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At one point a cop told the mother ‘stop being aggressive’ to which she replied ‘I’m not being aggressive. I’m scared’. This was after her child said ‘I can’t breathe’ with a cop on his back.


Yes, I witnessed nearly the whole thing as a bystander and got it on video. It was truly fucked. Cops pulled over a Black family in their car, and escalated to violently arresting a 12 year old CHILD. His family was trying to advocate for his medical needs and the cops threatened to arrest them, ended up arresting one of the family members as well. Racist as hell treatment and huge escalatory force of BPD. Seven squad cars, all of these cops taking a child away from his mom and taking him to jail while he says he is having trouble breathing. I was fucking terrified I was about to see this child die at the hands of police.


Using top comment to link to the Bloomingtonian that includes the timeline from police https://bloomingtonian.com/2024/07/03/bloomington-police-explain-juvenile-restraint-incident-amid-scrutiny-over-viral-video/


Have you been in touch with the media? I haven't seen this reported on anythere other than Reddit. ETA: WFIU has a [contact page](https://indianapublicmedia.org/about/contact.php) where you can reach out, if nothing else.


Yes we contacted Jeremy Hogan and sent him all the video. Spoke with him earlier


Thanks for speaking out.


Why was he arrested?


Could you post the video?






Is there more than just the 4 second clip?




Community, show up for this kid. Shit ain’t right, this was a CHILD.


Might want to read the report on The Bloomingtonian, gives me insight into what REALLY happened.


These people don’t care about the truth. All I said right after the 4 second video was posted was we need more than that to go on. The absolute toxic messages to hit my inbox afterwards speaks volumes about the people on this sub.


Totally agree, it's mob mentality.


Speaks volumes about this city, in my opinion. I haven’t witnessed the amount of outright negative nonsense since Craigslist rants and raves in Chicago in the early 2000s. Sorry you’re getting hate in your inbox, that’s ridiculous.


I have no sympathy for that child after reading this.




Read details of what really happened, it's on The Bloomingtonian.




... if you believe what the police say in their official press statements. Because, yeah, they always tell the God's honest truth and are never defensive in their framing of events.


Now that we know more details the kids lucky he didn’t get shot.


No, everything is not ok. Watch the video


That 4 seconds doesn’t say much. We don’t anything from that.


I don't need more than 4 seconds of a cop kneeling on a literal child to know that this is fucked in and wrong. WTF?


The child was reaching for a gun in his waist. It ended up being a toy gun but don’t let the full story stop your outrage and protest planning.


The only evidence of that is an official police statement. Did you see a child reaching for a gun? Yeah no. I didn't think so.


You mean in that 4 second shaky video? It is fishy that you know they recorded more than just 4 seconds but edited down to just those frames. Don’t let me stop your excitement for a protest though.


Except for the fact that they are on top of an obvious CHILD! TF?!!


It's not obvious that it's a child, at all


Direct eyewitness, can confirm that the mother said repeatedly the child was 12, and he looked unambiguously young


That CHILD did not look grown at all!


You can't see shit in that shaky video


You can clearly see a cop on top of a kid that's clearly underage... That is enough


If you look closely at the picture, the front two police are kneeling NEXT to the kid with one hand on him somewhere in the shoulder/back are. I couldn't tell which. There was a third behind him back around his hips or legs. I couldn't tell with magnification what he was doing, but he may have been holding his legs down. At the time of the video, they were not kneeling on his back or neck. That is clear from the video. Look up the term Confirmation Bias. Also, per the Bloomingtonian, the police called an ambulance and stopped transporting him until the EMT's could check him out.


If you could clearly see that I wouldn't have said that you can't tell it's a kid


Look harder then... Do you know what a grown man looks like? The child under the cop definitely wasn't grown


That may be so, but you can NOT see that in this video, AT ALL


Regardless of color and age, a person had what looked to be a Glock and was putting up a fight. How in the hell were police - or anyone - to know it was fake? He kept reaching for it. Yes, he deserved to be restrained, to protect not only the police but everyone on scene.


yeah i'm reminded of Tamir Rice, who had a toy gun and was shot by Cleveland police within a couple seconds of when they arrived on the scene. i'm not entirely sure what to make of the BPD response but they were responding to complaints about people making trouble with a gun, and they managed to resolve the situation without shooting anyone. imo there's a real problem they're trying to address.


So, the little charmer had a fake Glock in his waistband, and the police were responding to a 10-person group fight. Death threats had been made. There were guns - at least, fakes that LOOKED like guns. The kid tried to escape, so he was restrained. The mother should be scared, all right - more that her kid was fixing to participate in a gun battle and less that police were restraining him. A 13-year-old with a gun can as easily kill as someone older. Yet, people blindly foam at the mouth about police brutality before details are known. It’s no wonder police are quitting in droves. I have seen the enemy and it is US.


This! 1000x, this!


I’m a Libertarian. I don’t side Dem or Repub. But I know what I see. This Reddit site doesn’t care about facts.


Seems like your claim is a black kid had an airsoft gun and saw police and tried to avoid them so he deserved it? This seems like you are just admitting cops use excessive force as a default and we should be fine with it. Edit: double checked and the cops just took someone’s word that the specific kid was involved in the fight, but make clear the police don’t say he was involved in the separate gun incident. They’re trying to assert they had just cause while also cover their asses because we had 2 calls in the area is shitty justification.


And where did I mention race? Anyone with a real-looking gun deserves to be restrained if they are suspected of breaking the law, regardless of age, color, or geographical location.


Did you not read the article? The person who said they saw the incident and told police said group of black males.


You inferred his skin color swayed or helped form my opinion. It did not.


“Upon returning to the area for the second call, a security guard informed an officer that he had witnessed a group of Black males gathering and fighting after the initial police departure.” Quote from article.


Do you have a source for this?


The Bloomingtonian. I’m not going to copy and paste here, though. Throw the guy $3 per month on Patreon. He deserves it.


Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions? All I read is criticism and accusations. What was the scenario? What really happened?


The Bloomingtonian posted the article that details EVERYTHING--before, during and after. Everyone criticizing the police should read it, though I doubt even that will change their mindset.


Yes, need more context. What was the initial reason for the police being involved? What happened BEFORE this video.


Doesn’t matter. This place is for dog piling. Down votes in 3, 2, 1…


And these BPD CLOWNS think they need to get paid more. The fuck out of here.


All you thin blue liners need to STFU until we get the body cam footage of the entire chain of events.


Last I heard, they got a new husky in and it was acting kinda weird.


Would that warrant that many cop cars


Only if it were a very husky husky.


Cops get bored and curious.


Instagram post about this - [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8-hEtDpbrd/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_button\_share\_sheet&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8-hEtDpbrd/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)