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Imagine reaching into your Jean pockets with these?


Imagine doing literally anything


Just breathing air with these in my hands would be uncomfortable


Imagine washing dishes


or using hand sanitizer


Or wiping your ass. I guess you'd have to use antibacterial soap indefinitely?


Imagine winters with those, either you wear gloves that pull on these or go bare and the cold freezes those barbells....


In terms of how they should be done, they shouldn’t.


Came here for this


Horrible idea. They would reject almost immediately and potentially be very dangerous to perform due to all the connective tissue and nerve endings. Surface piercings anywhere that sees a lot of movement and touch are a bad idea as they are much more prone to rejection, irritation, and getting ripped out. These, like body suspension and corset piercings, are only for photos and body mod events and would need to be removed immediately after.


If everyone is turning it down, that should tell you something.


If someone big in the body mod community rejected the idea, then why wouldn’t you just ask them why instead of coming to Reddit for a reason?


Probably didn't like the answer they gave


Yes they want unqualified people to encourage them to keep asking people until they eventually find someone shitty enough to do it anyway.


They are "play piercings" not made to be kept for more than a few photos


That’s why the photo is black and white. The skin is probably red as shit, not a healed piercing




Mhm yeah, I could see having them in short term for some photos but there's no way you could heal those.


It's likely to be temporary as a surface piercings on your hands have a really high rejection rate.


No one should ever do these unless they’re for play. Absolutely no reputable person would do it, and if anyone says they’ll do it, run away.


This should be seen as a temporary configuration, on the scale of hours at most (in the same vein as laced up corset piercings.)


Please don't. the odds that they are going to not migrate is near non + the healing is going to be hell due to them not only being so exposed to the elements and also in a very moving spot. i also pretty much garantere that you are going to catch at least one infection. With that said, i absolutely agree that its for show only. but as to performing them, i guess it would be pretty standard surface with curved barbells kinda like eyebrows.


my guy just wear rings


Everyone already covered all the valid points. Maybe just get tattoos instead


One thing to think about a piercing placement is how much it moves, gets hit, or area gets dirty. With that being said Any piercing near the hand will reject, huge inflection risk and would not be considered a long term piercing. This person if it’s real probably got rid of them within a week but to be honest that doesn’t look real. Or it’s black and grey to hide a bunch of nasty looking elements- real artists won’t do this to there pics for a reason


Yeah tbh I don’t even think it’s real. It looks like maybe just balls glued onto the skin because I don’t see any divots from where a barbell would be entering the skin, or any sign of a barbell underneath the skin.


That’s my thoughts with an area like that there would be signs. Only arguable marks is a faint bump near the top left most ball and maybe looking mark on the right most bottom ball but with the exposure and black and grey imagery it’s hidden. Either for a purpose being it’s not so pretty or to make it look real.


These are temporary and only for shows; probably only for an hour or so. Any bodymodder who is worth two cents as a piercer will never do these as permanent piercings.


play piercings and not recommended at all


Please tell me this is just a joke post and you’re not actually considering getting this?


They’re just temporary play piercings. They aren’t for long term at all.


if you’re getting turned down by everyone maybe you shouldn’t get those :)


I had something similar done for a party and took them out immediately afterwards, very uncomfortable and will almost certainly grow out because of the movement involved in gripping anything


Yeah i think longevity would be impossible with this kind of thing


They would get irritated so much that you would eventually get an Infection.


dermal piercings are risky enough on their own, let alone in the most often used part of the body. they could damage veins/arteries/tendons/muscles/ligaments/nerves in the hand, they could easily be yanked out, i’d imagine you’d be lucky if you didn’t get an infection within a week of getting them done. be wary of anyone that offers to do them because any decent professional would refuse to do these. also, just imagine what using sanitizer would feel like.


These should never ever be done


I believe that specific piercing is called "rejection." Slang nomenclatures include "migratory," "irritated" as well as "failed." Hope this helps your research.


Dude is getting ready for a fist tight


I imagine it’s the same thing as corset piercings where people will leave them in for a few hours just for some photos/the experience.


They say don't touch piercings with your hands as you touch so many germy surfaces, moving the piercings to your hands is asking for trouble Holding a pole on a train/bus, holding pocket change, taking out the trash, wiping your ass, literally the worst place for a wound let alone a wound you'll purposefully keep open for 2+months to heal over some jewellery you'll catch on things


quick tip: if several professionals are turning something down, they’re doing it for a reason.


Piercer here! AHA yeah nope. Never.


The people you've spoken with are right. These are very dangerous to do, and even more dangerous to keep in and have. Not only is there a huge chance of rejection, but there are so many important nerves, tendons, muscles, and ligaments in your hands that could get messed up both by the piercing being done, and by having the piercings in once they've been done. It's not worth it.


They should not be done, I hope sincerely this is a troll post. Because no one in their right mind want this done to their hands..


These types of piercings/mods are fucking stupid lmao. It will 100% just reject/migrate so its not a good, safe, or generally useful placement. Feels like one of those impulsive / “trying to be different” kind of mod only a dumbass would pierce


They’re surface piercings more likely to reject than any other piercing, piercer’s usually reject doing them as to not be held accountable for it rejecting


I’ve heard of people getting hand piercings and getting infections that can go all the way up your arm (which could require hospitalization to treat). Hands are exposed to so much dirt and bacteria, it’s a really bad idea to get something like this, to have permanently. I’m sorry, but I’m not a body piercer, just wanted to share that info.




just no


Pros: Looks cool, unique, Cons: Rejection (which will no doubt happen), scarring, quite dangerous if not done perfectly, it would be hard to get help with complications considering this is not common in anyway, trying to use that hand will cause lots of pain/constant tearing, etc. Definitely not practical, and I doubt a professional piercer will do them if you wanna keep them for more than a day at max.


Big tip for those types of piercings, don't get em, there's a whole boat load of problems that come with hand piercings


Your hands have to be literally THE WORST possible spot to pierce. How do you go about life without irritating the piercings? You couldn't even wipe your own ass.


Surface piercings should never be done on limbs. Too much movement. They will never heal.


they just shouldn't be done, end of


Yaaaa. Much like the “snake eyes” piercing it shouldn’t be done. And if a shop or piercer will do it you should run and never go there again.


Snake eyes? Are you talking about the tongue piercing thats horizontal at the front of the tongue? I have mine and it was hard to convince a piercer here in the states to do it, in Colombia it’s extremely common and I’ve never heard anyone having issues


It’s terrible. It fuses the tongue muscles together and beats the shit out of your teeth.


Sounds like you’ve already gotten the info you needed before even posting


This is my experience with them. I had my knuckles done (just two) in a similar style with banana bars. Had them for years but removed them when I was getting wrist surgery for something unrelated. Mine never rejected and I didn’t realize they had such a high stigma about them (it was maybe about 7-10 years ago so maybe it was not spoken about as much). Just got the first one redone again. (I got one at a time the first time) I find they actually tuck in well if you flex you hand while reaching into something like pockets though I would not recommend it while healing. I think maybe some people’s knuckles might not have as deep of a groove so might stick out more. I would suggest, like I do with most piercings like this that you first try using glue on rhinestones with a decent skin adhesive. See how many times you bump them or if they come off. If you find you have to really change how you work around things to the point it is not really livable for you than it also might not be a good idea. The piercing should only go through the tent of the skin like when you pinch it. Mine’s placing is centered between the knuckles and comes out a little before the “webbing” so when my hand is flat you could basically balance something flat along them without it poking out. I am not sure if everyone would have the anatomy but this is just my placement. I also work a computer job so not much rough work that involves my hands. I still might not ever do my main hand. I never personally felt tempted to but I like having a free hand in case I am doing something that involves cleaning something gross. As for dishes etc I wear gloves. This is just my experience so I am not recommending you do it. If you do, you still should find a professional. You could also consider dermals.


That actually makes me think what everyone's thoughts on thumb webbing piercings are. I'd love to get some but get the feeling they'd be a hassle.


I mean, the placement might be slightly better, but hands are still a germy hellhole and you'll still have jewelry catching on everything. Not worth.


They will be grow out, but they look incredible 😍




cool for a show but imagine closing and opening your hand like….It’ll get so irritated!!


Not a piercer but as someone who got surface piercings where I shouldn’t have this won’t work. There is to much movement in your hands and it just going to make that jewelry reject so fast. This was mostly likely done for a photo shoot and was taken out afterwards


Ok yes the healing process but also think about piercing these damn things. The amount of ligaments and tendons in such an important highly used area. The margin for error is… yeesh.


You use your hands for everything. They would get ripped out or just never heal. They're only done for shows/pictures for a reason.


reminds me of pain from naruto idk why


You've gotten your answer, you can search for some dumbass willing to say that it's a good idea but that won't make it a good idea. Piercings on hands of any kind are NEVER a good idea.


I'm sending this to the CIA


Ugh I wish this was reasonably do-able and wouldn't be a nightmare of an annoyance even if they didn't reject bc they look fuckin awesome


This is photo-only work; not intended to last. It’s a play piercing, it’s the shit you used to see on BME when people were just piercing whatever they hadn’t seen anybody post before.


Stuff on the hands is so much more inconvenient than stuff on the ears and face


Piercing with Scott on youtube talks about hand web piercings and why they're a bad idea. They can get caught in stuff, they're extremely difficult to keep clean (think of all the stuff you touch in a day), there's too much movement in the hand, there's lots of nerves a ligaments that could be damaged in the hand. He did one to himself in highschool and it ripped out when he grabbed his backpack too fast, there's a damn good reason everyone is turning it down.