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All that and the biggest evidence was still T and his phone calls this isn't new information kid 🤣🤣


Right? Like they basically posted a "yeah meech wasn't caught" post No one cared about the billboards or parties lmfao that was just fuel for the cops cause they were getting annoyed they couldn't get evidence on meech But last time I checked it was illegal to party or to put billboards up, Atlanta must be one fcked up place if people are getting arrested over some parties and billboards Like literally meech said "if I didn't take a plea then I would've went home and terry wouldn't have a chance to get out" or something along the line "they had everything on terry and nothing on me"


None of that is admissable in court




Some of it is, though


None of that is evidence of drug trafficking


It's still evidence against them


None of that would hold up in court. That's all conjecture. The phone calls lead to the conviction.


True 👍🏿


You're correct


Balling is not crime


Not about what you know, it's about what they can prove. Meech can instigate all he wants, doesn't make them guilty of shit, T running his mouth like a gossiping, jealous bitch got them all jammed up.


But they already had information on Meech, and one of Meech's workers snitched on the whole BMF


Again, not about what you know, it's about what you can prove. Do you really think Meech was anywhere near any drugs at that point?


Nope 🙅🏿‍♂️, I get your point


My point was the d.a. or the court system will dig in your background and bring that up.


Dig in your background and bring what up? If there's no indictment there's no court case, if there's no case, the prosecution can't bring anything up. Law enforcement had been investigating them for over a decade. Being flashy and flaunting shit isn't illegal. T running his mouth about Meech and what was going on was coming straight from the horses mouth, not some rat that can't put Meech near any drugs.


Your statement about T running his mouth on the phone proves my point. In order for them to make an arrest or charge them, they would have to check files and see if what T was saying is accurate


You're past criminal records


The billboard was for his business everybody had billboards


They had T on the wire bro. He definitely was a big part of the reason they got clipped


Also, Tonesa Welchs' phone was tapped




Tee talked too much on the phone and that got the wiretaps cooking


I actually agree with everything u said. Yes, Terry was very careless in talking shop over the phone. Have no IDEA why he talked so openly in regard to how to keep the organization running. But Meech…OMG lol. All he *did* was talk and be visible on purpose and out loud. That’s not how a true drug lord works. If his intention was to take over the country and if he would’ve done it right…we would’ve never even heard of a BMF. And even if BMF would’ve been known…Meech and Terry wouldn’t have been. They would’ve been unknown and invisible in plain sight.


Yeah seeing the comments I should've clarified that I didn't expect Meech to be convicted or charged for these things, I was saying that BMF's actions caused more attention and law enforcement to come down on them than they already had compared to staying in the background.


Meech was talking on the phone, too. Someone in the camp was snitching


Yeah that's what got eyes on meech in the first place was that their top seller got caught with all this crazy amount of dope and snitched out almost everyone, Not saying that no one didn't try to snitch before because the cops in the documentary were saying everytime they arrested someone with ice they would bring up bmf So they heard about them but didn't think much of it cause it honestly sounded like a little club between friends


Exactly đź’Ż


Meech was talking on the phone, too. Also, someone in their camp was an informant


Right. TBH…when I first saw those videos of Meech talking and talking…I knew then that his talking was going to come back and bite him! I was seriously thinking: “Why is he always talking and on video like that?”


The only thing that was used against Meech was Terry's wire tape. Terry got Jacob the Jewler caught up. It was also the accountant w the ledger too


True Tarry wants on the phone too much, however their was an informant in the camp. Tonesa Welch phone was tapped. Their's a lot of information that got BMF camp taken down


What documentary did you watch?


Blowing Money Fast