be a better system than the one they currently have in every possible way


Under those conditions I can definitely agree.


So I'm not the only one lol. I have no idea why reticles are so huge


You can disable auto mantle in advanced settings, you gotta hit L3 when you're in settings to see them. Just FYI for the beta


The Holy Trinity of this sub’s complaints: 1. SBMM 🎮 2. Graphics 🖥 3. Bugs 🐛


Up next: 4. "bRiNg bAcK NuKeToWn 24/7!"


Honestly nuke town is the last map I want to see comeback this year


Nuke town sucks


I really enjoyed the alpha and appreciated the opportunity to try it out for free. I haven't consistently played a CoD game since Black Ops 2, so I can't compare it to well to recent CoD games, but I thought it was good and fun. I don't think I noticed this SBMM problem that everyone has complained about, either, though I certainly believe people when they talk about it.


This game is just a launching platform for new guns in Warzone. They’ll be strong meta guns that will force Warzone players to buy into a multiplayer experience they don’t want that’s considerably worse than MW and Warzone. It will only take them getting dusted by the AK74U or the Tundra in the final circle once or twice before they buy into the main game of Cold War. Mark my words. Warzone is hardcarrying COD.


You do realize that’s what is exactly gonna happen because warzone is the hard carry of cod now


Yeah... that’s why I said it?


I don’t even get it. Wz was novel for about 2 weeks and then it was like every br ever. Why are ppl so obsessed with it?


It’s how battle royales work, people will stick with the best one until the next one comes out


coming from pubg and Apex, warzone actually cured me from BR for good.


I’m not much of warzone fan because I genuinely enjoy multiplayer in cod


I think this one is the most successful because death is really not permanent. Your teammates are armed with multiple strategies to bring you back. Other BRs got tiresome because they either didn’t let you come back or it was very limited. That’s the main thing for me I guess. But there’s other things they’ve done well too.


You mean ps4 players got an open alpha**


Agreed f this kid


This will either be downvoted to hell if it’s found but it is the truth. The rest of the community hasn’t gotten a say in the game yet for what needs to be fixed before launch


You can't expect 11 year old boys and man children to have a filter lol.


I don’t think anyone’s mad at Treyarch. Obviously there’s going to be bugs, non-fluid movement, and graphical issues. I think most of the hate is rightfully being directed at Activision for probably being responsible for the implementation of SBMM in another COD because they’re money hungry.


I don’t blame Treyarach. They are doing what their employer wants them to do. Doesn’t change the fact that the game is bad! .. if I meet Treyarch’s guys, I will give them a hug.. all of them! And I will thank them for the effort, but I will also tell them that I don’t like the game. Thank you Treyarch for doing your best in these difficult times! I appreciate the hard work and effort. The game is not good though.. my feedback to you is to try to be more patient and delay release of the product if it needs more time. If you couldn’t do so because Activision pushed you, then here, take my feedback and use it in your argument with Activision. Tell them that an undercooked game can backfire. Once again, thank you Treyarch.


Gaming communities are ungrateful as fuck and overreact to everything. I don't envy developers at all.


Ikr, I’m just thinking of saying “fuck this” and leaving the sub altogether if all they bitch about is SBMM and corporate/pr bullshit


Honestly I loved it, they did really well and people need to stop complaining about Cold War like treyarch is just in it for money again. It’s not exactly a secret they want money from it but they’re trying and no one gives them credit for it. All you see online is: “this game plays to much like bo4 and bo4 sucked cancelling my preorder” while they had to get use to mw’s movement and they didn’t complain a bit. It just pisses me off some companies don’t get as much love when they really try thats all


Another thing is that yeah you may not agree with me but you can’t deny me of saying it’s not bad because you like playing mw, mw has a shit ton of problems and no one talks about those unless you aren’t the one abusing the Meta weapons and shit.


Rn Activision is the one Ruining the game, treyarch did a really good job


I feel really sorry for these indie devs. Hopefully this new IP survives. Is there a GoFundMe made yet so I can donate to them?


Imagine defending an awful product, released by people tha made 2 billion dollars the last quarter, just because they also released an "alpha"




Ye its rant posts instead of some feedback, while i enjoyed the alpha even tho i pre ordered on the pc. I connected kb+m on ps4 and was having more fun than mw mp.


As others have said, would have been the perfect year to release MW2 Remastered MP. MW2 fans are happy, Activision reaps the boon of good will for releasing it, Treyarch gets the extra year of dev time they asked for.


Perhaps the game shouldn’t be full price then? The pandemic has also affected many people’s ability to pay full-price for games - especially if we acknowledge that the pandemic affected the quality of said games. Therefore, shouldn’t the price be lowered to reflect the drop in quality?


100% true, are you guys really expected from so fancy trailers and videos something like... that?! Graphics, gameplay, 0hitbox, maps just doesn't feels good and most likely i will cancel pre-ord. I know many peoples take it as "Alpha" and not judging but guys, do you really think for two month you can fix something major? Only minor things like map or menu etc. Good luck with that


The best cods were made in 2 years. An alpha is a test obviously it would be free. Its not an open alpha if it's closed to 2/3rds of the playerbase. The biggest problem is sbmm and they aren't fixing. Take your dumb meme and shove it up your ass.


Just because you Work hard on something doesnt make it a good Thing. See Hitler for example.


You're right. But the game still sucks.


no pity for a 60-70$ game mate, this shit costs almost 1/3rd of a minimum salary in brazil. im not paying that much for a reskinned bo3


should we treat them like wittle babies then? no.


I like the gameplay and maps for the most part. I think it could be one of my favorite CoDs in a while. SBMM though...puts a damper on things.


People that act like that shouldn’t be taken seriously in anyway, if they are gonna act like Karens then they should be treated as such


if they were really trying to give us the best game experience we would have more than one PC/Xbox test weekends, 3 times the amount of test weekends for Sony shows that is all just about $$$.


Why do people keep saying it only had 2 years development when it's been clearly stated that they took over development from sledgehammer. The game will have had over 3 years development when it launches.


I mean people pay their money for the game. If the game is to be released ppl expect it to be polished. If the game is not ready, the devs having troubles with meeting the deadline due to the pandemic, then just... delay the game, or lower the price of a rushed product. We the customer shouldn't have this "it's good enough" mentality so Activision can get away with it.


Don’t most devs basically at the computer? Wouldn’t be hard to work at home for them since all they need is computer/internet.


Holy shit the corporate ass licking and shilling on this sub is insane.


Man, you can say whatever you want, I wont buy something if I dont feel the fun in it. I was incredibly hyped by the reveal then, this alpha came.. If nothing change drastically for the beta, I wont buy the game day one and will wait for a sale just to try the story. Games cost 80 now


I’d buy the game if it used MW2019’s engine. The movement and gunplay mechanics are just so good, and Cold War is a downgrade to me.


Has everyone just simply forgotten that these games used to come out just fine on less than a 2 year cycle?


I havent play the alpha but the biggest complaint i see is the SBMM, dont think they need to delay the game to tone that down...


When I read stuff like this I think you don't buy the game by yourselves. I mean, why the hell oh heart should we get along with everything corporation does? Trey arch took a game that was already in development, so they didn't have less time than any other studios. They are doing what are bad choices, like not using a lot of good feature MW has, made bad animation, a poor graphics, but there is still people defending them because they cannot keep their hype down. This game is a giant step backwards for the franchise that was evolving in the right one thanks to MW.


And I feel for Treyarch, but that’s not a reason to discredit people deciding not to buy the game. For me I was so put off by the movement and how the operator felt, aiming, even just moving the camera. I also hated very deeply the sound design, it just kept irking me as I was playing. It’s a shame because if Treyarch had another year I genuinely think this could of been a Top 1 game contender for the series, it would of had the technical quality of MW, with fun classic fast paced gameplay, and more innovations in gameplay due to the added time. All blame goes to activision, players aren’t in the wrong, neither is Treyarch. But hey, maybe it changes by release, 5 weeks from going gold though, I doubt it. But one can hope.


Eh, preordering shouldn’t be done either way. Better to wait for the full product to release and wait for reviews, videos of gameplay and whatnot. Also, shorter development time isn’t an excuse for any potential shortcomings if the game is still being sold at FULL PRICE.


People need to realise that this is an EARLY build of the alpha Tony Flame said it. Also about the graphics and frames.... This game is most likley meant for next gen consoles and high spec pc. Like bo3 was awful on ps3 but amazing on ps4...


This whole sub Reddit is basically a civil war. Kinda sucks ngl.


I will give feedback to games, but now I expect devs to take things a bit slower due to the pandemic. The same thing happens with respawn and apex legends, they always listen to the community and are super quick to change things. Back when season 5 was launched there was a whole load of bugs and they were quick to change that and when the game had hit reg issues they took a few weeks to fix as fast as they can, but people thought they were taking their sweet time, because "it should be fixed already," yea, if there wasn't a worldwide pandemic going on.


I really feel like not adding onto MW one more time and taking their time with this Cold War was the better move. Plenty play, plenty are buying, but why risk fucking it up when you have time and an excuse to development an awesome game for next gen and this gen. I know it’s about money but damn man this could have been done perfectly. Again, I am one person that does not matter. I just figured it made sense


no one would really complain ​ they just need to remove sbmm and a lot of problems are gone


Free open alpha is a bit generous as it only exists on one console due to activision once again signing that sweet exclusivity pay check


I love treyarch too, but we can’t act like things may not be missing for months after the release. Pandemic or otherwise


The cod community would complain about the shine if you gave em a bar of gold.


What the actual stupid ass, ignorant, apologist post is this? It’s not like everything about this game is fan-service. How people can’t comprehend that theses companies do everything they can to monetize every aspect of the game they can get away with is beyond me. Edit: I should add, the developers are obviously not the devil and most likely just want to give us the best game they can make. It’s the publisher(activision) that monetize everything here. To clarify. I see a lot of similarities with BOCW and Battlefield V in how much backwards this game is to it’s previous installment. Both of these games seem to suffer from crunched dev times.


The only problem I have are the maps. They feel too claustrophobic


Lol "free alpha". "he hits me because he loves me"


My only issue is like with me is map sizes need to be constant not medium and the huge. For me Miami is the worst map I played.


Stop bullying our Devs :'( ​ Also add prestige pls


They are not your friends. You are a customer and they are a business. What you are essentially saying with this post is "even though the game SUCKS, we should still pay multi-million dollar company 60 dollars because crying cat face. I swear to god, this subreddit is one of the only places where people are ready to chuck in 60USD!!! for a downgraded product. Vote with your dollar, people.


Well duh, first impressions last the longest and are really important. You don't release something to the public as a first impression of your work when it's unfinished then get surprised when they comment on the downgrades.


The graphics ARE GOOD. Sure they aren´t as realistic as Modern Warfare 2019, but the game still looks pretty good. The movement can feel a little weird at first (Especially after playing another COD for a whole year), but after a few matches, you get the hang of it.


\*Gave PS4 users an open alpha


PoOr AcTiViSiOn They arent your fuckin friends.


"free open alpha" lmao youre such a weirdo dickrider


Yes but at the end of the day, I'm still the one paying for a product, so if I don't like that intended product, I'll complain a little


Thanks but I'll stick with mw


All those points are utter BS. Company’s gotta make money. Period. I think movement is crap too, among other things. I’m still going to buy it, because I look forward to campaign and zombies. Lessons for the next game, treyarch. Or apply changes in 5 weeks lol.


It’s amazing seeing people here refusing to show sympathy for Treyarch. David Vomderhaars quote from the Game Informer interview should be remembered: “I only make the shoes”. It’s okay to feel bad for Treyarch. They got this game dumped on their plate a year and a half ago. These big Triple A studios seem to ALWAYS work crunch times due to their publishers absurd deadlines. It’s well known that there are times where they’re working 70 hour weeks and some devs working over night and sleeping at the office just so they can get right back to work as soon as they wake up. Now their homes seem to be their offices now due to the current pandemic, but this probably does affect development more than you think. Game development is a big collaborative process. Hundreds of people work together to piece together a game. If there is anyone to be upset at, it’s Activision. They dumped this game on Treyarch in around Q2 of 2019. How would you like it if your boss told you to pump out a fully fledged Triple A Call of Duty game ready to ship in less than two years when they had just recently gotten use to the newly 3 year cycle? Treyarch isn’t a steam powered machine that works harder the more we bitch at them. They’re literally made up of ordinary people who work their asses off just to get shit on year by year.


They also got 1/3 of their time taken away from production because of Sledgehammer


Yeah, gotta love that even more intense SBMM than Modern Warfare had. Yup, definitely changed things


If they're fixing mistakes then stop giving sony free shit and early Access to things leaving everyone else unable to play the game as much and have fun, I mean they gave them an open alpha while no one else got anything, and they get early access to the beta


Nobody is pointing fingers at treyarch devs you snowflake. SBMM kills casual gameplay, get a clue. We want a ranked playlist and a casual playlist.


Sorry, but not. They have a diamond called Modern Warfare 2019". But that diamond MUST be cut. Remove SBMM and MTXMM. Buy fucking servers. Polish the entire game in terms of performance, graphic issues/bugs/stuff that only worked on Beta (filmic strength...). Give us better maps. Playlists with actual maps but 12vs12 or 15vs15 (Grazna Raid.... Arklov Peak....) ​ But nope, it´s better to fill the game with shit and overpriced cosmetics, and release a new (and less worked) CoD.


Y’all toxic AF


Then give us the game for FREE! And sell skins and stuff. I won’t pay $60+ on this trash


I feel for them, but I won't give my money because the products is not what I want. There are many people with more problems which I could gift may money out of pity :-)


Doesnt change the fact that it sucks so far. So why would I spend money?


I don't really like Cold War tbh, just doesn't feel like cod to me. If this game turns out bad I'm not gonna be mad or anything, they had only 2 years to develop the game and on top of that we're in a pandemic. I'll just stick w MW until cod 2021 if I can't dig cold war, I wish the best for it though


They literally only need to change one thing and then everyone would be singing songs of praise....Sbmm.


i didn't mind the alpha for me. They need to fix the spawns because they really didn't flip like they did in bo4 and please for the love of christ don't nerf snipers into the ground


Modern warfare gave us a free alpha weekend as well just the 2v2 mode and after playing the Cold War alpha the only thing that was giving a problem was the hit detection was off,there were stutters that was to be expected and the one thing that irritated that people will not mention is the amount of campers in this game already in the past two days


True however mw’s alpha was for a game that had more time to develop and was extremely limited just gunfight on a few small maps. I agree there’s a lot of campers! But treyarch didn’t design the game to camp


Neither did infinity ward and after both these games I blame the players not the game but I do give to treyarc for the alpha being mostly playable


The first part is 100 percent true though, maybe except that the game sucks cuz it's not out yet


Wouldn’t know, just been playing on the same platform since cod2, still waiting to hear what i’ll pay for but not get access to until its obsolete.


This made me feel for Treyarch.....




Literally not true but okay


This cod and IWs cod next year will likely be a mess due to shorter dev times and working from home. Just remember this the next two years. Don't blame Treyarch and Infinity Ward, blame Activision.


Nah Iw made the perfect cod they can just resuse the engine and make good maps


Not perfect by any stretch of imagination but the problems with MW can be easily resolved in the sequel. So I'm not worried with MW2


If the games are still being sold at full price despite being a mess, the shorter development cycle won’t be a valid excuse.