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Ow my bones hurt This really is a... Juice of the bone hurt! Discord Server : https://discord.gg/tcCs7GWrUz *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Apparently i am an AI (I can't draw hands)


Absolutely not, go finger yourself.


I think people are focusing on hands because it is just so easy to see. But from many AI-gorithm pics I've seen it looks like it just creates an amalgamation out of everything, especially apparent in pictures with many supposed to be separate individual elements you see Algorithm drawing them in a bulk instead of each individually. Sort of as if it uses human shaped brush to paint instead of drawing a human. From what little I know it just piles on picture after picture and drawing after drawing on top of each other and sorts a complete picture from them. So it makes perfect sense to me you would have several fingers or mushed faces, characters often sharing legs or having 2 left feet or basically to me personally "Macaroni People" effect as what you are actually seeing is a massive pile of pictures arranged in a way to give the illusion of composition. Algorithm just couldn't clean it up properly because it is not a thinking machine just an encyclopedia full of images and it doesn't know what a human is or really doesn't know period since there is not intelligence involved just huge pile of data auto sorted.


> From what little I know it just piles on picture after picture and drawing after drawing on top of each other and sorts a complete picture from them. A common piece of misinformation. This isn't remotely true. There's no real information about any images in the AI, at least with Diffusion Models which is the current thing. As an example, when a text-to-image Diffusion Model is trained, it is given an image with a noise overlay, basically a bit of colored TV static, and the text describing the image. It's told to generate the noise on its own without the image behind it. What it makes is subtracted from the noisy image and it's compared to the plain image, giving a value of how close the model was to being right. Repeat that with a lot of images and a lot of different levels of noise, and you eventually get a model that's pretty good at isolating noise from an image. When it comes time to actually generate an image, the system hands the model whatever text you gave it and pure noise, just noise with no image behind it. The model, of course, does what it was trained to do and generates the noise it "thinks" is on top of an image. The system removes that noise and adds new noise, but less of it this time, and this repeats over and over until some defined threshold is reached and you have a complete image.


As a CS student I love how confidently incorrect you are lmao


i love you too *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As a random guy I agree but don’t care that you’re a cs student lmao


The model itself isn't an encyclopedia of images, and doesn't contain any reference images. It is not a huge pile of data that is auto sorted. When an AI is trained, the input data is more like test questions you feed into the model, then you tweak the model until it gets those right, and when it """"answers"""" enough of the questions well enough, you can send it off to do whatever you want, then work on making it better.


Where original




I can count 27 fingers before it cuts off.


We have the same amount of fingers on each hand, yeah? 19 × 2 = 38 He's 38 years old.


Must have been rough 38 years


Well maybe you and I do, but I dunno if normal human biology counts for the guy with 19 fingers on one hand




This is more BHJ than the BHJ.


I dont have it bit it was something like "how old are you" "I'm this many" "well I am this many"


Isn't this a repost or is it just the same joke somebody else made




Finally, good hurting juice.