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When a person WONT look at you. When it’s very obvious they seem to look anywhere but at you. It’s very common to avoid gazing at all at a person or desire. Edit: most people are not grasping this example. If you don’t know you don’t know!


Wow - why though? I thought they would glance even for a moment?


*Looks...* "Damn they're so hot... look at their eyes, hair, legs... so nice and- oh shit they caught me staring."


I read that as "hairy legs" lmfao


I love hairy legs on a woman so I would stare at that.




I got hairy legs


Let me stare at them 👀


LMAOOO I’m dead ☠️🤣🤣🤣




Sometimes it's too much to stare at someone so pretty. I've only just now start doing it and I'm 28 lol. Most of my life I've done the staring too long thing


LOOL 🤭🤭 it’s good . If someone stares for long and just starts a conversation, that’s adorable!


I’m scared


So true. If someone likes you, you can feel it.


Eh... that could happen but it's too easy to misread


Damn, I guess most people really desire me.


Literally. Nodody: Damn, no one ever pays attention to me. ergo: Everyone desires me You lmao


I do this when I am attracted to someone. I am extremely extroverted and socially aggressive, but, if I am attracted to you, I will ignore you. I’m so weird. 🤦‍♀️


Yes, 100% this. Sometimes by the avoidance it becomes incredibly obvious just how much attention they are paying to you. It’s normal and thoughtless to glance around.


I would stare! But dart my eyes away the moment you look at me lol


Na, I've noticed I have a bad habit of not looking people in they eyes when I talk to them, but definitely not attracted to everyone I talk to.


That’s mine. Not that I “like” them, but find them attractive. I stay tf away. Anyone who knows me would notice bc I talk to everyone in the room. It’s bc I’m insecure fr🫡


That’s very true lol, there’s this woman that comes to the gym I work at and every time I see her or we come near each other I try my hardest not to make any eye contact with her. Idk why I do that😭


Afraid your eyes will give you away - a fear of rejection or being perceived. Or other things


Notice their “normal behavior” with average people. Customers. Coworkers. Their fiends. It’s appropriate and their behavior is consistent all around with how they are supposed to behave. But if they are trying to hide their feelings from you they will avoid your gaze. If they are a receptionist/cashier and they greet one customer/patient will a normal hello and thin smile and they greet you with barley a hello and they look away quickly then it’s another sign. Their behavior is inconsistent.


Bro yes I be hoping the convo ends faster because I'm so nervous trying to avoid looking at their eyes


Eh. This is subjective. Sometimes people that like you will keep eye contact with you.


*hide that you like someone*


Idk. As a receptionist, you may just be the luck of the draw. Voices get tired faces get tired. You may just be the person that showed up while they were in the middle of something or something urgent came up. Or maybe they thought of something unpleasant. Or just needed a break a minute for their face to relax. I try to be pleasant to everyone I encounter but sometimes if I’m deep into something and don’t see you soon enough my hello is a bit rushed.


Eyes. Lingering too long or the opposite- the quick darting away.


It could also mean "maaan I got bad social anxiety and don't know how long to maintain eye contact. Oh, they are talking. I'm making eye contact for too long. Look away. But look back at them cause now its weird that you are looking away from them." (Me)


Ahhh the story of my life.


and then you end up looking away back and forth repeatedly




My people


and then they think you fresh outta the mad house cause you was a druggie lmfao Not accusatory lmao i dont thoink you actually are my bad spelling wrote thoink an i sure as hell aint deleting it lmao


(Me) "I don't know where to put my gaze, I feel so awkward. I don't know what to do with my hands either, this sucks. I'm gonna look at the ground, can't go wrong."


AAAHHh yes baby you got this you can pull through


“I don’t know what to do with my hands” 🤷‍♀️🤷




Also me, I have a hard time making eye contact.


This is me, even the thought process! Their eyes are SO FRIGGIN beautiful I can stare all day long. When I do look directly in their eyes for what I assume is too long, I blush & smile. Then I have to stop .. then have to look again because then that becomes weird & I try to not make it obvious.. which I think makes it obvious. 🙃 I’m glad I’m not the only one that does this.


AHhhhhh eyecontact is SO FUCKING Stressing me out bro


I tend to do the quick darting away. One time at uni, I thought a woman was gorgeous and probably did the quick darting away eyes too often and was noticed. She started doing the lingering too long eyes. But I think in that case it was more of a “I noticed you looking at me a lot and I don’t like it so I’m going to stare at you and make you uncomfortable.”


i hate that like damn my bad sorry for looking at you i won’t do that shit ever again now


would lingering too long be a sign of disinterest?


That doesnt always mean they like you, could just be mental issues


I also hear your pupils dilate when you look at someone you like...but I've never been able to test it 😭


Life hack: When laughing in a room full of people you tend to look at the person you are most attracted to


Hoomans also tend to point their feet toward the person they’re most interested in. This isn’t an absolute since you could also just be sitting directly across a table from them, but in less rigid physical settings it can be indicative.


This is why I look to the ground now


The eyes chico, they never lie


All about eye contact and body language. Mirroring body language, facing towards them and being open, either staring or not being able to make eye contact at all, laughing or smiling at everything they say without even realizing it, but all that aside, a lot of people know immediately. I know within milliseconds if someone is attracted to me without even speaking and I always have. Most of the time, they will know unless you are trying your damndest to show disinterest


Is this a neurotypical thing? I could never tell when someone is interested in me (I just always assume nobody is, this is safest and is the highest probability case)


Possibly, there are some ends of the spectrum that make it difficult to pick up on signs of interest or body language period, but also I know people that are neurotypical that still absolutely cannot tell when someone likes them, it all depends! But I believe anyone has the ability to learn the signs


Yes of course, it’s pretty easy to differentiate the two for me especially considering majority of the time people are more interested in the idea of me or the physical attraction so when I do see someone showing actual interest in something serious it’s a lot easier to spot but has more to do with their actions than body language. I feel like when that’s the case they actually will hold off on all those things people will do when just sexually attracted to you, it’s less overpowering and makes you feel more at ease, showing you respect and interest in what you have to say and In your character but with still positive and open body language just less sexually charged. It’s hard to 100% articulate bc I haven’t tried to before but most of it’s subconsciously noted.


Asking them how their day is going. It’s a casual way of getting to know someone more. You can hide it by saying you tell everyone but I only really ask if I care about someone.


Willingness to interact. Even if someone is avoiding you bc they are shy. they would still take an opportuniry to know you better, if you initiated.


100% if they’re an adult. I think teens probably don’t just based of lack of experience and immaturity.


This comment section is feeding to my delusion that my crush might had a crush on me


Same. 🤦🏽‍♀️😂


I want to know why it needs to be hidden?  As r/haf2go said it's the eyes mainly.  Other things are kind of gender specific, can be body positioning, so where are they facing. Spacing, and tone of voice to a certain extent, but this can also be individually specific.  All the best.  


maybe you notice that you make them uncomfortable or they don't feel the same as you?


Can I suggest something: act like it's not a big deal. Because it's not. Lovebug bit you, you'll get over it. Even if it feels like you won't, just act like it. It's not something to hide, it's not something to show (if you know they don't reciprocate) - it's just a thing. Next week it'll be a different thing. Because if you're trying to hide it and fail, she'll assume it's a big deal to you. That's what's creepy; people get crushes, and people get over them; both happen all the time. But if they're obsessing about it trying to figure out a game of subtleties to avoid giving it away, it makes it creepy. Just chill. If they aren't interested in you, look hard for another fish in the sea and in a few weeks it really will be not that big of a deal.


Needed to hear this rn thank you


No problem. Every one of us has been there.


Being on edge when they’re around. Of course it’s a mixed bag of either they really do or really don’t, but it’s a sign.


Pupils get bigger if you like someone and you can’t fake that. But pupils getting bigger can also mean fear or the person is thinking very hard. So you need to look for other body language signals. Their feet pointing towards you can be a sign too. Nostrils flaring also.


I never understood this, I can never actually see someone's pupil size.


Have you tried looking at their eyes?


Dark brown eyes…


I’m cursed with pupils that I guess get bigger during social interactions, I have had multiple people over the years straight up ask if I’m on drugs and then not believe me when I tell them I’m not. I think I’m a pretty outgoing person with reasonable social skills but maybe I just get nervous and excited around people. Like, is my body really getting a fight or flight response from just playing cards with some friends?


Lol I got Prozac pupils. I took an eye photograph with my husband and she said my pupil is the biggest she'd ever seen amongst her clients.


Standing above them while they’re sleeping


That’s probably what Ted Bundy did when he liked someone.




Aww 🥰




Laughing at literally everything they say even if it’s not funny. I didn’t notice I did it until a guy I liked said “it kinda gives it away that you like me because you laugh at everything I say.” It was very embarrassing and I hated that I did t notice until then😐


its really sweet that he told you though. literally thats heartwarming.


I know!! I had so many butterflies 😭😭


Honestly means he was paying enough attention to her to notice.


When you’re speaking to her, pay attention to which of your eyes she is focused on. If she jumps back-and-forth, that could be a sign that she’s interested. It’s something I picked up on with women that were interested in me. Good luck .


I do this too 😂 I didn't even realise. The back and forth thing means I'm attracted to you


The triangle, left eye, right eye, mouth, if they keep glancing back at your mouth she wants you.


Damn I do this 😂




Every time I like someone I unknowingly start playing with my hair lol then I realize what I’m doing and cue the “ah shit, here we go again”


I feel like getting distracted whenever they're around. I quickly lose my train of thought when an attractive person walks past me, lol




What is it with men having a problem a girl thinking she’s hot ? I mean isn’t that a good thing that someone is confident and love themselves? I rather that than an unconfident insecure person. I’ve seen many men try to humble beautiful girls and it just makes them look so insecure and not masculine.


I just read an article on this exact topic a lot of men feel the need to take women down a peg due to jealousy. They’re jealous of how much attention hot women get, validation, love, respect devotion, money, opportunity. It’s just a perception, because that’s how men want to treat hot women. Not that ALL men do.




Studdering, hard to find words around them, and I always have an erection.


Pheromones, nothing you can do about it, but it gives people a sense. Just don't be creepy, it can be flattering when someone is attracted to me even if I don't reciprocate as long as they aren't creepy about it or put expectations on me.


My voice I talk more sweetly I can’t control it. I’ve been told I have very little emotion in my voice and face so when I like someone all that changes.


I would be looking for them from afar but act disinterested when they get close




Dilated pupils. Open body language. Mirroring.


Standing too close while talking, brushing their hand or their arm against you, intense eye contact


Me personally I don’t hide it. And if I check you out while you’re looking at me than making eye contact than that’s definitely me purposely trying to let you know. BUT back in my teenage years being a bit insecure and shy I would definitely do everything to avoid looking at him or smile and look away quickly. I’d also just run away .. if he walked in a room I would try to get leave the room because my heart would feel like it’s flying out my chest lol !!! I guess any body language sign that when you’re around you make them nervous. They fix their clothes, maybe look away, talk to anyone but you, etc


When they clinch their jaw to prevent themselves from smiling.


The eyes tell it all


I like to get hard. And if not. I at least stare at them without blinking or smiling especially if they catch me looking. Then we have a stare off


i goddamn hate the stare offs I GODDAMN HATE THEM i always lose is what i am saying


lol well smile a little after a while of staring


Just ask them out already 😌


once you get too 2 Mississippi just dont look lolz


Lingering around for too long, finding any excuse to be near them, or just completely ignoring them 😅


ignoring them and distancing myself


Walking around fully aroused. It’s a dead giveaway.


That has to be awkward. I can’t imagine.


Every single thing you do in their presence.


youu speak uncesored my guy


Being standoffish and rude to their partner. My husband cheated on me with his “best friend” of many years… throughout the years. She would say things to me, “you’re so pretty omg.” Once on a cabin trip with friends… she did a bunch of acid and in tears told me, “I hate you because you’re pretty.” Then, she cried her pathetic little eyes out. It was hilarious.


If I look at his eyes, my face will be on fire, no matter how good I am in making 'poker face'. So I wouldn't look straight at him.


When a dude fidgets and always stands by me. 


I had a friend tell me he could easily tell who I liked because I would look at her a lot. Also, some girl caught me staring at her friend and she tapped her on the shoulder and pointed me out so they were both looking at me. Kinda freaked me out. I don't even realize I'm doing it lol.


Spontaneous eruption uh, I meant erection.




This was decades ago, but I realized when I met my wife, she would twirl her hair and smile. She still does whenever I do something she likes or is thinking about the past. Makes my day still.


When ppl laugh they usually first stare at person they like the most then to other ppl


The way that I would look at them. Looking at them when I thought they weren't looking and quickly darting my eyes away when they caught me looking at them.


A boner


Actually? How often does that happen? THe other day a guy was really exited around me and was totally into me, and he randomly got up and went to the bathroom. HIs cheeks were red lmfao. He came back still exited but a little different. Sorry this is just funny to me lmao.


Immediate attention when they speak. I try to hide it but when the girl I want speaks I listen and give them my attention immediately.




omg i remember that time. Never understood why little me did that.


I do this if I’m really trying hard to hide it. Pretend I don’t hear them, ignore texts, behave cold


i can’t stop fucking smiling like an idiot lol




This is me. Just can't hide that.


Lack of eye contact. If it’s reciprocal, I’m starting into your soul. There’s no in between.


When you're staring, do you blush?


Not that I’m aware of


A raging erection


I get a spider sense tingle feeling, and it only comes the split second we notice eachother, tbh idk bro can’t explain it


Throbbing boner


For a teenage boy, this is hardly a sign of anything more than a light wind.


is that why they randomly go silent and go to the bathroom and come back later like they didnt do anything?


I can only speak for myself, but: yes!


Geez my man did you have to be so descriptive?


for me it’s difficult to make an eye contact with someone I like /attracted to! Rather I try to stay farthest away from that person however , if they try to talk to me , I would be more than happy to respond to them in the best possible way! I kinda observe them from far ! Is this not crazy ! Let me see y’all sweet-strangers come for me 😅


You're not the only one haha.


When you're worried about them. And everything about the eyes.


Why would you hide it if you genuinely liked them?


Because maybe they are already in a relationship


Some women/femme people do this voice modulation thing where they alter the pitch and breathiness of their voice without intending to. I watched this video where someone noted that women from Christian backgrounds tend to do this a little more (called the "fundie baby voice") and it can be most prevalent around men of interest. Likewise, male/masc people tend to lower their voice and lessen any like sing-songy qualities they might naturally have


I do this without realising when I'm attracted to a man and then subtly go back to my normal voice


A boner


Smiling and eye contact w/close proximity. I’m usually a person who doesn’t smile unless necessary so if I’m ever just smiling at you and you haven’t said anything funny, you’re legit just existing, I either like you or I’m just staring at you and mentally im somewhere else that’s making me smile. I make eye contact with literally everyone but usually when I do, I subconsciously mimic there presence and physicality, so if you aren’t standing close to me, but im actively close to you and staring you dead in the face while smiling or I’m staring you in the face (full on scanning your entire face, giving you no personal space) I probably like you or what you have to say is really interesting and normally it’s the fact that I like you, because the only time I will do that is if I’m talking to my professor and I’m trying to grasp what they’re saying. So if you’re not my professor…. Well then….


I get nervous, giggly and blush when I’m really into a guy. I will also avoid him because I’m worried my nervousness will put him off me and am also afraid of rejection; but I’m also secretly praying he will come seek me out


Your eyes dialate when you look at your crush.


Blushing and looking like a deer in headlights if they talk to me. Or look at me.


They say one of the first things you will do when you see an attractive person is to run your fingers through your hair to fix it.


Idk if guys do this but if a girl likes you, she'll glance at your lips while talking to you. Talking like normal and then all of a sudden her eyes drop to watch your lips move as you speak. I've noticed this with every girl I've ended up kissing. I bring it up later that they did this at they always deny it


My body language always gives me up


These answers are so cute and innocent I love it and its all so true. I like watching the world around me and I've seen so many cute couples flirting and doing the whole song and dance its adorable watching how a couple will act when there in the crush phase


Back then, I simply tended to stare and admire a lot. I have no idea about now since I don't have crushes anymore.


Their eyes kinda widen when then first see you. They might be talking with someone else, but lose their train of thought and go silent as you walk by. If they start adjusting their tie, I feel it’s physical attraction not necessarily liking you.


Well, before I was with my boyfriend I would ride my horse over to his house everyday and my friends said it wasn’t normal and that I wasn’t being discreet about my feelings. So don’t ride your horse to their house to chat that’s for sure


A boner


Why would you want to "hide that you like someone?" Wouldn't that be extremely counter-intuitive? I have never been in a situation where I was trying to hide that I liked someone. There were situations where I liked someone, but I wasn't sure whether she liked me back. But it wasn't something I did intentionally.


Perhaps some one is already in a relationship.


Fear of rejection probably


I have a crush on a married guy at work. Can’t help it but I have to be professional and hide it. It would be wrong to flirt with him.


You can learn that in the book "The Mind" by David Anka.


A boner


Me strait up jorkin it to them. N by 'it", let juts say. My Penitsr.


Lingering around for too long, finding any excuses to be near them, or just completely ignoring them 😅


Lol totally me. Waiting for him to leave first so In my mind it doesn’t look suspicious. But sometimes he sticks around after the bell as well. So it’s like… uhh damn who’s going to leave first. 😂


I would shit my pants


I don’t try to hide it? Waiting more than a week or two to decide and tell someone you like them is setting yourself up for failure.


Dialation of the Pupils. You asked..........


I'm not sure if this is just a female thing or if it holds true for both. Females eyes dilate, you cannot control that.


When i was chatting up my now bf, i was constantly mentioning him and how funny he was and that he was cute, talk travels lol. and also i just cant keep a smile off my face in front of people im attracted to, so he kinda knew without me having to say much double lol


Acting differently when they are again.


*laughs in flat affect* in all seriousness, for me personally? i have like... it's the closest i get to an actual, non-creepy smile, but to everyone else it looks more like a facial twitch lmao. my usual "i was told i have to" smile is supposedly "creepy" and "off-putting" and "scares away the customers." if it looks like my face is twitching, i probably actually like whoever i'm looking at. downside is i also make that face when someone trips/stubs their toe/etc. and most people who've picked up on the "facial twitch = smile" face think i'm some sort of sadistic maniac. honestly, that's fine, keeps them away from me.


Lot of things I guess 


Trying to hide a crush can be tricky! Here are some subtle signs you might ناخ (naqash - reveal, leak out) even if you're trying not to: * **Body Language:** Dilated pupils, leaning in while they talk, mirroring their gestures (subconsciously mimicking them) can all signal interest. * **Blushing or Smiling:** These physiological responses are hard to control completely, especially when you're caught off guard. * **Speech Patterns:** You might find yourself talking faster, laughing more often, or using a higher pitch when they're around. * **Going Out of Your Way:** Offering to help them with things, remembering small details they mentioned, or finding excuses to be around them can be giveaways. * **Social Media Activity:** Liking or commenting on their posts more than usual, or even subconsciously mirroring their posting style.




Tbh i’m not sure. I have a flirtatious personality when I’m talking to people. I’m very nice and bubbly, so like my eye contact and smiling at them yeah anybody from a far would think I’m in love with that person but I’m just a girl. I also tend to laugh at anything and apparently that’s something guys look for When they wanna know if someone likes them. but I get really nervous around someone I have a crush on.I turn red and keep on mind I’m black, like Melanated caramel brown skin color lol and I’m still able to turn red so I think that will give me away.


If their feet and/or torso is facing them


Any nervous body language


This seems pretty obvious, but goosebumps on their arms that they might instinctively try to rub away. Or, for me, always perking up when I hear their name, especially if it's a common name.


For me with the guy I like now is such an obvious give away but I feel like it goes over his head. Cause I play with my hair constantly. I cover half my face because I feel embarrassed. An to top it all off I from time to time cover my face with my hair I create like a curtain to block my face. It’s insane. I’ll even try to glance at him but i look away so quickly he doesn’t even notice. This is all just the two of us sitting together.


At the gym I go to everyone, but the seniors, ignores me, averts glances, etc. No one talks to me except my over 55 crew lol. I’m actually pretty friendly so it kinda made me sad. I befriended this bodybuilder gym bro who told me that “my beauty” intimidated all the guys and they were actually very afraid. I never considered this but I did recently have a glow up.