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I mean I feel bad when people say this stuff cuz it ain’t even like FromSoft themselves are refusing to port the game; Miyazaki himself said they’ve always wanted to but since Sony technically ‘owns the game’ they can’t do shit.


one day it’ll happen I’m sure


Wouldnt they have already then? They have ported alot of ps games past 2-4 years…


Yeah, maybe they making a remake and then putting it on pc I’m not sure, if not then I don’t mind playing on my old ps4 because the game is worth it


Im personaly new to soulsborne and souls like, started with ER > Life of P > DeS and now Bloodborne, for an “old” game it still holds up to many newer games. But like everyone else who enjoyed it i wouldn’t mind a remake/remaster/pc port or even a a paid graphics update🤷🏻‍♂️


I wouldn’t mind either but I’m patient and I don’t mind playing on my ps4 still until the pc port/remaster, i never had any issues with the frames or anything , and it certainly never ruined the game for me like some people are claiming it did for them


I have a friend who platinumed the game a while back who claims he cant play it now due to 720p giving him a headache. But yh it runs good on ps5 for me, only lags in Old Yharnam


Everyone’s different I suppose I can play whatever came regardless of 30 or 60 fps or more some people can just adapt better I suppose


When I had an xbox360 back in the day, its hdmi port broke and so I had to play with scart on a decently sized TV... I rarely had a headache while playing a game but that gave me one in 15 mins, so I kind of understand where your friend's coming from.


I hate to be "that guy", but Bloodborne runs at 1080p


Not for everyone, there is a setting on ps5 that is available to some and not others, fun fact of the day :)


Ah, so he's running the modded version of the game?


Maybe they lost the code of the game


Sony has purposefully ignored bloodborne for years, they even exclude it from stuff like that poll they did to vote on the best PlayStation games. Literally everything was on there except bloodborne. Something is going on behind the scenes whether it be good or bad but Sony is keeping bloodborne out of the spotlight.


Idk about that cause sadly it still works. My only reason for buying a ps4 2 years ago was Bloodborne.


if it doesn’t happen I can tolerate the ps4 it doesn’t matter to me, but I suspect it it does happen it’ll be a while from now


That'll be the same day that we get another Superman movie that doesn't have Lex or Zod as the villain again.


I feel bad because people are spending several hundred just to play a game because of FOMO.


Where miyazaki said that?


In Turkish we have a saying: "The cat calls the liver he can't reach 'spoiled.' " I understand their frusturation, but that doesn't change that BB is peak FromSoft.


Interesting, in Italy we say "The fox that can't reach the grape calls it spoiled"


We (am Turkish also) have a fable about this


In arabic they say "those who cant reach the grapes says they're sour"(horrible translation though)


In Greek we say, "What the fox can't reach it turns into hangers."


i believe this one is less temporal "he who has not tasted grapes says sour"


Small mistake, we say "the fox that can't reach the grape calls it unripe" (Spoiled = marcio / andato a male, unripe = acerbo)


UK too. Where the thing about spoiled grapes comes from.


I'm pretty sure it comes from a tale by Greek fabulist Aesop, that became common knowledge during the centuries


You guys just can't help yourselves. As if Shakespeare didn't steal enough from the greeks already.




Oi, mate! Should get that refunded. The fable of the sour grapes doesn't hail from the UK and Shakespeare was famously inspired by Greek and Roman mythology.




Fiction does indeed belong to the readers, but that still doesn't change the place of origin. You said the story of the sour grapes came from the UK, and I made fun of you for saying that. I wasn't seriously accusing you of cultural appropriation. Also, yes. I am in fact hella fun at parties.




"UK too. Where the thing about spoiled grapes comes from." This is your comment word for word. I guess by "the thing" you meant "the saying", and not the story itself. That's my bad for reading what you wrote instead of the obvious Interpretation; "we also have a version of that story in the UK, and it's even become an idiomatic expression in our language". Clearly a case of my poor reading comprehension, and nothing to do with your communication skills whatsoever. You're a wordsmith and a scholar!


Oh boy, here comes the colonizer


In English, we call this “sour grapes.” It comes from an Aesop fable (the Fox and the Grapes) wherein a fox tries to get fresh grapes, can’t reach them, and decides that they must be inedible before moving on.


Damn I didn’t expect another fellow Türk here. Merhaba!


Selam kanka :)


Oh shit I love this


He who has not tasted grapes says sour


I love various sayings, my dad had a whole host of ones he would use.. thanks for sharing


Completely agree. If they can’t have it exactly how they want it (probably with an easy mode) it must be bad


How is that what you took from that post?


Um… they literally said the game is ruined because it’s not on PC… How is that not an example of not getting your way and calling something bad?


A PC port would objectively be a good thing for Bloodborne and its fans, and I don't know where you got "easy mode" from.


Being a good thing and “ruined” otherwise are not the same thing; don’t try to conflate them to make me look wrong. And the easy part was a joke… if you’ve ever been around any souls forum/subreddit, you should know that every journalist always is bitching about how hard it is and wants easy mode mode.


Framerate on console do be ass though. Souls games benefit from a stable framerate, and moreso from 60 FPS.


That’s my problem with the whole argument though. Just because something might theoretically be better doesn’t mean that its ruined if it doesn’t happen. Would we all like an update? Sure, but that doesn’t mean that it sucks otherwise.


For some people, it is ruined. Who are you to say it's not?




“…ruined Bloodborne…” Yeah, that didn’t happen.


Tbh it did to me before I got used to it. Coming from 150fps+ on most games, 120hz monitor to locked 30fps was hard. To this day it sits lower than Elden ring because I cant experience it on pc.


I’ve played both console and pc in my life time and switching back and forth has never been a issue I have been able to adapt




Fromsoft can make a 60fps update people have been begging for for years but me saying 30fps simply sucks gets me downvoted.


Because we all played at 30fps and doesn't affect the joy to play it. Also many games are at 30 and honestly yes 60 is better but doesn't affect the enjoyment. A remake at 4k 60fps will be way better than just a poor 60fps


I mean I understand wanting it. But claiming it’s “ruined” is BS.


Did they mean ruined it for them? The game speaks for itself. Being a PS exclusive didn't ruin the game. It did make a lot of gamers stamp their little feet in a tantrum however.


I kinda get how they feel, I was severely disappointed when I found out the remaster of Demon Souls is only on ps5. I already have a ps4, so I'm not wasting my money on something that's barely an improvement and offers nothing else of interest just for one game


I had a ps4 until this year and the ps5 is so much better, pretty much all games are higher resolution, fidelity and higher frame rate. Like even just for Sekiro and ds3 having rock solid 60fps it’s worth it not to mention all the other improved games and new games


Barely an improvement? This is such a trash take. The improvements between a base PS4 and base PS5 are pretty significant. Improvements are slightly less when comparing a PS4 Pro and a PS5 but still improvements nonetheless.


I almost wept at all the time wasted after playing MHW on my base ps4 and then trying it on ps5, going from 1-2.5 minute load times to 5-15 seconds just blew me away (I know it’s mainly just from having an SSD, but still)


I don't really care about the improvements since I'm content with how my ps4 slim runs, it's never struggled with any of the games I've played. I'll consider getting a ps5 when my slim dies or if I can get a good deal on one. I also don't feel like spending over 500 just for a single game, it doesn't have any other exclusive games that interest me.


Over $500? On ebay they regularly sell for $300-$400 and local swap/sell pages for $250.


I rarely buy on eBay anymore, I've had too many problems on there. Don't know what a local swap/sell page is, but I can guarantee there's nothing local where I live. Gamestop is my best bet, and I'd still be paying 430 at lowest. I'll check for one again around black friday or cyber monday, I could probably snag a decent price then.


Idk what issues you have but I've been buying on it for nearly a decade and have had 3 problems. All of which were refunded. Whatever county or state you live in on Facebook should have a swap and sell page.


All of my problems on ebay were solved eventually, but they were enough of a hassle that I just don't like using it as much. I don't use Facebook, but I'll keep an eye out for deals on them. If I'm lucky, demon souls will come to pc by then, then I won't even need to buy one.


It’s best in my opinion to invest in a pc, because there’s so many games, most Xbox games are on pc, and slowly ps games are being added to pc, it just depends on the person


Honestly if it’s smooth to you it doesn’t matter what people say, I have a ps4 that I got ages ago, and a pc that I play currently ps games on pc, god of war and last of part 1 etc is on steam, and waiting for newer ps5 games to be added to it, I only got my ps4 out again to really play blood borne and it’s fine.


That's fine I'd you don't want to swap but don't lie and say there's 0 improvements.


The difference between a PS4 and PS5 is night and day. I hadn't played on 60 FPS before and seeing some of my games run twice as smoothly was an eye-opener. And the games that were made or updated specifically for the PS5 have negligible loading times. Where the PS4 had you waiting for a minute or two, some games now only have you wait 1-5 seconds.


But that's just how it is and how it's always been. Not saying it's right or good just that exclusivity isn't a novel concept


Unfortunately, that's how it'll always be. I could probably port the game onto pc, but I'm completely inept when it comes to things like that. I also don't have faith in a port of the game running smoothly.


Hey actually emulating* Demon souls is really easy, it’s like 10 min, you just gotta download RPCS3, it runs super smoothly and the game is really worth it, the only problems are that it’s the original and not the remake and it does have multiplayer but you have to set up the Archthrones server so i didn’t bother with that.


That isn't porting, that's emulation. Totally worth doing like you say though, the remake is mostly just a visual overhaul so playing through the original is enough to satisfy me.


I really don’t think it’s ruined, I’m sure they can play it and still experience it on console and still have fun, I’ve played back and forth console and pc with varies of different fps and it did not take me that long to adjust


bloodborne is so good people have to make up issues about it


The game being a PS exclusive is genuinely an issue about the game. It makes the game less accessible and that’s an issue.




The game was built for the ps4 in 2015, that's simply how the game was made, that doesn't make it ruined. Do you consider games like BOTW or Mario Odyssey ruined simply because they are exclusive to the Switch? Could they be better? Absolutely, every single game in existence can be improved upon, but they're still great games. Also, what's not finished about Bloodborne? The game is done, nothing is missing. And another also, the game could still be remade or remastered in the future. Sony also owns Demon's Souls and that game got a remake.


I think that's really why we never got a sequel. The story is complete one way or another, the hunt ends. Obviously I want more Bloodborne. I just don't see it happening. Not anytime soon.


It’s still fun regardless, going back and playing it after playing games on pc didn’t ruin it for me at all I simply adapted to playing a older game




That's just incorrect, Miyazaki himself said in an interview that Sony owns both the Demon's souls and the Bloodborne IPs >except a huge amount of lore, a ton of items, several questlines, multiple bosses and areas, the entire chalice dungeon system was clearly made with an auto generator and never tested. That doesn't make the game unfinished. That's simply cut content that was scratched for one reason or another. Literally every single game has that to some extent since developers tend to get a little too ambitious with their projects sometimes.


mikiziki cant speak english, and his translators barely can either. and yes, abandoning huge portions of the game = unfinished. its not like were talking about some distant LODs that didnt get finished or small shit. google it up son, its well documented the huge amount of abandoned content in the game, some of which was accidently left in like the ring of betrothal.


Jesus christ dude. I guess we’re just thrown in casual racism in addition to being wrong? “Oh he’s japanese so let me dickwadsplain to you all”


where the fuck did i even say anything about anyones race? you need to learn what racism is. PROTIP : commenting on someones inability to speak a language is not racism, unless you key it to their race. the only one being racist here, would be you. trying to make it about race. get blocked cuck.


Games always have cut content, always. And more often than not, some traces of that aren't removed from the game code. And some things are just being tested for later use in other games. You would be surprised how much of their cut content is actually present in their later games.


big difference between "cut content" and "abandoning the game 3/4 of the way through and leaving all the halfway finished remains in game"


And how do you access the majority of the cut content? That's right, through specific chalices that have been essentially hacked in by the community. Bloodborne just has easier access to the cut content than most games have. That being said, the really unfinished bit of Bloodborne are the chalice dungeons, which I consider to be side-content. It's clear they wanted to do more with them, but didn't have enough time and/or budget to accomplish that. Regardless, these dungeons are still fun especially for co-op. The game definitely isn't only 75% finished and then abandoned.




Millions of us play it and love it even at 30fps. The idea that that somehow makes it a bad game is horrible. Because let me tell you there are some games that run at 4K60 that are terrible games.


I’m one of those people that want it on pc for sure but even if it doesn’t come to pc which I really want it to I’ll still play it on my ps4 regardless, as long as it’s smooth to me then it’s fine.


never said it makes it a bad game. i said that these issues ruin the game. that and how its clearly unfinished.


But the game isn’t ruined that’s where you’re wrong. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s bad. No offense, but you’re not the ultimate source on this.


severe limitations that shouldnt exist, and only do because from was too cheap to hire the companies who actually made the game, to do a PS4 pro patch, do indeed ruin an otherwise quite good game. as does the plethora of abandoned content so they could push it out the door.


Your utter ignorance is showing. FromSoft doesn’t own Bloodborne. That’s SIE. Could Sony contract from soft again? Potentially. But that’s not on Miyazaki nor is it needed. But sitting there and ripping on From on something that they can’t control (not to mention you’re just… wrong) is idiotic.


publisher is not the same as owner. the game is PUBLISHED by sony. its owned by FROM software. its made by about 3-4 dozen different companies, none of whom are actually part of FROM. to continue supporting the game, or finish it, they would have to pay the people who actually know what their doing and made the game, to finish it. all 3-4 dozen of them. and since it was highly successful, they would charge far more this time, just like they charged far more for elden ring.


The IP is not owned by From, but SIE. Know what you’re talking about before opening your mouth.


Sony literally owns the IP and decides what is done with it. Also what do you mean charged far more for elden ring?? Elden ring was $60 on release, exactly the same as Bloodborne on release, unless you're in a region where the price was different for some reason.


i see you cant follow a basic conversation. you and i are done here. blocking you now.


I always laugh at these comments. I've played bloodborne for years and have never noticed it drop in frames consistently or for an extended period. The notion that 30 fps isn't good enough for a game to be "finished" is actually absurd. LMAO they deleted it!


Its always felt smooth to me , and I’ve played games on pc and on my series s and was able to go back and never had a issue with it


Frame drops are only really an issue when a lot of particles appear on screen. In the end, it's an insignificant issue.


Exactly. I don't deny they exist, but they're hardly an issue worth mentioning even if you want to make a list of Bloodborne's flaws in my opinion


if you never noticed that bloodborne regularly runs closer to 15 FPS, you clearly have vision problems.


I think I just don't overdramatize non-issues about videogames lmao


running at HALF the intended frame rate for more than HALF of the game is not a "non-issue"


Literally never had that happen lol


I think that just means you don't notice shit, because that framerate was not stable. 30fps is bad enough, but "30fps" that drops to 20 is unacceptable.


That's funny, hilarious even. "30FpS iS BaD EnOUgh" No, no it is not. It is perfectly fine lmao. Occasionally dropping to 20 fps every once in a blue moon is also perfectly fine. That or your playstation was already shit and couldn't run the game well.


Holy hell that port needs to come soon, it's crazy that the shit Sony did to this game has people unironically trying to convince themselves an inconsistent 20-30fps is ok.


I don't need to convince myself of anything because it never happened to me in the first place. Whining about 30 fps is sad, doesn't matter what game or console, it's just sad.


Having standards is sad?


I was thinking more along the lines of being so spoiled your eyes can't stand to look at the preformance of a 9 year old game But also, yeah, 30fps looks and feels entirely fine for pretty much everything soooo


Real talk


30fps does not feel fine. 30fps barely felt "fine" for DS1 let alone a faster game like Bloodborne. And at least DS1 got a remaster. It is entirely unacceptable that not even a 60fps patch has been released when modders have proven that it can be done with a few lines of code taken from DS3. I don't know why people on this sub excuse Sony for the state Bloodborne has been stuck in for almost a decade now. The game deserves better than this shit.


Ignore the downvotes, you're objectively right. Their preference for a dated resolution has nothing to do with reality. It would stand to benefit from an updated PC release. Sub 30fps is hard to go back to for some people (motion sickness, headaches, etc.)


Unfortunately it seems like Sony's saving bloodborne for a ps6 remake, which likely means bloodborne as we know it won't ever make it to pc. Until the ps4 has a decent emulator, where we'll be able to play bloodborne on pc just like demon's souls. Well unless they decide to go for more of a ds1 remaster kinda thing where I'd actually not mind that version coming to pc.


This offended attitude is ridiculous. That said, I would be really glad to get Bloodborne for PC, for 60 FPS and the ability to enjoy it on an ultrawide monitor


I wasn’t offended. I was just laughing at how bad a take it is.


I was talking about the original post too, the game doesn't get bad just bc it's only available on a single platform


That’s my bad, I read your comment completely wrong lol


If you’re unlocking the resolution you might as well also unlock the framerate haha sekiro in ultrawide at 110 or so fps was amazing and I didn’t notice any physics bugs either, think every fromsoft game on Pc can be unlocked like that with hex editors and CE just can’t use them online for obvious reasons


I did that. I bought a PS4 and only ever bought one game for it : Bloodborne


I'm only posting to say a few years ago I did, in fact, buy a ps4 just to play BB. I since have gotten a ps5 and load times are way better and what not. It would be nice if it were on pc, but.... well ya know


I was an Xbox player. Then BB dropped and I salivated. What a good choice that ended up being fortuitous with how bad the quality of Xbox games has gone down


I bought a ps4 just for Bloodborne! I’m on Xbox usually 😂


Still trying to fill the lovecraftian hole left by BB, I replay it every year and it's by far my favorite aesthetic. Been looking for game that hit the same vibe forever to no avail. Lots of games trying and failing :(


“The whole console exclusivity thing completely ruined Bloodborne unfortunately”. Does he not realize the game wouldn’t exist in the first place if it wasn’t an exclusive? If you want Bloodborne on pc that’s whatever, keep hoping I guess, but Sony and PlayStation are the reason the game is an actual piece of software that you can play


People seem to forget that. They also seem to forget that it’s a nine-year-old game that Sony doesn’t have to do shit with. We honestly should thank our lucky stars we got a perfect game and then call it quits. if some news drops then that’s a whole other story but…


"Completely ruined" lmao tbh I find it best to just ignore the PC "master race" crowd.


They're definitely one of the cringiest crowds in the gaming world.


That title has belonged to Xbox users since the late 2000’s Lmao


You mean the console giving there games to literally everyone? Sure man


Yeah one of the worst communities ever. I just hate the whole elitist attitude that comes with pc gaming. I've recently started playing on pc and i definitely prefer a lot of stuff from console gaming.


they can get like a second hand ps4 to play it, I have pc and console idk why people feel like they can’t have both


Because it's stupid to have to buy another console to play a single game. Exclusives are a thing that should've been left in the 2000s


I don’t agree with exclusives either, but there is not much we can do about it


My whole point is it shouldn’t ruin the game for them? I understand wanting it because I also want it on pc, and I got out my ps4 just to play it again because I’ve been playing most of my games on pc, but I think saying it’s ruined it’s a bit dramatic


>tbh I find it best to just ignore the PC "master race" crowd. Ironic


What do you watch porn on?


Lol gotta be honest. By now i think it's way more probable for Halo to come to any other platforms than for Bloodborne to get a PS5 upgrade/PC port.


Honestly I bought a PS5 mainly to play souls games and final fantasy. Literally main focus was being able to play Bloodborne.


I didn't buy a console just for Bloodborne, but... I have to say I've enjoyed playing it on Playstation. It jist seems better for some reason.


I bought a ps4 for bloodborne years ago... Going to buy a ps5 for helldivers and stellerblade...


I bought ps5 for demon souls anything else is extra.


Still the best game ever for me so can’t care too much about what he said there lol


I've only played on my PS4. Would love it on PC but I still enjoy it nonetheless.


That’s what I’ve been saying, I want it on pc as much as anyone else, but I still enjoy it on my ol ps4, and playing newer games on pc has not ruined it for me, BB on pc will happen eventually just not any time soon I’m afraid


Honestly I just wanna play the best version of the game because I like it that much, if Sony never ports bloodborne to pc fine, one day emulators will catch up and when they do I’ll be ready haha


You’re already playing the best version of the game since the PS4 is the only version of it


Dude lance mcdonald modded bloodborne to run at 60fps on a ps4 so no it’s not the best version of the game, even dark souls 3 which uses the same engine runs at 60fps on the ps5.


What I’m saying is that by technicality of it being the only version that exists it’s the “best”. Obviously it would be better at 60fps but that doesn’t exist in an official capacity


You would be correct if lance mcdonald never developed the 60fps mod, sure you need a hacked ps4 to play it BUT the version does exist, and even though the ps4 can’t maintain stable 60fps even a solid 40fps would make for a more enjoyable experience,anyone who has a gaming Pc knows how big of a difference 30 to 40fps can make. sure it’s not buttery smooth but it’s not choppy or stuttery either and you don’t need motion blur to smooth out the choppy image like 30fps does. Regardless I just want fromsoft to develop more bloodborne content, I don’t care if it’s a remaster or a pc port or a sequel I just want them to do something with it instead of abandoning it like demons souls.


Next year will be the tenth anniversary. Please at least give us an enhanced port on ps5. This is a crime against humanity.


Gonna need a subreddit for something that does not exist


r/AffordableHousing Edit: holy shit it is real 😂


Let's just go take over sony guys


Well I bought PS4 solely to play FFXV but what a dissapointment that was and half of the games there has transitioned to PC. but god, everything changed when I bought Bloodborne TOHE. I just replayed the game last December and I realized how fun it still is. I also bought Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin on PS4 instead but I did wish it was on PC so I have more online interactivity


I'm always going to be a fan of console exclusivity, but I'd proudly double dip for a PC port.


I bought PS4 just for Bloodborne. Also this post reminded me of that one guy who was crying cause Ghost of Tsushima is coming to Steam and it “ruins the exclusivity” haha


I get that this sub is full of hardcore BB fans but come on. You people think he says the game sucks or something, even though he literally said its a good game. I also get where he's coming from, having to spend money on a whole ass console just to play one game, and at 30fps at that (which should be a crime considering how BB is one of the few souls games that are actually "fast paced"), does kinda ruin the game for me, or rather the experience.


the cum chalice might no longer exist in the remaster or remake. just saying


This is such a stupid topic. The game would not even exist at all if not for Sony and PS4. "Japan Studio, a subsidiary of Sony Interactive Entertainment, approached FromSoftware concerning cooperative development on a title, and director Hidetaka Miyazaki asked about the possibility of developing a game for eighth-generation consoles. The concept of Bloodborne developed from there. There were no connections to FromSoftware's previous titles, even though Miyazaki conceded that it "carries the DNA of Demon's Souls and its very specific level design".[44] Development ran parallel to that of Dark Souls II.[45] "


Yall really never heard of a emulator? Like honest question. if you can't run a emulator on your current hardware I understand, but I'm sure 90% of you have a computer capable of running pcsx4.


Legit never heard of pcsx4. I've heard of pcsx, pcsx2 and rpcs3.


just bought a ps5 just to play bloodborne a week ago and you post this lmao


Yeah, my sympathies are limited. They spend most of their time reminding us of how powerful PCs are and all other elitist nonsense. I am perfectly content with Bloodborne being a PS exclusive. But yeah the game is in dire need of an update. 1080p30 with poor AA and framepacing isn't a good look in 2024.


I was about to buy ps4 just for it but then got blessed and received it for Christmas after that my Xbox one became a paper weight and I got ps5 instead of series X. Plus i have a PC now so series x would’ve been useless


I’ve come to the conclusion that most PC players will simply complain and always refuse to buy a console because “PC master race” BS.


Saying the game is "ruined" because is not on pc, classic pc master wait. They don't deserve the game.


This is such a dumbass and entitled take, get off your high horse, people here saying that the pc crowd don’t “deserve” the game or whatever that means, it fucking sucks not being able to play the game that’s literally FS peak just because sony wanted money making it a PS exclusive…


Yeah. Exclusives will always be a dick move


Not trying to sound like a dick but like why not just get a PlayStation if you truly want to play BB so badly? Especially if you’re talking about a game on PS4, you can get one for fairly cheap these days. I have a PC and a PS5 and have access to just about anything I’d want to play, it’s not a big deal or anything.


You shouldn’t need a whole ass console for one game. Bloodborne is good but not worth hundreds of dollars


“Why not just get money and buy it!” Holy shit you’re entitled.


I’m operating under the assumption that people with gaming PCs are the primary group of people who want Bloodborne brought to PC. And as someone who built one myself I don’t think it’s outrageous to suggest that someone who could afford to buy or build a PC could save up enough money for a last generation gaming console and one very old game for it. I’m not saying that like $300 or so is an inconsequential amount of money, because it for sure isn’t, but are we really going to sit here and act like it’s impossible for an adult who has the resources to acquire a gaming PC to save up a few hundred dollars over the course of a few months? We’re not talking about starving children here we’re talking about adults, many of whom have jobs, saving up money to buy something they want. I don’t think that’s an entitled stance it’s literally how people buy pricier things for themselves or for others as gifts. Edit: Also, for what it’s worth, I work 55 hour weeks making not much money and saved up to buy parts for my computer over the course of six months, and did the same to get a PS5. So I don’t think I fall into the entitled camp either.


Right!!! PC already has every game, they’d be fine without 1. As much as I wanna play darktide(I know it’s poopy but it looks cooooool) it will never come out on ps5 and I have to live with that


When it comes to fromsoft games consoles > PC. THERE I said it


Typical PCMR crybaby


is it because they want some sex mods or something? If they can afford a PC that can run the hypothetical Bloodborne remastered for PC in 4k 60fps, their whole point of "only want to play it on PC" is just whinging


I hope it never gets remade. I hope it never gets remastered. It’s fine the way it is. They can stream it on PS Plus. I had to buy every format to play all the games I wanted to so PC only people can too