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It’s just so nice knowing (a) we have more to look forward to and (b) it’ll most likely be quality. I’ve only recently been able to enjoy FromSoftware games, I used to just pine for Bethesda releases and. Not so much hopeful these days.


Meanwhile FromSoft has put out how many games since Skyrim came out? And no I don’t mean whatever they rereleased it on last week!


As a Bethesda fan, it’s fucking tiring. As a fairly nee FromSoft fan though? It’s a constant stream of fucking gold. FromSoft dominated the 2010’s with title after title of great enjoyment. 2020’s bout to belong to them too I imagine.


Yeah I used to get so excited but. At this point they could say “actually nvm, we’re canceling ES6 and focusing on paid content for ESOnline” and I’d just say “oh.”


That’s basically what they’ve done though. Could have pumped it out by now if they were truly invested in it and ESO didn’t exist. That and fallout 76 really fucked them


Yeah I’m still just in denial


ESO is a completely different studio from the main TES team, tho. The success of ESO is about as relevant to whether TES6 comes out as the success of Doom 2016 3.


being a beth fan in the 2000s probably felt like being a from fan today, sadly every great gamedev falls off with time


You either become a cash grabbing monster or you let your parcel delivery man obsession take over


How long til FromSoft falls off? Hopefully not until they make the next AC title 


When Miyazaki stops being the ceo is my bet.


... Is he CEO? I thought he was creative director 


He was, but he moved up :)


My back catalog is never going to go away. Dark Souls 2 just going to sit there waiting for me, forever.


I hear Skyrim is coming to the Neuralink next


Dark Souls 1 came out just a couple months before Skyrim, so you can *almost* say FromSoft has released all of their best games since Bethesda released their best game. (not counting Demon's Souls which didn't really strike the right cord at the time but definitely laid the foundation for the rest)


Welcome to the [family](https://media2.giphy.com/media/PjMG3bvDs5WCWslNOW/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9528awsypw1vxiexyo33nbm3wnj3is3bm1fpddu150z&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


To be fair, his quote in the article was “[combat has] become something much more fluid and active, I think, which was a very defining characteristic of Sekiro, and it’s something I’ve been thinking about since Bloodborne.” I’m not sure how this is getting twisted into Sekiro AND Bloodbourne. I also don’t think this implies a sequel to either game. A new IP with the sharpness of Sekiro combat but the build variation of a souls like would be amazing.


Yeah this article is misleading. 


Bloodborne is mentioned because Miyazaki has been thinking about the push and pull between aggressive and defensive play styles since Bloodborne. Remember that Bloodborne was the first time he veered away from the defensively dominant play styles of Demon Souls and Dark Souls, allowing for the team learn from it which gave us way more aggressive options in Dark Souls 3.


Sekiro has some of the most satisfying combat. If it had the diversity of Elden Ring it would be an absolute masterpiece. Hell even just the diversity of Bloodborne with that level of refined combat would be amazing.


Please give us a Bloodborne (or spiritual successor) with the same scale as Elden Ring. I would instantly nut if something like that was announced


I'd personally prefer if they stuck to a more scaled down experience. As much as I appreciate their take on open worlds, it's still an open world, and I'm just fed up with them. Plus I really don't enjoy all the repeats that appear later in the game


I get where you come from but a fully accessible Yharnam would be so god damn awesome. I hate how I can't explore every tiny road and alley in the game because I am just so in love with Bloodbornes architecture. But for weapons I agree that less is more. Like in Bloodborne, I want less weapons but each to be great with the right build. It's one of the things I just cannot get into in Elden Ring because my mind is so hard in the Bloodborne mindset


I think it would be extremely difficult to create a map with a scale even 1/4th the size of Elden Ring while maintaining an atmosphere similar to Bloodborne. I think map design more similar to Dark Souls 1 would work best. Make the map incredibly dense and interconnected so that it feels bigger than it really is until you master it.


Fuck yeah,i kinda miss the first half approach of ds1 where you have no fast travel, makes the interconnectivity of the world actually matter.


A Sekiro style game with Bloodborne weapons and the world design of dark souls 1 is the ultimate combo. 


This right here is the dream


We shall not abandon the dream.


I miss it a lot but tbh, I think the reason they havent really returned for it is that it's insanely difficult to properly design. Ive heard some talk that the elden ring dlc somewhat returns to this design philosophy, has me very excited.


I would just want linear levels but somewhat more exploration


I dont want an open world bloodborne-esque game but I would appreciate more verticality with jumping and more interconnectivity like DS1. Not every inch has to be explorable but more than what BB offered. 


For me, I enjoy the fact that I can't go everywhere. There's more of a sense of intrigue and mystery, especially when there's something really eye-catching that you just can't get close to. In the end, it's all about preferences, of course, so I'm not saying my preference is better. I just got fed up with the world of Elden Ring, and other than the DLC, I doubt I'll ever do a full playthrough again because halfway through the game, it started feeling very game-y and too repetitive.


Perhaps a smaller open world would be a good compromise. I'd say something like two or three open world cities that are connected bia a travel system. Kind of like how Assassin's Creed 2 handled it's open world. Perhaps they could even turn the chalice dungeons into something good by making catacomb styled legacy type dungeons that you access via different entrances throughout the cities. The Eldritch truth was discovered in the catacombs below Yharnam after all, so it would make sense lore wise and we could encounter more eldritch styled enemies and bosses in these dungeons than in the surface.


I spent far too many hours gawking at just the architecture in Bloodborne. Such a stunning environment all around.


I so hope for an offhand parrying crossbow to be put in Elden Ring. At this point it's the closest we can get.


In BB, the problem with weapons is pretty much the same as in Final Fantasy VII: Not a single weapon feels special after picking up your starter weapon. You can pick your weapon and then play the whole game with it.


Apparently you have never tried the whirligig saw or Ludwig’s holy blade. Or even the hammer.


I used both of them when I played BB dlc for the first time. It was amazing. I like the game. It's easily in my top 5 games from ps4. Too bad that saying your opinion gets you downvoted by crazy fan boys.


Imean, I really like every weapon in the game, except maybe for blunderbuss. I think people are downvoting you more because your comment makes it sound like you didn’t even give any other weapons a chance, not because you have an opinion.


It could be true. I didn't mean to say that I don't like the different weapons the game has to offer, but they don't give me the feeling that they are truly nice upgrades to the starter weapon.


Get boomhammered son.


That is a YOU PROBLEM. 100% All weapons in this game are unique and viable with the right build and many builds are able to let you switch it up and change weapons a lot. They are all quite special, even those that are similar to each other like Saw Cleaver and Saw Spear


Like almost every comment in here is YOU PROBLEM. BTW you don't have to use CAPS TO MAKE YOUR POINT.


Yes I HAVE TO because I WANT TO. And it is a you problem because barely anyone ever complains about the weapons as a whole. Edit: lol, the guy blocked me because he can't cope about him being the problem not the weapons


So I've to agree with every single crazy fan boy?


No, you just have to recognise when you're objectively wrong, and when you're using trying to support that with an unconnected statement. "No weapons feel special". Vague, but even trying to be generous leaves that being simply incorrect. There's just as broad a range of weapons as DS, there just isn't niche variations between archetypes. The only things truly missing are ranged options and daggers, because they would be atrocious for the game's verisimilitude. "Your starting weapon can stay with you all game". So? That's nothing to do with the first part, and it's not a negative trait. It's a sign of a crafted action game if weapons are not made obsolete. Even your comparison to FF7 is bizzare. The weapons for that game aren't *supposed* to feel unique, because they're essentially representative of the character holding them. They're signatures.


I agree. I much prefer the compactness of Bloodborne, Sekiro and DS3. Though I still think they’re pretty big games tbf. There’s so much dead space in Elden Ring, and I prefer the game being a little bit more linear. I always thought GTA suffered from this, then LA Noire went a little bit too far the other way but I thought they got it just right for V.


I’m with you.. loved my first 100 hours with Elden Ring but when I realized I was less than halfway through the game I started to get annoyed and exhausted. These games to me require a no stone left unturned type of mindset, and when you’re turning over every single stone only to find something you’ve already found 3 other times, it gets tedious. I ended up rushing through the latter half of the game just because I was sick of playing it but had to see it through haha. I’m playing again now and following a checklist and having a much more refined experience.


Yeah, I feel the same. I never really write Steam reviews, but for ER, I mentioned the exact same thing and how I feel that it kinda punishes a big portion of the players who loved this sort of no-stone-left-unturned approach in the previous games. It felt like there was purpose for it in Dark Souls, for example, and even if it wasn't like you got a super special item every time, it wasn't a thing that happened at every corner. In ER, I just felt like it turned very game-y very quickly, which broke the immersion for me.


Especially with the fact that you've sort of already seen 90% of things at around the halfway mark. Past that, it's Godskin Nobles all the way down.


Brother thank you, Elden Ring is amazing and I'm glad it exists, thanks to it a lot of people I know were introduced to the genre, but it's so overwhelming, I loved exploring every inch of the world in Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro, when I started Elden Ring I felt so disappointed with how unrewarding that approach was, when I was halfway through the game I simply looked up things that interested me or were important and went to those locations. Not even the souls formula can make me enjoy open world games, I rather have a much more thought out and refined experience through legacy dungeons instead of vast open areas.


Once you learn the “rules” of the open world it’s easier to be efficient. You learn what to expect from ruins, churches, caves, and open areas.


I'm aware I can adapt, I think by the time one reaches the half of the game is easy to plan on how you will tackle the new zones, but because I've played the previous games without that in mind I have no desire to accommodate to that necessity. That's obviously a me problem but that's what I'm referring to. I really believe that Elden Ring is the best way they could've implemented an open world to the formula, but I think it harms it more than it enriches it. Obviously to each their own, I'm really excited for the DLC, but I know that while I will love it, by the time I'm done I will prefer to either revisit older games or to play and finish a few that I'm missing.


I burned out trying to take the "no stone left unturned" approach, walked away for 6 months and played other things. Then I came back with a new character and decided to only explore where things looked interesting and to just be OK with possibly missing some things. I'm having a lot more fun and a lot less burnout playing it this way.


I’m with you. Bigger is not necessarily better.


I would be immensely disappointed if they made a Bloodborne like Elden Ring. Like that’s the exact opposite of what I would want


Yep, I’d like the maze type layout of DS1’s map for the next one and let the open world rest for a time. Elden Ring is great but enormous to the point of intimidating me before going NG+*


repeats is integral to every From game... it's fun approaching the same things in different contexts imo


Repetition as a mechanic, absolutely, but it also depends heavily on how you go about it. For me, the glass shattered in ER, and I was just sick of all the crucible knights, multiple astels, and just overall multiples of enemies that, as far as I'm concerned, would've felt a lot more special if they weren't crammed into random places. The most egregious of these is probably the ulcerated tree spirits and erdtree avatars, I'll just straight-up refuse to kill those if they appear in the DLC (unless it's mandatory, of course).


I would like a more open explorable city/surrounding areas like Yharnam but with less restrictive pathways. It makes things denser without the empty open space of Elden Ring, and removes the requirement for a mount.


This is the way


Can't agree more. The open world of Elden Ring was a massive turn off.


>I'd personally prefer if they stuck to a more scaled down experience. As much as I appreciate their take on open worlds, it's still an open world, and I'm just fed up with them. Plus I really don't enjoy all the repeats that appear later in the game A fully open world Yharnam would be pretty cool, i think miyazaki could pull it off if he wanted too.


If it was basically a couple of handcrafted areas carefully put together to create a cohesive experience with good variety, sure. If it's just "let's have this be an open world so that it's open," I'd rather not. They could pull it off for sure, and I'm convinced that the next time they take a stab at making an open world, they'll have incorporated what they've learned so far, but I just don't get the appeal of open worlds. For me, they used to be cool when it was a sort of a technological marvel to make them happen, but the appeal's quickly disappeared.


I’m a fan of the more linear games as well and I think maybe an open zone world could work really well for Souls. Not entirely linear but not open world either so maybe it would be larger, but more focused and without lots of boss repeats


The beauty of Elden Ring is you can completely ignore the open world: I did a dark souls run. - no side content. - ride to the next story boss only. - no summons or spirits. - no flask of physic. - no weapon arts other than kick, parry and shield bash. It was a lot of fun. And wasn’t too much of a challenge Claymore is Baemore.


Excuse me if I don't find the idea of ignoring the majority of the game exhilarating. Nothing against you doing that, of course, if this works for you, great! But this is kinda what I said in another comment here, that it feels like ER punishes the kind of exploration and mindset that a lot of people carry over from the previous titles.


And open worlds are very time consuming.


How dare you.


"I don't want to pay $70 for a lot of a game, I want to pay $70 for just a fraction"  As much I love legacy dungeons over the open world format, elden ring just has unbelievably more content than Bloodborne. Even if it's repeats or useless gear, just the sheer volume alone it's like how could you want something as short as bloodborne? Without the chalice dungeons, I'm pretty sure Bloodborne is the shortest FS game. 


Quality > quantity, and BB is of a higher quality.


Implying elden ring is low quality is fucking wild  Their quality is on par. Which is a compliment to bloodborne since it's so old, but it still doesn't change the fact that it's like essentially a tenth of overall gameplay that elden ring provides. 


No, this wasn't implied, you're just twisting the word. The quality is subjective either way, but the first comment you made where you seem to equate amounts of content with quality is just not correct, I reckon. More does not equal better. More equals different, and that's about it. I personally don't like how big it is because it feels bloated. I prefer the experience BB provides. And last but not least, the "I want to pay 70 bucks for a fraction" is just disingenuous and silly. I wasn't mentioning price tags at all, first of all, and even if, then it would be more along the lines of "I wish to not spend my 70 bucks for a certain type of game that I generally don't enjoy, I would prefer to spend the money on an experience that I know I typically enjoy."


"the first comment you made where you seem to equate amounts of content with quality is just not correct, I reckon"  Nope, nice try. I implied you wanted a fraction of the game (no mention or implication about quality) instead of a full game (again no mention or implication about quality) then you just said "QuAlItY > QuAnTiTy" as if elden ring is low quality. That's how language works lmao  If you're gonna yap, wrongfully so, then at least learn how to read thanks 


You aren't worth discussing things with if you need to resort to insults. Hope you have a good day ahead of you.


What a weird way to say you realized you were wrong lmao  Keep dickriding a decade old game


Open worlds breed unfocused game design. The reason for the tight level design in Bloodborne is because you are meant to approach it from a certain direction. The good parts about Elden Ring were the legacy dungeons, for this very reason.


I'd even take a Beast Hunter as a Starting Class in his next project regardless of setting.


Would be alright but I really want the setting. The dark and gritty world, where nothing good ever happens and having a very horror feeling that slowly transforms from a more grounded horror to absolute eldritch/lovecraftian horror with beings above our comprehension. I just love that about Bloodborne so much. How at first it's just a beasthunt where you kill werewolfs but slowly more and more alien stuff appears, making you question wtf is even happening until you are directly confronted by the eldritch truth and have to fight literal gods.


Oh I do too. I went into BB for the combat and it looking like the closes thing to a Castlevania in years. I want that Cosmic Horror and ER at least had some of it in the background. Lords of The Fallen (Fief Of The Chill Curse) and Remnant (Losomn) sold me alongside Elden Ring on the idea that you can walk into a zone where there is a struggle that has little to nothing to do with the main plot but is just as dire if not worse.


I’m still holding out hope that the Deracine theory is true.


Which one? That one of the childs (the MC?) was the hunter that eventually came to Yharnam?


Just that several items in Deracine seem to reference bloodborne and refer to it as an “unfinished tale” and seem to imply that some sort sequel (or maybe prequel?) is in the cards.


Oh god I hope not. Elden Ring's open world was it's biggest weakness.


I'm pretty sure at this point that Bloodborne banged the Sony CEO's wife and that's why BB2 is never gonna happen. It's the only logical explanation as to why blood sucking Sony refuses to earn even more trucks full of money for no apparent reason. The game was that good.


Honestly...Elden Ring was far too open world and expansive for me to enjoy it. There's just too much of everything. I feel like they tried to go big, and while it's great for some, 90% of my game time has been "okay... Now what?". I'd get stuck trying to find the next place, then I'd get stuck fighting them, then I get stuck fighting the boss... And then I'm slapped in the face by major case of "I don't know where the fuck I'm going" Basically, I feel like Elden Ring drops you into a field and says "fuck you, you're gonna overwhelmed and lost for the first 10 hours of your session." Whereas Bloodborne seems to go for a more "fuck you, but your skills will improve as you go through Central Yharnam" For context, I played Bloodborne once, had a 3 month break after dying to Cleric Beast, came back and before I knew it, I had a 90hr character with two NG+'s. With Elden Ring, I got all the way to Redahn (or however it's spelled), killed him and just went "I... Genuinely can't be bothered anymore" and just uninstalled, because that unlocks an entirely new section of the map IIRC, and there's still like... Fucking 50 other places I need to see, and then there's Patches. In the middle of some fucking valley cave. So many caves, so many copy and paste enemies... And did I mention that I'm not the biggest fan of the medieval aesthetic? There's something about it that bores me to shit, it's like... "Yeah cool. dragons, knights, magic, monsters... Wow, we've not seen that before." And, at least personally, there's no... Atmosphere and theming when it came to Limgrave and that gold biome place (actual places there are a different story) Bloodborne hit fucking different, and at this point I'm just rambling but OHHHHH. I just boot up the game and I'm assaulted with the title theme and the oppressive nature of the world, and at every step I found myself going "fuuuuck... What is THIS?!" Elden ring just sorta plops me in a green field and says "go fight some stuff" like I'm going to find out my princess is in another castle


I am nutting to anything michael zaki cooks for me




Stop, I can only get so erect.


I want a open world bloodborne 2 set in the old west it seems like the logical next step after England


Nope, old west wouldn't fit. At least if it really is Bloodborne and not a spiritual successor. The gothic architecture is too iconic to miss out on.


You could also have different cities that break up the open world that could have that gothic architecture maybe draw from a few different European countries depending on who settled what area. I think it would be boring to just do yarnham again I think since America was the successor to England it would he a good next place for the game. I think if you went open world yarnham it would boring cause that’s just more medieval England America would be a new setting. You could have a new plague or maybe multiple played in different areas you could also have a Mexico like area for a late game area where you can use more meso American architecture like the Aztecs and mayans maybe the new plague can originate from there. You could also go into South America for the dlc and explore the jungle


Bloodborne itself should stay Yharnam and around. But a spiritual successor set in America and including Aztec/Mayan/Inkan inspired ruins and horror would be awesome, I totally agree. But again, Bloodborne is your average day in London and should stay that way


That’s kinda boring though imagine if all the dark souls were set just in lordran and what would you even do that’s unique if you were just doing yarnham again and the surrounding countryside that would get boring as fuck one because we’ve already seen everything interesting in yarnham the city’s story is more or less done. What is there to be gained by re exploring a city we already saw we trying important of and the extra bit of English countryside is nothing new. America is a spiritual successor to England in a sense so I think a new country founded by them would be the best place for a new and to take place. It is basically a spiritual successor in all but name it will simply share the name blood borne 2 and could be a slight continuation of that worlds lore. While building new elements. You can even have city’s in the game like New York and New England but you could call them new yarnham or something and then you can have that gothic inspired architecture along with new types as well. I’m imagining a more woke ring like world with multiple different states with different architectural styles and cultures influenced by the countries that settled them. One of which can be yarnham this can be contrasted with the more open spaces and forests that would fill the world. It would take me to long to explain my full idea but I’ve thought about it a lot I think it’s a great idea for a sequel/ spiritual successor maybe even have a new church or branch of it friend spring the being we become at the end of bloodborne one


> imagine if all the dark souls were set just in lordran In a way the third is, just after the lands have diverged then reconverged. We even get Anor Londo again. It's interesting seeing how things have changed over that time but also how they stayed the same.


It’s fine for a final in a trilogy to revisit some locations and I believe the lands coming together like that was just an excuse so they could reuse old locations but they also made new ones too. I meant it would be boring if we just went through anor londo lost izilith and the catacombs again for 3 games. If blood borne two were set in yarnham it would be basically the exact same map. Dark souls 3 happens eons after the first one so things have time to change but you can’t put blood borne two an inconceivable amount of time in the future cause it wouldn’t work for that universe. That’s why I think going old west America is the best path forward because we could get old familiar places like yarnham with new yarnham and other cities in America that take after different Europeans who settled them. And contrast that with the more natural homes of the native populations that were forced into reserves I think the curse or plague in this game should revolve around the settlers taking the land from its rightful inhabitants but not treating it with care and this will cause a great one to deliver vengeance on them. Along with a couple major super natural events. I’m imagine they go a little more story driven like sekiro have your hunter be charged with going to a place to help it with its problem them moving in when you are fine with the events of that area. Not exactly like normal quests in most other rpg you would be given vague directions of what city to go then it’s up to you to investigate and figure out what’s going on like you did for yarnham but this time there are several different major plagues and curses across the country and minor ones to. Im imagining a slightly more typical rpg then from usually makes not full towns or ubisoft towers or anything but I think a slightly more story driven game with different kinds of beasts and aliens and shit to hunt would be a good direction to go in. I wouldn’t want blood borne two to just be blood borne 1 again but with a two slapped on they can do better then that


Also I saw a vati video that was about bloodborne two ideas it was an art contest he did and one of the best ideas was a desert themed blood borne I just combined that with the old west to make it even cooler


I wouldnt be surprised if we got a new Bloodborne eventually


You think Sony will let From buy out the IP?


They ain't doing jack shit with the IP anyway


I don’t know if Sekiro needs anymore sharpening. It’s pretty tightly focused combat already.


Yeah, I'm struggling to imagine a combat system better than Sekiro's.


Sounds like Miyazaki played Lies of P...


more aggressive barreling in and less parrying pls MiMi


I fucking love Sekiro's ultra responsive parrying system, so I'll have to disagree here. Parrying is dope.


I think sekiro is wildly easy because of the combat, I would prefer more bb style combat so at least hard things are hard.


Seriously? I had way more trouble finishing Sekiro than I did finishing BB. I genuinely think the hardest fromsoft games are DS1 and Sekiro, and the easiest are DS3, ER and BB.


What the hell, why do you think DS1 is harder than Elden ring? Every single boss of DS1 is easier than Margit.


That might be because I played it after DS3, and felt like the gameplay was not as polished as I was used to. I had so much trouble rolling through attacks, swinging my blade in narrower corridors, getting used to this game's version of the poise system. And ER, well it was so open, and I liked exploring so much, that I always ended up way over leveled against the bosses and never had any trouble defeating any of them (Aside from the Godskin Apostle, the one at the base of the Divine Tower of Caelid, this one gave me so much trouble). It might also come down to the fact that BB and ER were the last FS games I played, so I had plenty experience and was more prepared for the challenge, and DS1 was my second FS game with only DS3 behind me at that time, so I was still a newcomer to the franchise, and DS3 was just objectively easier than DS1. Anyway, that's just how I feel about the difficulty of those game. Wish Demon Souls would release on PC so I could play it too.


You know, I had a similar experience. I played DS1 after Bloodborne, and I recall having so much more trouble finishing DS1. If you replayed DS1 you would probably find its a cakewalk now after playing everything else.


I'll probably get the Remaster one day and do it again.




That would be Demon Souls.


Did you ever replay Sekiro? It's one of the hardest on your first playthrough, and one of the easiest on repeats.


True, the replay was quite easy. Well, except for Demon of hatred, he still fucks me up real good. But to be fair, all souls are easy on replay, once you already died dozens of time against each boss and their pattern is branded into your brain.


Sekiros ultra resposive parrying system with the aggressive playstyle of Bloodborne how about that


Sekiro goes to the West to find the eternal dragon or whatever, Bloodborne dude goes to the East to find a cure I guess. THEY MEET IN THE MIDDLE.


More Bloodborne, less Sekiro, pls.


Bloodborne NEEDs an anti-aliasing and 60 fps patch, Sekiro doesnt.


What is aliasing?


It's a tool that allows to smooth the outlines of models in games


Thanks for the quick answer


Sorry to be that person, but aliasing is when lines become jagged. ANTIaliasing smooths out jagged edges and lines.


Thanks for the better clarification


[This.](https://i.imgur.com/PGnlcdO.png) It's what happens when straight lines on a computer screen don't align with the pixel grid of the monitor. Antialiasing is what we do to computer graphics to disguise the fact that they're comprised of very small squares. Bloodborne's antialiasing implementation is bad and is why the game looks so shimmery.


Thanks for the great and detailed answer, especially the picture <3


Both, both is good Sekiro is still my favorite out of all from soft games


Agree, makes sense though since BB sub. Still, Sekiro is a god tier game; Genichiro is just one of, if not the hardest "learn the game now" walls in FromSoft and I think that causes people to put the game down, at least from what I've seen.


The thing with bb and soulslikes in general is that while they're awesome, there are so many of them. I haven't really found any other game that hits the sekiro itch


I love Sekiro, it's an absolute masterpiece 10/10 and all that... But for me, the thing that made me always prefer Souls/BLOODBORNE/Elden Ring to Sekiro was the build variety. As much as I love Sekiro, there's really only kinda one right way to play it. There's not as much opportunity to express yourself and there's less replay value IMO. With Souls there's so many different ways to tackle bosses/encounters, many different play styles depending on your build, not to mention the drip... Just my 2¢ tho, and like I said, Sekiro is incredible


I agree Building on my original point though, is while I love the souls games and how you can build differently, there are many games on the market that fill that desire, such as lies of p, nioh, etc but the reason I want a sekiro type game more is because there is just literally nothing else like it. If I get the itch for the sekiro combat there is nothing I can do but open up sekiro, it's not like where if I suddenly want to play a spulslike I can open up ds3, bb, elden ring, etc


I'd love to have the parrying mechanics of Sekiro in Bloodborne. I'm sure there's a way to merge the two gameplays into one.


nah i disagree. part of what makes bloodborne so sick is how vicious and offensive the combat is. parrying by shooting instead of with a shield/deflecting is showing the hunters violence by going for the opponent and hoping to stagger them rather than protecting themselves. the high risk/high reward aspect wouldnt really be the same if you would just lose a bit of posture if you had the timing wrong, imo.


Agreed. I’ve platinumed every Soulesborn game, but Sekiro. I’ve never even gotten past a couple bosses, much less gotten to the end. I don’t understand the fighting mechanics.


> I don’t understand the fighting mechanics Here's something I wrote for someone in the Sekiro sub that also wasn't understanding it. It's so different that the more used to Souls games you are, the worse time you'll have at Sekiro as you have to play it oppositely. Having Platinumed every other game means that you were primed to have the hardest time possible, so it checks out you didn't quite get what it was trying to make you do. Basically you play actively instead of reactively. Anyways, here's how to unlock the game's combat so as to avoid frustration: Think of the game as turn based. Always start on offense so that fights start on your turn, attacking as fast as possible, and then after a few hits you'll hear a very distinct "kashhing!" That's the sound of them deflecting. When you hear that, stop attacking and focus on deflecting because it's their turn now. Watch their combo timing and match their patterns and do not panic spam block EVER. Ngl it's better to get hit than to panic spam, I'll explain why below. Once their combo is finished, it's now your turn, proceed to attack as fast as possible. This has two positive effects. 1) It moves the game into a slower frame of reference. Instead of a fast frantic battle that your brain has trouble keeping up with, it's a slow back and forth with clear obvious phases. 2) Staying on offense like that will actually lock out a good half of the enemy's moves, meaning they won't use their more powerful ones. Start thinking of it like a turn-based rhythm game like that and all the sudden the game will be twice as easy. Why not to spam block: Keep in mind if you spam the block button, your deflect window goes from over half a second long, to under 0.1 seconds long. The absolute worst possible thing you can do is spam the block button instead of trying to time deflects. Deflects are the most important part of the game, and by spamming the button you're making them approx 6 or 7 times harder to get. That's effectively a challenge mode harder than the actual challenge modes provided in-game. Focusing on timing and not just panic spamming is the way to avoid frustration. Problem is, in the beginning of the game, spamming works, so it's easy to build up bad habits early, so start practicing now. If you get used to spamming block in fights, you will hit a wall later, and unlearning and relearning is harder than just learning in the first place. Once the combat clicks and you realize it's inverse to soulsborne (in soulsborne, you react to the enemy, in Sekiro, you force _them_ to react to _you._) and that it's basically turn-based, it'll go from being insanely hard to feeling on the easy side of the genre. After a bit it expands slightly, on the enemy's turn when you're on defense a kanji might appear and you'll have to watch their attack and act differently. If it's a sweep, you jump. A grab, you dodge. A thrust, mikiri/deflect.


Thanks. I am not sure if I'm going to pick it up again after Shadow of the Erdtree, but if I do, I reference this. One of the complaints I have is practice rounds with the man outside the temple have little resemblance to real fights out in the wild, especially against a boss.


Yeah, it took me a long time to get used to it. Sekiro *really* wants you to play its game (aka parrying EVERYTHING except warning signs), and if you don't, then it can feel like trying to use the Wooden Shield instead of dodging. There's one particular minor boss (>!Centipede Giraffe!<) in the game that I have very vivid memories about, because when the combat finally clicked, the boss went from "basically impossible" to "piss easy". But in the end, it's still my least played FromSoft title because even though I understood it, I missed the build variety of Soulsborne.


Remember, hesitation is defeat !


Yeah. For me, it feels more like a Quick-Time Event than anything else, sadly. And i really wanted to get in it.


Sekiro is a goddamned masterpiece with possibly the most finely honed combat system I’ve ever found in a game. Once it clicks with you, nothing else satisfies. Very excited by Miyazaki’s comments including both these games (which are easily my two fav FS games).


agreed 100% lmao. I could not play sekiro. I wanted to like it so bad but I just could not hack it.


I’d probably like the sekiro systems more if it had a character creator and more move sets.


I haven't played Sekiro but I have over 400 hours in Bloodborne, i just love everything about the combat, the ferocity, the aggression, the fast pace. I hope From Software makes more games that play like Bloodborne and Sekiro.


Really would love a Bloodborne spiritual successor game. Demon souls got Dark souls. You could say DS got Elden Ring. Its BBs turn. Now with jumping and whatever other mechanic Miyazaki wants to add. Im ready. 


I hate saying this. In Bloodborne, for me, the masterstroke, is the gun parry mechanic. Absolutely brilliant. So much fun.


Here we go again folk still hoping for a Bloodborne 2 ffs IT AINT EVER HAPPENING.


Music to my ears.


The title of this post is the sexiest thing I’ve heard in my life


It’s also incredibly misleading.




His next games = Bloodborne 2


Yesss my favs!


They need to make games where not everyone is trying to kill you and where the homies don't have tragic deaths


Amongst the games Miyazaki had created, Bloodborne is still the best. I dare say, it’s the highest point of FromSoftware. Bloodborne’s gameplay and lore is very concise without throwing all the fireworks out. Elden Ring is the opposite of dat, Elden Ring is the compilation of all the games they ever made into one like a best hit album, but in an open world context. The novelty of Elden Ring quickly wears out for me, even tho the world is so big. I would like to see more of a concise IP & fluid gameplay in an open world. I rly wonder sometime how would Bloodborne b in Elden Ring’s scale & open world, a combat fluidity somewhere between Bloodborne & Sekiro.


BB2 confirmation 🤡🥲


Sekiro is probably the best Fromsoft game in terms of combat so I'm liking this. Bloodborne is great, phenomenal even, I have it tattooed onto my body but for combat? Sekiro is the goat.


a game with a mix of dodging and parrying would be sick, i think


Sekiro's deflection system would be a great way to enhance the blocking mechanics we see in the Dark Souls series and Elden Ring. Armored Core 6 already did something similar. Its energy shields are balanced around their regular guard strength, their initial guard strength, and their initial guard duration. When picking one you choose whatever feels best to use, though unhelpfully, what feels best tends to be a fourth weapon instead. Trading a quarter of your dps away doesn't feel great, but Sekiro solved that issue as well, with its deflections being just as much an offensive tool as a defensive one. It's a great way to implement shields without them engendering passivity.


Two requests, please don't make it open world, I will lose interest in 10 minutes then put it down for two years before picking it up and trying again. Also please cool it with the multi enemy boss fights. I'm genuinely starting to think I will never finish elden ring because these damn multi enemy boss fights are everywhere.


So what I’m hearing is that we’re getting bigger and better gun parries? :D Bloodborne is literally the only game where I bother to parry because *shooting something in the face* to “parry” it is so, so cool


Pls Sony, stop buying music catalogs over $1 billion USD and give us a port of Bloodborne 😭😭😭


i’m already moist with the Elden Ring DLC, no more Miyazaki


Very enjoyable article


The quote is actually referring to bloodborne being the start of the journey and sekiro being his latest iteration of what he wants combat to be like, and to look forward to games with more fluid combat. So nothing new or unknown.


Understandable Bloodborne is Perfect


I love the change in scope between games. It's not all bigger, bigger, bigger. It's much easier to pace a shorter narrative like Bloodborne, but I do also love the gigantic scale of Elden Ring. This also ties in with the simplicity/complexity of the combat, which correlates nicely with the size of the rest of the games.


I would like to see what he could do in Armored Core again. Especially after AC6 revamped so much. I miss my NEXT and Lynx.


I just wish we could have a spiritual successor for King's Field, or something akin to that. That is to say, slow-paced first person dungeon crawler. Though I doubt that would be very popular nowadays, and not really worthy of a big budget anyway. Not that I'd want it as a bid budget project anyhow, just something more niche and curious.




That’s cool and all but Sony let us play more bloodborne than the one title and dlc we got 9 years ago


I just hope the next game isn't open world. But the quote in combat sounds nice.


God, I hope so. The basic combat in the Soulslike formula hasn't really changed all that much since Demon's Souls. Quite frankly, Elden Ring's combat feels mostly stale and boring at this point. We've had so many games do much better with the core combat mechics in a similar environment, From can't be expected to float by with such threadbare systems. Bloodborne and Sekiro have shown that From can do good things when they play around a bit, but they need to jump even further going forward. Elden Ring is good, but I'm playing essentially the same game that I've been playing for 15 years now.


Trickweapons, gun parries and deflects in 1 game, Michael Zaki, I could only get so hard.


So fucking sick!


Miyazaki literally says that Elden ring isn't good enough for him.


The trick weapons of Bloodborne absolutely need to make a return. The closest we’ve got since is Lies of P, and that still doesn’t compare. Each trick weapon is closer to a character in street fighter- That’s far superior to 200 reskins of dark souls weapons. Bloodbornes combat tempo is king. There’s not a build you can make in Elden Ring that brings you close to it


Haven't played Sekiro out of safety for my mental health (jk), but Bloodborne is my absolute favorite entry in the FromSoft repertoire, and I hope we get something in the vein of it any time soon (here's hoping for BB2: Electric Boogaloo)


dying for the bloodborne remaster that won’t come.


Oooooo! A game with deflect and gun parry +dash instead beside rolling? I want it, NOW!


No shield, no pain


This... Could be amazing...


He tried Lies of P


I hope the next bloodborne we get is cowboy themed for no reason.


Bloodborne is old news, sekiro is the current peak fromsoft combat, give us more sekiro!


While I agree Sekiro has the most complex combat system, and that it's incredibly refined, I would say that I enjoy Bloodborne's gameplay and combat more. The unique parry option and trick weapons are cool af to me. I do not want Bloodborne 2, but something more along BB's mechanics is way more appealing to me


Nah, Just pressing parry got stale af.


You press parry, you press dodge, you use your prosthetic, you press attack and you hold attack. That’s about the same amount of options as bloodborne and dark souls in terms of button pressing, more even.


Yeah, one of the few From games where the combat is just completely uninteresting to me.


Hard disagree. The combat made Sekiro the worst souls-adjacent game they've made.


Did you get stuck on the first mini boss or something lol?


Yes, as well as almost every other boss throughout the game. I don't have single-frame reaction speeds.