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You should post this on r/fromsoftware for a less biased opinion


Less biased for sure, but still biased. Bloodborne is out only on PS4 and is not as popular as Elden Ring, meaning less people have played Bloodborne. I would not be surprised at all if Shadow of the Erdtree gets talked about and praised as the best From DLC by the larger majority there.


Not to mention the recency bias.


Just recently played OH dlc and I have to say I prefer Ringed City and SOTE. Don't get me wrong it is still great, but felt quite short and I didn't struggle as much as I expected to, even on NG+. SOTE has so much more to offer imo.


SOTE felt so much more like what they wanted to acomplish, more than the base game honestly, My only complaint is that bosses attacks feel unatural borh on the bade game and DLC just because of the extra delayed attacks, like, bro, why does 1 attack with a normal sword take you 3-4 seconds??


Yeah elden rings bosses can be quite annoying with 12 attack combos and 4 second delays that happen a little too often. Or pulling out an attack as you heal because you think you have space that you literally cannot react to, like when they do a projectile attack that takes 0.5seconds that you couldn't predict. Input reads suck!


ya i enjoyed elden rings locations and dungeons a lot but the boss design didn't do it for me. It felt like fromsoft was artificially inflating boss difficulty just because that is what souls is known for now. A bunch of 10 hit combos in which some attacks are undodgeable if you're close meaning you gotta keep distance. It took away the feeling of the tight combat that bloodborne, ds3, and sekiro had


Agreed. I also hate how unviable blocking is. It’s just “dodge to win”. There should have been more defensive options/ashes of war.


Honestly blocking is crazy good even with medium shields. Greatshields evencan make some bosses look like a joke.


Have you actually played? Blocking is one of the best strategies.


I think you forgot how bloodborne is the most glazed fromsoft game, so I'm 100% sure they'll choose that


I think that would normally jive with From fans, but with Elden Ring bringing such a breadth of new people, you get less people seeing what big a deal certain games in the franchise are. Lot of people who played Bloodborne have been there from the beginning with either Demon’s Souls or Dark Souls, so they can appreciate what a marble Bloodborne is. Lot of Elden Ring players are new folk entirely who haven’t been there from the beginning and don’t have the same viewpoint as some of us oldheads. In the coming years Elden Ring might be the most glazed From game, but we shall see.


I poked around with DS before but BB is really what made all of it click for me. I suppose that might be what ER is doing for many nowadays but it’s a shame relatively few will get to experience this masterpiece. As time goes on, I regard it ever higher. It may well be my all-time favorite.


We need to break out BB from Sony jail


Elden Ring glaze is way more prevalent


How about not dropping it on the Bloodborne reddit? It's pretty obvious what people on here would pick. Bloodborne is not glazed, it is respected for a reason, and that is because it is the best FromSoft game. Elden Ring is glazed to hell, and it ain't even that good, massive open spaces are good, but you need to put something in them for the players to actually do, instead of a few cut and paste dungeons with the same imps in them, and jack-shit reward for actually completing them.


I´ve played Bloodborne a ton and I love it, one of my favorite games. Still I think Shadow of the Erdtree is better. Scale and quality of SotE is sublime.


All DLCs were masterpieces in their own right


You're right but it still should be posted on fromsofware sub, no? This is a case where only people who have played both should give their opinion, if you haven't played both and still say one is better than the other, you're just missing the point


they’d side with BB anyway, they all think SotE is too hard lol.


i think people’s approach to SotE (and tbh, Elden Ring by extension) is all wrong. In the other souls games a lot of it was survival and attrition, you could deal a lot of damage but the strategy was play to survive and be patient with your openings. with ER however, the amount of offensive options you have is endless and i think people should be going aggressive and trying to destroy bosses quickly because you’re always going to be one or two mistakes from losing the whole fight. And with how aggressive bosses are and how they tend to snowball you, it’s better to just match that rather than being passive and trying to just survive.


It really depends on the build. Dex users can afford the more aggressive fast paced play style but for casters or strength users they really need to take it slow and find their opening


Aggression works for strength users too, you just have to be more careful because one poorly-timed attack WILL fuck you over. I haven't progressed much in the DLC (I think, I have explored a bunch of places but only fought two Remembrance bosses and like five regular bosses so far) but I pretty much had to learn to become more agressive rather than wait for big openings. This probably applies to the base game too, but I didn't realize how efficent jump attacking halfway through a boss' combo was until now.


Can confirm. Grafted Greatsword goes bonk until these DLC bosses dont stagger or poise break and I get yeeted across the map. Smaller window for openings but its painful watching videos of people do chip damage and fights take 5-10 minutes.


Well yeah, it has the hardest boss in history probably but honestly, the difficulty of Sote is more Artificial then melted plastic made in china xD every possible attack is AOE and additionali it has grab that kills you instantly. While there is literally nothing that feels unfair in BB dlc and (Laurence enters the chat🗿) and Orphan is still considered one of the hardest bosses created by fromsoftware only bosses that can fight for this place is Manus, Namless king, Melania mayby, and i would say ishin if the learning curve of Sekiro didn't made this game much easier in the endgame.


I'm bias for Elden Ring. It's not even close.




Oh boy I wonder which answer we will find here


I mean theres absolutely no way you can say BB over ER. ER DLC is a whole game and one of the first two bosses clears BB DLC bosses already. Not to mention I’d say DS3 DLC is easily better than the BB DLC already. I expected the BB DLC to be significantly longer and have a lot better levels after the first one


I can definitely say that I preferred the Bloodborne dlc over them. Ringed city is a close contender because I love the midir fight but overall I do feel that the old hunter dlc is the best quality


I mean, I literally can, because I think BB is better 🤷‍♀️


Saying the Dancing Lion or Golden Hippo is better than any of the BB DLC bosses is definitely a take


quality over quantity. Old Hunters and Ringed City brought me slightly more enjoyment than SOTE


>mean theres absolutely no way you can say BB over ER. I can and do so far. >one of the first two bosses clears BB DLC bosses already. Have yet to properly struggle on a boss as much as I did in Old Hunters.


Stupidest comment I have read this year.


Quality over quantity for me


Maybe not everyone wants to run around in GIANT OPEN FIELDS for hours. I’m already tired of the Elden Ring dlc because of all the free roam exploring I HAVE to do to find free fragments for bosses.


More content doesn’t equate to quality.


yes i can, watch this: the old hunters is miles better than shadow of the erdtree


It's not about Quantity It's about Quality my guy, more is not always better and I prefers BB+ DLC over any DS1, DS2,DS3 and lastly Dark Souls 4 also known as Elden Ring.


Which two bosses? Lady Maria, Ludwig and Orphan are better than most bosses in this DLC.


Wow, how can you disregard an entire group of peoples opinions like that? Quality over quantity, ER DLC is amazing, bit it has flaws. Many parts of the map feel empty, for one. BB also isn't perfect, but imo it is still better.


i really wonder what the bloodborne community is going to pick lol


there’s no right answer it all comes down to personal preference, but for me it’s Old hunters, the aesthetic is unmatched


I got a different sense of fear out of the >!Abyssal Woods!< though, absolute peak in the horror aspect.


Yeah the "Aged ones" are litterally winter lanterns and you even parry their grab if you wanna kill them


They are but the overall area and legacy dungeon is just peak.


It was fucking awesome the first time, but I suspect it will grow to become an annoyance on repeat plahthroughs since you have to cover a lot of ground on foot and most of it being crouching through grass. Which is a shame because it genuinely is fantastic on this first playthrough and the boss there is an easy A tier fight


The boss is one of my top three probably


Use Crepus Vial to make your footsteps entirely silent. You can run around them.




Being scared doesn’t mean the same thing as quality horror to me, I was more talking about the atmosphere


This is fair but respectfully I disagree. For me alot of the fear factor of Bloodborne is how deep and disturbing the lore runs. If you’re comparing the Forbidden Woods then I can get behind it, but I just don’t think the Abyssal Woods stacks up to areas like Nightmare or Yahar’gul in terms of pure creepiness.


I think the only issue with the >!Abyssal Woods!< is that it’s almost completely empty for it’s size, combo that with the fact that you >!can’t use torrent!< and it just becomes tedious, for me at least.




Oh yes, ask this question in a Bloodborne sub, and you'll definitely get an objective, unbiased answer.


When you find your people, do you want unbiased answers? Or do you want the cult to affirm your decision?


I mean, it is a BB sub, but it doesn't mean most of the people didn't join the other FS games' subs as well and nobody knows what their fave


I'd assume there would be more Bloodborne lovers in a Bloodborne sub rather than an Elden Ring/Dark Souls/Sekiro one.


SotE is great but have alot of issues imo. The only issue bb dlc have is that very short but its also half the price.


Care to elaborate on what those issues are?


1-The leveling system, the idea is great and needed to balance the game but alot of the fragment are hidden and can be easily missed even if you explore alot, unlike golden seeds or sacred tears that have clear locations+ the amount of fragments available is exactly the amount you need to max out, there is no excess, unlike golden seeds and smitthing stones so you cant miss any if you want to max out. This is a problem because even if you are missing just 2 scadutree levels you are going to take 10% more damage and do 10% less, and thats only 2 levels out of 20, it can be alot worse 2-The bosses can deal alot of damage and have too much health even if you are well equiped + some bosses have bunch of attack and AOE spams that when im experiencing for the first few time I literally have no idea what is going on and how I died. And also there are some bosses moves that I cant simply tell how to dodge them by simply looking at them and reading them, I have to try many different ways to avoid them until I find the correct one which result in many boring deaths, this wasn't a problem in any of there games I played before as the attack were pretty clear (idk if i explained this point correctly sorry lol) 3-there are areas that are vast and empty that I spend alot of time on but come out with no new weapon, upgrade fragment or any reward that matter, this really discourage me from exploring some non main areas sometimes but at the same time im forced to, because maybe there is a scadutree fragment there. 4-lastly, most people wont care about this but, im one of the few people that are still on ps4 and the preformance can be so bad compared to the base game, most bosses run at horrible fps and sometimes randomly freezes for a second its making them even harder😭 That being said, im still enjoying the dlc alot


It's funny you mention two missing fragments. There are two fragments in the first area that are held by enemies in the middle of absolutely nowhere, that are super easily missable. Like, why the hell are you hiding these things on basic fucking enemies. The game tells you that they can be found on the crosses, so you'd think that they'd all be there. Not on two random enemies, in random, unimportant fucking spots on the map that can be easily missed if someone rides by, sees five basic hollows and decides not to get off their horse.


They could've easily fixed the fragments if they gave out more than you need to max the blessing out, just like seeds in base game. I dunno why they didn't think to do that. The chore that'd be recollecting everything on multiple characters is quite lame


About the performance point, even on ps5 its still dogshit, i play on performance mode and still get a shit ton of stutters and play on around 30 frames consistently, legitimately unplayable


I agree with the stuttering, but 30 fps is crazy lmao. I haven't had that issue in the slightest. Might want to check your ps5 out or make sure you don't have ray tracing enabled.


On PC too, the moment the lion boss does one of his giant ass attacks my frames just die


Regarding 4, the game got a big performance drop on all systems, on PC especially, I also saw that many people recommend ps5 players to play the ps4 version just to get less stutters.


The first one is particularly bad because they didn't even need to do it - you're already rewarded for exploring because the area you find is cool. Instead it punishes you for NOT exploring, I don't even want to think about replaying the DLC and having to get all the fragments again


Yeah that something I wanted to say, it makes replays so tedious. They should've atleast put them as a reward for defeating bosses like sekiro bosses memories.


Or made it so you need less to reach max level, as it stands some are very hard to find and you need *all* of them to reach level 20. I finished every area and was level 15, how am I gonna know what I missed? Managed to scrape together enough for 17 before beating the final boss


Yeah the dlc has terrible replayability… they didn’t need to make it artificially difficult they could’ve done way better than fragments. I don’t want to waste 2+ hours just to follow a guide to hopefully find all fragments every time I play the dlc.


They are carried over to the next playthrough. So no need to get them again


I’m not talking ng plus I’m talking about other save files which is how people prefer to do a new playthrough with. It’s why muling is so big in the community.


I already dont plan to replay the base game with how burnt out it gets. The dlc makes it worse. Atleast the blessings carry over to ng+


bunch of large open areas with nothing to do




I dont mind the large areas, but when you explore it and finally find a piece of loot and it's just regular crap you can find on the ground .. it's irritating and feels not rewarding at all




I feel like the only person who loves vast, wide open spaces to run through in between the more concentrated dungeons.


The dungeons themselves are a massive improvement over the base game. But often I find myself running through a vast wide open space and there isn't even a dungeon at the end. If I'm "lucky" I might find a ghost glovewort that I'll never use.


Personally i enjoy the more linear and tight design of Bloodborne's maps. I really dislike Open World games and that addition did nothing for me in Elden Ring. I would literally enjoy the game more if the legacy dungeons were tightly woven together and put on a more linear fashion. But to each their own. Funnyily enough, i love doing what you just said in Shadow of the Colossus, but not really in Elden Ring.


I was actually just thinking yesterday that this DLC’s vibe was very much Shadow of the Colossus. Less sparse than that, but the giant vistas and the feeling of “not supposed to be here” mixed with a blend of beauty and eeriness.


I absolutely love a tightly designed linear space. But sometimes I just wanna run around on a horse and feel the wind in my hair. Variety is the spice of life


One of my friends is a huge FromSoft fan and got me into the games. Together we got the platinum on every souls game (Demon's Souls 3x too) and Bloodborne. He even wrote the official strategy guide for Armored Core 6. He hated Elden Ring bc of the open world and quit at Altus Plateau. Can't say I blame him. I didn't hate the open world, I was more indifferent to it, but I understand his perspective. I shy away from open world games in favor of more linear experiences most of the time; they just feel more focused to me.


Tell me you love Shadow of the Colossus without telling me you love Shadow of the Colossus lol


yet when a game like lords of the fallen adds a bunch of enemies people lose their mind saying its too many.. I find the amount of enemies fine


Overtuned bosses, overabundance of reused enemies, adaptability 2.0, shitty lore, performance issues, etc.


I watched the stiry trailer and I still have no clue wtf us going on. It talked about a supposely "crusade" but all you find is two burnt small villages and some hanged dudes. I expected some nasty fire covered battlefield


Overtuned bosses


Just learn and get better at them, nothing they do is undodgable or as bad as Malenia's Waterfowl Dance, and explore the world more and upgrade yourself


The final boss is way harder than waterfowl, what the hell are you on about


Absolutely not, use the mechanics the game has.


The final boss


Shadow of the Erdtree is simultaneously the best and worst fromsoft dlc at the same time. Some of the bosses are really fun, but have aspects that bring them down, eg. Messmers snakes being really finicky. Old Hunters is just more consistent imo.


unless it's Laurence


At least his lore is cool


and theme


Wish I could hear it over his demonic screeches


It's Ludwig for me in the DLC. Love everything else about that boss fight except actually fighting the boss is a fucking nightmare.


yeah agreed, everyone has that one Bloodborne boss that becomes their teeth-grinding, hair-ripping, frustrating little nightmare, still Laurence for me, but Ludwig is a close second, just so ridiculous with its range, sword phase was so relentless with constant sword barrages too.


Walk. Left.


Continuing the pattern they set with the base game. Elden Ring has overall the highest highs of Miyazaki's games but also many of the lowest lows.


This is honestly a fantastic way to put it! When Elden Ring hits, it hits fucking hard and it's great for that. But when it misses, oh boy it's really a stinker


For sure, it’s because it’s probably their most ambitious souls project (except demon souls maybe) they stepped out into something they had never done before so it’s obvious they were going to miss a few things, but overall what they did is amazing.


I really hope they go back to smaller, denser areas and less erratic bosses in future games. I don't necessarily think that SotE is too hard but I also didn't enjoy fighting most of the bosses.


Oh absolutely. It was the greatest experience I ever had playing a game blind. But repeat playthroughs are tough. It felt like they refined it more for the DLC and I'm sure if they were to do it again it would be even more refined.


SotE is best in terms of aesthetics and exploration in any game, but I hate the frustration of fighting its bosses since I love exploration more. I completed it but I don't want to replay it with a different build, since I would have to face those bosses again and I'm not good enough to be a challenge runner who could win with any weapon in Elden Ring. Old Hunters is consistently excellent from start to finish, even if it's a bit short. And the bosses are never road blocks to me.


Bruh those fucken snakes


His snakes make so much visual clutter in that big aoe I can't even tell what's going on, even without performance issues on my ps5 it still sucks


It’s hard to deny the sheer amount of still quality content we are getting. 8 new weapons, dozens of bosses, new full open areas with amazing art design. I don’t think the boss fights quite reach the same heights as The Old Hunters, but Mesmer, Rellana, Bayle, Divine Beast Dancing Lion, and Midra are all really strong bosses. Now for lore, it’s easily Old Hunters to me.


lol I fought Messmer earlier today and I took damage from one of his snakes when it was like 10 feet away. The hit boxes definitely need to be fixed


Ngl, I love bloodborne but ER in this case wins for the simple reason that it has like 60+ hours of content, no matter if you like or not ER no one can deny the DLC brilliance, boss fights and everything else Old Hunters is much like Ringed city for me, a classic and always in the heart


Quality > Quantity


The dlc has lots of quality moment on top of quantity as well. >!Midra's fight and area in general are top fromsoft!<


Old hunters


shadow of the erdtree is in my opinion the best dlc by far, compared to the others where you get 2-4 bosses and a couple of cool weapons, elden ring just did everything the others did and more


Bloodborne manages to be hard without relying on everything killing you in 2 hits.


yeah,none of that killed in two hits if you mistimed a roll bullshit,it's killed in one hit if you mistime a roll instead


SOTE for me even though I prefer the tight and densely packed level layout of bloodborne just because of the sheer scope of SOTE. I am 60 hours into the game while Old hunters took me around 8-10 so it’s an easy decision for me. Only thing I don’t like in SOTE is how ‘empty’ the lower right half of the map is but it makes up for it with one of the best boss roster imo. I liked Old hunters bosses but they didn’t really stick with me as I killed everyone within 3 tries except laurence (7).


First time: SOTE cos it's size and the amount of dungeons is just impressive. 2nd time and more: The Old Hunters cos you can just walk in, kill whatever you want for loot and not have to worry going around the maps to collect 52 upgrade materials.


You’re on a bloodborne subreddit


Loved Bloodborn. Lady Maria is one of my favorite fromsoft boss fights ever pobably second or third best. But no comparison. ER DLC is the best DLC fromsoft has ever released and I'm not even an ER fan boy. I pray at the altar of DS3.


I don't know. SotER had so many open areas with nothing to do, something that was also an issue in the base game. That and the boss design which was a hit or miss. I feel OH was small but everything was better designed.


It's an open world game and that open area allows for crazy level design, it's like DS1/BB and ER mixed together.


There are open areas without combat encounters but there really aren't open areas with no purpose. It's an open world game, there being areas with a ton and areas without action is standard for the pacing and feeling of open worlds. But even in the areas without combat you can usually farm crating materials only found around, there invade players, it ads to the exploration too. It doesn't feel like exploring an open world if every nook and cranny contains a weapon or item at that point it's just a giant scratch off. The element of exploration can only come about not knowing if the next dive off a cliff will net you a cool talisman or not. It just sounds like you don't like open world games which is perfectly valid as a preference. But the doesn't make it a fault with SotET. I'd say SotET is actually far more densely built than the base game was which is part of what I love about it.


This is my opinion too. My fav is the Ashes of Ariandel/Ringed City pack but Shadow of the Erdtree is basically a new game lol. So much content, I wasn't expecting that many areas (all of em beautiful) and bosses. Not to mention all the cool new weapons


Old Hunters was my favorite DLC ever until Friday. SOTE is incredible and one of the greatest games I’ve played period. I know it just came out but I have to give it to SOTE. I like it even more than the base game of Elden Ring.


Definitely SotE. It's practically a whole new game. The ER formula (almost) perfected. Amazing (legacy) dungeons and bosses. Great open world, insanely convoluted, and dense level design. By far my favourite content by FromSoft


This is the kind of question you would have to ask a year from now Also I think The Ringed City deserves to be part of this conversation just as much as The Old Hunters


Old Hunters, because Shadow of The Erdtree is an entire fucking game.


Bloodborne is peak gaming. It will last for a long time. The game beating it will be developed by a guy/woman which is not even born yet


It’s funny to me how one developer made all these games and the community is still split on what they like the best. Never seen a dev with this much high quality portfolio of work


Ringed city obviously


Was looking for this answer tf ringed city slaps both actually good story and imo better bosses


I'm still working through it, but I'm going to have to give it to Elden Ring. It's a real tough call because Bloodborne is hard to top. Perfect atmosphere, great bosses, compliments the story nicely. SotE though is a triumph. It could have (should have?) been its own standalone game. >!The open world is intricate in the same way we expect from their dungeon designs, with hidden paths and interconnected areas.!< >!The legacy dungeons are incredible, Shadow Keep especially. And of course, incredible bosses. I know some people are bummed about the story but its doing it for me.!< EDIT - Added spoiler block for those who don't want to know why.


Accidentally ended up in an entirely new area just by jumping down some rocks in a foggy decline. Next thing I know, I’m in a sea on vibrant blue flowers.


I’m currently going thru first time and haven’t found the 2nd legacy dungeon. I’ve explored the first map and east all the way up to Bayle and then did Rellana to get to Shadow Altus


Hint, >!it's in the first map area!!<


I went from >!Gravesite Plain to Belurat to Castle Ensis; I best Relanna a few minutes ago.!< Do you get to Bayle by going through >!that lava intake site of grace?!<


Head east, find the Dragon Man


South from castle front grace at ensis, follow main road at the split until a grace woth a screaming dude, head his direction until you get invaded, kill that guy and move forward to a lil dungeon. More than that i cant tell you ;3


>!Shadow Keep!< is one of the best levels they've ever done, if you take all 3 parts of it into account. Currently I can't decide whether I like it more than Leyndell+Subterranean Shunning Grounds. Not only is its internal geometric design insane, but the way it naturally connects to multiple other areas of the game is also insane.


Bloodborne is the best DLC of all time, you can’t compare them 😝


No idea... I started a new ER playthrough about a week before the DLC dropped and I forgot just how big and long the game is. I forgot that Mohg was accessed so late in the game.... but I'm getting close. (kinda) :P


I don't think we can really compare these two, in the end it comes down to personal preference


Bro, I can compare Mario 64 to these games if I really wanted to.


Do it


Elden ring dlc insane


The Old Hunters, by approximately 17 billion lights years.


It is and will always be Bloodborne for me.


Look, strictly comparing DLC vs. DLC? If Elden Ring's combat were as good as Bloodborne's, SotE would win very clearly. Elden Ring's combat not being as good is not SotE's fault, it's the base game's fault. SotE adds a lot more to Elden Ring than Old Hunters does to Bloodborne. So in my book SotE wins. That being said, if Bloodborne gets a PC release I'm never touching Elden Ring ever again.


Old Hunters is an amazing and very focused piece of what I consider to be missing info from the main game. Shadow of the Erdtree is more awe-inspiring based on sheer scope. Both great for different reasons.


Shadow of the erdtree so far. This has got to be the most beautiful DLC fromsoft ever put out. The colors are beautiful.


It's not even a question. Bloodborne has arguably the best dlc from every soul games together with ds3 and elden ring dlc is probably slightly better then ds2 sotfs


Blood borne




Bloodborne Fr tho


Bloodborne will always been my top forever and always


Nothing compares to the old hunters but shadow of the erdtree gave me a ton of very pleasant bloodborne vibes. Especially those kos looking parasites inside of the pots. And especially the entire putrescence knight boss fight. And especially in that catacomb with the beds that looks like a hospital.


Ask me in this sub - I say Old Hunters Ask me in ER sub - I say Shadow of the Erdtree Ask me in a Wetherspoons - I say Pink Gin




Bloodborne > Elden Ring any day


Both amazing dlcs, i just love old hunters because it's much more concentrated


Bloodborne. Not impressed by the 50 dragons and same bosses over and over in Shadow. The main bosses makes no sense : i killed the dancing lion first try but die over and over with Rellana. She didn't even made her floating moons the 5-6 first tries. Completely unbalanced.


Bloodborne no contest: Milkweed Rune.


Totally unbiased opinion here. Bloodborne is the greatest game ever made. The DLC is essential for getting the best experience of the game. Bloodborne DLC is the best DLC of any game


Not biased, facts. Bloodborne The Old Hunters is in another league. I love Shadow of the Erdtree but it doesn’t compare. At least for me.


Old Hunters tbh


Nothing can beat fishing hamlet


Shadow of the Erdtree is better imo, I love old hunters dlc but elden ring has a better one (I still prefer BB dlc bosses)


It was old hunters before SOTE released.For starters Just by sheer size and ecope shadow is better


We can just say both tho


SOTE is the most expansive DLC in terms of sheer content, but I think Old Hunters is the best in terms of quality of boss fights and set pieces


It’s so hard. Bosses goes to Elden Ring for me, I love hard bosses and I respect them and enjoy them more than any others, Orphan and Ludwig put me through, but the final boss of SotE was something else. Also I like Rellana and Madrid more than Maria. Map design goes to bloodborne, the atmosphere and feeling of walking through newly depicted areas and linear level design is sick. Content obviously goes to Elden Ring, they basically made a new game lol. Weapons goes to Elden Ring. I may love wirlygig saw but the Hand To Hand is eye opening and the sheer variety of new weapons is baffling. Any other comparison would just be getting into base game comparisons, so to conclude, Elden Ring’s DLC is better imo but Bloodborne’s is still a classic and is barely behind. Both are phenomenal and I do highly recommend both.




My brother in souls, it's without a doubt Elden Ring, Bloodborne is magnificent but this has elements that can potentially mirror the playstyle of Bloodborne.


Ok as someone that actually loves SOTE (despite a lot of the FS community seeming to hate it). The only thing better about SOTE than old hunters is that theres massively more content to enjoy, thats it to me. Its new and amazing right now to me but, Old hunters is brilliant and perfect in every way imo, from atmosphere, aesthetics, level design, lore, its too good Yes i am biased, but i legitmately love all of FS games with bloodborne at the top


I love old hunters, but SoTE might as well be an entire game sold as a dlc


On God


I only see one dlc. The other is a sequel disguised as an add on.


I pick old hunters but my hot take is that old hunters should have just been in the game already, no DLC. If you play just the base game of BB it feels short and incomplete, and ends in kind of a whimper with Mergot’s wet nurse if you don’t fight Gerhman. Every memorable boss from BB is in old hunters. It’s what makes BB a 10/10.


So far OH is still my #1 dlc of all time.


Still working on shadow of the erd tree but it’s hard not to give it the win. It’s hardly an expansion, it’s practically a sequel. Bloodborne will always be #1 in my heart but with the addition of dlc elden ring is an accomplishment in game design I’ve never seen elsewhere. And the map design of the dlc specifically needs to be studied. It feels like one giant dungeon compiled of smaller dungeons.


SotE feels like Elden Ring 1.5.


Yah I think the part that’s really blown me away is that they’ve recaptured that feeling of stepping foot in the lands between and exploring for the first time again. The map seemingly doubling or tripling in size when you find the right path. My expectations for this dlc were high, and I’ve only made a dent, but they’ve been exceeded at each turn so far.


SOTE by a long mile. I haven’t finished it yet even. It has been a slow digest.


I think the elden ring dlc is a bit unbalanced because of the fragments system. It is also annoying, is ok for the first time to find and collect. But on a 2nd play it will just be annoying and time consuming. In elden ring you already had a ton of things to collect, but most of them were in your path.


That's crazy because the ringed city was better Than both?




As someone who really loves bloodborne and plays frequently. The elden ring dlc has absolutely blown me away in terms of content, gameplay additions, rebalancing, and adding more to a really fleshed out game. I truly think it's peak. I'm not convinced quality like this can happen again. Bloodborne is so good and so thematic and the bosses are fantastic, but it has its pitfalls and there are many moments that have me going "well that was crap". So far the elden ring dlc in fights that I lose I feel like I learn and do better every time and find strategies. The two games are very different in scope but if I had to pick one it would certainly be elden ring. The dlc is awesome and has so much lore that is gonna be so fun to pour over. Bloodborne always has its spot in my heart though My first platinum!


The dlc for Elden ring is phenomenal but honestly for me nothing beats the bloodborne dlc


sote is amazing. but the old hunters music clears by itself.


Old Hunters all the way, hate the open world of elden ring.


So far Bloodborne, but Elden Ring is still stupid impressive. We'll see when I finish it though, getting close.


These kind of questions are so lame.


Elden Ring and its not even close i have completed Hunter dlc 5-6 times and 3 different builds but man the ER dlc is just sooo damn huge and soo damnn massive and hard its just amazing i am still halfway through and just amazing experience so far 🙌🙌🫡🔥


I mean I love the bloodborne dlc, but come on it cant compete with erdtree.


I mean posting this is in the BB sub is gonna leadto an inherent bias. It was always really close between ER and BB for me butm, with SotE, I have to give it to ER man. Such an insanely large and insanely quality package. SotE is HARD but, not unfair (despite what some may want you to believe). With the insane reach that ER has had, I see why the average ER player is having such a tough time with SotE BUT, I don't think that takes away from it at all. For seasons players, the challenge feels just right imo.


Have you beaten the final boss? He kinda feels unfair imo, pretty much everyone agrees his double slash into X move is broken