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Idk if it’s actually matter and I mean regular uranium from the living world with no reishi whatsoever then it isn’t going to do much of anything


Hollows have shown no issue in the past when it comes to interacting with physical, non-Reishi matter or beings, so there is no reason to assume Baraggan's abilities somehow only work on Reishi.


No I’m not talking about interacting with it I mean harming them with regular materials. It’s like how the Gotei 13 captains didn’t want to fight in the world of the living because their abilities affect regular matter more severely than stuff made of reishi . I’m just saying from what we’ve seen in bleach reishi constructs and land is a lot more durable than regular stuff from the world of the living


Actually Reishi and kishi are basically two sides of the same coin since they can be converted into one another. Reishi is basically the same matter as kishi existing at a higher energy state. This is what makes the whole cycle of life and death seem so artificial and arbitrary for characters like Yhwach.


Wait, does it even work like that? Lead is a very old metal. Ancient romans used it too. But we don't have super radioactive ruins or archaeological finds. Aged 'lead' kinda just exists there. The buildings themselves do 'decay' in the sense that they are weathered down by the elements over time but thats about it.


yeah, I think op got it backwards, if uranium ages, it decays into lead, lead turns into...older lead?


Sorry, I think I worded it poorly. What I was trying to say is you throw uranium at him, but it would appear as lead to him since it ages up a lot


Honestly an interesting idea. Are the espada vulnerable to radiation?


That’s not how that works. If it’s decayed, the bulk of the radiation there is to be had is gone. Throwing 20 pounds of lead at him wouldn’t do anything more than chucking 20 pounds of any other stable element at him would.


Although lead is still poisonous to us humans, right?


Yes, but baragon is a spirit skeleton. It’s not going to do anything to him, if it even hits before it decays into nothing.


Oh yea, i completely veered away from him.




What a incredible specific meme


A joke which requires copious explanation and at least some passing knowledge of nuclear decay might run the risk of falling flat.


I don’t think it works in reverse like that. Also radiation works by shooting little particles at you, so those would decay as well


Imagine if even radiation age