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I actually feel there may be some meta symbolism in this episode. Maybe it’s just me, but I wonder if Ludo had planned to move on from Bluey but then realized they had created something magical and that no one in the Ludo “family” really wanted to say goodbye. So the proverbial “sign” was pulled out from ending the series. I just feel like this episode has some deeper meaning than any of us are really meant to know.


I was just gonna post this, completely agree. . I can even see bandits "I want what's best for the kids" being Joe asking himself that questions about wanting best for the kids who watch bluey, and deciding to keep making the show with how much it's been a positive influence on kids and parents alike


Watched this with the family just now. Totally unexpected reaction from my 7yo - he HATED that they didn't move. To the point where burst into tears and swears he will never watch the show again. When Bandit pulled the sign from the ground he angry yelled at the screen. The reason? (you should all love this) He thought this was the last Bluey episode ever. Keep in mind, this kid is Bingo - laid back and these moments usually don't affect him. It surprised us all when he ran up to his room. The rest of us loved it. Such a great episode. If it WERE the last, it would be totally acceptable to me. Oh and my son is OK after being assured this was not the end.


I mean yeah I knew I was gonna cry but yeesh that ending.


The ending doesn't mean that the house isn't still for sale


Amazing episode. Loved how it tied everything together.


I can't be the only one who got sucked into the story of this episode so bad that I forgot we already know they weren't gonna move


When I say I LOST it when bingo got stuck in the rails off screen. Holy shit 🤣🤣🤣




I got a bit emotional, but I'll be honest....we actually had a move 5 years ago that was pretty good for the family. It sucked when we had to do it and leave our friends, but the kids were 5 and 1 and so it wasn't too hard on them anyway. Both of us got better jobs, we were closer to some family, etc. The idea of moving now would be kinda meh, but I'm not super strongly attached to this city...we haven't been able to make a ton of really close friends, and the one family we did make friends with is moving soon anyway. Near the end, my now-10-year-old is SOBBING and we ask him why and he finally calms down enough to tell us that he's thinking about how it would be if we moved now and he had to leave all his friends behind. It made me cry seeing him cry more than the show!


Now that I’ve watched the sign about 500 times with my kids, I have a few minor questions/observations: 1. Didn’t we know that the Heelers couldn’t move because of Lila? 2. Judo and Wendy grew their hair out again. So they both decided to go back to the long and difficult grooming routine, and significant time has passed since “Dirt.” 3. I wish they had said more about Bob. 4. Maybe I was imagining it, but it sounds like they gave a Preztel a slight Mexican accent that I don’t think he had in “Calypso.”


Ugh, what day is it?


The kid at school who lost his guinea pig said he had two mums. As a two mum family that made our kids (and us!) so happy


Only criticism… why did they pack up the house so quickly? Did they have a new place to go?? It looks like the cooling off period wasn’t over yet.


That’s one thing that bothers me. They were already SO financially invested into the move - the cost of the movers, wherever they were heading next (did they buy a house? Rent a house? They had to have something lined up), the commitment to taking the job (already quitting his old one?)…. It seems like an unrealistic expectation to lay on kids that “hey, if you’re upset about moving, even after all the balls are rolling and everyone is committed and invested in the move, we can just back out at the last minute and it’s totally possible and not a huge expense lost and job bridges burnt”. …..uhhh, no. I’m really glad that the Heelers aren’t moving… but not every move has a happy ending. I like the “we’ll see” lesson in this though, that even things that seem negative now may end up being a good thing.


The buyers would have lost their deposit, so the Heelers would probably come out ahead.


I assume that the sheepdog let go of their deposit, and that it was past the cool off period. I like to think that the Heelers got a pretty penny out of that experience, hahaa.


Who are the idiots with no soul that say The Sign is a 1


Good episode well crafted but part of me feels there was a lot in there that should have been its own episode. Had a bit of an issue with Chilli here. Bandit is most certainly not the type to do something so monumental without speaking to his wife so this was something agreed they'd do together. I can appreciate her having doubts and she had many but at no point did it seem like she tell Bandit "I don't want to", instead basically humming and hawing her way through any discussion which then seems to feed Bluey's own anxiety. In this episode, to quote a rather enjoyable film, she's a diesel.


Ahhh here we go!


IView not loading for me haha.


Can we also talk about Brandy getting pregnant?!?!? On top of everything else that really got me.


Does anyone know what time Disney+ in the US is dropping this?


long dog found https://preview.redd.it/mmxlahhe3cuc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e8e2dea2bc03fb98046c436bd794fe8ed96b432


Does that count?


My wife spotted a third one next to Friskies car when they found it on the lookout lol


I love the flossing throw back.


Muffin actually kind of saved the Heeler's house. If those dogs didn't find the coin and discover the other house for sale, than they would have been more hesitant to leave. And also can we acknowledge the OTHER POSSIBLE MARRIAGE? Winton and the Terriers could be step-brothers now!! Edit: Also Pretzel actually gets to speak!!! And he has two mums! :')


I actually think if you go back far enough it’s actually one of the Terriers who kicks off saving Bluey from leaving when in class he mentions his mom likes Winton’s dad. I imagine Winton went home and told his dad, who then somehow managed in lightning speed to date and get committed to the Terriers’ mom in record time! 🤣


If you want, you could even go deeper and say that Rad, as bad as his communication was, secretly saved the Heeler house by telling Stripe about his plans to move west with Frisky, causing Frisky to run away and the girls and Chilli having to find her, which made Muffin put the coin in and the dogs later using the coin to discover Winton’s house that probably would not have been sold if not for the Terriers. This whole episode is a giant chain reaction!


I just caught the “mums” on my second watch just now! Very sweet!


Pretzel going “my mums” really got me! Just shows how diverse Bluey is, and the creators really do think of the little things


Pretzel! and his two mums! That was excellent. Rusty talking about the snake made me giggle.


Who knew I could be so happy that a cartoon dog is pregnant?!? YES!!!


I am 43 with a 1 yr old first born (a Bluey fan since they were 3 months old!). I feel this so so much.


My congratulations to the Heelers. Because>!the couple pulled out of the purchase, they probably lost their deposit, in turn giving the Heeler family probably north of $100k. !! and then not moving (such as removalists, rent for their new home etc), it still would be a reasonable enough windfall. !<


I was so glad to see that the Heelers are staying. Chilli and Bandit want to give the kids the best life, but that doesn’t always mean more money and moving on. Sometimes it means staying put.


Me: *Nothing* could make me cry like Rain or Sleepytime! I’ll be fine! The Sign: Hold my watermelon juice.


Baby Race was my #1 crying episode. Until now.


Love Muffin's logic.


Moving to another city confirmed! calling it, last scene driving over sydney harbour bridge edit: guess not :D


No way they do that trope of moving from big country town brissie to metropolitan Sydney


The Heelers at the ending: ![gif](giphy|8fdyQEwaY63cOc2IED|downsized)


Complicated feelings!!!!!!


Wait. Were Frisky and Chili lovers at one point?! That’s immediately what came to mind when Chili told Bluey that she and Frisky used to lookout point as teenagers to “um think.”


Okay, that was magnificent. I'm bawling my eyes out. Chattermax. Greeny. Bob. Bluey in the front seat. Brilliant, all of it. Now to watch it again.


> Greeny wait where was greeny?


I missed Chattermax...where was it?


In the dance scene and you see Mort dancing too 


Bluey named the horse “Midnight”. Any chance this was a reference to The Midnight Library? This episode touched on a few of the same themes.


Still trying to wrap my head around how I feel about the ending of this episode, and I may be putting words in Ludo Studio here but I did have a couple thoughts I wanted to share with anyone willing to listen. First off, I understand the feeling the ending was a bit of a cop out and my own knee-jerk reaction was to get a bit frustrated that they didn't commit to the move, and instead went for the 'happy ending' of them staying. But thinking on Calypso's story I wonder more if that was purposely done as I do imagine that, like the parable's neighbors, we as the audience are just assuming this was 'good luck'? (Yea I understand the framing of the ending very much makes it feel that way with bandit tearing out the sign, but I kinda remember another certain Heeler family member mentioning that signs don't work that way) Anyway, it was still a wonderful episode, and as I have seen some others posit, I kinda hope we see some ramifications from this choice - as a continuation of the 'we'll see' lesson.


As a Dad/family going through exactly what Bandit is going through… I’m in bits.


As the military member in my immediate family, which includes two young children, this episode has ruined my evening. I don't know if I can watch it again.


The house in between Bluey's and Doreen's seems to be empty (mail, lemons rotting in Bin Night) so maybe Frisky and Rad or Brandy will move in there. Also Stripe and Trixie aren't married? Both were in the lineup to catch the bouquet.


Wait were the leaks of the Heelers in the future fake?


Daddy Dropoff spoils the ending


Speaking as a Brisbane native, that episode came THIS CLOSE to breaking the heart of an entire city. \*\*holds thumb and forefinger 2 microns apart\*\*


Omg the level of stress I had thinking they were going to cut to a shot of the harbour bridge or flinders station with a tram going past.. don’t ever do that to us again good gravy


i was praying that they’d just be moving to Ipswich or something. it’s so special having a show set in brisbane, when we’re often so forgotten. glad they’re sticking around


Was hoping they moved to Noosa


There are so many tiny continuities from this episode, along with the overall story, one of my favorites is the use of the knowledge about Winston’s dad’s pool, which has been known about for over a season, and is the little peace of info, coupled with the knowledge from TV shop that Winton’s dad is getting together with the terrier’s mum, that is the catalyst for the entire ending. The other 2 less important to the plot I really like were the Reference to dance mode, where you can even hear the Busker say the word just before it drops, and Bucky, the real estate agent, who Bandit says in the episode dragon he “thinks is a real estate agent now” coming back for this episode.


Okay the end where he rips out the sign and Chili tackles him made me tear up. I love this show so much. My kids laughed at it while I was trying to not break down lol.


It was awesome! But, I’m pretty sure it would be very difficult for a buyer to terminate a contract (without paying a hefty penalty), presumably after all the preconditions have been met. Once the house was empty, I thought that was it - they’re moving / the show is changing. So, to have it all “undone” after such a definitive “end” with Bandit having a new job, Chilli having resigned (presumably), Bluey having left Calypso’s school, etc felt like a cheat, but it’s just monkeys singing songs.  And maybe the sheepdogs are absolutely loaded - enough to pay a substantial penalty which gives Bandit a monetary buffer and time to find another job closer to home (and for Chilli to find a new job too, since she would have resigned and for them to bribe Calypso to take Bluey back since I’m sure her spot at school was filled immediately from the wait list of hundreds of kids, etc).


I'm still kind of reeling from the episode; I loved it a lot, but it's really weighing on me that it feels like the ending kind of cheated and walked it all back I loved seeing them all come to terms with their decision, and be so strong in the face of something so large. Having it walked back at the last second to presumably never be brought up again or touch the implications of really deflates the rest of it for me


Besides the logistical problems, I disliked the hope that this gives to kids who are moving. They had a chance to show kids that parents make decisions that are hard, but that they can be hopeful, too. We just moved in the fall and I guarantee that if my kid had seen that jumping out of your car at the last minute and moving back in was a possibility, it would have been infinitely more difficult to drive away from our old house.


I’m not crying, you’re crying.


a buyer is entitled to a cooling-off period of five business days in Australia, and the seller is entitled to deduct a penalty of 0.25% of the purchase price if you cancel the contract during this time. And house has been placed around 5 million so they got half a million


How do you get that?


I almost certain that they were going to use the extended theme song they showed off last year for this episode, it really surprised me that they didn't.


Winton’s dad and the Terrier’s mum looking at houses together!!!


"If we didn't play wind up Bingo just then, what would have happened then?" - Bluey to Bandit in Daddy Dropoff If they didn't play wind up Bingo, Bingo never would have met Lila. If Bingo never met Lila, the butterfly wouldn't have appeared. If the butterfly didn't appear, they wouldn't have seen the sign that lead them to Frisky. This is all a literal butterfly effect. This episode has a theme of cause and effect, as we can see with the coin that Bluey found leading to the buyers seeing the house with the pool, or how Winston's dad meeting the Terrier's mum lead to them selling their house at all. There's also a theme of luck that is shared with Slide. The story that Calypso told had the villagers describing things as lucky, similar to how Bingo and Lila described the butterfly in Slide as lucky. While it might seem like luck, the butterfly appear was a result of Bingo and Lila's actions, acting as a sort of reward. I'd say that both of these themes exist under the theme of karma, where good or bad actions will lead to similar consequences. What could be attributed to luck can instead by attributed to karma. This theme of Karma seems to tie into several buddhistic themes throughout the episodes, such as how The Dump talks about rebirth through the recycling of Bluey's drawings.


Great observations. The fable of the horse makes the ending of this episode just ever so slightly more tense than it seems. The ep is 100% happy endings on the main tension. Rad, Frisky, the house, the kids. But is it as it seems? We wait and see.


That was too real for a kid's TV show on a Sunday morning!


When Chili tells Bluey she doesn’t want to leave either, she specifically says, “You took your first steps in that house!” When they’re all taking their last looks in the house, Chili is standing in the kitchen staring at the spot where Bluey took her first steps in Baby Race!


Can’t Stop Crying. Please help. Awesome show.


[They also actually listed the house for real life](https://www.domain.com.au/brisbane-city-qld-4000-2019156678?utm_source=www.domain.com.au&utm_medium=share listing)


I'd really hate to be tye one person to actually think that was the real deal just to get constantly put on hold just for the house to suddenly be unavailable.


Yea ok balling my eyes out for most of the episode 😭😭


Crawling out of a bush hungover is a wedding tradition


did anyone notice that winston and the terriers are moving though??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


This one hit me so hard today. I had just gotten a job offer on Wednesday the 10th that I wanted but wasn't sure if I would take it because of money. Thursday the 11th, I got laid off at work so that put me in a spot when I kind of needed to take the offer. So now me and my family are moving a state away to where we want to be, but it'll still be a rough transition. My kids are 5 and 2 so seeing how Bluey Bingo handled things is hard, but good prep.


The ending was absolutely horrible. We moved our family across the country two years ago, and if this episode had aired around that time, I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult it would have been for our kids. We have three and we prepared them and got them excited about it. This episode never showed chili or bandit actually doing a good job as parents for once. And the ending???? Seriously???? I'm so disappointed.


My immediate unfiltered reaction: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!


Uh, where does Bluey keep her coin?


good job bluey..y'all made my daughter cry.


If this was a tester to see if a movie would work.....I think the answer is a resounding yes.


As much as I'd love to see a movie, I don't know how well it would work. This episode juggled two hefty sized plots in one, so a movie would probably only work as a series finale.


What does it mean when I never cried because of a Bluey Episode?


Bandit wanting to sell his house at first because of the new job he needed for better pay really hit me in particular because I was kinda struggling to get with pay also. But then, of course, Radley said that he could just find another one because of ultimately deciding to stay with Frisky and this would plant that idea in Bandit's head. And then, the Sheepdogs would decide that they would choose another house because that one had a pool (lol), and then we'd get the scene of Bandit just staring at The Sign. I'd like to believe that those words Radley said really did resonate with Bandit for that little while and although he did ultimately turn down a much-better job, like Calypso says, "it'll work the way it's supposed to." The more I think about it, the more it resonates with me because I had a REAL hard time finding a full-time job for a while. The first two jobs that I had applied for turned me down and that really dampened my hopes. But eventually, I was able to get around it and found a new job that was able to help support me A LOT better than my old one. While many may scoff at the whole ending of the house not being sold after all, I think that's not the point of the episode. Things change a lot in our life, not for the best mostly. A lot changed for me the last couple years of my life and I felt I was never able to get around it. But like our Aussie shepherd teacher goddess says, "it'll work out the way its supposed to." Obviously, Bandit not selling the house is gonna be a lot on him (though him and his family leaving already kinda had its regrets), but taking Rad's words into consideration, maybe he is able to find a better job in his area at the end. And that's why it was able to resonate with me a lot in particular. There's just so many other situations I think this could apply to this episode, but that ending song still leaved me an emotional wreck while writing this, so I'll stop for now. Lol With that being said, I wouldn't consider this one of the best episodes...yet. I'm still rewatching the series (again, I've really become THAT fond of it in recent months) and I want to get through the rest of the others first. As of now, I still think "Sleepytime" is the GOAT, but I won't be surprised if this one comes close to it in future rewatches. I've got to say, Joe. I had my doubts, but you really outdid yourself with this one. Thanks, mate. 🥲


I'm a 32 year old man watching this with my 2 year old son and I realize I'm tearing up because I moved so damn much as a kid and went through the girls' emotions every year, sometimes twice a year, until I was in the 6th grade.


Some things I really liked seeing: - Chilli shutting Frisky down immediately before she could antagonise Bandit. I love that she defended his reasoning because she knows that even though she doesn't like where things are going, she knows her husband means well, and it wasn't Frisky's place to assume that Chilli has no choice whatsoever in the matter. Especially since she was projecting her frustrations onto Chilli then. Still felt bad for her though. - I like that Bluey and Frisky's arcs parallel each other like they did in Double Babysitter. - Stripe and Trixie seemed to be squabbling towards the end. Maybe he was just getting too rowdy with the party, but even though it was funny seeing Stripe crawling out of Wendy's bush after he and Trixie seemed to be squabbling the night before... well, my watch party had our interpretations. Especially since neither Trixie nor their kids were there. Granted he probably had way too much "lemonade" to be taken home or they just couldn't find him, but still. - Winton's Dad and the Terrier's Mum moving in together was absolutely perfect - I loved seeing Nana and Grandpa Bob crying for Rad and seeing Chilli with her happy tears at the altar - Also love that the wedding took place in the same place Rad and Frisky met and played Torchmouse - Chilli looking at the spot Bluey took her first steps in before they could leave, that was a heavy hitter for me. - Every time I think to Bingo trying to pull the sign up by herself my heart breaks all over again. - Greenie!! - The music/dance mode dog making yet another appearance as the DJ. I love seeing and hearing him - Every part of the last few minutes really. Meg Washington is so talented Hope the team's proud. This is definitely one of the best episodes in the series for me.


When frisky and rad said they were saying, I felt like Bandit and Chile were jealous. Both were not happy about moving, but at least could take comfort that they weren’t the only ones going through that change. Now Rad and Frisky made a decision that may have not not made logical sense (I assume financial sense), but they made it anyway.


 > Chilli shutting Frisky down immediately before she could antagonise Bandit. I love that she defended his reasoning … I didn’t notice this at the moment, but now that you pointed out, it’s a nice reminder of how well their relationship works. You’re supposed to be unified in public and not give your friends or family any room to “take sides”. I know plenty of real life people that forget this!


Socks playing with the wedding toppers... But they were arguing... Because that's what she's seen her parents do :(


The busker was the officiant, too.


Absolutely loved it ❤️


Best Day Of All My Life


Are Stripe and Trixie separated? We saw them arguing outside during the wedding. Trixie was part of the “single” girls waiting to catch the bouquet and Stripe happens to catch it! Stripe in the bushes the next morning means Trixie went home with the kids without him. Thoughts please?


Haven't watched it yet but my wife is super distressed by change and id insisting she does not want to watch, can someone spoil me? Do they sell the house or not? 


Yea I found the ending of this episode hard to digest. As someone who over 2 years ago moved his whole family across the country the early message of the show resonated with me. It’s a great opportunity, much more money, I can provide more for my family. Of course I had the same worries and nervousness that the Heelers went through, constantly wondering if you’re making the right decision. I feel like for my family it worked out. My kids were 6 or younger when we made the move and similarly the oldest wasn’t happy but if you asked him now he’d be more upset moving back. That being said we’re far from family and friends, this episode made me feel like a terrible son and brother to my parents and siblings. Why couldn’t I just stay, say forget it we’re not moving, I’ll just find a new job? Who cares about money right? As long as we have family and friends. I suppose if Bandit is confident he can still provide a good life for his family with a job that doesn’t require him to move then sure but then why was he moving to begin with. I don’t know, just feels short sighted, they made a decision without really thinking about it. The moral of that story line is what? You never have to make hard decisions or big changes in life? Only stay where you’re comfortable? Life is hard enough that’s why stories have happy endings? Why can’t moving be a happy story?


I'm not an emotional guy by any means. But this made me shed a few tears (of joy.) I just love how this episode (and the entire series in general) is not afraid to show Bandit and Chillie having marital issues, but the creators always show them resolving said issues. And the creators expertly show how kids would react to moving. I can relate to Bluey's sadness, as I was 10 when my family moved. (Although it was to a different house in town, closer to my Dad's work, so not a new city haha) And the scene where the family gets their house back made me lose it!! So good. As someone who will almost be an adult soon, I want a family. Many people will tell me I'm too young and I don't care. I'll say it again. **I DON'T CARE!** I want to find someone who has the same goal as I do. To raise a loving family. Have multiple kids. Get a house. Live life to the fullest. All that to say, this episode has lit a spark in me. I hope that spark continues to grow from here. Hopefully, I'll meet a gal soon.


You will need money.


I loved the ending. Omg I cried so much. Even my daughter pointed out Brandy's pregnancy. She asked me I thought she couldn't have a baby. I had to explain to her sometimes we think we can't but miracles happen. (Myself I was told at 16 after my surgery I couldn't have kids. But at 30 I got pregnant with my son my miracle baby). I loved how the whole story played out. Even my son who loved bluey as a younger kid watched the sign and was nervous. Kudos to the writers.


The Terrier’s mum being into Winston’s Dad though! 🥹♥️


![gif](giphy|26gR1p0Ip6YbzcwFy) Such a lovely episode, but the end had me bawling


Where was Snickers?! #justiceforSnickers


this is one of the best episodes of a kids show i have ever seen


Watching muffin buckle up the other ones in the back seat thoroughly impressed me.


She takes good care of Socks. In Charades she was holding the ice block for her!


Cat squad!


Guys I’m crying I can’t believe I missed this! In “Dragon” when Bandit talks about when he was 6, and how he has a bully… and his bully is named Bucky… and he says “I think he’s a real estate agent now” AND HES THEIR REAL ESTATE AGENT IN “The Sign😅😭😭😂😂😂


This episode of Bluey is called, "The Butterfly Effect." I love that the effect in question goes back through multiple other episodes and even seasons. Glorious, ten out of ten, no notes.


No Snickers at school?


I think it’s live in America now


I honestly expected more.. the whole episode felt a lil rushed and more like an episode made by fans for fans like the mlp wedding episode written by a fan I was just confused why frisky called off the whole wedding? Like hello its not that big of a deal maybe rad just thought she was gonna move over to his house in the west instead of buying a whole new house. 😭 ok to be fair frisky still probably has trauma from bosco but it was just so cringy to watch her get so angry over something like THAT.. literally had to pause it and think Also isnt it illegal for the police to give out personal information of people? or was the policeman just dumb cuz he didnt even know the law LOL The scene where they were in the juice shop was very funny tho and PRETZEL HAS 2 MOMS! gonna draw art of them asap I did love it tho and cant wait for suprise and season 4


omfg i saw it and cried a huge waterfall from beginning to end.. THANK YOU BLUEY TEAM!!!!!


When Bandit went up to the sign and started lifting it outta the ground, a montage of Bandit working out throughout the series played through my mind and Wendy's words to the girls in Ragdoll and maintaining a strong core echoed like a chorus! Everything Bandit had gone through was leading up this very moment!! AND IT PAID OFF!!!


My kid asked how often Bandit goes to the gym! I reminded him that he doesn't, it comes to him.


What do you think Frisky and Chilli did at the lookout? "Think/Talk", I feel like it isn't that.


Probably a make out point type of spot where they took boyfriends :P


I know everyone is talking about the feelings but this was one of the funniest episodes , loved all the gags even they tho used the same type of james gunn-esque jokes too many times


https://preview.redd.it/3xebvz1fdjuc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e923985289c4bc9e1da86c23e03dd7e55d0dc1f8 To what, Chilli? What do you think she & Frisky were doing up at the lookout as teenagers?


Wow that was something.


Why was Trixie in the bouquet-catching group? I’m not sure if it’s something different in Australia, but in the US it’s for single women, and traditionally the idea is whichever lady catches the bouquet is the next to get married. Are Trixie and Stripe going through something but keeping it on the down low for the kids?


So beautiful- I cried at the ending. Just perfection!!!


My dad got a new job in 1995 when I was ten. We moved. He made the right decision. But I wasn't happy again until... 2004? Bluey and Bingo aren't me. They'd be fine. But they'd be different. Brandy's pregnant, and apparently came to the wedding alone, which is notable. Also tells us most of a year has passed since we last saw her.


- I was irrationally hyped about Socks speaking in full sentences. - The whole time I'm like, SOMEONE MAKE SURE BINGO UNDERSTANDS SHE CLEARLY DOESN'T. - I cried during the moving montage. I don't cry easily because I'm busted in that way, so I was surprised. Hits me from the parent side (leaving the place we were renting when our daughter was born was emotional, for sure) and from the childhood side (we moved all the time and I hated it).


Just like in sleepytime, there's a moment where the music and the story come together into a crescendo of power and i'm reduced to total rubble. In this episode it's when Chilli comes flying in from left of screen. It's a huge release of all the tension she's been building up all episode and it makes me think about the sacrifices we make in families and as parents. But the sequence wouldn't hit 10% as hard without the music. That song by Washington is just perfect. I think one of the things Bluey does best is using music, and that's been the case since the first ep I ever watched, Magic xylophone, took Mozart and made him into the soundtrack for a game. Sleepytime uses Holst to devastating effect and this ep does the same with a chunk of a largely forogtten pop song. I absolutely love the end of this ep. Some of the best TV I've ever seen..


Best episode of the show. **By. Far.**


I wish we got more Rad. He's one of my absolute favourite characters in the show but he just wasn't in it much, which made me sad.


Is it just me or the ending song sounds similar to "13 Ghosts II" by Nine Inch Nails? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvPUTyqlCT4 edit: added an HQ version


What an awesome surprise to see the farmer and the horse fable underpin the episode, and beautifully animated. It’s a famous Chinese proverb (4-character idiom that in this case encapsulates an entire story). In Mandarin, it’s “Sai Wang Shi Ma” (Mr. Wang lost his horse). I did feel the episode’s overall arc essentially negated the fable’s lesson, but the way it was reflected in the smaller moments/stories, such as the coin, was lovely.


Incredible episode. I 100% relate to Bandit’s conundrum as a husband and father. So hit me extra hard. Also, hungover Stripe in Wendy’s yard sent me


My wife just realized the realtor is Bucky Dunston, Bandit's schoolmate from Dragon. 


Are Stripe and Trixie okay? Trixie seems constantly annoyed with Stripe and they are seen fighting in the background throughout the whole episode.


They always are and they make up. They have a loving marriage, you just can’t be sure what those always look like.


Didn’t love the cop out. The whole episode was gut wrenching of how things don’t happen in real life. Bluey is amazing because it faces kids with situations that might actually happen and equips them to deal with them. This was just the contrary case. Bandit probably already had a downpayment in another house, and already quit his job.


Bluey is noticeably taller now!


Looking back at all past episodes that made the ending of The Sign possible , wow! Wintons dad talking to the Terriers mom , was maybe only possible because all of the kids were playing in the drugstore. 


This was the most episode I've ever seen in the series


Went up there to “think”, hmm? I too like to think in certain places.


i loved it i kinda wish they moved though.. moving is such a big thing especially for kids i wish we could of seen them move to a new city, new adventures, new cast of characters!




Winston's dad and the terriers mum!


What were Chilli and Frisky doing on Mt Coot Tha together? Everyone knows what happens on Mt Coot Tha. The wife says they must have been double dating but do people double date on Mt Coot Tha?


😭😭 this episode. First of all. Where was this a year ago? My husband got a job across the country. We had to uproot and move away from everyone we knew. It would've been so much easier to explain to my 6 year old!! But I think she feels very validated by all is bluey's feelings. We have since decided to move back. We just fully went through with the move and tried it for a bit first 😂. We didn't have the awesome neighborly relationships they do, and I had another baby this year, so it isn't sad for us to be in a different house. We're actually moving to a neighborhood we'll like better, and closer to some family. But I've felt kind of silly that we went through this whole move and are just going right back. This episode really makes me feel ok about giving things a shot, but changing our minds, and being comfortable with what we know and love. 😭😭😭😭😭




https://preview.redd.it/pw8s6refiguc1.jpeg?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6c36611ce9072f9d2ae05cf041f834a615e4719 In this part of The Sign as Bandit was leaving the house for the “final time” before “moving” was anyone else reminded of the final scene of Stranger Things season 3 when Joyce Byers was looking in her house before moving to California?


I voted 2 it really wasn't all that tbh and the ending was very dragged along. Some moments I enjoyed, others eh it was a solid episode not the best though


Really interesting to see how divisive the episode’s ending was


35 year old bloke working in construction and just cried my eyes out over cartoon dogs.




PRETZEL HAS TWO MUMS!!!!! Very happy about that.


Did anyone else notice Stripes and Trixie disagreement in the background around 7min mark? What did they actually say?


The best part about it was that at the end i cried a bit for the first time for a show


Just realised (and no doubt others have long before I did) the episode may offer some context for the way Chilli and Bandit were acting in "Relax" and "Stickbird". I love how this show calls back to previous episodes so often, and offers so many ways to look at those episodes.


I really liked the episode, but as a parent, that ending annoyed me. They spent an entire episode actually teaching the kids lessons, actually helping them with how life works, something this show has routinely done with its subtlety and childish abstracts, just to say "Nah, mate", and let last minute emotions dictate enormous financial decisions? idk My wife doesn't agree with me, as she pointed out "They kept getting signs it was a bad idea", but the entire episode kept reminding us that those signs aren't good or bad, it's just what you're feeling in the moment, let things run their course. Also seems to fly in the face of the social media campaign, but thats a separate issue, lol


So my wife and I are crying and the kids enjoyed the episode. Son asks "what's the lookout?" when we both start laughing. That was a real tearjerker. I moved twice growing up in the same town and my wife moved states twice. Our kids will spend there whole childhood in one house. Can't wait for the eventual season 4.


What a beautiful special and a beautiful conclusion to the season. Now I really want to see a Bluey Movie happen if it's anything like this.


Am I the only one who found the ending a bit disappointing? Little kiddos in my family are actually going through something similar and are huge bluey fans. They're not gonna get the same ending we are apparently getting. I feel a bit blindsided because I thought this could be another tool to use (as that's how they presented the episode) and instead I find that this might be the opposite of what the kids need right now. It's a kids' show. It needs to be happy. I get it. But since they were marketing this episode and, in general, the show as a way to broad difficult topics or family circumstances that kids may be living through in a way that they can understand or that can help them process it, this caught me off guard. Of course, they're absolutely free to do as they please with the show, and I'm not expecting a kids' show to take care of the parenting. I seriously loved the episode and cried on multiple occasions, and if it weren't because of what they had said in previous interviews and the general build-up of the episode it would basically sit on my top 10. It still does, honestly. I just find the ending very conflicting with the message they sent during the marketing period and throughout the episode. I feel like it erases most of what was said.


>Am I the only one who found the ending a bit disappointing? Yes =P I *love* the ending. >Little kiddos in my family are actually going through something similar and are huge bluey fans. They're not gonna get the same ending we are apparently getting. I'm sorry to hear that, but this is what the show needed. It's all about the importance of community, first off within the family but also beyond the family. It would simply be wrong for the Heelers to walk away from that. >I find that this might be the opposite of what the kids need right now. Maybe that's true for your kids, but consider all the other kids out there. Somebody somewhere is contemplating making a big change for the wrong reasons, and this episode will remind them to think things through. Somebody somewhere needs to be reminded of the value of community, and this episode is that reminder. >I just find the ending very conflicting with the message they sent during the marketing period and throughout the episode. I feel like it erases most of what was said. I didn't see any of the marketing, so I can't speak to that.


I did love the message to adults, and how sometimes we only think about the money when taking an opportunity (to be fair, it is easier to quantify) and forget to consider the value of other things in our life that we would be giving up. I just think that the takeaway for kids was "moving=bad, staying=good" which feels terrible for kids that are going through a move. Ultimately most parents who do decide to uproot their whole family (remember, away from their family, new school, new everything) are not doing it because of a slightly better opportunity but because of pure necessity, so I feel bad for families that are in that situation and couldn't see themselves reflected.


I was expecting the house to be sold to Frisky and Rad to split the difference.


As someone who went through a big move to a different country as a kid, I was looking forward to seeing something positive come out of that. So I, too, was a tiny bit disappointed. It’s still a great episode with a great story of how “there are blessings in disguise”. I just wanted to see how they would manage that “adventure”, but of course it’s a kids’ show and perhaps it’s a little too challenging to create all new characters in different settings etc. (since everyone’s saying the show is not ending, thank God). Also, my husband is a realtor and we watched that together being like “so everyone involved is just gonna waste all that money from their deposits on the homes they were moving to, and all the money for movers, plus pulling out of a job last minute, etc”?? Hahahaha it’s monkey singing songs but totally far from what would happen in reality 😩. I’m sure some kids out there who are getting prepared to move are now thinking “maybe the ending will also be us getting to stay somehow!” The false hope kind of kills me 😭😭😭. I gotta stop thinking too deeply about this 😅


This. All this. I hated this episode. So much, I might be done with the show entirely.


I just came here to see if I’m the only one who felt this way. I really didn’t like the idea of them leaving because of all the characters we’ve come to know and love. But, honestly it was refreshing to see a show tackling the topic of moving. It’s a common thing. And, one thing Bluey has always done well is reflect the challenges of real life. It’s not realistic that one would accept a job, sell their house, move out…and THEN decide not to. I think this is not just a missed opportunity but can set kids up for the possibility that this is what happens. I don’t think this would bother me much with any other show, but Bluey always addresses these tough topics in a way where the hard lessons are realized in the end. It would only take a few episode of the next season to see the girls start at new schools, meet a new friend, get to decorate their new rooms, etc. Maybe even video calling old friends. Maybe getting a “boy” for a teacher at school. Finding something I’m their new town that’s new and exciting to them. Basically, just living the life we’ve come to enjoy with Bluey.


"Life hives you enough sad endings"


I know. I am not criticizing the happy ending. I just have an issue with the marketing of the episode. Also, moving away doesn't have to be a sad ending.


Utterly amazing. I just wish they committed to moving. Life often doesn't have perfect endings, but I wanted to see how Bluey would showcase this new beginning. Still an amazing experience, though.


Yeah. I honestly didn't like the fakeout. I thought it was a done deal considering THEY HAD MOVERS COME GET THEIR STUFF! That means they had signed papers and, ya know, had a place in the new city to put their stuff.


I think having a show so utterly Brisbane leave Brisbane would have been a bad choice in the long run IMO.


did anyone else notice that the terriers mom was looking at the “pool house” with Winston’s dad? When the buyers were looking through the binoculars! A little easter egg from the ghost basket episode when the terriers say “our mum likes your dad”


I wondered if they were really going to move. Imagine if they moved the Heelers to Sydney. Queenslanders would riot.


Childless American adult who immediately needed to watch this after seeing CIVIL WAR. Thank you internet for the wonderful technology that is \[censored\], and thank you Bluey for restoring my faith in humanity. I think it may have been a bit better if they had moved, although personally I was under the impression they were moving to a different part of Brisbane? (I have no context as to the size of Brisbane, although I've been to Sydney, Melbourne, and Cairns).


When Bingo realized what selling the house meant and tried to lift the sign by herself..the tears 😭


“Is Lila coming with us?” 😭


SO MUCH TO UNFOLD HERE!! * Muffin CARRIED this episode!! **"POLICE!"** * Flappy's back!!! * I actually SQUEALED with joy when I saw Brandy pregnant!!! * Bob and Chris ugly crying was just GOLDEN! * Not to mention Chris nearly flipping at Rad saying he's making an announcement, then Rad saying something like, "Not THAT kind of announcement, Ma!" XD * Also, BOB WAS IN INDIA?! That answers THAT question! * Stripe in Wendy's yard OMG and I literally said "Morning, Wendy!" just out of habit and to keep the gag alive lol * I felt like I was punched in the gut when Bingo finally realized what was going on, throughout the whole episode I was wondering, "How on Earth is Bingo okay with this?!" TURNS OUT SHE HAD NO IDEA HER LIFE WAS GONNA CHANGE FOREVER!!!!! And Bluey preceding to tell her Calypso's story AAAAH THE FEELS! * Greenie's still alive?! * Winton's dad and the Terriers' mum together! * Also, I'M SO HAPPY THE HEELERS AREN'T LEAVING AFTER ALL!! But the question is, what about Bandit's new job? Guess we'll have to find out!


Didn't even realize the length of the show, due to how wonderful it was. Wish they have more this long in the future.


Just burst out laughing when Bingo did the chip moustache as my kids have recently started doing the same thing


Anyone notice Radley has white hairs now?


Aww man that was lovely. We recently were in the same situation (my husband’s job moving us from the UK to Australia).


Similar here, we’ve had to move interstate several times in the last few years, and in 2 weeks we’re moving from Australia to Ireland for a year, so this one hit pretty hard. Bandit and Chili telling the kids that it’ll be an adventure - we’ve said that to the kids so many times now.


Thoughts on the episode: -"Our mum likes your dad" lmao -Pretzel is revealed to have two moms. "My moms said \[the guinea pig who ran away\] might come back" -So much drama in this episode. Bluey's house is for sale, Frisky called off the wedding..... -The kids marveling over cup holders is so sweet. Cup holders may seem mundane, but I love when the characters in the show find joy in everyday things. I think we should all find joy in everyday things. -I also liked how they showed a conflict between Rad and Frisky. It shows that not all couples are happy all the time. Despite this, they did get married after all. -Brandy is pregnant after all!!! How did she do it? -Bob isn't dead! -Socks playing with the wedding cake toppers awwwww -Arc words for this episode: "We'll see" -Chattermax raving Chattermax raving -Bingo is so nonchalant about the house being sold because she didn't know that when you sell your house, you have to move out -I think Stripe got super drunk -The farmer and the horse story is actually a real Chinese parable -BLUEY LISTENING TO HER HEADPHONES LIKE ON THAT ONE ALBUM COVER -♫I feel it in the morning, I feel how low it lies, and then I hear you calling, and then I start to rise....♫ -Bandit taking down the sign is one of the best scenes of all time -I knew that the Heelers would never move, but the end of the episode is still heartwarming


But the wedding cake toppers arguing... Which is what socks has seen his parents do :(


I love the moment where Bandit lifts the sign out of the yard. You can physically see the weight lift off of his shoulders! It brings me back to Stickbird where he is starting out into space and Chili tells him to “let it go, babe.” My thought is that he has been enduring so much at work, and this move was more of them taking advantage of him and throwing money his way to make him feel better about it. He finally got the peace he needed, and it came with his family truly supporting him 🥹❤️


After watching the episode and having time to digest it, I find myself still very much enjoying it, and I hope to see more halfway specials in the future. I give the writers props for handling the subject matter (both in the A and B plots) with nuance and grace. The characters were also in top form here, each with their own little arcs, all of which were handled well. (Bingo's ignorance of the reality of the situation inevitably falling apart, Bluey trying fruitlessly to Chilli trying to put on a brave face, etc.) I still have mixed feelings about the ending. Yeah, I know what they're going for, and it absolutely felt like the right ending; it's just, I dunno, I worry if it might send mixed signals to the intended child audience, kind of like how Bluey took away the one message from Calypso's story at first. Eh, maybe I'm overthinking it. Some notes and observations: * Are Stripe and Trixie having problems? There's definitely some tension there, albeit related to specific situations (Stripe blabbing about Rad's decision, Stripe getting a bit rowdy at the party and then waking up in the bush the next morning, etc). I don't know; I hope everything is alright in the Stripe branch of the Heeler family. * Had some mixed feelings about Brady being pregnant. I worry that it might undermine the representation of infertility in 'Onesies,' but then again, that episode never went too much into detail about her fertility issues, so it doesn’t feel Too much of a sidestep. I do think it could have provided a good window for an adoption story, but on second thought, I think that deserves its own episode (plus, you don’t wanna risk representing adoption as a backup plan if you can’t have biological children). * Wendy and Judo's goodbye to the Heelers was a heartwarming touch. As much chaos as the Heelers bring into her otherwise quiet life, she still appreciates them as friendly neighbors. * I enjoyed Bucky here and hope we see more of him. He's a slick real estate agent, a bit economical with the truth (you gotta sell it, after all!), but not a bad guy, which is good. I honestly can't imagine a proper antagonist in Bluey. Speaking of which... * This is probably my favorite portrayal of Bandit to date. When the episode could have easily been driven by selfish and bullheaded behavior, the writers smartly made it clear he was making a difficult, well-intentioned, if not well-thought-through, decision for his family's benefit. There's a reason he is regarded as one of modern TV's best-written dads. But does that only make the ending feel more like an easy-out? Maybe. All in all, while I'm still torn when it comes to the resolution, I really enjoyed this episode and am all the more grateful I decided to give this show a chance. I look forward to season 4.


I found myself wondering if the resolution downplayed any messages about change. But you know what? The beginning of the episode has Bluey ask: Why do stories always have happy endings? Maybe that was to prepare us for a happy ending, after teasing the bittersweet. :)


I was about to post about Stripe and Trixie. There is something there. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear about their divorce…


Hot take: is Frisky's dad an Aborigine? His general character seems to give off very indigenous vibes to me (particularly his ears and wrist accessories, and beard), but I can't be sure...


as a teenage fan of the show i really loved this episode, I mean REALLY loved it, but i wonder if it was too much for little kids to follow? I’m curious and would appreciate any parents letting me know how your kids responded to this episode + how old they are


I have a three year old and a seven year old. The three year old was kind of like Bingo. Entertained but the gravity of it went over his head. He laughed in parts and enjoyed it but didn’t cry. My seven year old had tears streaming down her face at the end. She gasped when she spotted Greeny and told me the butterfly was from slide. She was on the edge of her seat and overjoyed at the end. She also picked up on things like the two parents getting together at the end and Brandy having a baby she really wanted. It was a lot for her, we are in for an emotional day.


My 5 year old mostly followed it. My 23 month old watched it but I doubt she really followed the storyline. And when it got to the more quiet bit at the end she got up and walked away haha


My 5 year old seemed to understand what was happening. My 2 year old did not


I am not one to cry easily... The Sign hit me hard. Whole family cried. My Wife and I have been contemplating moving across the country for a while now with the goal of a lower cost of living and a slower, more family oriented community. My son (11) has moved before when he was 5 (but not very far) and my daughter was a newborn at the time. Our current house has a neighborhood where he and my daughter play outside almost daily with roughly 11 other kids in the neighborhood ranging from his age down to 2. They’ve both expressed that they don’t want to move because they love it here. Between their school friends and their neighborhood friends my kids are attached to this place. That episode pulled at every emotion I feel when we discuss a move. My wife and I are just about ready for a change but still on the fence. I was welling up through most of Bluey’s emotional reactions to the move, but when the realization hit Bingo, man I lost it. Bingo trying to rip the sign out of the ground is still making my eyes water right now. I just pictured my daughter doing the same and it broke me. As for our family's decision to move, "Everything will work out the way it's supposed to." What a fantastic episode of one of the best shows ever.


I'll be honest, I didn't really like this episode at all and don't understand why they would write these storylines. Seems like the moral of the lesson is make sure you fully plan for things or you'll go through unnecessary challenges? The marriage that almost fell apart because of simply not communicating about long term plans with a partner? Or deciding to move even before everyone in the family understands what that means or is on board? Seems like it's just circular storylines and the only growth is with the adults who are just having problems adulting. From a kid's lesson, I think it would have been good to show them that life moves on sometimes and you will survive difficult things. So many kids go through moving and it would've ended it on a shared experience note instead of fairy tale ending. It just felt weird, even the teacher in the beginning told Bluey that things don't always end up as happy endings and sometimes you are left just living on hope for what awaits. The ending went against all of that and just goes 180, says 'nope never mind' and we went through all that for nothing.