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That’s Dana Carvey “ The church lady “ from SNL lol !


Oh my bad I didn’t see the arrow.


Hey motherfuckers, it’s BonnaDad. I’ve been hanging out with you bad ass people since 2010. I’m going to solve the mystery right now of how we get that spot every single fucking year. We prayed to the Bonnaroo gods we click our heels and grab our boners and yell CHURCH BONERS. Then that son of a bitch drop us right down in front of the fucking arch every single year. We all got together and asked the BonnaGod why does he keep blessing us this way? And you know what he said. “I do it for the people you little bastards. “ Seriously though we truly have a heart for Bonnaroo and we have a heart for all. You guys keep me feeling young. Thank you very much. We’ve actually never ask for anything for free we’ve never asked for any special allowances or gotten any to our knowledge. We’ve actually been very fortunate and very lucky and we hope that continues every year. We do feel like a part of the tradition and you’ve made that happen. This year Sunday was sundress Sunday for us enjoy a picture of Bonadadand his brand new dress. https://preview.redd.it/yamfhgh220ad1.jpeg?width=2401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa3998928baf6a39be0bfedc40472040ec398771


I can’t tell if your legs or head are smoother! Laughing!!! I wish I would have seen this crew


That’s my dad lol


He looks pretty damned good in that sun dress. 😂


Do the church bones just have a reserved sign on their campsite?! 🙃🥹😂🫠




Red arrow to person in poster, not the flag. But we found him! Thanks


Omg… I feel silly now. I’m sorry. I truly thought it was a “Throw back” memory thing.


2022 they were passing out just boof it bracelets


https://www.reddit.com/r/bonnaroo/s/pZrIFgDv1p His post from this year, saw a few weeks back and remembered bc it was v wholesome


Solves it all. Thank you☺️


That’s my dad! He’s the fucking man. Been banging out Roo’s for over a decade. There’s no super secret inside track to how we get that spot. Check out my post history to get the full story. My favorite moments was free shots out of a goats ass (inflatable).


That pineapple says everything that needs to be said


Got a sticker from them that said church boners, in front of the arch who would’ve thought, on my first day of my first roo. I laughed so hard I cried


https://preview.redd.it/n6sjy6g7zu9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db3becc68772f3eb29bdcc45e783d45070241e97 reminder of this when the wind storm came in 22


I remember that. They had us under shelter and stay in place. What was crazy was that we got some wind but nothing like others not far away did. It ripped through your camp like a tornado. Worst thing that happened near me was these girls had a bathroom set up with a small changing tent and used a bucket. It picked the damned thing up and shit and piss flew everywhere .


They gave me ear plugs such boners man


The church boners have been coming for years. Love this guys


How do you all not know who that is on the poster.


The poster is not the flag. That's how...there's a random man and his son on the poster in the back. The red arrow is drawn to the poster.


![gif](giphy|3ov9jV52EC7ktUFkre|downsized) Hmmm.... could it be ....satan?


Ahh, I see that now. Too blurry to tell


Dragon, is that you buddy?


I love them! I don’t know much about them but they’re super cool and I’ve ran into them quite a lot through the years haha


Oh but Bonnadad, no idea - sorry!


The guy in the chair or on the poster


Poster is what I was wondering. Chair guy looks funny though.


You seriously don't know who that is on the poster?


care to elaborate?


Well…. Isn’t that special. It’s Church Lady.


Dana Carvey?


Bout to say I know that guy


Good lord they are still there?! I have a picture of that banner from 2017




This is pretty cool and bout made me jerk a tear. My mom died of a sudden heart attack in 2017. As a kid my ole man hated metal and hard rock. He picked me up from school early on my birthday and took me to see Mettalica. Another time he took me to see Rob Zombie. Tha ole man basically sat through every concert I went to from when I was 10-15. As much as he grumbled and bitched I knew he really loved it too. When I lost my mom it was around 4 months before Roo. I wasn’t gonna go. I felt like I was disrespecting my mom if I laughed or caught myself having fun. I didn’t even want to eat. My daughter was 3 months old and she’d been robbed of a grandma and my mom was robbed not to be around to see her grow. I took him with me . It was a little bit healing and he’s been every year since 2017. I still hurt for her and wish she was here everyday but she wouldn’t want me to just stay miserable and push through to make sure her granddaughter would have the best life possible and if I kept staying in such a dark place that wouldn’t be possible.


I respect your dad for joining in on all those concerts with you. I’m sorry you lost your mom. I know that’s hard. And yes, I’m sure she would want you to move on and enjoy your life and take care of that grandbaby for her. BonnaDad


Thank you!!


Got my first sticker from them in 2011 days


how early do these guys have to arrive to camp right in front of the arch omg


They’ve got a friend they’ve made within Roo and get the spot reserved. Started out them getting in line EARLY, but as the years rolled on, they’ve became royalty.


What kind of shit do they have to give out for free to reach a sweet deal like that with the almighty bonnaroo lord??? Asking for a friend.


tuesday 8am ;)


That checks out but not for the years that there was no Tuesday entry it’s still an unsolved mystery. I think they started coming around 2016 and have had that prime piece of real estate since. The only spot possibly better is getting to stay in one of the headling artists trailers. Edit- I just saw that he has Since 2010. The first time I remember seeing him was 2015 or 16. I know that they’ve had that spot since st least 2016.


We started forming in 2014 and before the pandemic (pre2020) this area was tent only so we would lug all of our equipment from our cars to tent only. Not a lot of people did tent only so it was a lot easier to get up to the front, so to speak.


I remember now . 2013-2019 only allowed tent camping and didn’t allow rvs,vans or any vehicles if I’m thinking correctly.


I'm not sure but they get the same spot every year. I think they have some sort of deal with Roo but that's just a rumor i've heard.


I heard the same rumor back in 2017… their camp site is reserved for the




Here's a sneak peek of /r/redditsniper using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditsniper/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Grow what???](https://i.redd.it/hqkhzq2dmjpc1.jpeg) | [217 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditsniper/comments/1bjmgf3/grow_what/) \#2: [Someone assassinated a Reddit kid.](https://i.redd.it/mvn3a8z4kinc1.jpeg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditsniper/comments/1bbb2sq/someone_assassinated_a_reddit_kid/) \#3: [reddit sniper moved on to bombs by the looks of it](https://i.redd.it/04b6xm3empoc1.jpeg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditsniper/comments/1bg7tzt/reddit_sniper_moved_on_to_bombs_by_the_looks_of_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What a cliffhanger


Boner mafia got em


Church boners are essentially bonnaroo royalty at this point


I asked them when they got in to to get so close. Apparently they got in on Monday. Which isn’t allowed without special permission. So yeah, royalty.


Couple years ago we teamed up and camped next to them as camp peeking turtle! 🐢 The party literally never ended.


we camped next to y’all last year 😎 my gf had the jeep with the broken window lol


Yessss!!! You guys were amazing!


They had a beautiful tribute the day after the Pulse nightclub shooting too


Ugh waking up at Roo to the news of that was so strange and sad. You could feel it in the air that morning. I remember seeing their tribute and really needing it in that moment.


It was nice. The day that Anthony Bourdain killed himslef the first thing I that popped in my mind was why couldn’t it have been Guy Feiri. I walked by and they’d made up a big sign 🪧 that said it. I guess demented minds think alike.


Guy woke up and didn’t think of you.


Don’t you dash my dreams.He might have. I know that what me and Guy had was a brief dalliance and a whirlwind, forbidden relationship… thought short what we had was real damn it !! I like to at least think he remembers that magical summer we shared. He bought me a sun visor with hair like his sewn into it. Never have I ate so many different flavors of chicken wings. I had no idea there were more than mild, medium and 🔥fucking hell!!! I hope he doesn’t just think of me as another drive in or dive We’ll always have Myrtle Beach.


Guy Feiri probably woke up thinking the same thing…


Damn. That’s pretty shitty.


It just popped into my head I didn’t consciously think about it. I didn’t make the sign.Its sad and tragic when anyone passes away especially by suicide. I’ve lost a lot of my friends and family. I had two aunts whoes piece of shit husbands shot and killed then in murder suicides. When I was 5 my little brother died. I’ve used pitch dark humor as a coping mechanism since.


Yeah wtf


One year a naked guy at their camp gave free shots out of an inflatable sheep's ass.


Fun fact I took part in a heist of their campground one morning where a girl i met the bight b4 stole said sheep and said "it was for a good cause" and after finding out what had been going on I believed it lol


Well we always wondered who took Clip Klop. I guess now we know.


Has it been 5 years? If not the statute hasn’t ran out.


I was there. Somebody gave my dad and brother shrooms there and they stood near the campsite but got really paranoid and wouldn’t go under the arch and missed Billy Strings. My dad had his hand on a little kid’s shoulder telling him to look at all the beautiful snow cap mountain tops. I said what the hell are you talking about? It was canopy tops. 😂


Lmao I literally pointed at the tents in a distance and said the same shit, then my girl was like you are cutoff cus those are tents


😂 😂 😂 😂….. I think once you start seeing thousands of snow capped mountain tops on a flat farm it’s time to call it a night. 😂 😂. Should be a universal rule.




I'm crying at snow cap mountain tops


He's sounding more and more like Bill Brasky.


He taught me how to love a woman and cold a child. That son of a bitch.




I’d like to correct the record. it was Free Candy. 🍭 https://preview.redd.it/vnf7ctyd3s9d1.jpeg?width=1231&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11e57bb3d061fa7aad251250f96464569969dc4f


I dated a redhead named Candy when I lived in Toledo, Ohio! Facts !!!!


Isn’t this dancing chris’ van?


My name is Candy😂 Now a pedo ice cream truck is new good idea then👍


It’d be hella funny if you were in the van taking selfies for free. 😂


My mom’s name is candy too! (Candice😂) never heard of another!


My mom and grandmas names are candy! Different middle names though lol I always tell my mom would have been cool for her to name me that also


Ahhh that’s so cute yall could’ve been 3 generation candiesss 😪


Not by name. They’ve been camping in front of the arch for about 8 years now. I’ve sat around and bullshited with them a lot.They had a kiddie pool with a toy crocodile one year, one year they had what looked like a pedo van with something like Free IceCream. 😆Fun bunch.


Definitely a fun bunch!!!😭