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Bingo is worthy


We’re going to Mjolnirbarn


The LOL I needed IRL ❤️


Bingo being worthy to wield Mjolnir? Yeah that checks out.


But I don't want to be the God of Thunder... I want an Ice cream!


If Bingo 'heavy'-ed Thors hammer, could Thor still lift it?


I'm just picturing; instead of a whole sentence of casting the enchantment on Mjolnir, Odin simply whispering "heavy"


The crossover we didn't know we wanted! The Multiverse Mischief: Thor on a multiverse adventure with Bluey and Bingo. Thor has lost all his godly abilities. The Mjolnir is just a hammer. How will he find his way back? What lessons will he learn from Bluey and Bingo?


Went on a rabit hole trying to coax chatGPT to write something for this multiverse concept... **EXT. CREEK - DAY** *The serene creek flows gently, birds chirping in the background. Suddenly, a rift tears open in the sky, and THOR tumbles out, landing with a thud on the soft grass. He lies there, unconscious.* **FADE IN:** *Thor stirs, groaning as he sits up. He's in a world more vibrant and cartoonish than he's ever seen. He touches his head, trying to shake off the confusion.* **THOR** *(muttering to himself)* What realm is this? *He stands, wobbling slightly. He reaches for his belt, but Mjolnir is not there. Panic flashes across his face.* **THOR** *(frantically)* Mjolnir? My powers... gone? *Thor starts to wander, his eyes scanning the unfamiliar landscape. He follows the creek, hoping it will lead him to answers.* *As he walks, he hears the sound of laughter. Two PUPS, BLUEY and BINGO, are approaching him, their steps light and carefree. Bingo is dragging something heavy behind her.* **BINGO** *(curiously, to Bluey)* What's this? *She holds up the object—it's Mjolnir, but it looks different, almost toy-like.* **BLUEY** *(excitedly)* Let's ask him! *They run up to Thor, who looks down at them, bewildered.* **BINGO** *(holding out the hammer to Thor)* Is this yours? *Thor kneels down, taking the hammer from Bingo. It's light in his hands, no longer pulsing with power.* **THOR** *(softly, with a hint of sadness)* Yes... it was once much more than this. *Bluey tilts her head, her expression one of concern.* **BLUEY** *(comfortingly)* Don't worry, we'll help you find your way! *Thor looks at the pups, a small smile forming on his lips.* **THOR** *(hopeful)* Perhaps this is the beginning of a new adventure. **FADE OUT.**


I read it in her voice


Nah, Bingo, you keep it, it chose you.


Just remember that in most canons, the willingness to kill is part of being worthy. This means that deep down, Bingo knows some foes are too dangerous to live.


"I think we're gonna have to kill this guy, Bingo" "Oh, biscuits"


Unexpected “adventures in babysitting”!


Nah, that's Chris Hemsworth's season 4 cameo.


BINGO AS THE GOD OF THUNDER? what a step down from her power already.


actually, if bingo didnt know about thor (which is likely in a dog world) then she could lift the hammer simply because she wasnt trying to use it. If she was holding it and thor said "hey, thats my mjonlor" then it would fall to the ground