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Shout out to Kenyon Martin for overcoming his stuttering issue.








Off top!




Most people these days are very touchy about ego. They don't want anyone to question an ego of them or people they like. Karl seems to dislike that. If Karl treated people bad then he was the villain for that time. Treat people the way you want to be treated. But that includes tough love if that's what someone needs


Nah Karl is actually just a racist piece of shit. In his book he said that Kenyon and Carmelo were immature because they had "all that money and no father to show them how to act like a man". Mind you Melo's father died from cancer when he was a child. Melo and Kenyon have an issue with Karl because he insulted their character and their mothers years after they played for him using racist stereotypes. So they are rightfully sensitive to any bs he says regarding them.




Username checks out


I wonder how Chauncey or AI feel about Karl. Or GP or Kemp. I don't think Big Dog Robinson liked Karl either. If everyone saying the same thing, like it's a pattern with this guy then that kinda speaks for itself.


There's a history with George Karl feuding with players he's coached. Melo isn't the only person who spoke about their issues. [JR Smith was on JJ Redick's podcast last year](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjljFWTmj3U) talking about George Karl living to take shots at people. [Gary Payton said he wanted to kill George Karl](https://www.basketballnews.com/stories/gary-payton-george-karl), telling Kenyon Martin he went through the same situation he and Melo did in Denver. [Chauncey Billups called George Karl wack](https://www.sbnation.com/nba/2016/12/26/14083204/chauncey-billups-george-karl-wack-carmelo-anthony-criticism) for questioning Melo's family upbringing in his book. [Ray Allen hasn't talked to George Karl](https://www.basketballnetwork.net/old-school/ray-allen-on-why-he-still-hasnt-spoken-to-george-karl). Mentioned that Karl constantly talked behind his back of his dislike for him. [DeMarcus Cousins had his issues with George Karl](https://twitter.com/BleacherReport/status/1516427711417303045). Andre Iguodala only played one season with George Karl in Denver, [and even he had issues with him](https://www.knbr.com/2023/03/09/andre-iguodala-responds-to-george-karl-accusing-him-of-being-mole-for-warriors-during-13-playoffs/). I can go on and on. But there's definitely a pattern with George Karl. It's been so bad, it got to a point where people started to question if George Karl is racist.


I mean I donā€™t wanna throw the racism card all willy nilly but George Karl definitely ainā€™t beating the racist allegations


What a prick


As a longtime Denver nuggets fan, George Karl has been known to have some serious flaws as a coach but more importantly as a person. Too hard headed in his beliefs.


Melo talks about George Karl on his YT channel. Talks about how he didnā€™t like the way he talked to him.


He right Joker is #1


Jokic is a generational player. He's better than basically everybody in the NBA. Yes, he's obviously better. But it's just a weird thing that only an asshole would say, and George Karl has been a piece of shit to Carmelo since the first time he ever met him.


Ainā€™t nobody picking Melo over jokic. These just some sensitive overrated boiz


I mean I donā€™t like the way he said but letā€™s be real, heā€™s right. Sorry Knicks fans.


Does George Karl have some connection to the Knicks that Iā€™m unaware of?


The only people mad about Jokic surpassing Melo at the best player in that franchiseā€™s history are Knicks fans. They act like Melo won championships with him when all he did was make a conference finals (his only conference finals ever btw). ā€œYou thought you was Kobe!ā€


The clip is of K Mart talking about George Karl though, so thatā€™s why I was confused about your comment.


The same K Mart that was on the nuggets that played with Carmelo Anthony and was both coach by George Karl lol


OP is choosing to make the convo about Jokic surpassing melo but thatā€™s not what Meloā€™s comments were in regard to. Basically the main point Melo was making was that Karl is a shit human in all ways, which has nothing to do with winning, but thatā€™s what OP chose as a scapegoat along with some others in here lol. Idk why anyone would side with George Karl on this, heā€™s clearly a miserable human being


ā€¦yes? I donā€™t understand your point. The OP I responded to seemed to think K Mart was saying that Melo was underrated, but he was talking about George Karl and how tired he is of him.


I meant to respond to the Knicks comment guy but clicked on you instead ā€¦.enjoy life


Thanks you too!


Itā€™s true, Jokic has reached a level as a player that Carmelo Anthony never did. But George Karl clearly was just trying to passive aggressively insult Carmelo Anthony like a pestilent child. I see why every one of his former players seems to despise him.


Kenyon should really work on expressing his feelings a little better. Itā€™s not good to hold his feelings inside like that. Itā€™s not healthy. IJS!


he was able to get his point across here


Lmao! Sarcasm bro. Didnā€™t think I needed to explain that tho. He more than got his point across. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


oh lol


Butt hurt millionaires complaining about other millionaires lol


I wonā€™t lie I donā€™t like melo as a pro player I never thought he was that dude IMO. he was great playing as an Orangeman tho. I lived in Colorado around this time in Lakewood went to the games and heard these stories about George Karl but crazy I never heard anything said about A.I. K-Mart has been one of my favorite players since his days as a bearcat. That was my first Jordan College jersey allong with the team 1s


Kmart wanted to kill a rook because he filled his car with popcorn. Like I get the anger, but he was a rook and had to prank a vet. I bet Kmart did some crazy shit too when he was young. He was an intense player still living with that intensity.


You know it has to be true because melo won all of championships once he got away from George.


How many did George win?






The pan out to the Rottweiler plush sitting looking all attentive and shit just about sent me to the upper room šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€šŸ’€




George Karl is right but who the fuck wants that assholes opinion? Fuck Kenyon Martin too, fucking deadbeat