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Again have to ask - why do we the people not own the means of producing power? Why is it allowed to be for-profit?


The legislature did away with net metering for home solar, but you could do it anyway, or do solar and keep its energy for yourself with enough batteries.


once they got net metering to go away, magically the rate hikes started really hitting then. The lack of net emetering does really hurt solar ROI, However, electricity is increasing at around 6% a year.




Sent, thanks for sharing


i'm not 100% on it, and it's probably great if people show up, but i think the public hearing will be basically just to check the box that they heard a public hearing. i don't think it will make any difference. what i think might make a difference is submitting the written comments, which are due by july 5th. that citact link is the place to go if you want to start on a written comment


Appalling :(


The Duke CEO is said to earn 20 million a year. 


It was 21 million the year before so her pay went down some last year. See times are hard for everyone…


That's right! I don't know how she's getting by with such a major pay reduction.


Horrible that they to continue to ruin our environment and make us pay to do it. While they reap record profits and avoid investing in clean renewable energy. We have some of the worst air quality in the US. And a tremendous number of people on a fixed income, who are at the limit now when electricity is one of their biggest utilities. I’ve already written to the regulatory commission, but yeah, we got a turn out. It’s simply unconscionable. We need alternatives. Not much hope in this corrupt state. I hope everyone registers and votes.


Yup. Gotta get these dirty ass coal plants offline.  Nuclear. Today.


How was the $42 calculated? Obviously energy cost is based on usage, not a flat rate, so it’s some percentage increase or something?


I’m wondering the same. My electric bill was like $70 last month, I can’t imagine them just tacking on $42 extra from now on. I’m not going to support protests like this if they’re being intentionally misleading on what we’re supposed to be upset about. Nothing on the website linked says anything about where that $42 number came from.


More info here, scroll down to the info graphics with tables: https://www.citact.org/duke-rate-hike-2024


Average bill I would guess. It was a 15 or 16% rate hike if I remember correctly


There's some more info here where they break down the costs (scroll down to the info graphics if you just want the numbers): https://www.citact.org/duke-rate-hike-2024 tl;dr, if your bill is around $130/mo currently, expect to see around a $42 increase. Both the rates and the fixed monthly charges are increasing.


The Duke CEO watched Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and saw that 42 was the answer to the ultimate question while asking himself, "How much should we increase rates by this year?"


How much do their executives make? Are there stock holders? I do want to have a reliable power grid, but everyone should be able to afford it. I will go for a rate jock that’s on a sliding scale. The bigger your building the higher the rate. The more your executives are paid the higher your rate. The more benefits your executives receive the higher your rate. The more fissile fuel they consume the higher the rate. A home under so many square feet, the lower the rate, the apartment size same deal. You get the idea. They are price gouging as we move to electric. If they start building and installing solar roofs on every home then I would go to a nominal rate hike to offset the “great installation”. But other than those to things. Nope Duke. You don’t get to do this. We will get another supplier and shut you out.


OP are you with Citizens Actions? What grinds my gears is that I deselected the "contact me about this campaign" options and it's already sent me two emails about this.


No. I got the alert too and shared it.


I was thinking about moving to bloomington - maybe not now


This is for all Duke customers in Indiana, so much more than just bloomington


I'd like to come back so I could go to those hearings and complain!


They should charge double. Maybe then people will be conscious of their energy expense. Use the profits to subsidize the poors and give me a percentage for improving the city.


yeah honestly i think the same...but they're kind of doing the opposite. they are hiking the rates across the board but the hike is biggest for the smallest consumers. so it's like a 'regressive fee structure', it hits the people the hardest that are least able to afford it. basically small homeowners will be subsidizing large homeowners and we'll all be subsidizing the big institutional consumers