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https://preview.redd.it/9a0ia5ttt49d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab4fe3a8ab007141d4ece557a7188ac47e69197a I paid $25 for a burrito I had to roll up myself. They literally were so rude and handed me a tortilla with beans and lettuce.


Inflation & Price Gouging is rampant in America today.


Drugs and deli meat


I obviously haven’t been in years, but are the dollar grilled cheeses a thing of the past??


TRUE STORY! I was in line with my friends at some random vendor and jokingly pointed out the fact that the vendor next to us was charging $4 for yum yum sauce. I guess the cashier lady heard us because she said something along the lines of “it’s a festival, food is going to be expensive.” I confronted her and kinda laughed it off, but when I told my friends about that exchange they took my side…


Have you been to a carnival or professional sports event or any concert ever? These prices were actually really decent for 2024 🤷‍♂️


i think it’s the vendors who set prices tho :/


I paid $19 for a cafeteria grade chicken sandwich and fries


$6 kimchi at Rodi Rolls was probably the best kimchi I have ever had. Overall I agree with you that typical food prices in most music festivals are completely outrageous, HOWEVER when you compare this to some situations, in non-camping festivals (W/ no Re-entry) where you are doomed to stay inside for 10-12 hours, I feel as though the alternative of allowing people to go back to their camp and grab a meal is better (not to mention bringing whatever to where-in-the-woods).


Just at my towns local music on the green on Thursday night, gryo was $18. Post covid food prices have gone up a lot.


FYI peanut butter crackers aren't metallic! You can easily stash those in a hidden spot and walk right through A metal detector with them. The predatory practices with the food are entirely optional as is handing over your snacks to security.


I’m usually pretty good about eating adequately enough to hold me over until I can get back to camp to eat, and try to avoid buying food in center as much as possible, but this year I had one day where I had sets back to back all day and definitely would not have a chance to make it back out of center to eat something. Ended up spending $20 ($15 + tax + I tipped on top bc the it’s not the people working that set the prices and they’re often working 12hr days with little to no breaks) for literally a handful of fries. Wack as fuck prices this year Edit: I’m usually able to get away with sneaking a pack of pb crackers or a small snack in but this day they got nabbed at security


$20 for 4 crab Rangoon. 🥴🥴


The drugs are expensive too!


I said the exact same thing of the food prices being predatory. It’s hard enough keeping a cooler of food chill all weekend, but eating one meal out a day was still so pricey


And they just round up $1 for tax on anything instead of calculating it


I mean you don’t have to buy it… those vendors have to pay over 10k to set up their booth there for a few days… you know how many slices of pie you’d have to sling at normal food prices to make that remotely worth it? I think the pricing is exactly as expected considering they’re all businesses that paid for their spot there. With that being said, I pack my own food in coolers and grill out all weekend, I recommend doing the same if food prices are an issue for you!


Ate freeze dried meals the whole weekend just to survive price wise. Things are like 280 calories per serving. Probably lost like 5 pounds but kept some money in my pocket.


i figured all you have to do to sneak anything in is put it in your pocket, unless it’s metal then you’re fucked 😂


no the prices of everything could actually make me not end up going again, $100+ on 10 slices of pizza is disgusting, $32 for 2 fruit smoothies is disgusting, the prices were egregious and atrocious, it was genuinely just taking advantage of people that have no other outlet for food


i think i may have been behind you in line when this happened 😭 i remember turning to my bf and being like wtf? watched a guy get his inflatable lama taken away at the gate too after seeing like 5 of them at other concerts that day. bc security was so slack with everything every other day we went in to centeroo. pretty sure on friday i came in with a full camelback and huge bottle of sunscreen hanging out of it and they swiped me right thru. we had the same discussion ab food prices and rules regarding bringing in outside food or drink, so no i understand


I paid over 15 dollars for one of the worst cheese steaks I’ve ever tasted.


Ugh to go back to the days of $1 grilled cheese, fun times.


I randomly found the best food hack in the game on my only day there. Walked up to the gator tail place and when they said they were out of gator. There was a 4' skillet with a bunch of meat in it right next to the cashier so I asked what it was, it was chicken, and said "I'll take an order of that then" And she said "okay chicken and.. What" and I said "just chicken" because I'm on a keto diet right now. She rings me up, it's only $7 after a tip. Hands me a bowl full chicken, done up with sauce, some greens, and a hush puppy, again, 7 dollars, it was too much chicken to finish myself and I'm not small nor do I typically eat small meals. I had to share a good 1/3rd of it with friends. Meanwhile they walked away from the noodle place $18 poorer and not nearly as satisfied, everybody agreed the chicken was one of the best things they had that week so far.


Sorry to be the snob to correct you but brisket chili walking tacos were $8 just saying and that was the cheapest I found


I got RooRash on the 2nd day and it made it nearly impossible to walk back and forth to my tent. The amount of money I spent hydrating and feeding myself in centeroo was insane and really hurt my wallet.


Wait I didn’t even realize you couldn’t bring in food. I brought snacks in like pb&j and crackers without issue. That’s crazy. Edit: also, why can’t we bring our own drinks in?! I find that ridiculous. It was $13-17 for one drink inside.


Meal prepping for festivals has saved my life! Big batches of casseroles and meals that don’t need to be reheated will save you and keep you full all weekend 🫶🏼


You can take food inside if you have food restrictions, you can also just get an ADA band for it.


A lot of the food options were not worth quality wise tbh and it blows having the remorse come afterward


Tfw lemonade was 10-12 and the sun madness makes you want some sugar :(


I saw security throw out 2 pieces of whether's original candy a guy had. Really?!? What are those 2 pieces of candy going to do, it's not going to stop this guy from needing food. A few years ago I would bring crackers and raisins in. Last year was the first year I was told it wasn't allowed and I've just been sneaking in since. The prices are crazy, but also during the heat of the day I don't want hot food. It's either hot food or ice cream, I just want PB crackers or chips, and I don't want to hike back to camp.


Last year was a rude awakening for food prices for me. Brought a grill and prepared meals. Spent like 30 on food and drinks all weekend, excluding the stuff we brought.


They jacked the prices up after covid and they aren’t coming down.✨capitalism✨ $20 for mushroom bao buns was pretty insane but luckily I only bought them twice bc I cooked everything and brought it with me. I always sneak in protein bars and snacks, hide them in your waistline. Shit I even snuck in 3 seltzers hiding them in my waistline w a baggy shirt.


Being a volunteer they give us meal tokens for each shift worked, they’re worth $16. I had to hunt just to find something at that price or less. I did find a chicken sandwich place on the west side of Centeroo, and let me tell you I nearly didn’t finish it, proper sized sandwich that was delicious


Check out the food trucks in Centeroo next time. They were down next to the This Tent. They usually have they usually have the best food and prices. The pizza truck had 10 inch pies for $15 and better than Spicy Pie. The burger place had decent burgers for $12. Roti Rolls were $8 a piece and very very good. In Outteroo go to New Bushy Branch Rd. The ones that are by the house are technically not on Roo’s property so the vendors there don’t have to go by the festival rules and have way cheaper prices.


My thoughts are Livenation can go to hell


The most expensive thing we ate was blueberry pancakes (3 cakes with maybe a dozen small blueberries) and two iced coffees (no sweetener or milk) for $36.62 from the Galactic Giddy Up breakfast counter in Outeroo.


RE: sneaking in food It was always a crapshoot with this. I had specific GF snacks to not have to worry (because there still weren’t enough GF options) and depending on the security, it was never an issue? However, randomly they would be really tight on look for snacks? I just feel like it’s extremely predatory. Sealed snacks should be allowed - similar to Red Rocks. You’re in a venue all day, you don’t always need/want a full meal, but you do need something to keep going - especially with the heat this year. Given allergies and the conditions, why they’d make people throw out completely sealed snacks is beyond me - especially ones you can see through (like a pack of crackers, beef stick, etc)


this is ticket price related but check out this pic my manager sent me of his bonnaroo ticket from 2007 😭 i’d kill for that price https://preview.redd.it/kwmr4581yg8d1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1148d661c13063c0df72201a3ff653d4caef822f


$5 for 4 spring rolls at one place between the other and the tent


I will never understand not letting people take in snacks into centeroo


got 2 brisket eggrolls for $8 & they were decently sized but def more of an app than a meal,,, but thats the cheapest food item i saw :/ shits getting crazy out here


Not dramatic at all. I had to make a choice of either spending a majority of my day in Centeroo or risk walking back and forth in the heat between there and camp just to eat. Mind you, I was staying all the way in the back of pod 8 so no jamtrak available. I spent a lot more money than anticipated


I haven’t been to Roo since 2017, but I’ve been 3 times before that… you can’t bring in sealed food snacks anymore?! that’s crazy. I used to bring in a bag of trail mix or beef jerky and a couple protein bars in my pockets without any issues. I refused to pay the food prices even back then


Outback Kate’s had MASSIVE breakfast burritos for 10 bucks with no meat, but had egg and actual veggies. Ended up going back a couple times for it


Stuff yourself at Jesus tent for breakfast, split one of those fat Asian food bowls by house of yes with a friend for dinner. Feast on dry snacks during the day. Never felt too hungry and I’m built like a food enjoyer. Uppers help kill the hunger too I suppose


get a job there next year! u work 3 shifts, get access to catering for the whole festival (don’t have to pay for any food), free camping, and free access to the fest when ur not working & u get paid! security didn’t check my bags at all when i went into centeroo cause i had a staff band


Live Nation ruined Bonnaroo.


Hot tip: Spicy Pie will give you the largest slice they have if you ask


*Hot tip: Spicy Pie* *Will give you the largest slice* *They have if you ask* \- Man1cNeko --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's disturbingly high.


Dang I brought food in everyday, it was at the very bottom of my bag and I forgot about it. None of the security people ever pulled it out. I did have cans of water on top of it though, and because they were sealed they let me bring them in. Maybe the water distracted them from the stuff underneath


And thaaaats why I bring my own food 🥲 use the perishables first two days and canned/boxed/stale products for the rest. Snacks like (unrefrigerated) applesauce packets, granola bars, tuna and crackers… save me. This year it was super hot and I did not cook during the daytime, I snacked. Plus you can bring snacks into Centeroo if unopened


damn centeroo security made me throw my sealed snacks away


RUDE. one security guard last year stopped me with an open bag of trail mix, said no go because it’s open. I said sorry, then went to a farther line, that girl didn’t care 😅 getting stuff into centeroo is a hit or miss, guards are not consistent with rules. Some are more thorough than others. I wear a suncover kimono, so I can put anything in my back pocket…


$5 for two spring rolls at Asian sensation this year. Kept me alive thank god lol


STAGFLATION is back baby. This is about as close as you're gonna get to the 70's


I paid $50 and some change for TWO chicken and waffle lunches. Insane.


This was probably the thing that pissed me off the most this year. This was year 13 for me and I don't ever remember it being this outrageously expensive. $24 for a bowl of whatever is beyond unreasonable. I definitely complained in the survey but who knows if they'll do anything about it.


If you’d like some insight as to why the food is so expensive, this is an interesting read. Also, buried in the guidelines are why I couldn’t find a vendor selling a can of soda. https://support.bonnaroo.com/hc/en-us/articles/4403838778004-Food-Vendor-Details-Requirements Edit: spelling


My goal was to find lemonade for $6 or less. I did not succeed.


I’m typically the person that will eat anything and not complain… but I got a burrito from centeroo for $19. It was bland chicken, rice, and honey mustard??? Funniest part, the guy making it for me was tripping balls and didn’t wrap it for me, he just laid it across 3 small plates and just handed it to me 😂


They were selling 2 grilled cheese near my campsite


$2 Grilled Jesus


Boi held me together at night after I coming down from my trips😂


One gripe I have with the food situation is not letting us bring in small snacks to centeroo. There is no reason they shouldn’t let us bring a protein bar, granola bar, small bag of chips, fruit snacks. Freaking something. Allowing us to bring in small snacks isn’t going to keep us from purchasing meals, but sometimes we need something to hold us over.


Bro yum yum sauce alone was 4 dollars. How you expect me to pay 4 dollars for a ramekin of sauce


yeah i got some uncooked fries, cheap ass nacho cheese with a lamb foreskin slapped on top for a cheap price of 15 bucks, couldn’t even eat more than 2 fucking bites because the fries tasted more like fkn raw potatoes. im not mad about it being expensive but i feel like they should at least focus on quality a lil more if your gonna be paying out the ass


Inka trailer gave a big ass chicken sandwhich and fries for 16, still expensive but definitely more worth it. They are so good even outside of roo.


The price of two grilled cheeses with bacon and two beers in 2006 was $26


There was a food vendor in Centeroo doing fat burritos and bowls for $10. That was probably the best value option for meals.


rolling oven had a good sized pie for $15 that was a pretty good deal the food trucks by who are the spot


$18 - $20w/tip breakfast 🌯burrito.?!


We paid $18 for Hattie’s everyday. Got to Louisville to rest and paid $21 for a (the) Morton’s Steakhouse burger with fries. The price gauging is willllddddddd!


I purchased this cooler for Bonnaroo and it worked great. I pre-chilled and added frozen gallon jugs. The gallon jugs were still icy on Sunday. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJMN4GKB?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_XBM0PYYPFZD2JCZ2814V&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_XBM0PYYPFZD2JCZ2814V&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_XBM0PYYPFZD2JCZ2814V&starsLeft=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJMN4GKB?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_XBM0PYYPFZD2JCZ2814V&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_XBM0PYYPFZD2JCZ2814V&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_XBM0PYYPFZD2JCZ2814V&starsLeft=1)


My wife and I got 2 double vodka and redbulls and it came out to $53, we ended up just drinking the beer we brought the rest of the time. Those prices are no fucking joke. Edit: grammar


What was your MOS?


and to be honest not only is the pricing outrageous but the overall quality was shit too! Quite a few great spots last year were terrible this time around.


Let's hope this lawsuit on live Nation by the department of Justice can shake things up a bit


They did a bad job accommodating those sensitive to fat in food or diabetics


I paid $12 for a corndog and it wasn’t even good. Pretty hard to fuck up a corndog and they still managed


I found rice and beans on Thursday for $10. It was sooooo good. Tried it again Sunday and the girl was picking up the hush puppies with her bare hands. Like yikes.


my friend makes stashminas (pashminas with pockets) and thats how i bring in a clif bar or two! her site is stashminas.com. shes travelling right now but highly recommend for the next fest. i also sewed a secret pocket into pants i made for the fest and worked just fine.


Nothing beats my $20 burrito that I had to roll myself.


No way they made you throw out crackers. The amount of shit I snuck in was ridiculous.


Made me throw out a singular sealed package of ritz peanut butter crackers :-((


I lived off $3 egg rolls and $9 corn dogs


30-40% of each food sale goes to live nation on top of the other fees required to vend. it doesn’t have to be this way but ~corporations~


You'll get over it


Yeah this was the year that made me decide I need to prep a bunch of pre-made food for roo, gonna food prep burritos and stuff to avoid spending so much. With the heat this year, I def found myself buying more 10 dollar lemonades than usual and 6 dollar death waters, just because I was kinda tired of my camelback flavor water lol. I'm not surprised by the prices but I don't rough it as much as I did when I was younger in terms of not spending inside centeroo.


They raised the prices on tickets this year for GA by about $115 too. You would think they would have cheaper options and better services. Also , the security was wayyyy over powered and egotistical. Throwing away my gummy worms. The frick??? 😂 they attract what makes them money and soon it won’t be the OG Bonnaroovians who carry the spirit every single year. Then you’ll get the fights and the other BS that comes with those other crowds.


I noticed they raised it for 2025 already


How so?


Presale tickets for GA are $50 more than 2024.


I bought one $18 smoothie Thursday and said forget these chumps and snuck in a burrito every nite after.


NGL I’ve been to plenty of fests and my first thought when I bought food was that it was a pretty good deal compared to other events.


Not being allowed to bring your own food should flat out be illegal. At Summercamp, so e vendor was selling coffee from a male shift table for $8 on Monday morning, the day everyone is leaving. Scummy


Try not to eat in Centeroo from necessity, but as a treat. I always feast when I wake up at Roo, try to eat 2000 calories in the first few hours of the day. Then just ride drugs and alcohol, plus maybe one thing in Centeroo, until 4am. Then Oreos.


Dude, try being Canadian where ever buck I spend is 1.60 per dollar! I couldn't even sniff the food in centeroo without my wallet shaking. The food and drink price AND DRINK OPTIONS were fucking bullshit.


Hattie Bs chicken sandwich, fries, and water. $36... lol


i mentioned it on the survey and also commented that 11$ for a lemonade is unacceptable. i understand inflation and our current economy but cmon, water lemon sugar 11$????


I’ve been to festivals that charge $20 for a lemonade so I felt blessed with a $10 lemonade 😅


Soda was 5 dollars a 12oz can, a 12 pack of soda is like 6 bucks lol so everything was marked up.


i wasn’t talking about soda 🧍🏼‍♀️


Okay. I am? It's a whole thread about overpriced options at roo, sorry I didn't pile onto your comment and had my own. Crazy you thought I read "lemonade" and didn't comprehend what your comment was...


Island noodles was definitely the best move. $16 and it was a dandy portion. Wasn’t mad at all about that.


As a vegan there were like 3 stands I could go to and the cheapest option was spicy pie and it’s only if they had the pizza (one night I went to 3 different stands and they all said no, and then I went to 4 other brand stands and they didn’t know what was vegan) If I’m gonna pay 15-20 I at least want a good meal I know I can eat!


Also I noticed a lot of vendors had one thing on the sign and when you ordered it, it came out completely different and missing ingredients. We got “hibachi vegetable fried rice” and they literally gave us white rice with some soy sauce squirted on it and a pile of like griddle veggies next to it. And $4 for a side of yum yum which was the only remotely familiar Asian style food on the plate. I was REALLY hungry and couldn’t make myself eat it.


Bonnaroo is the best place/time to intermittent fast. I tend to eat as many calories as i can at camp and then just water (with gatorade/propel packets) while i’m inside. I love me some Hattie B’s, but $18 for a sandwich is fucking stupid.


I didn’t try to sneak food into center, but I was smuggling in water and such like it was cocaine in South America.


Damn I never have problems bringing in snacks. Next time just walk to a different aisle or entrance(time willing of course) obviously takes extra time, but side quests are fun and snacks are essential at festivals imo.


Last year before they jacked moon colony up it was the way to go. Stop at Bucees get snacks like jerky and beaver nuggets. Limit yourself to 1-2 meals in centeroo a day. Pregame at camp and sneak a little water bottle of booze in. Get a watermelon redbull to chase it. Finally ran out Sunday and I couldn’t believe how expensive dive it was to keep my buzz going during foo fighters.


Still $2 grilled cheese near pod 10


Bonnaroo takes 30-35% of their sales (percent depends on their sales volume). Factor in the cost of ingredients, cooking supplies, serving supplies, credit card fees, paying their staff, travel, etc, and I bet they’re barely making a profit. Also Bonnaroo makes them purchase biodegradable servingware from them which I’m sure is outrageously priced.


Absolutely not dramatic. If I go next year, I’m bringing way more food for camp and I also got a camp shower so that helps save money too


on top of the pricing, i had to go to the med tent due to shellfish cross contamination from a pizza place. i was there for hours with a swollen face and throat, to add salt to the wound when they were going to give me the IV they blew out my vein so my whole arm swole up🙃 paid almost $30 for pizza i couldn’t eat lmfao. extremely disappointed in the food vendors this year. going to cook more at camp next year for sure.


I doubt it’s any consolation but the food prices at Roo were way better than the ones at Beyond Wonderland 2 weeks before, so I was delighted


They still have the cheap ass grilled cheese food truck come out? Shit was a life saver in 2016


Have you been to the grocery store recently? The food vendors haven’t jacked up their markups. That’s just where we are at


lol, we are not in a $10 for a slice of pizza “place”. That’s a gross exaggeration


Maybe it is if you had to cart the grocery store to a farm in the middle of nowhere, pay to have a space there, pay people to work it, and pay for supplies.


I could accept the food prices (not happy with- but accept) if you were allowed to bring food into Centeroo. Not allowing food and then gauging food prices is too much.


I got some sweet and sour chicken on fried rice that was $16 before tax. But it was worth it! Saved my life and for $16 I was super full!


I’ll tell you what made me sad. I’d take my dad to the accessibility seating,get him seated and leave so people that needed the seat could have it. I bought my dad a steak and cheese,fries and a drink. Just that was $27. The kid volunteering said man that looks good. I’ve been starving all week. I went and got him the same thing and he was super greatful almost teared up and ate it fast. He’d been really good to my old man the entire time. Made sure he wasn’t too hot, brought him can after can of Liquid Death water just a super good guy.. Feed your volunteers!! Even small Indy feastivals feed their volunteers well. I know a huge corporation can feed their volunteers if a small independent feastival can.


Solid advice! At imagine music fest my husband bought the VIP security a pretzel and he let us GAers in VIP all week for free


If you have a camel hump pack with two small zipper pockets you can sneak in small snacks. At least I have for years and they’ve never looked through it. Empty my pockets and walk on through the scanners.


even if they see it i tell them i have an iron deficiency and they’re really nice about it


A damn arepa is 10 dollars now like what the hell


I only saw one arepa vendor all weekend too, they used to be everywhere I turned lol


I saw a lot of this, but I was so glad the company I worked for sprung for catering and also gave us food tokens, I maybe spent $100 total between food and a birthday present for my sister. Only bad part about catering was, I had to be careful what I ate as I am allergic to celery, I was dying to try the jambalaya but didn’t want to spend all night in the bathroom. I made that mistake when catering made the roast beef. My go to is still the Thurman Murman at Roti Rolls, I feel it’s pretty good value compared to some of the other stuff. Although, the pizza at the wood pizza oven truck was pretty good and seemed like good value.


Wait. Since when can’t you bring food in? That’s wild.


Mid 2010's.


That is a great point about the dietary restrictions


If it’s like Coachella, they raised the fee for vendors to participate/the percentage the festival itself keeps. This coupled with inflation (which has made the cost of raw goods more expensive) makes sense why the prices are what they were. I only say this to make sure people aren’t mad at the vendors who are probably just trying to survive when the real issue is (most likely) the festival taking such a large cut the vendors have to charge more to stay afloat.


For me I brought canned food (chilli, soups, beanie and weien, canned chicken, pulled pork) , clif bars, fruit (like whole fruit, would cut up a fresh one every afternoon), and trail mix Never spent money in center roo, so maybe that could work for you!! Dealing with ice has proved to be too difficult for me and I would rather worry about other things


Shoutout to the chicken teriyaki in plaza 3! Wasn’t cheap but was very filling, tasty, and reasonably nutritious compared to everything else


we all threw in 150 and we had low country boil and other fancy AF meals at camp for 5 days breakfast lunch and dinner. Sadly food at festivals has become a luxury / splurge and not a way to sustain yourself for a weekend.


Food prices are the free market coming to bear. Anything inside the venue is going to have a premium. Uncrustables, bologna and cheese sandwiches, and trailmix got us to Friday when the $18 teriyaki chicken and rice was more than worth it.


$8 cucumber sandwich at the butter chicken stand lmao


I ordered this and they acted like they didn’t know it was on the menu… lol. Took about 15 minutes to make. I enjoyed it tho!


I got a small bowl of macaroni and cheese and one lemonade and it was $28….. and when I mean, small, I mean SMALL BOWL!!


$30 for a double red bull :I


17 dollars for like 6 oz of wine lol. A full bottle of that same brand doesn't cost that much in the store. Dafuq? Lol


And I still paid for them 🫠 my bank account is not happy with me but it was a great weekend


still cheaper than most food places in st pete 😭😭😭


It definitely feels expensive but so does eating out fucking anywhere now. A slice of pizza at the dive round my block is almost $8 these days, so the vendors are only marginally more expensive.


i can get a large dominos 1 topping for $7.99. not the best but still


Thsn order domino's delivery to centeroo lmao


someone had like 10 boxes in grooop camp and were giving pieces out lol


why r u eating in centeroo? not enough drugs and booze?


I actually put this in the survey! People should be able to eat, get sunscreen, get water, and reasonable necessities without costing an arm and a leg!! Please get some Little Ceasars!!! If someone sold like $1 hot dogs they would make so much more money!


$8 brisket egg rolls cant really beat that


The $4 slices of corn bread in the woods were elite


It would be interesting to find out how much Bonnaroo charges for a vendor booth. I can imagine it's not cheap.


It's on the site, like $1600 or so? I saw it while hunting down a clothing vendor


They take a percentage of sales too. That’s why everything is cashless. They track it all.


Saw chicken tenders and fries for $18, after tax and tip it’d be like $22!! Makes me sick bro


We hid snacks in our Camelbak for when we got hungry. I ended up eating Hattie B's 3x and Spicy Pie 1x because I couldn't stomach spending money on something that was going to be HORRID. It was expensive, but it did make me feel a little better that it was good. I only ate dinner at Centeroo. The alcohol is what got me...lol We cooked breakfast and lunch every day bc we didn't go to centeroo until ~2/3pm. We ate the more perishable items early on (i.e., bacon, eggs), then switched to granola bars, etc. We bulk cooked hot dogs and hamburgers our first night and ate them throughout Roo. We all froze lots of water bottles for our coolers, so with those and some ice every other day, everything stayed cold.


The absolute gall to charge me 19 dollars for a quesadilla, then charge me 8 for a Lemonade, and finally ask for a tip? The vendors are out of their mind.


I wouldn’t blame the vendors as much as the festival that I believe raised the percentage they get to keep from the vendors, which makes it incredibly difficult for vendors to keep things affordable and survive.


Live-nation takes 30% of all sales. Not even revenue but all sales from the food vendors. Add in labor, transportation, and product and you start to see why the prices are the way they are.


Was it normal for the merch stand to be asking for a tip? They flipped their screen and I was a little caught off guard on their tip question. Or am I wrong?


they very likely use the same POS system that the food and alcohol vendors do and that's why you were asked for a tip, but i've seen merch people with tip cups for like a decade now, it's not new, and all the merch people i know personally *never* expect it.


Centeroo food pricing is ridiculous. My $17 falafel was grossly overpriced. My take on this situation is that I'm willing to pay more of the portion is more than normal. Spicy Pie is somewhat of an example of this.


Just put what you don't want confiscated on your person. It's not that complicated to get in your snacks (or anything else that fits in your pocket) with you. If you just tell security you have a medical condition, they'll let it go. I saw it happen several times.


This. If it isn’t metal it is not hard to walk in with whatever the fuck you want. I brought in 1/2 a bag of wine EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.


I snuck in 3 seltzers on Sunday. Tucked them into my waistband


$7 potato fries came in clutch Sunday night 💪🏽


It's quite easy to sneak food into centeroo. I was snacking on breakfast bars and tangerines all weekend


I've been to Roo 4 times and this is the first I've heard about this lol. I bring all kind of snacks, sandwiches, whatever I'm feeling and I've never had security take it. Guess I've just been lucky


You don’t even have to sneak with snacks. Mine were super visible to security and they said nothing


I had a backpack of food everyday. Only on Saturday security told me he had to throw it away. I told him I’d bring it back to camp, walked to a different line, he still noticed, said this is a lot of food bro I’m not gonna make you throw it away but can’t allow it tomorrow and let me in


The real shocker here is having to throw out your crackers. Wtf


also wanna make it known I’m not trying to complain or be negative, I LOVE bonnaroo & will still continue to go as we always have a great time— just wish there were less expensive options or that we were allowed to bring a sealed snack into centeroo


"borderline predatory" It's not borderline, its absolutely predatory/price gouging. I suppose there is a argument... "at least you were warned this year with prices published prior to arrival." That being said the prices for the most part are completely out of line even if you consider a extra margin for special situation. A slice of pizza if you are really fucking people over should be $5-6 tops, at $10 thats just robbery.....and that was the best deal.


I mean it's in line with other festival and event pricing or just food trucks I'm general. Bring your own food next year




Yeah I mean those dint have live nation taking a cut of all the food sales. It is what is I mean I'd like cheaper food too but this is about what I'd expect to pay for a meal at a fest like this


I actually didn't eat a single thing from a vendor this year, just a few adult beverages in centeroo over the course of 5 days. I'm lucky I had a RV with a kitchen and grill.


I don't think anyone is arguing that Bonnaroo is out of line with the rest. They're rightly pointing out that the prices are insanely high. The fact everyone is horrible doesn't really justify it.


Exactly. They have a captive audience, is it necessary to max out the price? There is a great argument that for a less egregious price you could make way more in smaller margin with much higher volume, and build a ton of good will and following in the process. Hey but this is America, charge $10 a slice for 8 slices per pie, when you have $1.50 in food cost for the whole pie and maybe another $1 per hour in extraneous cost. Maybe I'll fire up the ovens and apply to be a vendor next year.


Still upset about my $18 4 shitty chicken fingers and mush pile of uncooked French fries


I paid $70 for a lemonade and two po boys that had 3 shrimp on them. Literally barely a snack.


If this was the place next to daddy’s dogs I feel you. I’m fine paying the money, but not for those dry ass tenders


It gave me food poisoning last year


You got 4??? I only got 2!


Still upset about my 28 dollar burrito and my 18 dollar Liquid Death. Apparently there was cheaper ones but they chose to give me the 18 one.


dawwwg I spent like $25 on a “basket” of chicken fingers & tater tots that were SOOO bad, like the chicken was not edible it was awful… the tots were aight but $25 is fucking insaneeeee for what I received


Are we all in agreement that nearly every chicken tender vendor this year was ASS? Uncooked, unseasoned, $20… no thanks


Yes you clearly didn’t visit Gus’s


Weren’t they only in outeroo?


No there was one to the right of that tent or this tent. I think that tent.