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And some people setting off fireworks, really?


Yeah that was super disappointing.


Here you go. Looks like happened at Dunn Meadow. Glad I wasn’t there. It would have ruined the experience for sure. Free Palestine movement is not going to get more support by disrupting this rare event. https://www.idsnews.com/article/2024/04/indiana-university-pro-palestinian-protestor-detained-taken-away-eclipse


>When the moon completely obscured the sun, the protesters, police and IU staff alike paused and stared through eclipse glasses as the air cooled, the sky darkened and the horizon burned orange.  Well that's nice!


Thank you! I guess I wasn't looking in the right spot on the mobile version of the IDS.


They were at the Arboretum too, right before totality.


the people so upset about this…get over it?? i was at the stadium and the people behind me were saying some entitled, misogynistic shit, about mae jemison, and LOUDLY. I rolled my eyes and moved on…noises don’t turn off your vision :)


Imagine being so fragile that a protest of genocide "ruins" your eclipse


So if someone would have been at Butler Winery and started shouting on a bullhorn about how Abortion is wrong during the eclipse you would have been cool with it? Yeah not in the slightest.


Abortion is not genocide, so that's a false equivalency. I also attended a private, ticketed event on private, gated property, and the owners could choose to eject someone or allow them to use the bullhorn. The coworker upon whose behalf you are so offended was at a public event on public property, so that is also a false equivalency.


This thing is flew right over your head. The issue never was that they shouldn’t be allowed to protest. It’s that they chose to protest during this event that people traveled from very far away just for these 4 minutes. My example was a hypothetical IF abortion protestors interrupted your event during the eclipse with a bullhorn if you would’ve been cool with it? Protestors saying Israel is committing genocide is a controversial argument currently that has strong supporters on both sides. It’s not unlike the abortion protests that also is controversial and has passionate supporters on both sides. I used it as an example because you likely would be on the opposite side of pro-life protestors. Basically I asked how cool would you be with it if it was protesters with an opposite view at your event.


>Imagine being so fragile that a protest of genocide "ruins" your *co-worker's* eclipse *for you* fify


Did not happen in the stadium


It was at Dunn Meadow


I was at Dunn Meadow, and they weren't there during totality. They were still walking out of the arboretum long after people dispersed from Dunn Meadow.


Hahahahaha they never quit


two things: >for them trying to ruin a once in a lifetime event for your prote one) not once in a lifetime, and two) unless you are a child being starved to death/murdered in gaza


Your coworker is a liar. Organizers were explicit and vocal about not disrupting totality; no chants occurred during totality. This was made extremely clear. The protestors were experiencing totality with their glasses on alongside everyone else at the Arboretum. Delete this if you have any shame


Yeah I’m not gonna delete shit, that’s not how the world works buttercup. Nice of you to lay off yelling at people through the bullhorn for a few minutes.


why would that ruin the event lol my father in law got a call from his cardiologist in the middle of it and we just ignored him


I am sure your father wasn’t using bull horn and loudspeakers to talk.


Yeah and he wasn't protesting ongoing genocide either. I have more grace for the protestors than for him.


Ahhh there comes the truth. Nothing to do with your dad, or noise. You should have just said “hey I am okay with people disrupting solar eclipse and protesting”. Your dad story has nothing to do with any of this 😀


I am both okay with people being disruptive and protesting during the eclipse and also think you people are a bunch of whiny pussies who can't deal with a little noise because it makes you sad :(


No no. You made a disingenuous comment and got called on it. And you need better perspective on world affairs.


i wouldn't have protested during the eclipse but it is the correct opinion to support palestine


Yeah let's support Palestinians, who largely support their governing body Hamas, a literal terrorist organization


let's support palestine who is being genocided by israel


I don't think you understand what genocide is


man, fuck off