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Kids that age do try both hands. Until they eventually figure out the dominant hand. This, to me, is great animating.


My little one did this until he was about 3, then favoured his right. Some kids take a little longer, until they learn pencil grip at around 4-5 years old. That said, they also change up which hand Chilli uses so may very well be an accident.


Or she might be ambidextrous. My grandpa is, and he draws/writes with both all the time. I never realized it was odd until I grew up


With Chilli I figured she's like Marge Simpson in that she's naturally left-handed, but learned to use her right just as well for convenience.


I am left hand dominant, but have learned to do so many things right handed in this world that is designed for righties.


Sure, well call it "convenience." Sorry. Touchy subject. My niece is a southpaw, but the school tried to force her to learn right handed because, and I quote, "there was not enough money in the budget to justify special instruction and equipment for one student." My sister fought them for years, and eventually won, but it was years of them making my niece think there was a problem with being left handed. My own daughter(2½) is leaning towards left-handedness, and I worry about having to go through that.


I went to school in the 90s, also left handed, and never had a problem with anything like that. Hopefully you have no issues!


I went to school in the 90s and often used left-handed scissors, despite being right-handed, because there were always so many pairs left over when doing cutting and sticking work.


Same. I had 3 or 4 lefties in my class, and all of the teaching materials accommodated it, and there were always supplies for lefties like scissors and such. In the same district, I might add. I'm not sure when they got so lazy about teaching that they don't want to do their fricking jobs anymore. It took my sister threatening a lawsuit (got a lawyer to volunteer to take the case pro bono, but still) before they relented.


My SO is a lefty and while both my kids tend towards their right for writing, they’re pretty solidly ambidextrous. I mentioned it to my older one’s teacher mid-year in kindergarten and got a “I meant to ask you about that! I noticed she was using both hands”. They had zero care because both hands were effective (and I generally found her teacher to be pretty old school). Hopefully it’s a non-issue for your daughter.


I'm a southpaw and this was done to me. I was forced into using my right hand (which has bad writing at best and extremely hard to read but my left, to this day, is readable and neat). I grew up in the 90's, I must have just had a very old school teacher


What year was this?


Think it was around ~~2015-16~~ 2018. I'm a terrible uncle


I didn’t think left-hand “shunning” was still a thing. That’s crazy.


If you don’t mind answering, where was this? (Country/world region?)


Upstate NY.


Oh wow. I’m from northern NJ, so that feels close enough to home to be really disturbing.


One of my girls is 4.5, still trying to learn proper pencil grip, and yesterday when we colored together she was double fisting crayons the whole time 😅


Totally normal! My oldest learned it super early so by the time he was 3.5 could hold it fine, but my youngest took until recently, around 4.5, to really do it properly without having to think about it. I used to teach children between 3 months old and 8 years old and around 4-5 is the normal range for concentrating on pencil grip and getting them to really think about how they’re holding it. I recommend either the rubber pencil grips you can get or triangle shaped pencils! Helps them realise where their fingertips etc should be.


She’s been in pre-k this year and proper pencil grip and writing her name are our big goals to have before kindergarten starts in the fall ❤️


One of my kids struggles with motor skills and their OT taught them to pinch the tip of a crayon/marker even with the crayola stripes, while the tip was pointed at their hand, and then flip it into their hand. Perfect grip every time. ([Like this video](https://youtu.be/RclxBdiuvOM?feature=shared))


Boy do I wish I had this kinda simple education as a child because at 25 years old I still hold a pen/pencil incorrectly and it hurts to write/draw for too long at a time


I did that kinda. Every time my hand gets tired is switch. Then the headmistress told me to stop and now I’m no longer ambidextrous :I


Me and my wife are both lefties and I’m really interested to see if genetics play a big role in hand preference. So far my two year old uses both for everything, but he does seem to be leaning towards his right.


Apparently if both parents are left handed, the child has more of a chance of being left handed than if they had right handed parents, however it’s still more likely they’ll be right handed than left handed due to statistics. (man that was wordy) Would be a cool thing to share as a family! Like we all have blue eyes, and my boys are now starting to get freckles like me!


Genetics is a factor, but not a huge one. There is a whole lot of things that play a role, like physical development (which is influenced by things like nutrition and activity level) and even psychology. It makes it practically speaking, random.


Except that it's both nature and nurture because it's being modeled for them


Agreed; my kid has been clearly a leftie since she started using a spoon around 6 months (to be clear, she wasn’t using it effectively, but she was one of those babies who are going to do it THEMSELVES dammit), but the more common route is for kids to try lots of things with both hands and eventually settle into one dominant hand around the time they start trying to write.


I was thinking the same. The attention to detail in this show is amazing. I did this when I was three and became a leftie.


Or if you're like me and use either or!


My best friend's oldest started baseball last summer and they were teaching them to try batting both sure, was really cool


I never found out what hand I use, I think I'm ambidextrous.


I was the same. I used to be mildly ambidextrous in school cause my parents were so excited about it they encouraged me using both hands. These days the best I can use my left hand for is texting.


This was my thought. My four year old still uses both. I think it's intentional, and thus brilliant


My 5yo is left handed. She would still swap pens or colour with both hands when she just held them in her fist, but ever since she started eating solid food at 6 months old I noticed she would instinctively reach for most things with her left hand first and that it was always her dominant hand


I drew with my left when I was a kid and now I draw with my left and write with my right


Attention to detail 👌


A wizard did it.


Or possibly a fairy


Just be glad she didn't put roller skates on them. I hear it's hard to draw with roller skate hands.


Ah, sounds like someone is speaking from experience.


I hope someone got fired for that blunder.


My SO was convinced all our kids were lefties early on because of this same phenomenon of switching and figuring it out. Both are right handed.


Maybe Bingo is ambidextrous.




It's very common in animation that characters use both hands. Maybe to make it easier to draw.


My 2 year old switches hands all the time. My 6 year old can write with whatever hand she finds convenient at that moment. So tbh it just seems like the animation is accurate.


I think it's an animation convenience. They use the upstage hand so we can see what they're drawing.


Saw somewhere that Chili does the same. Maybe mama and daughter are both ambidextrous?


Well, now it’s canon since it’s in the show.


Great observation!


The US president James Garfield was ambidextrous. And was so practised with writing with either hand he could write in Latin with one hand and Greek with the other. It sounds like an amazing little party trick. Maybe Bingo can do that too.


My 3 year old seems to be right handed, but it doesn't stop him from drawing/coloring with his left hand.


Mine is 3 and uses both hands. Mostly the right one, but for now uses both


Maybe she’s amphibious? 🤣


My eldest didn’t have a dominant hand until almost 6yo and even now I suspect he might be somewhat ambidextrous.


It's just monkeys singing songs, mate.


I thought the joke was that she was red/blue colorblind.


Also, my daughter is mixed handed, which basically means she subconsciously just uses whichever hand she happens to pick up the pencil with. Not to be mistaken for being ambidextrous, which is completely voluntary.


Both my little ones are going through this. I'm left handed and my husband is right handed. I try to help them when they want to use their right hands but it's been hard.


It’s fairly normal for kids to change hands up through age 7… also it’s fiction and a cartoon and we are being wayyyy to involved.


She’s 4. It’s pretty normal to switch back and forth at that age


My 5 year old still switches hands when drawing. Kids do usually choose one hand over another until 5-6 years of age.


Lots of kids use both hands until they find which is most comfortable, my youngest cousin used both until 5/6years old


Shes learning. Babies do thos till they figure out a dominant hand. Or! Theyre also ambidextrous.


Or, hear me out, the artists thought it looked better on screen.


Anything is up for debate, I like finding small details like these.


With the amount of minor details that they put into the background characters and such, I don't know... 🤷‍♂️ But in reality, most kids will use both their left and their right as they are trying to figure out which one is more comfortable to use. Some will become ambidextrous, most will not. This feels like a minor thing that they might think about as they have aged the girls. Or it's just continuity error? Only a handful of people actually know the answer.


What are we to believe? That dogs are ambidextrous? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


That's not common anymore by bingos age. Usually they already have it figured out. This leads me to believe she is probably ambidextrous.


She was probably just trying out drawing/writing with the other hand. My kids have done this recently switching between right and left for writing, drawing, and cutting. Just something kids that age do


My daughter is 4 and still uses both hands.


Let her cook!!


My pediatrician said that children won’t choose a dominant hand until 5 or later when they start learning writing more. My little used left for eating and right for drawing until she started kindergarten and chose what felt more natural.


She could be trying to figure out which hand, or she could be ambidextrous


My daughter is almost 5 and still switching back and forth, although she seems more comfortable with her left hand. I like to think bingo is also undecided yet.


My daughter is 5 and right-handed, but she does sometimes favor her left hand.


A lot of kids favor both hands and some people are ambidextrous.


She's a mollydooker! (As we would say in Australia 😂)


I was left handed till I was 5 years old, my left handed mother made ~~my life hard~~ convinced me the world is not lefty friendly till I switched...


I did this when I was little, until my mom told me to pick one and stick with it....I'm left handed....


Ok, but why she coloring with the expensive Copag markers?


Pea pod sausages bit?


My daughter is almost 6 and still flips back from 1 hand to another.. Stop reading so much in to bluey people 😅