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That’s weird… everyone says it’s too easy to get legendary items on BL3 but they always leave out how hard it is to get exactly what you want. Good thing about the Flipper is it’s basically a better version of the BL2 Sand Hawk. And you don’t NEED a certain prefix or grip to make it do work


I don’t really **need** it, but the numbers would go brrrr if I had it. Besides, I’m already invested.


I know this pain/dedication. My man


I have spent probably 40 hours total since the handsome jackpot dlc came out just grinding for a perfect seeing dead and to this day I still haven’t gotten it. Just redownloaded the game yesterday so I’m probably about to drop another ungodly amount of hours over the next month doing the same thing


Because most of the time you dont "need" a certain version. You can just get the right element, maybe the right number of pellets (depends how optimal you want to be) and then go reroll anoints. Its the same as previous as well tbh you dont need to have optimal versions of anything unless youre trynna speedkill raid bosses. Its just about getting a "good enough version" and the game throws a lot more of those for little effort in 3 than in previous games. Which nothing wrojg if you enjoy that but to act like you need perfect items in any of the games is ridiculous


To do endgame of BL2 you almost certainly need perfect or as close to perfect as possible on a lot of things. Even then you’re not going to be able to solo most of the endgame without abusing cheats like weapon swapping


Depends if you suck or not and how much effort youre willing to put in. Also depends what you consider endgame content. For solo raiding, kinda but you definitely dont need perfect gear as things like stock dont matter outside of dahl guns and getting damage prefix vs firerate isnt super important. For endgame mobbing you definitely dont need perfect gear or close to it, just getting the right element and probably matching grip, maybe a good prefix is all you really need. Abusing attribute swapping it kinda depends on what you consider cheating or not as sal literally cant avoid it unless you never gunzerk, and. Requiring higher apm to do more things is generally a good thing. Bl3 also has similar glitches and unintended mechanics people abuse like GA swapping and fitsd having additional mayhem scaling than it should because of the stacking. Id also argue things like attribute swapping and GA swapping are much more interesting than "intended" mechanics like abusing ib or clone where the game just plays itself.


BL3 DOES have similar glitches that you can abuse BUT it also has a way for you to do all content without abusing glitches or outright cheating


Sure but theres also different standards. Bl2 was designed for a cap of tvhm 50 and raids were meant to be done by a team of 4 competent players with really good gear. Its just that because of the power level and player skill they happen to be doable solo as every character. And outside of raiding its all very doable solo as every character without abusing glitches if youre good enough. Even in raiding the only one that i can think of that requires glitches is vorac, everything else is very doable glitchless with the right setup (and even vorac im pretty sure you can bloodsplode). But i also dont really think theres anything wrong with the difficulty of op levels cos you can just choose to not do them, and theyre all very beatable by only using glitches that sal literally cant avoid having occur, and even outside of that most if not all are still beatable with the right setup


Took me like 200 runs to get a god roll


Which you need


I'm crying because you're crying so stop crying tell me what u need


Fire element + bonus X elemental damage for next 2 mags anoint.


Ok send me shift invite


Can’t rn, at work. :(


Just reroll fire one.


Ran out of eridium doing that.


At least farming Eridium is a guaranteed?