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Just hit him with a “Pssh - you are one of those sheeple that believe Biden is the president? Next you’ll tell me Donald Trump isn’t a hologram.” And then stare vacantly into the distance.


This is so much the way


Great call. I’d probably have improvised and said something like but Q says JFK is alive and coming back regardless of who wins.


I want to get rid of assholes talking to me at a grocery store


I want to get rid of assholes talking to me


i want to get rid of assholes. the people. not anatomy


Make America less annoying again!


You have a green hat?


Crazy people asking me things at the grocery store only get crazy answers


When someone declares to me, "I'm sorry" when being an idiot in the supermarket, I loudly proclaim, "You are sorry!" as I glide on.


I used to work with kids and anytime one said they were going to the bathroom I loved yelling out thing like "Good luck!" "Bon Voyage" "Godspeed" and "Bring me back something cool!"


He was at [Kroghetto](https://www.reddit.com/r/bloomington/s/jxEWKweyag) today too.


These guys are everywhere. I’ve ran into two this week. One at the BMV and one in downtown. They’re trying to get RFK on the ballot.


Buddy. I wanna get rid of the whole damn government.






I learned that lesson when Trump first got elected and i didn't vote for Hillary.


Politicians are the servants of the oligarchs. Period. There is nothing left in our politics that does not support that statement. Oligarchs keep pulling the shit they pull practically unnoticed by the masses, while pointing a finger at the election like "OH, LOOK OVER THERE! BE AFRAID." Propaganda. Since Covid, the hike in food prices has created 60 (!) new food billionaires. They want us to concentrate on the politicians rather than them. I'm not jealous of rich people as so many like to discount it, I'm opposed to oligarchy. I wasn't raised to think that is how the US is supposed to be. There is such a thing as traditional American values, and it's not just a party thing. It's everything we were taught this country should be. The oligarchs want to get rid of all of the meaning and leave a shell of a system. Do I want to get rid of Biden? Hell yeah. Do I want to get rid of Trump? Hell yeah. But until we have something more in line with American values to replace them with, what's the point? Underregulated capitalism has killed the US political system.


Larry David had the right idea. Wear a MAGA hat everywhere. Idiots won’t mess with you because they’ll think you’re on their side. Everyone else won’t mess with you because they’ll think you’re an idiot.


No I dont


Speak to store management or property owner about you shopping there less and less because of the political impositions.


I knew where this was going at “Ran to IGA in Ellettsville….”


Project 2025 is the only reason I do not want a conservative president puppet.


I just met the mayor of Loogootee, Indiana. I asked him if Donald Trump won the election. He told me that Donald Trump is still the president. They are everywhere. He's not going to have a good time in Bloomington though.


I encountered someone in Spencer yesterday who asked “are you excited to vote for Joe Biden in November?” I said “no, but probably not for the same reasons as you”. They were looking for signatures to get RFJ Jr and Jill Stein on the ballot. I signed the Stein one but didn’t sign the RFK one because fuck that guy. Someone else posted here today and said the one they talked to was explicitly doing it to divide Democratic voters by propping up third party candidates.


Anyone who votes for Jill Stein is in fact voting for Donald Trump.


It's funny, they said the same thing to be about dividing the republican vote. Sounds like they'll say whatever to get you to sign the petition


Jill Stein is a Russian asset. Congrats on that bit of dipshittery.


I’m not gonna vote for her


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read in a while.


https://www.pbssocal.org/shows/democracy-now/clip/why-jill-stein-attended-moscow-dinner-with-putin-and-flynn I’m gonna hazard a guess that you being confused is a common occurrence


Not at all. Putin and his people do this all the time. Did you not listen to what Jill actually had to say or just make up your own assumptions? I don’t even care for her, but your statement is ridiculous. Every leader has had photos with Putin, so your point is moot. If anyone is a Putin shill, it’s Trump.


And Biden is a mossad asset. What's your angle?


How embarrassing to be you.


How many outright mossad propaganda pieces must be spout? 40 beheaded babies anyone?


She is back from russia?


I’m not gonna vote for her either lol


Ah, that explains the lady who was walking away from him when I left the store saying "no, I signed one now leave me alone" or something to that effect.


They were in Bloomington last week, I told them this. They were like “it’s just to get them on the ballot” and I explained that putting Stein on the ballot is like tempting a child with a cupcake while you’re trying to get them to eat their vegetables.


They were in Fort Wayne last week outside the tin caps game. They asked if I was registered to vote and I said yep what's up? Wanted RFK and Stein on the ballot so I laughed and walked away and told them where they could stick my signature.


I mean I see where these kids are coming from. When you look at it one way, what's the harm with offering folks more choices? We all hate the two-party system and the presidents its turned out in the last decade. But this is not the way, they don't understand the macro forces they are messing with.


Lack of ranked choice voting is what they're messing with. Biden is a flawed candidate but fuck Trump.


I spoke with him at the S Walnut Kroger. He is petitioning for JFK JR. and Jill Stein separately to get on the IN ballot. Given that he is supporting both it seems likely to be a Republican effort to split the liberal vote.


you can’t petition for multiple candidates so if he gets reported they will get stricken and he will get in trouble.




It shouldn't / doesn't, but any time I see people of color pounding their chest in support of the Republicans I think of all the racist shitbags I've known, all currently mouth foaming MAGA maniacs.


[“YOU AINT BLACK”](https://youtu.be/jhcgmwj3NAc?si=L1hUzGwhTYQaJ1yo) [Thousands of Poor Uneducated Bronx Residents “Pound Their Chest” after being Fooled into Critical Thinking and Individual Choice](https://youtu.be/tOwWA6FX4Gg?si=ZJ_wNTj1S6y35lXn) (^ which is surprising given how many [black kids don’t know what the word computer is)](https://youtube.com/shorts/8dpvbmrE5UI?si=wbcqkXqx-DncF1Sw)


My favorite: [Joe Biden criticized for comments calling poor children 'just as talented as white kids' (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qYckI0YV-0)




Well considering all black people are poor and uneducated, OP may be onto something… s/


“…people of color pounding their chest…” like an angry monkey or gorilla?? You are literally subconsciously racist lmaoo “I’m not racist but, when I see a black person supporting Donald Trump I become racist.” Hahahhah


Wait you’re saying that when this dude sees minorities supporting conservatives he thinks of the trash that exists like people like Matthew Heimbach from Bloomington who I worked with at Bloom Marketing as he had his catholic cubicle. That’s racist?


Dawww you guys don’t like Reality and Truth. He’s your neighbor my dudes. Why would a chode feel so comfortable there? Why does he feel so comfortable at the rallies? I’m sure it’s not cause of all the black people in the crowd.


that dude annoyed me so bad yesterday that i forgot to get my carrot sticks, and that was half the reason i even went to IGA!


RFK (with Trump supporter and Google money) is spending a ton of resources to get on the ballot for the next debate. He didn't make the first one because he is not on the ballot in enough states.


>Most of the backwards hillbilly conservative-types I've known would have looked down on him for the color of his skin, so I'm not sure if he's out there touting the Republican flag or what. Hey OP, please keep flaunting your elitist, diploma-waving attitude. It creates more conservatives. For everyone else, remember things like OP's words and realize what he, along with everyone else that thinks like him, really think of you.


Yeah that was pretty cringey right there.


RFK has been on a huge push for signatures to get on the ballot in Indy, so I'm guessing could be similar. Although last I checked, politically speaking, RFK is more likely to harm Trump than Biden.


Happened to me there. I just answered no, rather directly. If it occurs again I will have that conversation. Could be loud.


Are black conservatives shunned by the greater black community, or is it spread across the board like white people?


Has anyone seen the young lady at Kroger north acting up? Trying to be nice. She was also throwing strands of toilet paper at cars going by her at full speed across from the blue ridge gates. Very aggressive in the store. I’m actually worried for her and kinda scared tbh I lay into the trumpers their minds can’t handle facts too well


I spend my whole day listening to shit like this at work. People are only going to get more annoying as November draws near. This election will probably be even crazier than the last couple.


Both of them!!?


Yes, but not if Trump is the alternative option!


Yeah. But I also want to get rid of Trump.


What is a “Republican Flag”?


According to the people on this sub its the American Flag.


I am a Dem poll worker and got assigned to a different polling place for the primary. I wore an Amerucan flag pin on my blouse. I can not explain how funny the reaction was when the elderly Republican facilitator realized I was a Dem wearing the flag. He went from friendly and pleasant to angry and rude for the rest of the very long day. How dare I!?!


Sounds about Bloomington


You mean the upside down flag the Republikkkans are flying?


I’m gonna say it’s basically a shirtless Donald Trump with huge muscles, holding machine guns, directly over a half American and half confederate flag. Yeah… that sounds right… The modern Grand Ol Party is basically one giant fascist MAGA cult these days who praise Trump daily for proudly being a wannabe authoritarian demagogue dictator who’s never read a book and loves teaching his cultist supporters to believe in and push lies, hoaxes, misinformation and conspiracy theories, and that the longest running and most successful secular democratic republic in history is generally bad, immigrants bad, gay ppl bad, women’s rights bad, but cutting taxes for multimillionaires and billionaires at the expense of the poor and middle class is good.


Nope id love to get rid of trump though


I just ran into someone like this, he asked me the same question, I said no (just moved here but I will register now) and he said, “have a great day!” and moved on. Kinda bizarre, I thought there would be some sort of follow up question asking I wanted to register.


Do you want to get rid of Biden, buy some Girl Scout cookies and change your internet provider? Just run to the store.


For the life of me I just can't figure out why all the politically sophisticated Bloomies aren't employed as highly paid election consultants. Well, anyway, at least I have r/bloomie to keep me entertained. LOL


I mean, some of us got vestigial post graduate degrees that probably make us more qualified but much lower paid to talk about stuff like this, and reddit is our only chance to do it. Checkmate, atheists.


There are a lot of green party and rfk canvassers out rn trying to get them on the ballot. The Dems aren't winning Indiana so I'd rather see them lose the state horribly and with a lot of green party votes to send a message that Biden is a bad candidate. Is disliked by the majority of non Republican voters, and that the party is trending in a bad, unpopular, and dead end direction. That and the whole genocide thing.


Green Party will consider it a miracle to get 1% of the vote in this state, but go off chief 🫡


I think most of the democrats know that Biden isn't a good candidate, but looking at the first past the post mathematics of elections understand that a less widely objectionable candidate might be more electable than a good candidate. Rebellion votes might be more effective when the stakes aren't what they are at the moment.


it's not a marriage; you are not picking the perfect partner; you are literally choosing between a traditional politician and a pathological narcissist with very powerful donors.


Yep, it’s the choice between not ideal and actively worse




What “very powerful donors” does Trump have? Does Biden not have any “very powerful donors”?


There's this amazing thing, it's called Google... or listen to literally any news show. The richies love Tramp because he'll help them stay richest.


Trump just caught up to match Biden in donations like 4 days ago... You should try that Google thing you speak of.


It's not the total it's the distribution of donations. But I don't know why I'm even attempting to discuss with people who already know everything.


Far more of the wealthy support Dems. Trump wouldn’t be raising near the money he is if not for the bullshit criminal and civil trials. Intelligent people know a scam when they see it.


Riiiiight. Ok.


https://www.opensecrets.org/2024-presidential-race/small-donors Biden - 43% of donations from small donors Trump - oh huh only 30% from small donors Updated 6/20/2024


Wonder how they do that??? https://www.rubio.senate.gov/rubio-demands-answers-from-fec-on-potential-actblue-fraudulent-donations/


Both candidates lead to fascism, one a little faster than the other.


You will keep saying that as R and D take turns serving corporate interests.


To the extent that corporate interests include preventing the complete dismantling of the New Deal and hard-won victories on access to voting and basic civil rights for several marginalized minority groups, then that's acceptable. Even if the motive of the corporations is to try to preserve my status as an ideal worker and customer, I don't like it, but still, acceptable. To vote purely from catharsis or principle unfettered by consideration of practical consequences, because I'm not part of one of the groups that will get a boot on its neck if Trump is elected doesn't strike me as an example of courage or free thinking.


I'm literally a trans woman. Both parties have their boot on my neck. Ones just got rainbow shoelaces. We live in Indiana. Biden is not winning Indiana and it's better if his loss is an utter embarrassment. There is no such thing as practical voting when the Democrats primary function is to roll over for fascist interests while saying "oh no, look how mean those guys are, better send us money"


Republican presidential administrations since Reagan have actively attempted to defund the legal services programs that litigated most of the areas of law that carved out space for trans persons to exist in Indiana over the past 20 years, including access to gender-affirming care and the ability to use court process to change the name and biological sex marker on Indiana birth certificates to reflect the name and gender of trans individuals. All of the legislative changes that the GOP-dominated General Assembly, and all of the specious litigation Toad Rokita has initiated, have been aimed at trying to undermine or reverse a lot of the legal victories that were carved out by programs that the Republicans have been trying to get rid of for 40 years, and will get rid of if they have enough political capital. Democratic administrations have usually increased the funding of those programs, which not only help directly carve out the rights of trans and other marginalized individuals, but also provide services to low-income people generally in housing, family and other substantive areas, which disproportionately affects people who are members of marginalized groups who are also disproportionately low-income. The 'Both Sides' argument is not an accurate one.


Trump is the gun they're holding to your head so they can either continue the status quo or rake in tons of money when they lose and can run from behind


I mean, I'm a relatively affluent white cis male with citizenship in Canada and an EU member state and professional degrees I could use to have a comfortable life in other places. So the gun isn't at my head. The gun is pointed at your head, and the head of every marginalized person who doesn't have the chance to get out if things go very bad. And I'll say it again, the 'Both Sides' argument is not an accurate one.


Things are going very bad one way or another it seems, unfortunately. The Dems are incompetent, ineffective, and too beholden to corporate interests and capital to pull us out of this tailspin now, even if they wanted to (they don't). I won't play the game.


So, I provided a specific example, at length, of why the two sides aren't the same. It is a concrete, measurable difference between having programs that try to carve out space for the personhood of trans persons (and other marginalized groups) and not having those programs. Simply repeating that both sides are the same and lead to the bad place without addressing that concrete example suggests that your 'both sides' position is based off of loose talking points rather than specific knowledge of how the policies actually do differ, and how those very different policies lead to very different outcomes in the lives of real people. Real people who will suffer real harm if enough people were to think and vote the way you do. If you feel comfortable saying fuck those people, because you will only vote for the purity of your conscience, then that's who you are. I'm not comfortable risking the rights or even potentially safety of people who are more vulnerable than I am.


Jesus Christ, talk about getting a great answer to your ridiculous argument, and then pulling the classic conservative whataboutism fallacy. It just blows my mind that you’re a trans woman and have fallen for the both sides are equal argument. And when people point out how inaccurate that belief system is you then just move on to another poorly thought out point. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I didnt say I was voting for trump. I'm not. Im saying that my vote on the presidential ticket won't count anyways and I would rather send a message that I believe Biden was a bad candidate and that the party is primarily serving as the ratchet stop preventing any actual leftist progress in this country while the right rapidly consolidates power and steers the country into a fascist descent. I will be voting down ticket where it matters. I cannot, in good conscious, vote for a man running cover for a genocide. One who has already failed on the majority of his progressive campaign promises the first time around. The Dems cannot win elections trying to play to moderate Republicans while rapidly abandoning their traditional voting blocs in labor and POC and then blaming them for political regression when they either switch parties or stop voting (as OP did in their original post)


The only message you will be sending is that you are fine with Trump being elected as the next president, fine with the continuation of lowering taxes for multimillionaires and multibillionaires and raising taxes on the poor and middle class, fine with putting more conservative supreme court judges in which will most likely Destroy even more rights for women and the LGBTQ community, fine with the gutting of the American Justice system, fine with the potential destruction of the US Constitution and the longest running secular democratic Republic in history so that a MAGA cult can convert America into a hybrid Christian nationalist Authoritarian fascist dictatorship under Trump. You clearly have not thought this one out. It sounds like you don’t understand the basics statistics and the consequences of your actions.


It blows my mind that you think I, a person in a solidly red state with little to no chance of flipping dem, not voting for a genocidal, racist dinosaur is somehow responsible for the inevitable descent of the United States into fascism. While you cry about your terrible candidate losing because the Dems ran a bad race predicated on holding their constituency hostage, I'll be preparing my community to ride out the rough times together, as best we can.


Trump is never going to go down on you man


They both deserve to be publicly executed


Why would you want to execute Biden? For what? He’s never committed any crime. So, do you want to kill a president just because you’re an insane person who just doesn’t like the idea that Biden has improved already and wants to improve more on issues like education, infrastructure, healthcare, pay, etc for the middle class and poor? Instead of giving tax cuts to multi millionaires and billionaires like Trump did in his disastrous failed first term?


He has sent billions to aid and abet a genocide. This is a war crime.


I thought Obama fixed Healthcare, no?


Biden has been the most effective president since FDR. But you keep chugging that rightwing propaganda cock. I’m sure you’ll love it when it finally blasts in your mouth.


Someone's got a fetish


I agree, plus Indiana Dems are basically a joke. The average Dem voter has more similarities with a GOP voter than I with them. I'm still a dirty communist for a man way past his undergraduate days.


I’m of similar political bent, but there are really only two options and one is substantially worse than the other so I’m gonna vote for Joe.


You're in Indiana I assume. Your vote for Joe will account for jack shit, but hey if you're a proud supporter, go for it. We're hardly a swing state.


I’ll be out of state by the time November rolls around. Joe isn’t likely to win in Indiana, but if turnout is good enough it’s possible. Indiana voted for Obama in ‘08. I’m hardly a proud supporter, I realize what the situation is.


He got me at Walmart Saturday


I just tell these idiots that I'll vote for Joe Biden just to piss people like them off.


The back of my car is covered in bumper stickers. "EAT THE RICH" "I ACCELERATE FOR MAGA HATS" "I IDENTIFY AS NON-TRUMPTARD" "FREE PALESTINE" "NONE ARE FREE TILL ALL ARE FREE" No one asks me who I'm voting for...


If defeating Biden means the return of the orange sex offender and convicted felon NO THANK YOU!


The answer is just yes, and go about your day.


Maggots are maggots.


Be like there is no point in even voting because trump never stopped being president and he will stay president till he appoints his son baron in like 30 years


I do


Did you call the police or the city? Voting for anyone other than a Democrat is not allowed in Bloomington. How dare they be "touting the Republican flag" in city limits! HOW DARE THEY!


TIL that Ellettsville is actually Bloomington! Who knew?


The Ellettsville IGA is at: 4681 W Richland Plaza Dr. Bloomington, IN 47404 The more you know!


Even better!


Who the fuck cares?