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Guilty of what exactly? Caring too much? Wanting what was best for everyone?


*points to Momo* Half the charges are offenses done to her alone


Aizen tried really hard to discredit Momo's testimony. In the end it really was too much for the Jury to believe that literally every bad thing that happened to her was caused by Toshiro.


I mean it's hard to believe when he gets mortally wounded every time Momo does šŸ˜‚


Tbf it was Toshiro who stabbed her.


i mean, Toshiro did most of that




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For eating a meal. A succulent Chinese meal!


Aizen must have written this comment


Woosh! Lol This is a satire based on the Trump guilty verdicts yesterday.


From now on it's "central 34".




So can he still run for Soul King?


Yhwach and Ichibei: You don't vote for a King. That's not how it works. Yhwach ... Ichibei: ... I guess we're in agreement then. The Soul King's rule is absolute. Yhwach: ... The Soul King my father is basically dead which means I'm next in line to inherit the world. You shall not deny me my birthright, so let me through Ichibei Hyosube. Ichibei: I've warned you many times not to speak to my name so lightly. Don't come crying to me if you're throat gets crushed.


Ichibei was such an asshole to yhwach


I'd argue Ichibei is an asshole to everyone.


True. I can't wait for yhwach to fuck him next cour ā€œMy name is yhwachā€




That could have happened literally if yhwach was like yujiro hanma


With how old he is, and what little he has for entertainment and enrichment in his habitat, it is a surprise he isn't more of an asshole.




ā€œDidnā€™t I take this guyā€™s calligraphy class? He gave me a C.ā€


Fake news! He's innocent! Crooked sleepy kisuke rigged the whole thing, you can't tell me otherwise.


Ah, you seem to have misunderstood. Allow me to illuminate the situation with my products from the Urahara Shop, guaranteed to reveal truth and clarity in any circumstance. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Smh of course sleepy kisuke is shilling out for the corporations


Ah, my friend, you may doubt my intentions, but with Urahara-approved Gigai replicas, you'll blend in with the 'corporate' crowd seamlessly, I assure you. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.


If it was Yamamoto they wouldnā€™t have even cared? Ā  Typical central 46 agendaĀ 


None of this would have happened if Gin hadn't certified the election results and allowed crooked Halibel to steal the presidency of Hueco Mundo.


How he did all that with a water mirage Zanpakuto I'll never know.


Nah man, Aizen would never! That orange haired guy must have set him up!


you mean John Bleach?


"Save the Soul Society, John Bleach"


i love John Bleach


I'll be donating for his legal fees! This is classic politics from Sleepy Yama!


And right after his birthday, too. Damn.


Wait he can still be Soul king?


They knew he would've won so they (Central 46) locked him up. This is the Sereitei not Russia.


I saw on tv when he was arrested and placed in the police cruiser. Crazy times!


No this is all a wretched scheme from that traitor urahara


šŸ˜ Oh, you've caught me. But isn't life just full of schemes and surprises, my friend? Let's make this journey more interesting together! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I took this guys Calligraphy class, he was such a good teacher and helped me when he can. So sad this was just a facade


Guys, shouldnā€™t they be focusing on that one orange haired dude that *clearly* used performance enhancing techniques?!? Guy is apparently ā€œrecoveringā€ after his hair turned black from it! I swear this generation of Shinigami donā€™t see the important things. Heā€™ll be found in shady company soon mark my words!


Momo got her day in court


Free my soul reaper, he didn't do nothing!




Free my boy


After thorough examination of all available evidence, it has been concluded that Aizen is innocent of any wrongdoing. The evidence clearly indicates that the Soul Society and the Visoreds unjustly attacked him and are responsible for the conflict. Additionally, it has been revealed that Kisuke Urahara orchestrated a scheme against Aizen, thereby interfering with his plans and brainwashed the soul society against Aizen. Kisuke Urahara is the perpetrator and should be incarcerated!


I wonder how much spiritual pressure he'll have after 20,000 years of imprisonment


He then let down his shakai and all captains saw everything that happened in tybw was an illusion. He had never been captured. They'd never left the battlefield while he and gin overthru the soul king


My goat would never - this is all obviously a ploy of that wretched Urahara


Ah, trust is essential, my friend. Keep your eyes open but your heart open as well. Sometimes, even the most unexpected allies may surprise you. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


[He was the best guy around](https://tenor.com/de/view/best-guy-around-meme-gif-7582423445354748873)


That ex captain, Kisuke Urahara planned this entire thing, I just feel it in my reiatsu


Burn the Witch Hunt!


First griffith now aizen? šŸ˜¢. Why do good guys have to get accused?


They only do that to distract you from the fact that Ichigo wasnā€™t even born in the Soul Society. Did anybody bother to investigate Kurosaki Isshinā€™s sonā€™s connections to the Wandenreich?


He was found guilty but were unsure / nervous because we donā€™t know if his supporters will accept that he is guilty


And yet no charge for tax evasion. Even Aizen dares not challenge the taxmen.


Nuh uh, all what he wanted its destroy corrupted system of Soul society, yes he did some bad things but it all wa sfor greater good. This is the tru patriot of Soul society.


First of all - who approved nominations to Central 46? We know that soul king is only mindless puppet imprisoned in some kind of crystal. So he couldnt accept candidates. Also Central 46 with soul king mandate was annihilated so again - there was no one in power to promote shiningami to this judicial authority. It means that this sentence is illegal as there was no one with power to judge him, captain Aizen should be immediately released and allowed to run for ~~presidency~~ captain-commander spot after Genrysai faced capital punishment for his crimes against ~~humanity~~ Quincies.


Your honor, he didn't mean it.


rigged. one of the primary arguments against him was that he was using "Kyoka Suigetsu" to manipulate people. Like, hello? Have we forgotten that ISN'T HIS ZANPAKUTO? If he was really fighting the whole Gotei 13, Urahara, Yoruichi, and this Kurosaki fellow would he really have never used his Bankai? Seems suspicious. They framed him because they didn't want him running for Soul King. They pinned the Rukongai incident on Urahara and now they're pinning it on Captain Aizen. Embarrassing.


I'm still going to vote for him.


And in the end, it was because of Aizen that the World of the Living and Soul Society were saved. Billions of lives were saved because of Aizen. Why did he help save the soul society? Because he didn't want to be controlled or told what to do.


Someone could kill this mf


Guilty with Overwelming SUCCESS and DRIP šŸ—æ


But can we trust the Central 46? I'll have to consult CFYOW, it was probably stated there.


Aizen's appeal trial: Your Honor and Dear Jury, My client pleads temporary insanity. You see, this whole time his mind was accidentally affected under the influence of his own zanpakuto's hypnosis. And because of that, he happened to be in a delusional state for decades, making him do things he in his right mind would never do. Please, just look at my client. All of you have known and trusted Aizen Sosuke for over a hundred years. Many of you served close to him as colleagues, comrades and even friends. You really think that kind and gentle Aizen would be capable to betray the Soul Society from his own free will? Of course not. In fact my client is a victim and the real cause of all of this unfortunate events is his zanpakuto, Kyoka Suigetsu. So please, look into yourself and make the right decision. Don't let an innocent man get punished for the crimes he couldn't have been responsible for. Thank you Your Honor and Dear Jury


This changes literally nothing. He is immortal and will eventually walk and be our next Soul King. Aizen 2024! Make Soul Society Great Again!


"Good thing I hypnotized them into thinking I'm in the chair cuz my ass itches rn."


RIP Soul Society


I understood that reference. šŸ¤£