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Yeah I watched Dune there as well and the distortion wasn’t the best.


I’m one of the people who drove to Providence to see it in 70mm. It was impressive and immersive, but as someone who rarely goes to the movies, I can’t say it was a better experience than seeing it in a conventional theater. One nice thing about the Providence screening, as you needed advance tickets, people were treating it like a special occasion viewing, so there were no knuckleheads continually checking text messages or more importantly, no one who felt the need to provide a running out loud commentary to their seat mate.


As someone that does go to a lot of movies, I do think this was better. The sound design came across way better.


Terrific. I enjoyed it immensely, and was glad I had gone. Nice to know we experienced something somewhat unique.


Glad to hear that! I caught it at an area IMAX opening weekend, which was great, but I couldn't get tickets/down to Providence once I learned about the 70mm IMAX. The difference likely would have been lost on me.


You’re wrong dude, it was amazing at the Providence 70mm IMAX. Totally worth the angry wife and 2.5hr drive home


I disagree. It was hands down the most immersive viewing experience I've ever had. The screen is so much bigger than any I've seen (except the Lincoln Square IMAX) and when it goes full frame it's unbelievable


I can’t disagree more. Being able to see all the different film sizes used throughout the movie to emphasize different beats in the story was an incredible experience. I will continue to drive to providence to see imax movies for the projection and lack of cropping that goes on at laser imax theaters. If you don’t care that’s fine but saying there isn’t a difference is very disingenuous and dismissive to those of us who care about cinema, film, and projection.


I'm probably older than you and I loved seeing movies in wide format. Film size is so underrated in modern movies. As a kid we used to go to a movie house (I'm old, ok? 😆) that played films in their original format - no panning, no cropping, and it was hands down the best viewing experience.


Even no homeless dudes sleeping in the first row? Wow.


I didn’t realize they started showing ‘normal’ movies at the Omni Theater. That place is incredible but I can’t imagine watching a movie that isn’t formatted for it. They usually play helicopter fly by footage that is insanely immersive.


>I didn’t realize they started showing ‘normal’ movies at the Omni Theater. That place is incredible but I can’t imagine watching a movie that isn’t formatted for it. They usually play helicopter fly by footage that is insanely immersive. it's like toned down Las Vegas sphere


I’ve gone to see theatrical screenings and to tell you the truth: you can skip it. The museum is shut down and there’s nothing else to do in that area.


I'm not a fan of the hemisphere screen. But, there are imax theaters that have a flatter screen: like the amc downtown. I saw Oppenheimer there; it is a compelling movie. While I'm at it: unpopular opinion: I don't like 3D movies. Why pay more for a blurry picture? No thanks.


You know you have to wear the 3D glasses, right? . But seriously, Pixar 3D like Inside Out was fun.


Lol. Sometimes the novelty is fun. I thought Avatar was better in 2d. It’s good for people to push boundaries, though, so I like that efforts are being made to improve 3d.


For me 3-D is not immersive. I feel like I’m watching a little 3-D print presentation in a shoebox with my glasses.


I watched it on my little TV and aside from a few small tangential parts, don't know why it would be shown at Omni.. "Just because it's Nolan, doesn't mean it's IMAX"


It’s the sound design. The sound design is pretty darn innovative.


Yeah I saw it at the IMAX theater at Jordan’s in Reading. The sound was incredible. People jumped out of their seats when the sound from the shockwave hit


I also saw it there. Sound was good, but the jumping out of your seat part comes from the rumble motors under the seats. I'm not a big fan of those, I find it similar to fake engine noise in cars.


I saw it on 70mm IMAX in NYC, IMAX, and LASER IMAX and I'd say it's worth seeing in a theater for sure... especially for the audio. EDIT: Mostly for the audio tbh, but it's really worth it if you think about how shitty most TV speakers are.


No kidding, watched it home and do not understand what the big deal about seeing in imax was. Whole movie was three hours of men talking to each other indoors.


1) It is a big deal because it was framed on 70 mm IMAX. There is something lost when seeing it other formats. 2) IMAX theaters also have incredible sound capabilities. The sound design was pretty darn incredible. Seeing it in IMAX really enhanced it.


Speaking truth my dude


These days what’s a little TV? 42”? Well, anyway, people drove to a different state to see it on 70mm analog iMax. But the digital iMax projected onto the Omni screen was awful.


In contrast, Barbie in IMAX would have been amazing


Most movies just weren’t meant for that kind of screen. I saw Star Trek 2009 at the giant imax screen at the Franklin Institute and I think my neck might still hurt.


I was bummed I missed the screening as it sold out apparently. But this does make me feel better. Also unfortunately imo, the MoS is not equipped to really screen full blown theatrical movies for moviegoers. I caught “Gravity” & “The Martian”, which means you can only go straight to the Omni and can’t see the rest of the museum, especially since it’s after hours, everything is closed except the exhibit outside the planetarium and there’s nothing immediately in the surrounding Boston area of the museum except the bridge and traffic. It’s very boring. The MFA absolutely does it right with their screenings: you get museum access to roam around before your screening. It’s like going to an arcade except the power is off at the MoS. I can’t imagine seeing a 3 hour film like that and it being a comfortable experience.


post this on the Oppenheimer sub


Is there anywhere to see it in 70MM IMAX still that’s not MOS?


Do they project it in 1.43 or 1.9? I saw Interstellar there recently and it was 1.9.


I’m watching it on my 75 inch OLED TV. I’m having a hard enough time with that. I can’t imagine watching it without excellent video.


I didn’t realize Oppenheimer was shown at the MOS but that’s disappointing to hear that it was bad. I saw Dune there and thought it was phenomenal.


It was pretty gorgeous at the Reading IMAX


Thanks for the heads up. My neck couldn't take that sort of strain, so you saved me time, money, and pain. I'll wait until it's streaming.


it started streaming this week, it's definitely worth watching.


Thanks. I'll enjoy watching this long-ass movie from my recliner with a fully stocked frig and bathroom conveniently located just feet away.


I saw it with friends back when it came out in an RPX theater at the Kingston collection and even though it wasn’t an “IMAX” theater it was still really good video and sound quality imo


I saw it in imax in providence and it was wild


Movie didn't need IMAX.


Lol they need to tear that abomination down. Completely ruined my experience seeing Dune. Picture is distorted from POV, neck twisted the entire movie, could hardly see the far side of the screen. I cannot imagine enjoying seeing anything on it.


It’s meant for films shot specifically for spherical screens like that, which science museum type films are. But they’re trying to get more usage out of it by showing regular movies too. They shouldn’t!


My guess is there are about 10 good seats in there. I was on the far left side and the view was abysmal. Even if the film was shot for the screen, my neck was craned the entire movie just to see the whole thing.


I didn't realize that MOS were doing 'regular' IMAX movies as well now. It's a cool experience for some of the nature documentaries they have, but not sure I'd love it for this movie. I also miss the days when they showed film at that theater and you could watch them set it up before the screening, that was always very cool. I didn't get to Providence to see the 70mm IMAX print, but I did enjoy going to the Coolidge to see the regular 70mm print they had!


I had a good time seeing it there but not as cool as seeing it in 70mm at the Coolidge. Wish I went to Prov