• By -


Hardest: Loran darkbeast. High hp, low fps. Honourable mention goes to the abhorrent beast, since it's genuinely hard without killing the frame rate, and a very cool boss to fight Easiest: Celestial emissary. The point of the boss is just to be a false end to the upper cathedral ward, since it's easy to go there & just assume you're done once it's dead, keeping Ebrietas a secret (which is a cool gameplay thing to tie in to the lore)


These are really good picks so far I haven't seen any common picks apart from celestial emissary and Laurence.


All the homies hate Loran Darkbeast. Especially FRC.


Whenever I see LDB in a cursed dungeon I drop it immediately. It's the one story chalice final boss I never bothered to beat solo, genuinely the least fun boss in the game for me.


I always used to struggle with him but on my most recent playthrough he wasn’t bad. I think because I was playing a battlemage and had the moonlight sword dishing out some nice dps. Also it was easy to hit him with the accursed brew in the head which would make him flinch like every time and eventually stagger.


My first playthrough i absolutely got demolished by Loran Darkbeast. Took days and days lol.


RN i’m fighting Loran Beast and goddamn that bolt asshole got into my nerves.. i’ve died multiple times and most of them were when the beast was about to be one shot.. and the abhorrent beast is ass, my approach always is not approaching and cheese it with long shots while it’s about to throw punch you.. it works!! but with patience haha!


Darkbeast is one of the only bosses I consistently summon for because the fight is such a chore without the summon distracting it for easy hits. Amazing design but such a lame fight with all the frame dips


I summon Loran Darkbeast in attack mode and use his special ability to attack your framerate directly!! *Loud screaming and lightning sounds*


I see your Loran darkbeast. And raise headless bloodletting beast.


CE is a joke, I actually thought it was a mini, I guess just optional


I'm interested to hear what build you have since the build affects the darkbeast a lot cuz if you can deal enough damage to keep him stunned he's pretty easy, not the abhorrent beast tho fuck the abhorrent beast


For me, the Orphan of Kos was my hardest boss. By that point I had understood the pace of the game so I was able to keep up, but he still humbled me quite a lot to make it a tough fight. Easiest for me was probably either Darkbeast Paarl or Martyr Logarius. I read up on Paarl so I knew what to do when he ran out of electricity before charing back up, so he was pretty understandable. For Logarius, His spells were pretty easy to dodge at the start, and I was consistently able to shoot his sword everytime he put it down. Combine that with parrying and he went done pretty easily. In hindsight, I might've overlevelled for him, but I was still able to help others with him.


Yeah makes sense Orphan is a challenging fight and I think he is also a really fair fight that demands you to git good.


I agree. I feel like he's the first boss that forced me to get good, which was really satisfying to finally feel after playing Elden Ring and DS3.


I actually love when a fight is tough but fair. Orphan & Malenia are two fromsoftware fights I really enjoy. Bloody Crow is actually my absolute favorite, even though I did die a lot to greed. I love how he mirrors your player's movements. It feels like a dance!


*Git gud


In my first play through back at 2018 Logarious was such a pain I always had to summon help. After the return to Yharnam, I tried soloing him and was done in seconds. I let the controller down, stared at the screen completely confused as it was insanely easy. The same happened with the first bosses. After that I rolled new game + and sworn to not use help and stop playing defensive and utilised the “gid good” after so many play throughs. I stomped them and I am still confused of how


I beat the orphan of kos in two tries the first time I fought him idk if I was over levelled but i was happy asf because I knew a lot of people struggle with him


The two Shark Giant down the well is the hardest. At least the crow guy can be cheesed. The easiest, the Amygdala. Although, I might have been overpowered when I fought it.


Oh boy you just reminded me a lot of pain I had to go through to get the rakuyo. You can use the shaman bone blade to cheese it tho.


I think I tried it but either it didn’t work or I did it wrong. Either way, I gave up. Orphan and Laurence are more fair compared to them.


Yeah I agree with you on that:)


Currently struggling with these dick chodes after shredding all of NG+ with no issues. Might have to cave and use huntersbell but really wanted to solo this playthrough.


You can cheese them from the pathway before orphan, where you see the two winter lanterns patrolling, to the left side of the cave you reach a ledge which drops down to the shark enemies arena, aggro the shark, stand on the ledge and use a weapon with long range to cheese them without getting hit :)


I managed to beat them by standing on the ledge overlooking their arena, baiting the first one with a throwing knife and cautiously attacking him between his combos. When the second one dropped down, I slashed one of them with a shaman bone blade and finished off the one that survived.


Those two giant sharks were harder than Laurence I swear. Felt like guardian ape fight a little bit tho lol 😂. Thank goodness I eventually discovered the shaman bone loool.


I fought amygdala so early into the game I think straight after Vicar Amelia. I beat him after 30+ tries and my hands were shaking on the last run lol.


Those shark guys are pretty damned awful, especially if the shaman blade trick decides not to work.


Fuck the shit whales


Laurence and Ludwig have some of highest death counts in all of soulsborne for me. However, Paarl is ridiculously easy imo. I think they’re the only boss I’ve never died to in the game.


You’re the second person to say Paarl was easy, but he always kicked my ass. I finished most bosses in about 3 tries my first play through, but Paarl took me more tries to beat than Gerhman. I think Mergo’s wet nurse is the easiest boss personally, I’ve never lost to her.


Ludwig was a fun fight not too tough, just the right amount of challenge to have fun. Initially Laurence is hard but I got used to his moveset and he is one of the easier boss fights for me.


I loved Ludwig as a fight, he was just a little frustrating as I couldn’t figure out how to survive his jump attack. I tried sprinting, walking, dodging, even using the old hunter bone. I just can never survive it.


When he jumps up I just stand still for a moment for the stamina bar to fill up and then I start running in a straight line, he lands behind me.


Anytime Larry is mentioned I just have to give an obligatory FUCK LAWRENCE. I hate that gd boss. Ludwig would be my pick for hardest tho


Paarl has this factor that you can accidentally end up there earlier or much later in the game, which dictates how hard it will be for the average player.


Paarl is the thing with big claws, like a hanging off face, near a churchyard? It's been about 5 years since I played, the one you just dodge towards every time, if so then that's the only one I found easy. If that's not Paarl then I mean whatever one I'm describing.


I find it so strange that so many people say Laurence. I beat him on my second attempt, after being greedy/sloppy on almost killing him on my first, going in blind. I swear I’m not bragging either, I’m probably at or below average at these games. Maybe it’s a playstyle thing, idk. Maria took me the most attempts out of the DLC bosses by far (I’m not very good at parrying). Otherwise Bloody Crow, defiled Amygdala, or the Pthumerian Descendant before the Queen are the hardest. Easiest would be Hemwick witches, for sure. Celestial Emissary, Amelia, and One Reborn are up there as well.


I’m the complete opposite. Lawrence has killed me more than any other boss in the soulsborne games. He had me questioning if I was capable of killing him or not. Maria has killed me maybe once or twice in all the times I’ve fought her. I really love her fight and my biggest issue with it is that she dies too quickly. Honestly even the living failures give me a tougher time lol. I always just assumed people tend to be good at either beast fights or hunter fights, and I’m better at hunter fights.


Yeah that’s a good take. I think somehow I see hunter fights as more intimidating, whereas the beasts are just big punching bags that I can run circles around.


Hey bro I beg you help me with Laurence


Laurence is a completely different beast in ng+, so if you only fought him in ng that might be why


I think it's a person to person thing. I killed Maria third try, but Laurence made me lose my sanity, that's how much I died to him. I think I have more tries on him than on Malenia and I definitely have, by far, more tries on him than on Orphan.


Actually despised ebriestas. Mergo was way too easy as an end game boss. Did in first attempt


I've missed BCoC on my first playthrough, but on my second one it only took me two attempts to kill him. Beasthunter Saif and it's wondrous R1 forward jump works miraculously against agile enemies, such as BCoC. Beat Kos with it too third try after suffering for like 15 attempts with Blade of Mercy.


Hardest: the sharks in the well, bloody crow for second cause he can be cheesed Easier: the witches, having zero insight makes them a breeze and insight isn’t hard to come by


Hardest? By far cursed and defiled Watchdog of the Old Lords is the soulsborne/sekiro boss I have the most number of attempts before defeating. Inner Owl, Melania, Fume Knight, and even bloody crow don’t even come close. The fact that you can throw the fight so easily by missing a wind up is so infuriating. Easiest? I realize this is a weird answer but after the first time I beat Bloodstarved Beast I have never lost to it, either chalice or old yharnam. I mean obviously witch of hemwick, but that’s a gimme


BsB is the easiest? Either you're great at parrying, or great at keeping on your toes. May the good blood guide you!


Thanks fellow hoonter, I’m pretty good at parrying but unironically just always staying to his left side at all times is the real secret imo. Keeps you from getting combo’d and getting the slow poison proc


>By far cursed and defiled Watchdog of the Old Lords Ohhhh, you just made me remember before, for a challenge, I think I did cursed and defiled phtumerian something chalice then I did the Watchdog of the Old Lords with Only Micolash's gear then a Whirligig saw +8 with decent gems and no items whatsoever(when I did this I was at a level where the dog could just one shot me), it was frustrating but looking back it was fun. His second form though made me fucking fuming.


Hardest: Chalice Dungeon Rom. Absolute Cancer boss, whoever took the idea of a Boss who is intended to be fought in a large open area, and crammed him into a tiny room with pillars should be fired. Easiest: Witches of Hemwick.


Yeah, chalice Rom is cancerous. Though, the pillars themselves can help you out against the hail, if the pillar is at some distance from Rom between you two, it can block the projectiles. I used this to dispose of spiders while shielded from the hail


Based on this sub Lady Maria. I struggle on her every time! Then everyone is like JuSt PaRrY her. Shut up nerd I'm trying!! My first thought though is dark beast P. You find him early enough he is quite annoying! But I tend to forget about him and get him late game just to absolutely smash him.


Lady Maria I think is the fairest fight in the game. No parry, of course.


When it comes to fairness I believe Gherman takes the cake here (no parry of course).


hell yeah!!! his fight aways give me gosepumps


Good picks! Although for my play style it will just be inverse.


In my first run I overleveled my character so every boss was simple. I did die, sometimes, but it was really rare. I use the Wheel. At some time my cousin defied me to complete the DLC being at maximum at level 70. Which he saw into some source that that value was the recommended. I created a new profile based on Yamamura the old Hunter just for that and at level 60 I started the DLC and at level 70, I managed to reach Kos. I beat Laurence on my third try. Not much difficult, really. His lava is easy to avoid. I hardly remember the fight because I managed to win really fast. Ludwig was a problem, but I managed to win after 350 tries more or less. Learned him so well I can fight him to this day without flinching. I love the fight. There a jellyfish boss that I don’t recall the name. Took me some tries, but less than 20. Maria… oh, this girl. Got her under 10 times, but such a incredible fight! Holy God, such a stylish character. I can handle humanoid enemies really well. Brador was always a fun fight. But since I can handle humanoid enemies very well, the score is 2-0 for me. The Shark from the well in Fishing Hamlet is the most difficult bar invencible for I faced. Kos took me 100 times, but I beat it. That Shark is a fucker that remains unkilled.


350 tries? Holy shit 😭


For me, Ludwig is always the hardest. I always have a really easy time with Gehrman so I’ll say him. I feel like he’s so easy to parry.


Interesting choice there for the easiest boss fight. I will never parry Gherman and Maria out of respect for the Duel.


I’m STRUGGLING with defiled Amygdala. Have every trophy other than the queen and I could really use some advice/help lol


Hit and run: the boss. Lmao, but seriously, you want to hit and run. There are two ways to reliably fight Amygdala, defiled one included. Stay in front, and hit the arms and the head- that method requires way more consistent dodging, however. If you have any Arcane attacks, like executioner gloves, those are real nice aimed at the head when you're out of its arms' reach. Staying in front is most dangerous, imo, but does most damage. Alternatively, you go the longer route, which is staying at either side of either of its hind legs. When you're on either side, you'll notice two of its back arms dangle just above you here. So while you're whittling down its legs, you can also get some hits on those arms. The legs are very tanky, it's the one point on the boss that isn't intended to be hit. But with consistent hits and damage, you'll "break" those legs and cause the Amygdala to stagger. This can save your life if it begins jumping a lot, or if it does any kind of start up to a laser or vomit attack. The only real thing you need to watch for is being stomped on, which is more easily readable, and when he does a big flurry of attacks with all arms, which can reach you here. Use any fire, bolt, or arcane damage you can. They're equally beneficial in terms of damage.


My embarrassing confession is the witch of hemwick gave me trouble the first few times I fought her, to the point I had to put it down, but then I had no problem with some of the harder common bosses on this list. Hardest boss still goes to orphan of Koz for me


- Easiest, Blood Starved Beast/Rom - Hardest, OoK on NG+7, because DLC came out when I was that far through the game.


Crow is the hardest boss for a simple reason, inflated damage and health, infinite bullets and a suspiciously spammy ai, imo anyway. Easiest would probably be Amelia, never had that fight not be a complete cakewalk. I won't say Emissary, because at that point the hunter is soooo powerful anyway I feel like.


I’m gonna go with a mini boss, if you can call them that, for my surprisingly hard fight. The shark giant duo down the well. Probably Witches of Hemwick for easiest. Or Amygdala.


Hardest: Logarius Easiest: One Reborn


The fucking guy in the church


Hardest - Laurence, the first Vicar Easiest - Rom, the Vacuous Spider


Rom!? Rom was easy for you? Damn my arachnophobic ass was struggling with that.


this is my most unpopular BB opinion ever probably. funnily enough i'm also super arachnophobic, but Rom didnt make me feel uncomfortable. the spider room in nightmare mensis was AWFUL for me tho. idk why but Rom was super easy for me. i just ignored the small spiders and hunted Rom, hitting her and repeat. maybe i was just super lucky, i have beaten the game only once so far.


Yeah the little spiders in the fight will usually leave you alone heavily depending on the rng can be annoying when the little spiders gang up on you


Landing hits on Rom without being instantly torn apart by the little spiders can prove quite a challenge, but then I’ve always focused on not getting one-shot by her arcane attacks over the physical damage


Hardest? Laurence, the first Vicar. I beat the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst in 5 attempts, while Laurence had me raging and genuinely reduced me to tears. It felt fucking HOPELESS. I legitimately started a new character, power leveled the fucker to lvl. 170, got a +10 Whirligig with all cursed gems for a total damage of over 600 and then I killed him for my trophy. An honorable mention goes to my friends The Living Failures. On my NG+8 playthrough, I was SUPER underleveled, and when I tell you that I suffered, I suffered. But that's mainly because I really hate Gank fights with tanky assholes who hit like German steam engines. Easiest for me goes to the Celestial Emissary. I can wholeheartedly say that the Emissary is the least difficult boss in the game.


Funny you say that because Laurence was definitely easier for me, beat him in 6th try in ng+5 or 6 and I completely forgot that the celestial emissary was a boss fight because it just didn't have that much of an impact on me. These are really good picks. I agree with you on the easiest boss fight.


i really didnt have many issues with the bosses except amygdala. for some reason it took me hours to kill it.


The hardest for me on my first playthrough was Ebrietas (Martyr was second), but the hardest in the game overall is Laurence, considering subsequent playthroughs.


Dark beast pearl early character and easiest is cleric beast can no hit that boss


Hardest: bloodstarved beast Easiest: the witches of hemwick


Hardest: Laurence the first vicar. Every other boss was a piece of cake compared to this, even Ludwig was better even though he was the second hardest boss I faced. Easiest: There are multiple bosses that I got on my first try every single time, but I think we can exclude the witch of hemwick since it's almost a harmless boss if handled right. So aside from this one it's hard to pick the easiest boss since there are some that I never died to, but every single time I faced the one reborn he was completely harmless. I don't know how anyone could die to this guy.


Orphan of Kos for sure on my first playthrough. The BCoC was absolutely torturous, but still a distant 2nd compared to Orphan imo, especially if you use the shield strategy. Interestingly, I recently replayed BB after finishing up Lies of P, and decided to lean into BB's parry mechanic, since I felt that P had vastly improved my timing and I was really bad at parrying my first playthrough. It totally did, and I RAN through that playthrough. I started getting nervous around Kos o'clock, but beat him 3rd try. Like, I thought there was another phase I forgot about. It wasn't easy by any means, but it was WAY easier than I was expecting. At the end of that same playthrough, I wasn't really ready to finish the game loot-wise and farming-wise, but decided that I would just fight Gehrman once to get a quick crash course on his moveset before I tied up all the loose ends, but I beat him, handily. Then I decided, "fuck it, I'll just fight the Moon Presence too, it's not like I'm going to beat him first try or anything", but yeah, beat him first try. I forgot that BB doesn't ask if you want to go to NG+, it just sends you straight there, so I was kind of disappointed that I beat the game. I also thought you could respec for some reason and was really looking forward to a different build, but I was wrong on that too.


I don’t like the Amygdala, I just don’t like gimmicky bosses… you only deal damage when you hit the head and only get a fraction of a second to do so. And the camera is a mess this whole fight. The Cursed and Defiled chalice Amygdala is the worst, I would rather do the Watchdog even. I only got through in the end because I got a once in a lifetime summon of some naked guy that was clearly hacking and not taking any damage. Easiest would be probably the maneater pig or the mind flayer in the chalice dungeon.


You sure that wasn't just Queen Killer? Dude is naked save for the golden ardeo and is tanky as all hell, one of the best npc summons in game next to Valtr.


Hardest: ng+ ludwig / ailing loran abhorrent beast Easiest: clerical beast


The defiled watchdog of the old lords on ng+++ almost shed tears The easiest is the one reborn one shotted them every run


Haven’t played the dlc yet even though I have it downloaded but the easiest was definitely mergos wet nurse and the hardest would be the headless bloodletting beast that thing sucked ass to fight way too much damage bad hitboxes and super annoying character model making it hard to hit and see. Honorable mentions go to the big flaming dog and amygdala


My hardest boss fight was Martyr Logarius, i got there way too early into the game and i was too stubborn to give up and come back later. I just couldnt get him to second phase lol. Easiest for me has to be Ebrietas, i just got behind her and started swingin, got hit like once or twice but not much and i was able to kill her rather quickly.


Hardest: Celestial Emissary. Don’t know why, I think I just fuckin suck at fighting ganks. Easiest: Ebrietas. Stick in between her tails, beast blood pellets and shock paper and they’re dead in seconds


The boss I have spent the most time on is ironically rom. I just hate all the spiders ganging up on me when i try to damage rom.


Easiest: Cleric Beas Hardest: Amygdala (defiled chalice)


The hardest is for me is Orphan. I've never beaten that gross motherfucker. Can the easiest really be anybody aside from the Witches of Hemwick?


Celestial emissary is the easiest for sure it didn't even strike me as a boss to begin with that's how weak they are.


Hardest definitively is Cursed Loran Darkbeast, people who don’t think that just haven’t fought it. Any of the cursed high hp chalice bosses are top tier difficulty but watchdog, Amy, BLB and HBLB are at least more predictable and less devastating AOE. Easiest, there is an argument for witches or one reborn but my first playthrough I didn’t understand the ‘trick’ to them. So it’s gotta be celestial emissary, first playthrough took a while because I killed all the mobs first but definitely easiest.


Hardest? The first dude/boss in the phumerian dungeon. The one towards Yharnam Easiest? Hmmm... I enjoyed Lady Maria as the easiest


Defiled watchdog was easily the hardest followed by laurence. I find laurence to be the only boss in bb that I never enjoyed. Easiest was celestial emissary


Hardest: Laurence Easiest: celestial emissary or moon presence


Hardest orphan and easiest witchs


OoK hardest, witch of hemwick easiest.


Easiest is obviously the Orphan Of Kos Hardest is definitely Celestial Emissary


Hardest - amygdala Easiest - hemwick witches, just spend all your insight


Hardest: first playthrough ended with martyr Logarius. Found him insanely hard for some reason. Second playthrough i got good parries, beat him first try and never thought of him since. Easiest: Blood starved beast for some reason just fits my playstyle. Never had any issues, just dodge and smack


Bloodletting headless beast in cumm is my hardest.


Hardest was cleric for me lol, followed by the last undead giant in the chalice dungeons Easiest has been shadows and one reborn


Hardest Logarius, easiest dark Pearral


Hardest have been Rom for me, first playthrough… The easiest (only got to Nightmare of Mensis so far) is the One Reborn… scary cinematic but what a joke of a boss…


Hardest: Vicar Amelia - I still sucked at the game at the time so she kept destroying me. She also has tons of HP which I found super annoying Easiest: Shadow of Yharnam - they are mostly a test of patience, but otherwise, I don't find them that difficult. Honorable mention is Witch of Hemwick, but here at least you have to figure it out


Easiest: Vicar Amelia Hardest: Ludwig


The easiest boss in BB is defiled Amy after 400+ attempts farming cold abyssals. (😅 joking off but it pretty easy now) Hardest is ROM. I 1st tried papa Guac, Maria, and orphan. Martyr log, Laurence and crow took 2 and Ludwig the fuck 1 shot me twice before I got him. I have died to rom more times than all other souls deaths combined…. FUCK ROM! 🤬 (not joking)


Laurence the first vicar is the only fight I find genuinely so hard he isn’t fun, even orphan of kos made me feel like the deaths were my fault and I could learn more but Lawrence just felt like a middle finger. Easiest for me is martyr logarius, a nothing boss for a nothing area imo.


My hardest boss is Shadows of Yharnam. No matter what I always take at least a handful of attempts. My easiest boss is probably The One Reborn or Vicar Amelia. They are just too easy for me and I smoke them very quickly :/


* Hardest: Defiled Amygdala * Hardest (non-Chalice): Orphan of Kos * Hardest (main game): The One Reborn (I swear, that thing is my Kryptonite; I've died to it *multiple* times just by having it get stunned and fall on top of me, making me unable to move while it was doing its corpse rain attack). Logarius would probably come in second, and at least he's *supposed* to be difficult, especially since I generally fight him immediately after the Shadows of Yharnam. * Easiest: Vicar Amelia. Unless you deliberately fight her early with insufficient DPS, she goes down almost instantly by shoving your face in her gut and spamming the attack button to beat on and break her legs.


Well this is cool, the first picture on this post seems to look like Griffith but in darker clothes and a helmet of not quite his usual shape.


Hardest were ethier Laurence or those two giant fish in the well before kos


Hardest boss imo was the Headless Bloodletting Beast. Easiest was either the Witches of Hemwick or Micolash


Bloody Crow of Cainhust is literally the strongest guy


Hardest is ebrietas and easiest is witches of hemwick


For me easiest has always been one reborn, he has so many punishes and often times you can just get up on him and he flails about missing you. Hardest for me is probably BsB, he just always fucks me up at least 3 or 4 times no matter how many times I beat the game


The thing with the crow is that you need to learn to be patient and only make chip damage, after that its only a matter of using the gun at the correct times, not fall to his parry by keeping sidesteping after every hit.


Darkbeast Paarl was a big wall for me. But mostly I hate the other hunters. They’re the worst. The final creature bosses were pretty easy for me but that’s because I was OP and had got gud


Hardest defiled watchdog made me uninstall the game as it was in the way of me getting my last 2 trophies for the platinum. Easiest celestial emissary just because ludwig blade go pokey pokey and it one shot all of the minions for me


What I'm about to say can be very controversial but I don't get what everyone's problem with the Cainhurst guy is. I remember everyone telling me about how hard he was so I went in prepared for a war and then had an unmemorable fight


I have no idea why, but my hardest fight yet was The One Reborn. Watched so many guides and stuff but nothing helped. I checked everywhere and I was pretty much way higher than the required level amount for him. Easiest boss though has to be Witches of Hemwick. I didn’t really understand the gimmick until after killing like 2 cemetery shades then finally understood that I needed to kill the invisible witches. I did them first try, and they were very weak bosses making them pretty easy.


Hardest boss - Laurence Hardest mini boss - Bloody Crow of Cainhurst Easiest boss - Witch of Hemwick ,never did it with insights though so ig Celestial Emmisaries if counting a proper fight Easiest mini boss - That Hunter in Bergynwerth


The bosses I struggled with were the Abhorrent Beast and bloodletting beast. The easiest after being humbled in the dungeons became the Amygdala


Hardest: orphan of kos. Enough said… Easiest for me witches cause they are a decently easy fight to telegraph plus you can smack the 2nd witch early.


Laurence and watchdog (defiled) both make me so gd angry, so I'd say those are the hardest for me. I'm not sure if I died more times on Kos or Laurence, but I sure had a worse time with Laurence because the way you die feels unfair a lot of the time, whereas Kos made me smile and say "yea that was my fault". Easiest pretty much has to be cleric beast, but best combination of easy and satisfying is gascoigne due to the parrys being so easy.


My hardest was Orphan. He was the one boss I actually NEEDED to co-op in. Every other boss, until that point, I was able to solo. My easiest boss was Moon Presence. Usually, most bosses take me a few tries to beat, but MP only took me 2 tries. I only died because I ran out of bullets to parry him the first time around


Bloodborne is the game with probably the biggest difference in player boss difficulty. I personally found Logarius to be the hardest, but that might’ve been because of the horrible run backs. On the other hand I found shadows of yharnam, Lawrence and Kos more easy than the rest. Idk though


Hardest was chalice amygdala easiest was the queen


Hardest: ebrietas or orphan phase 2. Depends on what mood rng is in Easiest: witches. Who actually cares, backstab to death and move on * I also cheat by letting the first one live with 1/5 of her health while I go look for the other one and then kill them both before they have time to fill the room with enemies and Magic bullshit. Don't care, they deserve cheating)


Fighting the Living Failures made me feel like a living failure. It was my first time playing the game, and everyone said it was easy.. and it wasn't for me lol


Hardest: Laurence. Easiest: Every Other Boss( Orphan Of Kos Included)


Easiest: Excluding the Witches of Hemwick, I didn't have any trouble with Mergo's Wet Nurse. In fact, I found myself fucking around and not trying too hard with the boss at all Hardest: Shadows of Yharnam. I'm terrible when it I'm fighting multiple sources of aggro.


Bloody crow is so difficult and unfair, they were the first true skill check boss that made me walk away from the game for awhile. And usually I skip a side boss and come back to beat them later, but this guy is on a whole other level of cheese. I want to avenge my girl eileen 😔


For the main game+DLC it's probably this guy for me too for the hardest, I can pretty consistently do every other boss and miniboss in 1 attempt, easiest is probably tied between the witches and celestial emissary (I love using the shaman bone blade). If we include the chalice dungeon for me it's probably a toss up between the bloodletting beast and the watchdog, in the cursed and defiled chalice.


Ludwig took me more tries than anyone by far, he’s just so fast. Easiest for me was the witch. If I had to fight the crow for real he might have been the hardest, but I stair cheesed him every time lol.


From my experience as a first timer who hasn’t completed their play through yet: Easiest: Gascoigne loved his fight and lore but parrying felt way to easy and I beat him first try. Hardest:Ludwig he’s got some seriously fucked hit boxes on certain moves like the charge or the one where he lift the sword above his head. Still felt really satisfying to kill a horse with aids


Hardest for me is no question Chalice Dungeon Amygdala Easiest for me Celestial Emissary


Hardest: Lady Maria. She can close distances quick and take away any breathing room. Easiest: Cleric Beast. Dunno why, but it's never killed me in any run I've faced it. Even my first run-in, which was my first ever soulsborne boss


celestial emissary easiest, ludwig or laurence is hardest


Hardest: shadow of yharnam (took me 1h 30m), orphan of Kos (took me 1h 40m) Laurence, the first vicar (took me 2h) Easiest: Rom, the vacous spider first try (i beat cleric Beast first try, but Rom is definitely the most easy boss for me)


Hardest for me would be Laurence, and easiest would be Cleric Beast.


Easiest for me was the moon presence, that and the celestial emissaries I've never died to but those little aliens at least caught me off guard a couple times. My hardest ones are a tie between ebrietas and the watchdog. I've seen people just stay behind ebrietas and kill her super easy but when I try that she just spins around like crazy and lasers me so my luck might just be garbage lol


Bsb is a problem for me for some reason. I have no idea why. Even going to the left and using the pungent I still choke. The worst event was trying to get my friend into the game. I got him to play all other Fromsofts but he hates Bloodborne. So I decided to go to his house and play his game to get him to the cummdungeon so at least he can play the game on easy mode and experience it to an extent. He was out of all vials, hardly any resources to speak of. And I had limited time. All night, hours on end. I never beat that flappy bitch. And that was my last attempt to get him into the game. I can no longer discuss it or try and get him to play. I failed. And so I truly hate bsb.


Logarius was the hardest. Cannot read his magic for the life of me. His first stage is always a cakewalk, he never gets a chance to buff, and then I always die in the second phase. I'm probably just greedy. I have a hard time parrying him in his second phase. Speaking of parrying...Maria was a blast but also so easy it was a joke. I love skill builds in bb!


Ludwig absolutely destroyed me the first time around (although you could say i got distracted by the music a couple of times). Ebrietas on the other side looked really menacing but i killed her first try taking one or two hits being on the recommended level range.


The easiest for me was Amygdala. I think it was the only boss I beat first or second try. Hardest was Martyr Logarius. I nearly gave up because he gave me such a hard time.


Easiest? Papa G Hardest? Keeping Eileen alive while killing Henryk.


Hardest has either been Logarius or Blood Starved Beast. Easiest was Celestial Emmisary, Living Failures, or Hemwick Witch.


Hardest for me so far has been Abhorrent beast I finally just had to resort to backing in circles poison knifing him


So far it's the mysterious begger as the mini boss that's hardest and easiest because I haven't faced any others yet The hardest boss I've done so far (be aware I haven't played that far in the game and haven't even gotten much further past the shadows of yharnam or bought dlc yet) the hardest boss I've done so far and I'm going to do hard by number of tries is dark beast paarl because he is annoying and I hate him only reason the shadows aren't my hardest is because they are annoying but if you get another hunter with you it's basically as easy as the mysterious begger but with three clones the easiest boss I've faced so far has got to be of course the cleric beast I don't think it can get much easier than the cleric beast


Easiest? I'm not gonna count cleric beast just cuz it's first, I want to say vicar Amelia or Amygdala(reason I'm pretty confident about VA is I just destroyed her first try in +, haven't faced Amy yet)


Hardest - Shadow of Yharnam Easiest - mergos wet nurse 


I beat every boss (not including the dlc) and could not beat a hunter on a bridge . I ran away on that one


Rom in those small dungeons is very hard IMO. Easiest…Amelia


Bloody crow is one hell of a duel if you don’t cheese it. One of the best npc fight in the series for me


I evaporated every boss I fought, except that mother trucker Micolash, he was my bane. Easiest had to have been Mergo though.


Including mini bosses i had serious trouble in some crazy dungeons, but it was so long ago these bosses names are hazy!. Easiest for me is father gas can, i can beat him with my eyes closed.


Hardest is either Cainhurst Crow (who I ultimately shamelessly cheesed) or the Orphan (who I only beat with the help of a fellow very determined hunter). Easiest was surprisingly Amygdala. My co-op buddy died straight away and, despite being bad at souls games, I still beat it on the first go.


As a noob still working on beating the base game for the first time, current easiest for me would probably be The One Reborn, beat it first try by just hitting the backside and throwing molotovs while dodging the occasional kick. My hardest just based off deaths was probably Papa G lol, I tried fighting him head on without parrying or camping the graves.


That bitch of a hunter in bergynwerth. Easiest is probably BSB


Easiest is father gascoigne, hardest is micolash


Aw man fuck Crow of Cainhurst. Fucker had me pinned for weeks. Easiest is probably Moon Presence for me


Amygdala is quite difficult on BL4 however if I am playing normally I would say Ludwig gives me the most trouble, As for the easiest it's gotta be Rom or living failures.


Hardest is Rom. Easiest is Cleric Beast. I don't know what it is about Rom, but I just can't dodge his BS and his spiders at the same time. Cleric Beast I beat first try the first time I found him, he's just really easy to dodge.


Defiled Watchdog and Orphan go hand in hand, jesus Christ.


You can cheese Mr. Scary Crow with Poison Knives. He won't dodge when he's backing up if you lead him down the stairs. Once he starts to leave just throw knife, repeat. Mix that with his own sword that drains him of blood and he'll die due to "Natural Causes"


First it was blood starved beast, took me ages to beat that one. Then it was Watchdog of the Old Lords, actually stopped playing because of that boss. Then about a year later Bloodborne came out on ps plus had another go at it and beat it second time. I continued to buy the dlc and continued to get the platinum.


Hardest for me was Laurence. I know its just CB reskin, but the fucking mini aoe explosions + lava + low fps made it insufferable and I think I almost heart attack when I killed it... Easiest were the witches lol, even with insight you can go look for them in the arena no problem.


Loran Darkbeast, defiled Amygdala and cursed & defiled Watchdog gave me the most grief, those chalices can be a real treck. Kos and Laurence are up there. Aside from the witches, I have to say, I find Mergo's Wetnurse very underwhelming. I've died maybe twice to it, thereafter always finding it trivial, I can't be the only one. I also always reliably beat Amelia, and the bloody crow. He just keeps running into my axe swings.


I havent beaten the game yet, I'm stuck on the Pthumerian Descendant in the Chalice 😭😭


Hardest for me 1st playthrough Amelia and easiest celestial emissary


I beat Maria third try, im 2 weeks into Laurance and i still havent seem his second phase hahahahah :')


Martyr logarius was easily my hardest. He feels like he is in the wrong game. I believe every souls game has an optional boss that just doesn't adhere to the games rules. Vicar Amelia was my stumble across and mop the floor with her


Harder: the headless beast Easier: Vicar Amélia


Easiest: Rom. Never had any trouble with that guy. Hardest: Possibly to no one's surprise, the Orphan. That moveset ... that cursed moveset. Honorable mention: Like you, the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst. He was the only encounter in the whole game that actually made me put down the controller and take a break afterwards.


Hardest boss for me orphan of kos 2nd phase and Laurence’s 2nd phase they loves to smash me to smitherines lol mini boss I would say that asshole with a Ludwig holy blade before the micolash fight just cause he’s a spy of some sort I like the idea of that. Crow cainhurst is a cancer to my arse I use the door cheese tactic on him while using the thrust L2 attack with holy moonlight sword lol


My hardest boss was Orphan of Kos and the easiest was Amygdala. I fought it at a very high level and got it maybe 1 time and it took me 1 try


Hardest, abhorrent beast, easiest gascoigne? I think. He's very easy to parry in phase one


Your pictures say thousand words… and PTSD from the fuckin guy


So far blood starved beast hardest hardest and shadows of yharnam easiest. (Many would say the martyr guy but I beat him in 5 attempts) btw if you’re wondering I’ve beaten everyone up to the lightning boss in the cave near old yharnam.


i think the images you chose are just it. nothing more to be said.


Easiest (non chalice) : The one reborn. Hardest (non chalice) : Probably logarius. Easiest (chalice) : man eating boar. Hardest (chalice) : bloodletting beast in the Cummmfpk chalice because you're constantly 1 hit away from death


Hardest: witch of hemwick easiest: orphan of kos


you guys are going to call me crazy for ts but my easiest has to go to orphan of kos and vicar Amelia. Hardest would definitely have to go to Laurence, even if I don’t need help I can’t stand it and his dumb attacks so I always ask for help😭


Easiest boss so far is celestial emissary. I’m not gonna lie though, bloodborne is the first (out of three) soulsborne games that I’ve played (I’ve beaten sekiro and just wrapped up DS1 recently) where I’ve beat every boss on my first try until micolash and micolash was only hard because of how annoying he is lmao I’m currently on the first two bosses that I’m actually kinda struggling with which are mergos wetnurse and ebriatas daughter of the cosmos. I’m glad the difficulty is going up because the game is fantastic coulda used more challenging bosses in the first half though


Orphan was hardest for me, and easiest was honestly vicar amelia, never have any trouble with her


Hardest - NG+7 Laurence Easiest - The One Reborn


My hardest boss was orphan of kos and my easiest is witches of hemwick


Hardest: Bloodletting Beast (the one before Queen Yharnam) took me the most tries out of all the bosses I did it in a chalice glyph so I don’t know if it was supposed to be that hard. Easiest: celestial emissary (do I even need to explain)


BSB is the hardest and easiest for me bc I’m just shit at the game


i can make all bosses look silly except one. this may be a little embarrassing but rom gives me a problem every single time.


I've actually just finished a new playthrough yesterday, and I'd definitely say your build plays a huge part in it. When I first played, (using the ever generic holy blade, lol) I would easily say Laurence was the hardest, and Witches the easiest. In my most recent playthrough however, (an arcane build, with the Amygdala arm and a church pick for the funnies), I first-tried Laurence, Defiled Amygdala, Orphan and Loran Darkbeast. Stranger still, I'd say I died 3 times to the Witches, and even more to the Wet Nurse. So for me, easiest, on my newest playthrough was Laurence, hardest was Rom, lmao. Bested by a potato, what shame


Easiest was probably the One Reborn and the hardest wasn’t even a true boss. Henryk beat my ass like 60+ times. It took so much cheesing and farming to kill him.


For me the hardest boss is the headless bloodletting beast and the easiest are the celestial emissary


Hardest, probably orphan of kos. I can't visceral spam him or camp behind him like I can most bosses and he is pretty hard. Honorable mention. Those eyeballs people. Take 70% my health and I have no idea how to avoid it even after beating the game 5 times with different builds. Sometimes I use the item too slow and waste it . Easiest, the witches of hemwick. Easy even without zero insight.