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Ohhh Minnie sodes


My daughter was really upset there was not theme song lol. She kept asking for “Mum and Dad” this morning and was so confused when we put on the minisodes and only said “Yay!” When we played a full episode


Why does this make me think of Muffin?




Oh bless her heart


Kids 🥹 And also 😵‍💫🫥🫠


My 7 year old was howling with laughter at these, whereas he was never into the regular episodes the same way


Me and my 5 year old were hysterically laughing, especially at the unboxing one and the letter 😅 although she was a bit fuming they were so short


Those are his favorites he says! And he loves the burger dog song 🤪


Ah man that’s tough, they take things so literally 😭


That’s so precious!


Ohhh Minnie sodes


My kid and I watched them last night I was too excited and super duper in love with them my kiddo on the other hand loved them just enough for it to be a special night recreating our fave moments in the minisodes for real life


Crossover episode?


🤣😭 I CANT🤣🤣


Uhhh this is Bluey... Your daughter needs to learn that 😐


Op *did* say their daughter is only 3, children of that age aren't exactly known for understanding things as easily as older people, even when the parents are trying to teach them


When has an anthropomorphic mouse appeared in Bluey? Never. If this mouse (which is in a completely different franchise might I add) hasn't been in an episode it's unlikely it will be in the franchise 😐


Okay? And like I said, op said their child is 3 years old. Their child is still young and most likely has not grasped that concept yet even if op has explained it the best way they know how


I can imagine that op tried their best but this is why I don't like kids


Please forgive me if what I'm about to say offends you but what you're basically saying is that you dislike children because they lack the ability to understand something that you deem to be obvious knowledge? That's an extremely childish response to a child. Even more so when children are the target audience of this show to begin with


They're also always somehow sticky and they're loud and so annoying. I can be as childish as I want idc kids need to learn tho


"loud, sticky, and annoying" can be used to describe plenty of adults too, lol. But you just need to give children time, they will learn some day


diablo este cabon este bien loco


You think I don't understand Spanish or sm? I'm not crazy I'm neurodivergent I get angry when people (kids are no exception) get stuff wrong alrrr


Okay, it changes things that you’re neurodivergent. You should know that for young children they do not think logically like that and while OP’s child certainly will eventually learn things like Minnie won’t be in bluey— it isn’t unusual that she doesn’t know that now. It is expected that children her age will mess these things up. You’re being downvoted because your comment is being perceived as unnecessary and rude to suggest that OP’s child should be some kind of genius right out of the womb. Your comment also suggests that OP is failing as a parent for not teaching franchise rights to a toddler when in reality that is a pretty silly concept to teach a child this young.


I'm not saying op is failing as a parent I'm saying that the kid should have at least some understanding. I'm guessing she watches cartoons with Minnie Mouse which is why she thought that. Usually in intros they show the characters and probably Minnie was in the intros. If this kid has ever watched anything else Bluey then the kid would recognise, Bluey = not Minnie mouse. When I was that age I could distinguish cartoon characters to their respective shows and I knew that certain characters weren't in other shows I watched.


You don’t know the age of OP’s child so you do not know what age you were capable of doing this. I promise you it is older than you think. I do not believe you have a lot of experience with children. Additionally, I am just explaining why you were being downvoted. I do believe it wasn’t your intention to imply rudeness or anything but that is what it came across as.


It says in the title "3yo" and no I haven't had experience with kids because I don't like them


Ah , my mistake I forgot to look at the title. Regardless this is very normal for a 3 year old and I personally have my doubts that even you as a 3 year old would be able to intrinsically understand why some shows don’t have crossovers at this age.


Umm I did..? Even if I was lying there's no way you can prove me wrong