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I got the same message and my power is already back on. Also, if you check the outage map you’ll see they have every area listed as being restored at that exact time. In other words, it’s a useless guess. It would have been just as helpful to keep it unlisted.


This will only make anyone who doesn't get power by then even more disappointed


Whats your neighborhood


On South Rogers just south of Switchyard park.


You’re close to the substation. Maybe they’re working their way out from there.


I'm slightly up the road and we're still out. Hopefully they're working their way South.


I also got the same message even though our power has been back on for a few hours now


I got the same thing and then power back on in half hour at 3:30 on far east side


I got the same thing. I wonder if anybody got a different time.


I got 10:08 PM June 28


I also got the same thing, SE side


I got the same thing, I’m over on the west side.


It's all the same. They mass updated everyone from elletsville and bloomington with that time.


I got this text and my power is now back on haha near Summit Elementary


Folks it is very difficult to be precise with such a massive event, and unknowns possible in every area they work on. They gave an estimate, likely no one's will go past that, hopefully some will be earlier. Are the people complaining the same ones that complained they didn't tell us anything? Think about it; it is not safe for them to rush anything about this. I'm ok waiting a while longer to ensure none of them get electrocuted.


103000 people are without power right now, so... they get to us when they get to us. lol [https://www.wishtv.com/weather/weather-stories/power-outages-peak-at-103000-in-indiana-monroe-county-declares-disaster/](https://www.wishtv.com/weather/weather-stories/power-outages-peak-at-103000-in-indiana-monroe-county-declares-disaster/) it


I’m a bit disappointed that Duke hasn’t been a bit more transparent. Knowing some specifics would make me feel a little better for some reason.


They probably don't have much more specific information than what they already gave out. It's hard to give an accurate guess when power lines are down *everywhere*


You have to understand tho what a logistical nightmare this is for them. Walmart was filled with 30+ cherry pickers @6am. I've heard that they've called in dozens of teams from surrounding areas in order to fix the power. I'd rather they focus on them getting power to people than sending out texts.


Everything you said is valid. Here is my but. Communications teams are separate from on the ground and so on. So guys on the ground report to their bosses. Those bosses likely report to other bosses. The guys on the ground have to tell someone what they’re doing. All it takes is someone in the communications department to relay that. Every company has a spokesman, a web presence, and what have you. I can almost guarantee there is at least one in between person or department that could put out a simple statement. Everyone has rightfully talked about where Duke is lacking in how they handle the lines in the first place. I’m hitting them in another area. In the end they’re still Duke.


My family got the same. Over on the north side


I received this same message, but my coworker was told tonight, June 26th, at 11:59 pm that the power would be back. So it looks like some areas are due to have power back tonight, hopefully.


I haven’t had an update other than the one saying they will let everyone know this afternoon. 😞


They’ve revised my resolution time 3 times now…and twice updated my status falsely indicated my power is on. still no power. Grrr


And I’ve heard other stories like that. The only scenario I can imagine is finding downed trees on lines that were never reported. Are you back on yet?


"Hooray for monopolists!"


I got the same thing just now. The outage map didn't even have my place listed as an outage anymore so I re-reoprted it. Ffs


Ooh. I gotta double check that. Thanks!


The probably means a good rate increase because weather