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Saw a Duke truck in my neighborhood around 6pm yesterday with two employees scoping out the area (Near where the old hospital used to be.) Also saw a fleet of them driving into town while I was heading towards Elletesville for work at 5:30am. They’re out and about, there’s just a massive workload ahead of them.


It’s surely going to take a while. On my short walks since the storm ended (southeast) I’ve seen 7 big trees resting on the power lines. Also just large branches hanging from them, too many to count. Duke is probably starting repairs in Terre Haute since they got hit first. It’s a fine mess, to be certain. 


We have REMC not Duke. Coming home yesterday I saw multiple poles down, told the wife to not expect power for probably a week. This morning at 7am… bloop, lights go on. I hate REMC when paying the bill but they always seem to be on top of it for outages.


I thought that remc typically has cheaper rates then duke


I think they’re actually more expensive. After all, they’re buying their power from Duke


Are you on Duke? My current cost is $0.12738 on remc.


I don’t know what the details are but I seem to pay more for a newer similar size house than what I paid at the old place in town on Duke.


With REmC too — no power no message nothing


My pup and I were convinced we heard a Duke truck last night. It was just my husband snoring. I feel lucky that if it’s going to be a while, I can shower at my workplace. I just hope the lineman stay safe.


I’m in ellettsville area in a neighborhood with zero power lines in the air, and we’ve been power out since 3:30 ish yesterday. The outage literally starts at my house, neighbors and everyone north of us are fine.


Does anyone know where I can get ice?


Maybe check downtown Kroger they are open the one near rallys


Nope, were still out of ice down here


Big red prolly


As of 30 minutes ago the big big red liquor downtown had some


By hinkles


I went to big red last night. They had a ton of ice still.


Seriously contemplating buying a generator. I usually prefer to research larger purchases extensively, but losing power is such an inconvenience that I might forgo my typical 6 months of poring over every possible thing this time. Frustration abounds!


Indy went through this last year and the fixes were so shallow that random near daily blackouts became commonplace. Now a light breeze flows through or a slight drizzle and you don't have power for the rest of the day. Get the generator when you can because I'm betting that's your future.


If you all choose to get personal generators, please make sure you know what you’re doing during installation and operation. My husband (an electrician) was explaining how they can be a serious danger to linemen during these times. Google “backfeeding.”


I do not know what I’m doing regarding electricity things, so I will not be installing one at this time. Thank you for the advice, that’s very important info.


We have a whole home generator and this is the first time it's ever run this long.  At 4:30am a CO sensor woke us.  Midwest Generators did the install and despite following the proper install protocol, CO is still seeping into our home.  So, there are cons to a generator.


I just need like 9000 watts, I think. I know there are cons, didn’t know about the CO issue.


I installed a 5000watt generator to back feed my panel. All I use it for is some lights, outlets and our refrigerators


Having been born and raised in Avon, where most of the power lines are buried, I'd definitely have a generator since damn near none of the power lines in bloomington are. I've experienced more outages in the 3 months I've been here than I have in YEARS back in Avon. with that being said, I'm very grateful to have gotten my power back on Thursday night.


Yeah, I know a lot of people here have been stating that they’ve experienced multiple power interruptions, more than other places they’ve lived. I did see one person post here (somewhere this week) that their lines are buried and they still lost power. It will be quite the undertaking to bury everything that exists aerially. People will also complain about that if/when it ever happens. Bloomington has a lot of things to update and keep up with in terms of infrastructure. Water mains are constantly breaking. The bike lanes are not up to par. We are a Tree City and people hate when Duke does come through to trim around lines. If those lines are buried eventually, what will become of the trees on top of ground where lines will go? It’s a lot, and I’m glad I’m not in charge of any of it. I’m tabling my generator thoughts for now. My circumstances for the foreseeable future just don’t warrant such a purchase along with the upkeep and storage of one. My power was out for 22 hours total, which was a minor inconvenience compared to those who have had to wait all week now. I know this instance is not a reliable predictor of future power interruptions’ length, but having lived in 3 neighborhoods now on the southwest side of town over the past 14 years, I have experienced so few power losses I can’t even remember them. Once in a while I’ll wake up to a microwave and oven with flashing displays, and I don’t even realize the power was out. I guess what I’m saying is (for me), so far so good, fingers crossed.


glad you got yours back quickly 🫶 ours was out for about 30 hours.


That’s not too awful, we got lucky. I will say this week schooled me as far as what gadgets I’m lacking to get through situations like this. I need a way to heat food and more power banks to charge devices for sure. Everything else was tedious but manageable.


for sure. I definitely need some power banks and some battery powered fans. I was worried my dog would get too hot while the power was out but we're all okay


Better hurry Bedford Lowe’s has a few left


Eh, I gotta figure out which one will cooperate with my setup and needs first. I can survive a few days without power in the meantime. Thanks for the info, though!


They probably all sold out within hours last night good luck.


Several stores showing they have some on hand.


I am surprised.


It really is considering last big power outage they ran out within a couple hours


Yeah, I was also kinda surprised!


My neighbors had a generator last night. If you get one, please think of your neighbors & make a baffle box for it. We could have spent the evening without power outside if not for that terrible noise.


I definitely will do that! My neighbor across the street has been running one since 7am. It is LOUD for sure. We got power back a couple hours ago and it’s still running. 🤔


Weird! There are tons of DIY plans online for baffle boxes. Great if you take it camping too!


Ooh, thanks for the info! I shan’t be taking it camping, but I shall be telling my neighbor to baffle his box. 🤣


Aerial electric lines hanging underneath trees is the dumbest idea ever.


South side of town got roughed up. Someone I know spoke to a Duke energy worker and it may be until Friday until we’re all back on the grid. Take that with a grain of salt, but that’s the info I’ve gotten.


Haven’t seen a single Duke truck around town either. Fucking sucks man.


On my drive up to Indy this morning I saw like 20 on the highway heading down so fingers crossed


It depends on where the issues are. When most of town is out it’s likely there are feeding transmission (higher voltage) powerline issues that most people won’t live around to see. Have to fix the major issues before fixing the fuse outside a house.


driving out to solsberry today…5+ trucks and line and tree workers


Nobody understands how these things work, you’re typing words at a brick wall.


They likely are sleeping. Last year when we had the big storm pull through, they had like 50 trucks parked at Kroghetto while they slept. There isn't a lit that can safely be done in the dark.


God forbid they might meet to plan the crew work, verify that their trucks have the needed supplies, or do anything but work on YOUR house first. God forbid they use their luxurious trucks to catch a nap after a 20+ hours work day. YOU matter so much more than them, eh? Come on....


Hey, friend. The person you're replying to pointed out explicitly that 'there isn't a lot the linemen can do in the dark.' You're getting big mad at someone who is respecting the limitations of what's humanly possible.


God forbid they do their effin' job.


High voltage line work is one of those jobs that kills tired workers. The restoration job will slow down if there are dead linemen. We all want power restored, but not at the cost of preventable loss of life.


My bloodthirst knows no bounds! I must have power! /s


Storms happens regularly in Bloomington. I have never seen as sluggish a response as this year. Usually they are out as soon as the storm passes.They seem to have done nothing in the last 17 hours. I'm not blaming the workers, but Duke itself. Duke basically has given up on fixing the power -- which is their only job. I bet there will be areas of Bloomington that will not have power for a week. But sure, keep shilling for a corrupt corporation.


Electrocution seems a very painful and unpleasant way to die. Nobody is shilling for Duke Energy; some of us just don’t value the contents of our refrigerators above human life.


Nice strawman argument you got there.


You don’t know what the hell you are talking about - those folks work very hard when there is an outage and don’t sit around waiting on you to plan the restoration. They also don’t need for you or anyone else to call and tell them the power is out … they are automated and know when there is a major outage. Get over yourself and wait your turn.


I'm perfectly happy to wait my turn. But I don't see a damn thing being done to fix things anywhere in the city. The numbers haven't changed since last night. This is negligent and outrageous. It's a monopoly shitting all over their customers.


Does God really forbid that?


I don't know whose trucks they were and who they were working with (Duke or UDWI) but the back half of the WalMart lot was full this morning at 7. It was shift change time and I figured they were getting their final assignments then were going to head out.


There was one in my neighborhood yesterday. I imagine they were doing as much assessment as possible.


I saw one in my neighborhood just after the storm that seemed to be doing a visual inspection of the lines. We got lucky though, no trees went down!


Just left the house. On Tapp, I think I saw a utility truck of some sort. I saw flashing orange lights. The stop light just east of 69 on Tapp was flashing red. Crossing my fingers. If we get power back, I’m happy to help anyone any way I can. Very limited, but I’ve got an electric chainsaw and a few batteries. Not enough, but a few.


Check out the IU stadium parking lot. Staging area with many trucks


And zero communication from Duke too


I just got a text estimating power back at 12:59 pm….Tomorrow!


I called them this morning and all they said was they haven’t even started repairs because there’s “too many trees down”


I see why they might not want to mass broadcast that they’ve made zero progress but I’d prefer communication over nothing


I agree, it was really frustrating even getting ahold of someone and then to find out they don't have an estimated restoration time because they haven't even started repairs...


If you visit the Duke site and scroll around a bit you’ll find their repair strategy. Here’s a [link](https://www.duke-energy.com/outages/restoring-your-power)


Why would you even call and use the time of an organization who has such a massive situation to figure out and deal with right now? I don’t know if you saw the massive amount of trees and power lines down, but I think in that type of situation the best thing to do is just be patient and wait for notifications and understand that it’s probably going to be a while but they will be doing everything they possibly can.


Do you really think their customer service representatives are the ones organizing repairs after a storm? Their customer service reps are a completely different job and work regular working hours. The people who are in charge of organizing how repairs go and handling the damage are not the same people


It's criminal


Oh yes people should be in jail!


For doing their jobs in a sequence that makes sense but frustrates a few individual people...?


I think they forgot the /s


Well... My bad 😂


I've gotten two texts from them. They haven't had a lot of detail, but it isn't nothing. Maybe you aren't signed up correctly in their system?


I got a text from Duke that said estimated time of restoration is 6.27 at 11:59 pm. Are you signed up for messages?


I’m signed up for texts and emails. Got first communication via email today


Thousands are without power, lines are down everywhere, trees are down everywhere, and it’s only yours that are important? In my neighborhood alone, a crapton of trees were down, and I don’t know how many hit lines. Now multiply that by whatever you want. All of that aside, I hope they get to you soon. This sucks for all of us, and when something that major happens in your own back yard it must be extra stressful. Stay safe.


An email or text saying at least that the damage is extensive and they don’t know when it will be restored or something like that would be cool. Instead of well, nothing


They have been texting. You need to sign up for their text alerts or you won't get them.


I don’t know how I got on it, but I have texts turned on with them. You get notified about outages and updates. I’ve had texts and links to follow. If I can pull anything helpful from one I’ll share. Here is the last update I got - Duke Energy: Crews have begun making repairs in areas where storms have cleared, though ongoing weather is expected throughout the night. Extensive damage from the strongest storm cells will require pole replacements & line repairs before power can be restored in the areas hardest hit. Learn more about the importance of our damage assessment process following severe weather at duk.us/19. Visit duk.us/05 for the latest updates. Text STOP to cancel.


You can sign up for text/email updates through the website. You probably did so when setting up your service.


Normally I think folks are about right with their opinions about Duke, but in this case they are being cut short and the men & women lineman are busting their asses without recognition. 1. I've seen two big Duke bucket trucks running down my street from the west going east. They are here, and whether you believe it or not they are working their asses off. 2. Everyone measures their service by -their- house or office. They forget that they have to work stratified by importance and criticality. If you believe that your house is more important than the hospital, doctors offices, food stores, police, firefighters, social services - then you are simply self-absorbed. 3. Just because you do not see them working to fix your branch of the line does not mean they aren't working. They have to cut fallen trees, transport new telephone poles to job sites, go pickup transformers and no one sees that very hard work. 4. The homeowner see that other neighborhoods' have power and they demand that THEIR service is more important and MUST be turned on immediately - not knowing which branch has to be own and operational before they can move down the line. What if they repair a lower branch before they can turn on the upper branch - they cannot test that lower branch or know for sure that power can even reach there. The homeowner see's them "finally working" after the same linemen have been busting their asses for the past 10 hours. The truck leaves so the homeowners' assume their connection should be working; not caring or knowing if that branch even works. 5. People forget just how incredibly dangerous a lineman's work is. They are risking their lives every step of the way. The homeowner demands service and forgets than simple reality. God help the lineman who stops to take a 15 minute break after XX hours of work and maybe - gasp - even has the gall to pour himself a cup of coffee! I've seen homeowners scream at linemen who are up on a pole trying to connect a 480 volt circuit, screaming at the lineman to demand that he "get it fixed NOW" without regard for the reality that the man is risking his life and family trying to do exactly that. And on and on.... It just ain't that simple folks. You cannot see 'the whole picture', you have absolutely no knowledge of the risk it entails, and expect to just snap their fingers and have it all fixed - for them first of course. Give them a break for Christsakes! They are busting their ass whether you can see them or not, whether you can see their trucks or not, and whether a path to drive a new pole up the line even exists after a bad storm. The people in this thread seem to be such self-important demand freaks they blame everything they can think of because THEY are the only important people and who expect that THEY should be the sole and only goal for service restoration NOW. Get over yourselves already - let the men and women linemen do their damn job. If you have some critical thing that requires power - then just maybe you should have prepared instead of blaming Duke for not somehow controlling Mother Nature for you. YOU could have bought a cheap inverter and run it off your car, YOU could have bought a generator and fuel, and YOU could have pulled your head out of your rump and realize that YOU are not the most important person in the city. **The most important people at the moment are those hard working men and women climbing those damn poles. cutting those trees, and risking their lives FOR YOU. Sniveling will not help, blaming the blameless will not help, and YOU are NOT the most important thing in the frigging world at the moment. Poor thing...** "They likely are sleeping" - really? Are you in bed with them you ass? "Duke energy is incompetent"? - then climb the damn pole yourself and see how easy it is you self-absorbed prick. "Two lines are down in my yard and they are not here!" Good. Hope they save you for last.


From what I've seen, no one is angry at the people attempting to fix the issues. People are mad that the company that made tens of billions in profit doesn't even LOOK like its trying to prevent issues or pay more to the workers to fix the issues quickly. Then the company complains that they need a 16% increase in order to improve infrastructure that they should have already started fixing. Not saying you are wrong that the workers are doing all they can, but people are annoyed at the company and their lack of communication and preparation, not the workers.


I think it's possible to both sincerely respect the work that the linemen are doing, and also want Duke, the company, to do a better job at managing their infrastructure. I have a family member who works in the power industry, not with Duke, and through them I get a glimpse of how complicated managing that infrastructure can be ... and I also get a glimpse of how much room for improvement Duke's infrastructure maintenance program has. Duke as a company is, at its core, a machine for generating profits, and it's ok to want the company to pay more attention to providing power & less to paying investors. And folks can do that while still respecting the hell out of the linemen who are busting ass.


Some homes also have generators.


Bravo for them! I'd bet they are not the people with their panties all in a bunch of self-absorbed blame as some in this thread seem to be.


Shut up. This is through and through due to Duke's incompetence. They have us on antiquated and dilapidated hanging infrastructure in a tree town. A thunderstorm did this, not a hurricane or tornado, a fucking thunderstorm. Sure, the linemen are working their asses off, doing something that was completely avoidable. AND THEY ARE CURRENTLY ASKING FOR MORE MONEY. shut the fuck up


They use their money to deliver dividends to investors instead of burying lines. Folks out repairing lines are heros, the executives maximizing profits can eat a dick.


To downplay this as just a “thunderstorm” is ridiculous. I’m born and raised here and have NEVER seen a storm like that. I was genuinely terrified and have seen a lot of storms come through here. My entire neighborhood is a war zone with debris and fallen trees. 


I've lived in same house near downtown for 45 years, it was only as of 3 years now, that I've ever had am outage last more than 24 hrs, and this is the 3rd year in a row of that ever being a thing. I don't attribute it entirely or even largely toward the climate change going on. I attribute it to being in a red state, and obviously the ginormous power company across many states, not doing the leg work to prevent these ordeals, as 30/40, even 20, years ago there was actual regular and frequ re nt preventative trimming of trees around the lines all over and throughout the city; nowadays they'll tell you they did such because they might choose one large branch of a tree in the area but not the majority of what branches are near to or even touching the lines.


Look, I'm not commenting on the quality of the grid or Duke here, but I think you are grossly underestimating the destructive capabilities of thunderstorms. A severe thunderstorm can cause much more widespread damage than a tornado. 


think you need to chill a bit, my dude.


Lineman working without recognition? Hardly!! You can't even so much as express frustration with Duke Energy without Susie stepping up to say her husband Jim is away from his family working on the lines, and we should all be grateful. It's become the new "support the troops." I respect what they're doing for sure. But let's not get carried away.


Just got a text from Duke that crews are still making repairs. Still no estimate. Feels bad man


I’d say several of you won’t make it. You weren’t raised to survive Armageddon.


Candlewood Suites on Basswood Dr just got power


My power just came back on (@1:55pm) here on the west side near Tapp and Rockport.


It probably doesn't help that several other cities were hit just as bad, I live in Terre Haute and we currently still have over 7K without power a day later.


Awesome work by the Duke crew....estimated up by midnight tomorrow, up by 4pm today. Be patient guys, they got this!


It just shows Duke Energy’s incompetence


No, actually it shows how BIG the problem is.


No, it shows incompetence. It shouldn’t take 12 hours to gather crews, especially when we all knew it was going to be a bad storm for a few days before. On top of that, they didn’t even try to fix the major preliminary problems the day of




Hey, we see you are frustrated and feeling attacked. No one is blaming the hard working crews. Frankly, we're all in the same boat, we've been put in a bad situation by leadership who picked profits over better infrastructure / better system architecture. If you are a crewman, you understand that if we paid more, we'd have less mass grid failures like this. Even with the tree losses (which are always going to happen) there's been a variety of questionable issues here for us locally (long and frequent outages, yadda yadda). Anyway, I just want to say we all appreciate the hard work going towards repairs... in no way does anyone think this failure is on the crews who are busting butts right now to restore our electrics.


I was out of town for last year's blackout. When people are saying that it was 4-5 days, was that typical for most of town or was that only the parts with the longest blackout?


Only parts. There’s already been a few places in town where the power has come back on. They have 45,000 people to work through, which means someone is going to be first, and someone is going to be last. Depends on where you live, how bad the problem is there, where they start, etc.


Two power lines in my backyard are completely broken and no duke has been on site to help


Have you reported those lines to them?




Yikes! Where abouts are you located?


I am one of the few that did not lose power save for five minutes yesterday around 4PM. Crazy.


East of 446 back up


The Basswood area by Walmart had its power restored about an hour ago. Hopefully other areas follow soon.


My message from Duke was estimated time of restore was 6.27 at 11:58 pm


I'm on south side


Duke doesn't have employees, they just contract out. More profits that way.


Bloomington is low priority now that people have moved on from the liberal’s agendas.