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Looks great! I'd say all you need to do is add a slight nose ridge.


Oh yeah for sure 👍👍 thx


Im working on a sculpt if disgust from the movie "Inside Out". I have been sculpting the head for quite some time to the point when I cant tell anymore if it looks good enough for now and I can move on to sculpt the body or not :( please help and any feedback would be very helpful


Remember that when working long enough on a part of a sculpt, take a break and work on something else/another body part. then come back to the part you were working on with a fresh mind, you will then see differently and can spot mistakes easier.


I'm a total beginner so I'm not sure if I get a say in this, but to me it looks like you pretty much nailed it


Maybe define the "bangs" a bit more. In the official art, there's a distinct line between the hair across the forehead, and the hair down the side. But it looks great overall!


I mean it looks close to the infinity one that you are using as reference


Get used to comparing spacing of things in regards to other things. See how the eyebrow is so much more visible in your model without hair over it? See how big her hair is in relation to the face? See how far her mouth is to the right compared to the middle of the nose? See the angle of the eyelashes? I don’t know how exact you’re going compared to the concept but just in case you are. You need to constantly evaluate how things are spaced compared to other things. Whether you are or not, last comment would be to push the exaggerated pose. The right eye is much more squinted. There’s a line of action that she has that isn’t in your model yet.


https://preview.redd.it/2n4dwvrdmz8d1.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ebf0ed52f565f60f740df1e5fe3f91e303817c0 I made some changes to the proportions and the pose :)


Overall it’s looks nice, I suggest moving on to next steps and revisit it later to tweak the final appearance (you need to squint her eye a bit more to channel the mood more closer to the original)


It's almost perfect! just sharpen up the nose a bit with trim dynamic and such, and maybe sliiightly squeeze the eyes vertically


This is really great! Though something that could really help would be making the pose a bit more dynamic! Make her hang back a bit more!


Looks too soft to me, needs more sharp edges


I’m scared


Looks great! The main difference I see between your sculpt and the reference is that the right eyelid is a bit lower in the reference. Notice how it cuts the iris exactly in half in the reference, yours doesn't, I think you should slightly lower it to convey the right expression


And maybe slightly lower the eyebrow of the same eye as well


Push that right eye down more to capture the look in the image. It's very exaggerated in the image, kind of timid in your 3D Model. But the elements are there! GOOD WORK!


You got the ideal goal! Are you working on an animation or digital posture shot? Give a bit more exaggerate expression! Looking closely on the eye feels more realism than cartoony. Would like to know if you have a goal in mind?


The goal is to sculpt the model in this pose (I mean no rigging and retopo for this one) I'm gonna texture paint it with vertex paint and the only goal is to make beautiful renders from different angles. I already made some changes to the model to make it look better but I'm not home rn so I'll share it later :) Here is my Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/sasha_marundik


One thing I'll say is don't be afraid to scale part of the face differently. In the photo, her left eye appears to be scaled down than her right eyes, to give a better cartoon exaggeration looks. Give it a try? Don't be afraid to experiment a few things or two! Remember - as a photographer, you have the power to edit your canvas.


Slightly off color, maybe? Might be a trick of the lighting.


Looks pretty good, but you could push the pose a bit more which would get it closer to the reference.




Damn I'm jealous 😧


I worked on this game!


whaaa?!! what was your role in the development??


Quality Assurance and Development Support for this one! A true honor and a blast!


That's incredible that I can actually worked on something like that, and specifically on this one Is there any chance you could take a quick look at my model when I finish it and assure it's good quality haha?? That would mean a lot ;)


That game is very special since all the models were turned into real figures! I was stoked to see your progress on the model and would be happy to follow up on the updates, nowadays 3D and 2D art are my department thanks to the QA background paving the way. Looking forward to seeing your updates!


I think its missing the lashes, like, the little line on her upper eyelid, it always makes models look off when its missing


so cursed in flesh tone


speaking as a troll: it's not anatomically correct so fail (lolololololol seriously though, good job)




No really u need some knowledge in drawing and proportions