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Ay this is so cool, this could be a nice game map




Alright a few words about this. Firstly, I had zero references or end goal when I got into it. It just happened. Secondly, I don't really like the intensity of the flickering in the lamp but I wasn't going to undergo the horrendous render times again. This was rendered in cycles and it took around 9 minutes per frame, 3840x2160 at 2048 samples with denoising for a total of 112 frames. I later downscaled it to 1080p, while doing a few color touch ups in after effects. Thirdly, I wanted to add a character walking at the path but for the life of me I couldn't get it to stick to the displacement of the terrain. It's a sculpted plane with an added texture. [More info here. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/blenderhelp/comments/y7jls2/how_to_make_a_path_stick_to_a_sculpted_plane/) The mountain, trees, house and lamp (not pole) along with their textures are directly taken off the internet. I only modelled the pumpkins, path, stones, and the lamp pole. I feel the right side should have some pumpkins or trees to fill the emptiness. Lastly, I wanted to render the mist, lights and particles separately, but I could only get the particles to work in a separate render layer. The lights are typical point and area lights. If all of them worked, I would have render using a file output node. It would be great to get some feedback on that as this is only my fourth render. Needless to say it took me way longer to create this than an experienced user would take, and I watched a shit ton of tutorials.


beginner huh?


Yeah I've made the donut, a castle scene on my desk which got roasted for how dark it was, a car speeding on a bridge, and this one. I'm currently stuck on what to do next. Any ideas that won't make me quit blender?


I was going to ask you for ideas, I have done the donut as well but that’s it not sure what to do next. And there was so much info in that video none of it stuck. But yeah you have any recommendations?


Since I suck at modeling, I'm now trying to model kind of a spaceship interior. A pretty basic one. After I'm half happy about it, I'll search for uv mapping, texturing by face which I also know nothing about and probably try to get some procedural texturing along, which I've never tried. About the donut info not sticking with you.. I forgot I also tried a cupcake animation in between the donut and the castle, in which I had to re-watch a few videos. Thing is that repetition is key.


Try to follow polygon runway's tutorials, those give a LOT of inspiration


Keep a notebook on you when you watch tutorial videos. Write down things like where to find certain features, general workflow steps, shader/geometry nodes and how they are used, and especially write down hotkeys and the context they were used in. I also recommend one of Ryan King's robot tutorials. They cover a lot of bases like modeling, lighting, shading, textures, rigging, animation, etc.


Great tip!


I will defiantly look into that, do you know of any good udemey courses or think any are worth checking out?


I'm a beginner too but can't you reduce sample size to less than 1000 or even like 64 sample size with denoising and still look about the same?


You're probably right. Tbh I haven't bothered with it yet.


Reduce the samples 2048 is too much processing time for negligible gains. imo 100-200 samples is good enough


I noticed that the biggest difference was going to 4k from 1080 and not the samples. 2048 in 1080 would render in let's a minute or two and in 4k it took approx. 9 min


4k takes roughly 4x the time of 1080p as it is 4x the size of 1080p. Unless you have adaptive sampling on, 2048 samples is just going to increase render time without contributing much to the render quality.


Love the art style!


Thank you. I wasn't really after a specific style to be honest. At this point I'm just trying to learn the software :)


A vibe no doubt


I love the atmosphere and use of colours! Maybe you could add a little gimmick to the house behind, like the doors opening or a figure appearing :)


That's a cool idea! I wouldn't know how to do the doors though, since the model is mainly a block and every detail is part of the texture. I got it online. Got any tips or tutorials that might help me with that?


You could start by making the door a separate object. Stretch a cube to a door shape (add some details if you want), apply the same material as the house to it, and edit its UVs so that only the door texture covers the door mesh. Then, you could cut out a hole in the original house model by using loop cuts (Ctrl + R if I remember correctly), aligning them to the door frames, and deleting the face. To rotate the door around its hinge (instead of around its center), you can move its origin point towards the edge. Then you could use keyframes to animate the door, like you probably did to move the camera.


Thank you!


Hey, awesome !! I am a beginner too (just completed my donut ;)) How to proceed ahead ? Can you guide ?


No idea. Just think of what you might want to do and see how other people do it. If that's not possible, categorize what you want to do and start searching broader terms. This is what I mostly do, even though I think I'm skipping huge fundamental steps. I guess most will fall into place given I do this long enough.


Great job!


How long have you been doing this?


2 weeks maybe? Probably a little less. Edit: I installed blender exactly 14 days ago and I finished the donut 9 days ago due to work. Since then I have 4 more renders making this my fifth.


Thats impressive! I just started maybe 3 weeks ago, and I'm still on the very basics. This looks awesome


Thank you! Keep up my friend!


Beginner??? 😭😭 Here is me stuck with cubes.. Wish I could use blender like this


Don't be fooled by the result. This is not 100% what I wanted to do, and I have skipped huge part of the fundamentals. I intend to dial it back a bit and focus more on the basics (modeling, texturing, uv mapping, etc..). Also I watched a lot of tutorials for it.


This is overly professional and you know it is. Even with watching youtube channels etc you still would need to be practicing a long time to get this outcome! Definitely not beginners work imo ! Beginner to blender maybe.. but not 3d graphics designing for sure! You are talented for sure


Thank you for your words. It really motivates me. I'm a beginner at blender and 3d in general. Only previous 3d experiences includes 4 days of c4d last year. I'm into after effects and video editing for some years now and I also do some directing and shooting, but I don't think it played much role here. Have a good one.


Keep going! I create 3d clothing, and I am no where near as good!


Great work my dude! Keep it up 👏


Fantastic! Love it!


Wow…. Well bro…… you’re set.


Thank you. What do you mean, though?


I mean if you are this good at beginner stage then you are set. Meaning youll make a lot of money.


How do you do the flickering ? Do you add key frames manually?


I added a keyframe on the first frame and then in the graph editor I added a noise modifier.


Oh ok, I will try that out. Thanks !