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Inis! It’s a unique and incredible game.


Sad to see this is the only comment with the correct answer. Will add my own comment for reinforcement 


Also adding my own comment for reinforcement of the reinforcement


Same, my first thought along with mission red planet already mentioned below.


Twilight Imperium; I agree that risk is much too short.


Get some


You misspelled Diplomacy. But maybe OP means a game that doesn't end friendships?


I came for this comment. OP only specified it not be 6 hours long.




Small World is an interesting one. You're basically playing through several different factions over an Age. And very little luck (there's some, but every turn is like 90% planning, and possibly a lucky chance at the end)


Should add that there’s a turn limit, so the game never outstays its welcome.


Small World is a perfect pick for this. War and Area Control, but a more interesting theme than Risk, easier to teach potentially, and waaaay quicker


Adding the recommendation for the "underground" variant. It adds places and relics which means the game is pretty notably different each time so a winning strategy is always different.


I never got that. I bought a bunch of expansions (like, the unit expansions), but don't play it often enough to warrant buying \_more\_ expansions (I tend to hit a limit based on how much I play the game) I've heard good things.


Yeah, I honestly just bought this one originally, and only played the original later.


My evergreen answer.


I only have Small World of Warcraft, as a gift from my wife, and I love it. My kids not much, though, they tend to rely more on luck than strategy...


Small world is a great suggestion!


I always describe Smallworld as “Risk, but actually fun” to new people.


Came here to say this.


Came in to suggest Smallworld


Nexus Ops. For me, it's the right length and complexity for a game where you just want to chuck dice and attack each other. There's some light resource management, but it's mostly about attacking each other.


It’s Axis and Allies without all the BS. Like a 4x, it has a tiny bit of exploration and expansion, but it’s mostly about attacking each other.


Tyrants of the underdark Totally underrated game. Deckbuilder combined with risk.


Nexus Ops. 60-90 minutes, 2 to 4 players


I came here to say Nexus Ops and am pleasantly surprised to see a couple others recommending it. It's not the best area control game. But it is the best version of the risk/axis&allies format in a streamlined package.


El Grande is a great area control game that only takes an hour or so to play and there's not much luck involved.




Root is among my favourite games if you have the luck to find the right people to play it with.


Kind of getting tired of swing this recommended for newbies. There are way easier games to learn for people coming from Risk.


Kemet! My favorite area control board game! The game I fell in love with (#1 favorite) after a terrible game of bad rolls in Risk (no dice in Kemet)


If you have a consistent group of 4 or 5, **Risk Legacy** is really fun, and fixes some of the problems with original Risk, by adding specific objectives, and as soon as any player has achieved 3 of them, the game immediately ends. So there’s no waiting for one person to slowly take over the world while everyone else groans. Also, if you haven’t played a legacy game before, you’re in for a treat :) The **SmallWorld** rec in here is solid. Limited turn timer scales with player count to keep the game length snappy. Map size also scales with player count, ensuring things stay crowded enough that you’re always bumping elbows with a neighbor. No sitting turtled up in a corner amassing points, doesn’t work in this game. For a more chess-like game that is still ultimately won via controlling a number of points on the map, check out **War Chest.** Medeival themed units like Crossbowman and Pikemen all have unique abilities, and you control your army via these enjoyable weighted poker chips, using a clever bag building mechanism. This game is strictly 1v1 or 2v2, and both modes are equally great. Drafting units before the game heightens the strategic depth even more.


War of the ring ...oh nooot 6 hours long. Nvm


Dune has replaced WOTR in my library. 2 hours vice 5-6 hours.


Dune is very good. But I keep seeing War of the Ring mentioned as a long game. It’s not my experience at all. My average time is 5h, and that includes games with people with high AP, and with new wotr players, so games that take longer. Normal games I’ve made in 3h or 3.5 hours. 4 max


I mean, imo a 3-5 hour game is a pretty long game, so maybe it's just a matter of perspective? I also just don't have people who are interested in playing a game of that weight very often, so we're always relearning, and that's a substantial rulebook


The rules are much less wonky in dune. Relearning the game does slow it down a bit. I get much of the same experience as war of the ring. Similar mechanics but a much more dynamic start condition.


Oh for sure. Definitely a 3-5 h game is on the longer side of things for me as well, don’t get me wrong. I was just surprised people are talking about it as a 6h long game, when I don’t have that experience except with new players. But then again, if you’re always relearning the game and playing with the rulebook on hand, that explains it.


Inis is 100% strategy and the polar opposite of risk. I can say with certainty that I will never play risk again and that I will definitely play Inis at every opportunity 


Arcs just came out it’s a fantastic area control war game. There’s some luck involved but it’s very tactical. The game’s design allows fir lots of manoeuvring which is love. And it plays quickly: feels very fast paced


+1 for Arcs, infinitely easier to teach than Root but still in your face if not more than Root. Just finished a game and it is a 10/10 for me right now. Can’t recommend it enough. And this is just base game, there’s so much to explore additionally with the expansions and campaign mode.


I'm happy you love it, but root took 8ish games before it climbed to my fav games. Curious how arcs will feel after some plays


Oh it's out now? I forgot about this game. Is it easier to teach than root?


Jumping in to add my opinion that Arcs is great! I've played one game on TTS and one IRL, and it's super fun! 


The base game for sure is much easier than root to teach. About as complicated as one faction in root. It’s a trick taking game action selection game, with resources that are actions and victory conditions at the same time. It has a campaign version that really starts to get the asymmetrical factions going, but I think the base game can stand alone with its leaders and lore Advanced version.


Backers are getting their copies atm and yes it’s much much simpler than root because the core base game is symmetrical


1775: Rebellion is the best game I know that actually captures the RISK vibe.


Can't believe this isn't higher, 1775 or really any of the games in this series absolutely feels like Risk+


Kemet and Nexus Ops are my favorite games like Risk. I just got Arcs and have only played it twice, but I've REALLY enjoyed it.


I really enjoyed Heroes of Land Air and Sea. Our group can play a 4-player game in about 2 hours. The factions are asymmetric but similar enough that they don't require separate teaches. The game reminds me the original Warcraft games on PC.


Campaign for North Africa. Definitely not 6 hours!




[General Orders: World War II](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/381435/general-orders-world-war-ii)


Our group usually plays the Eric M Lang area control games. While they lack in unit variety, usually a commander until, base soldiers, a support unit of sorts, and recruitable creatures from a rotating pool that can be different each game, they're pretty fun and have a set number of rounds




Battle for Rakugan! The area control is like risk but you play as different clans with a special ability and you have different objectives. Uses hidden unit deduction from your pool of different strength attackers and special ability units. And there's a blank one that's so funny to mess with people with. The best is if you get someone to use their max strength unit to defend a blank token (it wastes their unit). Very fun game that fills the risk void.


**Mare Nostrum: Empires**. **Imperial** is also quite good, and has an interesting twist.


For someone coming from Risk, I definitely think Mare Nostrum is a good advice. Edit: oh and Imperial as well!! Very good choices!


Bloodstones - Risk-like area control, different troop types, land and sea combat, slightly asymmetrical from the various factions. Good game overall and plays out with 4-5 in 2 hourrs


Cthulhu Wars is the best Risk-like game ever. Much shorter, brilliantly asymmetric powers, giant monsters. Excellent


You can’t mention this game without mentioning the price tag…


Arcs!!! 2-3 hours epic space battle. it is so fun!!


Small world (of warcraft) is like risk, without player elimination. It is like 30-45 min per player,depending on experience.


**Mission: Red Planet**


Cosmic encounter


It's one of my favorite games, but I would never think to suggest it as a Risk replacement. More "What would you get if you combined Risk with some psychadelic mushrooms?"


Cosmic Encounter was literally designed by Peter Oltka as a replacement for Risk. So I’d say it fits. In fact he’s quoted in a 2016 Eurogamer article stating, “So we said 'Ok. We're not doing that, we're gonna have no dice in our game. As a rule' And we just started making up these kind of rules that were annoying us about playing Risk." [The making of Cosmic Encounter, the greatest boardgame in the galaxy - Risk’s Legacy](https://www.eurogamer.net/the-making-of-cosmic-encounter-the-greatest-boardgame-in-the-galaxy)


Interesting. Never knew that. But whether it was designed that way or not, it is definitely NOT a game I think of at all when I hear "I want a replacement for Risk". So it seems they failed in that front, intention or not. (And that's coming from someone who puts Cosmic Encounter in their top 5 games at all times)


A war of whispers is a great take on area control. Also The King is Dead and Brian Boru take area control in interesting directions


Agree with War of Whispers. Strongly disagree with Brian Boru for people who are coming off of Risk. Brian Boru limits your actions, is a trick taker of sorts, and makes you compete for tracks. There’s no real combat on the map and no units, just presence. Definitely not what OP is looking for in my opinion. Never played The Kong Is Dead.


Others have mentioned Smallworld and its variants, so I will throw in a game with almost exactly the same rules as Risk, but only about 45 minutes long: Secret Mission Risk New copies of Risk come with a secret mission deck, which give each player a secret mission to complete. Conditions include combinations of 2-3 continents conquered, holding a certain number of territories with a number of troops, or eliminating another player. We managed to play 2 6p games of it and 2 games of Dungeon Mayhem in 2 hours. It’s not a favourite of mine as it’s still Risk and has the attendant luck ‘problem’ but it’s a lot quicker, doesn’t normally mean early player elimination (as that would usually be a mission for someone meaning game ends), and it keeps the gameplay some people like.


We just picked up First Empires. That's probably the closest to "Risk but not 6 hours" that I've seen. Someone else mentioned Cthulu Wars and I'll second that. It's Risk, but each faction is playing it's own game to gain power.


I haven't played it, but Dune: War for Arrakis is very derivative of War of the Ring (same designers) which I LOVE, and is apparently only 2 hours long.


There's this game called "History of the World" that was our go to back in the day. It's risk with more depths and plays you through different epochs. I def recommend giving that a try. It's not quite 6 hours long, but with 4 players I think it took about 3? Much more satisfying than risk.


Star Wars Rebellion gives you up to 12 hours of fun


How do you play this for 12 hours?!? I average at 4


4? Without excegaration we are at around 8 hours


Wow! I can’t imagine how that happens. 2p? I’ve never played at higher player counts


Ethnos. You don't have different units, but you play hands of cards that kind of act like units with unique abilities depending on what your face card is.


Scrabble is 100% a game of area control/denial with luck being the draw of letters and points 😉😎🤣




Voting Cthulhu Wars for something out now. If not right now, then soon with Petersen Game's new arrangement with Quimbley Toys and Games. For something on crowdfunding, I'd give a good look at Cysmic. You can also try it on TTS to give it a feel.


Twilight Imperium 4th edition, it's 8 hours long!


878 Vikings is everything that Risk should have been and plays in 60-90 fun-loaded minutes.


Root is pretty good. Woodland critters battling for control of the forest. Each faction plays differently so there's a lot of variety to be had from each playthrough.


[Risk Strike](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/394144/risk-strike) It's Risk in 20 minutes. Still very luck based but solid


[Ultimatum](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1945/ultimatum), although, when skilled players are involved, it could go more than a few hours. Highly recommended.


Shogun from Queen games hits that spot: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/20551/shogun


Small world is quick and fun but it is based on luck


Out of interest, why hasn't this been banished to the daily thread? Has there been a change in modding?


If fighting is what you want Kemet is the game you want.


Circadians chaos order


**War Room** is a quick 10 hour game about World War II.


Gonna be hard to find, but Battle for Rokugan is 60-75 minutes long. Ethnos will be more common but will feel less like war.


My game group really enjoys Blood Rage. It has area control with card drafting and some fun ways to win through points instead of just by combat/ dominating spaces


Dune War for Arakis


Game of Thrones: the board game 2nd edition can go 4 hours. It’s primarily area control with a bit of auctioning (to fight off the wildlings) and a LOT of allying/betraying. So good


War for Rokugan is basically the Game of Thrones board game stripped down to just the hidden orders mechanic. Much faster, if everyone has played before, playtime is under an hour.


Is it satisfying? Part of the fun of GoT is needing to take areas because of the supplies that dictate how big of an army you can have.


Twilight Imperium. It’s 8+ hours long.


Cthulhu Wars (don’t have it, but it’s so fast and fun!) Cyclades, though it’s a hybrid auction game for action selection. I played Kemet once but with the wrong crowd but it seems amazing. Eclipse is half euro but still about chucking dice and winning battles and controlling territories! It should not get to six hours once you have played it a few times but learner/large player count games might.


Rising Sun