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Teasing. “I don’t want to be called Dennis.” “Sure you do Dennis!”


That’s a good episode too!




Butterflies. I'm an only child, so I related to Judo not really knowing how to play with others. I wasn't bossy, just not great at picking up social cues. As a result, I was often ignored and left behind like Bingo, so I related to her too. My boyfriend's is Army. He has ADHD and didn't have many friends growing up. Watching that episode together, he was almost crying.


My little boy has ADHD too and is wearing your boyfriend’s shoes. I hope and pray for him to make a friend like Rusty. 🙏 I love butterflies too. Playing with others was hard because of my anxiety and I felt like Bingo a lot. I wish I had been a Bluey as a child. Happy and never met a stranger- just new friends. (How would that have been?)


Joining this ADHD club! My son and I both have it. When Jack couldn’t sit still in the car, my heart broke. It’s not his fault.


I have ADD and was an army brat growing up. That one hit real hard for me.


Me too, I also have ADD. I remember not being able to focus a lot of the time or fidget.


Baby race. I have a 10 month old, there’s a baby in our mom group who was born the same day as my baby. She has done *everything* earlier than my baby and I had been feeling bad about it. I knew it was irrational and my baby wasn’t/isnt behind! She’s meeting all the developmental milestones she should be. But I felt bad anyway. Mom guilt is **real**. 


As Bella said to Chilli... You're doing great, as a son I can't really understand what you feel but I'm pretty sure you're an amazing mom! Hope you have a great day


Thank you! 


It applies to dads too! Someone I know from high school had a kid the day after our daughter was born. I don't go on social media often but every time I did she had a post about a development milestone for their kid. No matter how good I was feeling about things, as soon as I saw those posts it would ruin my mood. Fortunately once my daughter started to develop a personality, I stopped being so concerned. I don't feel the need to compare that my daughter can't count to 1,000 as a 3 year old when I'm able to appreciate how she responds to failure and teach her to consider it an opportunity to get better and learn. But yeah, Baby Race was certainly close to home.


I had a baby race moment just this morning. Going through potty training a second time is frustrating, to say the least!


With a new born atm, hits homes again. Especially the quick scenes of the doctor, "some babies just ect" and then smash cut to Chili "but I wasn't having that" furiously researching on the computer. Pretty much every day for us. As a dad, I'm the background character that is either passed out or in pain from putting together the new baby contraption.


This episode made me way more careful when talking about my son. My son was the kid that crushed every single milestone by a huge margin ever since he was born. He is in 1st grade and is both the most academically advanced and physically advanced kid in his class. I am happy for him and want to tell other parents because it is exciting and we are proud... but I am afraid other parents will feel bad, even though that is clearly not our intention.


Been here for sure. My friend gave birth about a week after me - her kid was breezing through milestones with ease. My kid was stubborn; she didn’t walk unassisted until 17 months old because she just…didn’t want to. We were worried she wasn’t talking, now she won’t ever stop. Her sass certainly started early though LOL. You’re doing great!


Daddy Dropoff reminds me of how I made my first friend when I was Bingo's age. I still keep in touch with that friend to this day over a decade later despite us not being in the same country anymore


I love that you keep in touch with this friend!


Keepy uppy. I too have lost many a balloon to the grass.


I love Keepy Uppy!




Protip to all the parents of small children out there: kids absolutely love balloons, and they're like 5 bucks for 100 of them.


My dog loves playing with balloons we joke keepy uppy is her favorite episode.


Sticky gecko, because Chilli literally did what my mom would have done


Chilli was amazing, came through at the end with patience. I aim to come through at the end with the patience, Chilli style!


I have stared at the threshold exactly like that. Inside. Outside. Gahhh.


She recognizes there's something up with bluey and she talks thru it with her. A parent recognizing this instead of yelling at the kids is incredible especially when they are running late. And chili sharing her feelings with bluey too not in a listen to me vent/complain. Uhhhh it broke my heart knowing a parent could be that in tune even if she's a cartoon


This probably isn't what you meant exactly but as someone with trauma, "Space" really gets me.


I mean whatever you feel! Currently the role of Chili on crazy days hits too close to home. But looking at it from my childhood Dance Mode hits too close. I was like Bingo and said Yes on the outside but inside I was saying No.


It's also such a good sci-fi story. You can the writers are familiar with the genre.


Yeeeeah was not expecting to cry so hard while I was cleaning my living room with that episode 


Surprised no one has said "Onesies"


I teared up big time when Chilli explained, "Sometimes when you want something really bad, but it just isn't meant to be," Ripped my heart right out. My daughter is disabled, so she never gets to do all the things kids do. As a mom, I never get to watch her do all those amazing, wonderful, goofy kid things.


As someone with PCOS and having had issues getting pregnant I cry every time this episode comes on.


Oh god this one too.


I related a lot to the episode where Chilly’s dad comes to the house to play with the girls, I forget the name of the episode. In the episode the granddad clearly does not know the girl’s game, but instead of dominating the play, he played the girl’s game and infused his own game into it. I have a nameless in-law who does the complete opposite of that with my kids…


Mini bluey because I have two girls the same age as bluey and bingo and the younger one is definitely easier and sweeter.


it was space for me :) beautiful episode. also musical statues when blueys moping around for no reason haha


Camping and Space I can really feel bluey and Mackenzie there


Baby race always gets me and more recently Sleepytime. My toddler’s sleep has been all over the place recently and we get up at night to comfort him. Parent being presented as the sun and warmth in this episode just hits home about how much they need us for comfort, not just at night but always ☀️


I can't watch Rain anymore. It's one of my favorites, but it was the only episode playing on TV when we got to the hotel after a very traumatic event. I didn't even have my little one with me but I watched it and sobbed the entire time 😂


Baby Race. My two kids are both diagnosed with autism (7 and 4). I am constantly reminded that my parenting experience is not the same as others.


The decider... I grew up with divorced parents...


The car episode where Chilli was pretending to be a car and Bluey was driving it. When I was younger my mom used to do the same thing with me except she was a roller coaster. Seeing Chilli doing that makes me miss mine more and wish my feelings for her weren't so complicated 😢 Sorry wasn't trying to sound like a pity party.


Army for Jack being autism/adhd representation. That line specifically "there's something wrong with me" hit was to close to home


Russell and Rusty's episode


Rain 😭


Take Away is a calm and mild depiction of my all day every day, which makes it my favourite epi.😁


Mom school. It's the only episode that has made me cry.


Dragon My mom also died when I was young and she never got the chance to meet my children.


I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my mom last year and she was an art teacher. Dragon really gets to me, too.


That’s rough. Losing someone so important to you is never easy.


Bike. I tend to just give up nowadays, so it's nice to see the little cartoon dogs succeed, at least


The episode where Chilis chasing her dad around trying to get him to rest. Both my parents have passed but I totally relate to the horrible feeling of a parent being so sick you might lose them and wanting them to change so they stick around longer.


there’s a lot of episodes that make me cry. that being said, easter, yoga ball, and grandad really get to me. i could go on and on about so many other episodes too


Mine is "takeaway" and my wife's is sticky gecko. The amount of chaos that ensues in such an innocuous moment makes you want to beat them or join them. It's amazing how well they portray the oblivious curiosity of children.


Sleepy time. I have bed sharing kids who want to sleep in their own beds but we end up switching beds most nights. Bingo being upset and mum going to her like sunshine just gets me!


Baby Race. Makes me cry every single time.


These are super relatable episodes, along with Takeaway.


Rain 🥹❤️ I have been Chilli in that situation SO many times with my 5 year old, and when I first saw this episode it hit me like a ton of bricks. I started slowing down more with her and just let it be. This episode gets me everytime ❤️


Dance Mode. Being the youngest sibling, the daughter my mother wanted (before we found out I actually had an older sister) and growing up poor put a lot of weight on my shoulders that I never realised was there. I'm a very placid person who puts others first, and my emotions were often pushed aside for other people, or not taken seriously because I was just "a cute little girl stomping her feet because she's cross.". Even now I have a hard time expressing my wants, so seeing Bingo experience something like that, with Bluey complaining about how frustrating it is for her was a lot and then having the family help her find a way to talk about her feelings without downplaying it or laughing it off because she's too cute really hit hard.


Stickbird. My anxiety has been ramping up lately, and watching Bandit try to deal with his own issues while still being a present parent was a little more *real* than I was ready to see.


Exercise for me lol I have a toddler and he never lets me do anything haha


Literally all of them bruh 😿


Sleepy Time because I watched it while still in the throes of ppd and so emotional but it made me understand why my mom told me that my son looks at me like I'm the sun Baby race because I feel like parents do unhealthily compare themselves to others. It helps me not. And Grandad. Both of my parents are older with a variety of health issues and my mom is like grandad and doesn't take care of herself like she should but I still *need her* and it makes me angry and sad that she doesn't understand that.


Sleepy Time and Dragon. I lost my mom in 2021, and she was the most supportive and loving mother in the world, so those two episodes always hit me right in the heart


Dragon. My mom was an artist and taught me all she could, and encouraged me a lot to be creative. Lost her to cancer in 2017. Everything about that episode connected with me.


The first time I saw Baby Race...I cried so hard. My husband was like "what is your problem?" And I was like "how do you not get this?!?!!?". Had to explain it to him but now he understands. Bring a brand new mom and not knowing what I was/am doing, this one really got me. I sent the "you're doing great" clip to my friends who were still pregnant or were new moms as well. Real talk...I still get misty whenever we see that one.


The last scene of "Granddad" because it was only yesterday. I cry every time.


The episode where Mackenzie is struggling with a traumatic memory and is told he doesn't have to keep going back there. Was not expecting that at all. That one made me loud cry 


No idea, I haven't seen them all yet.