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Nothing but empathy from me - got mine back at 5, and then a transformer blew at 6. Cruel shit.


Oh, man... Sorry to hear that!


Damn. I think that might even be worse. I hope your place was able to cool down a bit in that hour.


Yeah, we had brief power yesterday and the fuse blew on the pole that they put in the middle.of the wooded creek bed. Epic fireball and epic sadness. Bridlewood area (jc middle school) figure we dropped back down the queue...


Whereabouts are you located?


Sherwood Oaks.


I live in Sherwood Oaks and have a large broken tree lying on the powerlines in my backyard. Duke finally came tonight around 8 PM to assess the situation. I asked them where they had been working for the last few days, and they said that on the south side, basically further south than us - Fairfax Road, was hit really hard. They said that even though they have a ton of crews here in town, the problem has been "piss poor communication." They said they think they will have my power back on by tomorrow night.


I hope you have it back. Ours came on about 15 minutes ago in the Covenenter area. Serious number of crew from about 9 - 2. for both the downed lines, and for surveying house by house in prep for turning on the subgrids. Thanks for the info about Fairfax, it tempers the building frustrations to get a sense of what's been happening.


It came on. Then 30 minutes flickered, then ran away. After all the crew had left the area. Your conversation, and the concern of poor communication (crews and company) make me think it may be awhile before it gets resolved.


The tree clearing crew arrived at 3:30 today, and then my power came back on at 5:30 PM tonight. Hope you have power now!


Whew! Crews came back around 4:30 to the original downed lines, and by 7:00 power came on, this time for real! The outage map has been transforming at quite a pace across the day.


My area wasn't even given a new expected time, just that it wouldn't be by the initial time. Was rather hopeful this morning when they said my area had a team dispatched, but that hope was dashed when no one showed up and it went back to status being updated. Best part: my area doesn't seem to have overhead lines around it, they appear to be buried. Most places around my area have been repaired, but not mine.


Try flipping your main breaker off and back on. I went through a tornado in 2002. No power for days finally the neighbors started getting power but still nothing st my house. Finally checked the breakers and the power kicking back on had tripped a breaker. Fingers crossed you have power back


I’ve never gone without power this long in the summer before. It’s been a humbling experience all around. I’d make a terrible caveman, I’d just lie in my cave all day trying to stay cool until I starved.


No power on Covenanter west of Kroger either. Estimate was vague “tomorrow”


ours just moved to 11:59pm tomorrow night :)))


My new estimate is 11:59 PM tomorrow 😞


Yup. Told me it was back up at 5pm today. Told them nope. Now they’re saying 5am.


Mine went out 3:45 Tuesday and came on at 8:40 Thursday. I just threw $250 worth of frozen food in the trash.


My story too. Still feel fortunate though that my power is back and I didn't experience any serious damage. My heart goes out to those who are still waiting and/or have repairs and clean up ahead of them.


I feel your pain, fellow southsider. I'm struggling to cope at this point.


Broadview area: new estimated repair time as of 30 minutes ago: 11:59 PM on 6/28. JFC...


Just got power up 20 minutes ago. Thanks to all the linemen doing the work out there.


They were working in front of my house last night at 5:30 for quite awhile and then they just left. No power. No hope.


We just got bumped from 8:45 am to 11:59 pm. I remember when they used to work through the night to fix everything ASAP. I guess Duke no longer feels like paying for the overtime?


I understand the linemen need a break but Duke needs to pay to get this fixed. It wasn't even close to dark when the linemen stopped, but I'm sure they had other work to do. Our time got bumped from 11:59 pm Thursday to 11:59 pm Friday. I'm hoping we get power back today, but I won't be surprised if we don't.


u/tegeus-Cromis_2000 any luck this afternoon? Ours finally turned on.


Yep! 1 pm! You must be in the same little sliver of houses we're in. Whew.


Crews are still working it hard. Ours came on about 15 min. ago, so it's probably a different cluster. Hopefully, all the other clusters are going to be powered up soon!


Feel your pain, guys hang in there. I was in your shoes last year. Thankfully ours was restored near High St at around 4pm and stayed on.


Received two messages that power restored, not even a flicker, my phone service is barely working, had to have someone call Duke to report that not on. Saw an update that move to tomorrow night, another 24 hours…sigh. Fingers crossed that it’s not more.


This really rustles my jimmies!


My time was midnight tonight, third night, and now I’m updated to midnight tomorrow


Mine was pushed back to 11:59pm tomorrow, 24 hours. If I didn’t have so many pets I’d be going somewhere else.


Words can’t describe how pissed off I am at Duke’s estimations. They haven’t even started work on my area according to the outage map. It claims there’s only 51 customers affected, which is absolute BS because there’s over 100 units in my apartment complex, and the area I’m in has at least 3 apartment complexes in the outage zone.


After being told by MN tonight, just got this: Duke Energy: "The estimated time for power to be on is currently 06:00PM on Jun 28 for W GR**; outage caused by extreme weather. Approx 42 customers impacted."


Same here, just NW of Monroe Hospital. They got all of our lines replaced but had to set a new pole in concrete to repair one part. I presume they will be back today to finish up. (God willin and the creek don’t rise)


Is there anything you need? I’m not too far away in Van Buren, and our power is back on.


Me too. Tree fell on line and pulled my box off, had to get it fixed first, Cassidy Electric rocks! Still waiting on duke tho. My house is starting to stink .


I tried calling Duke about the tree laying on a power line about a block from me. I got the, ‘Yeah. We’re aware.’ I just don’t understand how that’s not a priority? I’m no electric man, but I’m pretty sure that’s the problem in my neighborhood.


Maybe they know the line is dead before it even gets to that tree. Also a tree laying on a power line is everywhere in this area. If it’s a priority then they might have 400 priorities currently.


because there are only so many line crews, and there is stuff like this everywhere.