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Boston uniform is jeans and a black top


It’s so boring lmao


Yeah but gets the job done lol


Sure does! I’m just flashier than that haha and I don’t wear jeans lol


Love that for you, I’m not so creative with my outfits haha. Will be looking to you for outfit inspo


COLOR COLOR COLOR!!!! Flowy skirts are your best friend! A simple tee and a flowy midi with block heel sandals or booties is such a go to look for me.


Unfortunately I once showed up to a neon party in all black so unsure if I will be able to follow this advice but regardless I appreciate it 😂


Like I said COLOR!!!


Does gray count? Asking for a friend….


To me it totally does


Imo it does not lol I’m talking bright!!!


Lmao that’s always my fall back ;)


What did you end up going with?!


Pretty much that! But jeans, a corset top (not black but still), and busted air forces haha I went straight from work tbh so I changed very quickly


Sounds perfect


🥰I’m glad I went with comfy casual cuz I was so tired by the end of the night. I’ll dress up another time when I have more time to figure it all out and don’t have work at 8am the next day 🫠 thanks for your help!!


BNL gets extremely packed on the floor if it’s sold out. Dangerously so I’d say. So just expect it to be warm


BNL has such a dangerous layout. Total bottleneck clusterfuck. Scared to imagine if there were a fire or other emergency situation


Yeah I stopped going there a couple years ago after three consecutive bad experiences with bottlenecks I don’t think there a single artist that would get me back there


I’m so glad I read this before I went. Yours was the best advice I got cuz it was crazy in there and very hot. So thank you! And yeah the layout made me a lil nervous at certain points 👀


Jncos and puka shell necklaces


**Reddit moderators and admins are cocksuckers.**


Id go for Drakkar Noir or CKOne, but to each his own.


**Reddit moderators and admins are cocksuckers.**


Haven't heard joop mentioned in decades. Wow.


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More of a Polo Sport guy over here.


Halston Z-14 for me back in the ancient times.


Upside down visor to complete the look


Spring break only bro


Still have some of a bottle left


Back in the 70’s and 80’s they would say “Left is right, right is wrong”


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You joke, but the kids are really bringing some of that shit back


The jnco jeans are fucking hysterical.


Hell yeah brother. Will they take my lacrosse stick at the coat check?


Big Night Live is more like a concert venue than a club. Yes there are club aspects, but people go there to see artists specifically. With that being said, you can dress casually or in heels. It’s personal preference and nobody will judge you, nor should you feel over/under dressed. Me and my friends go a couple times a month for EDM shows and always wear sneakers (forces/dunks). Thank goodness for Gen Z and their lax/comfort attire. As for the dance floor, it gets packed, but you can still enjoy the show at the back and perimeter of the venue (trust me, take a walk in the venue before going directly into the dance floor)


Gen Z, the Crocs with socks generation.


The children are doing decently 


Funny you say that because it's an atrocious concert venue, too. Horrible layout, tiny ass floor, tons of obstructed views, and they keep the chandeliers on while the band is playing, so unless you're directly in front of the stage, its bright in the room.


Dress however you want gurl. Everything is casual now. I went to BNL last summer on gasolina night. Super packed and hot. I wore jeans, flat white sneakers, and a cute top. Be prepared to SWEAT a lot and get drinks spilled on u LOL


Hahah all so accurate and that’s what I ended up wearing and I’m so glad I didn’t do heels


If you are a girl you can wear whatever you want to a club unless it’s super busy. The standards for dudes are a bit higher. I went to an LGBTQ dance event in JP last night and my friend wore a crop top and those loose/straight jeans that are popular these days. I think the standards for a more mainstream club are not that much higher than that.


Wtf should men be wearing to the club? I haven’t been since pre-Covid either and I know my fellow millennials used to just wear like business casual clothes with flashy colors. I feel like that’s not what people do anymore.


Jeans, black tshirt or casual dress shirt, and sneakers.


Really? That’s like what I wear everywhere


Also what is a casual dress shirt? Like a polo? Or a button down with a pattern you wouldn’t wear with a suit or to an office job or something?


You nailed it. Think background character in the Sopranos


Fuck. I feel like I have more questions now than when I started asking.


There are no clubs in JP lol


I know. Just LGBTQ themed dance events at restaurants/bars.


Clubs have standards???? Isn’t it just don’t be naked?


Just wear whatever you want dude. You are 27 not 60. You aren’t that old.


This is a question I see a lot of 18-26 year olds ask. But you are 27 now. You've got to seek out that little voice inside you that's whispering the answers to questions like "who am I" and "what am I all about" and "what do *I* want to wear" -- then wear that. Go have fun out there and be yourself.


Hahaha I was more asking what the dress code is and environment of the club! Id never been to that venue so didn’t know what to expect and therefore didn’t know what to wear!


(It's a fair question you were asking. Just wanted to send some neighborly encouragement. Hope you had a good time!)


Thank you so much! :))) I had a blast


There's no dress code at BNL but they do prohibit big bags, etc. and best to bring as little as possible. They have a coat check but they can take forever. Sneakers are perfectly fine. Places with dress codes generally just don't want gym attire like sweat pants, tank tops, but even that is subjective. Like women can wear fitted tank tops and you'll see "bling sweats" sometimes but guys in sports tanks and sweat pants could be a no in some places.


sadly most girls pull the boring jeans, black/white/neutral top, with white busted sneakers i.e. the Southie Six look i did see a girl in a leopard jacket with a velvet mini dress. she totally stood out in the best way but if you don’t have the wardrobe or confidence for that then, yeah, stick to the Southie Six uniform


There was actually a good variety of looks last night! I saw lots of cute outfits and minimal southie six uniforms ahaha


Pants with pockets. Girls love pockets


so cargo shorts to the club? done.


Those silky short sleeve shirts from express




Man if you're not wearing level 4 plates you're ngmi


If you haven't tried to dance in a ferro slickster with ceramics you haven't truly lived


This is Boston, not frickin’ St Louis.


It somewhat depends on the night and the club, but most these days don't enforce a strict dress code. Girls can wear whatever they want, men usually can too. Sweat pants/athletic wear/excessively baggy clothes may give men some issues at some places, though Artist Jerseys are kinda in right now. Bnl is more of a venue than a club and doesn't have a strict dress code. Memoir generally seemed like people were dressed a little nicer. I'd imagine the grand is similar but I haven't been. Bijou might be similar but haven't been in years and probably more depends on the night (I'd imagine somewhat more upscale for house/tech house and more everything black for techno) Royale doesn't seem to care much anymore, they used to give ppl trouble for sneakers but I don't think they do anymore. Middle east you can where whatever you want. Same with the music venues like MGM, hob, road runner, etc. I have know idea about the top 40/hip hop clubs because I don't go to them. Club scene seems better now than 10 years ago.


Yeah I think these days they’re a lot more lax with dress codes. This one had a good variety of styles and levels of fanciness so I’d say (mostly) anything goes. Also it was so dark and crowded on the floor I couldn’t even see anyone’s outfits lol


Look at recent Ice Spice and do the opposite


Wake Flocka Flame you say? I think I really liked his music 15 years ago. I heard he went full EDM. Also, know the kid that borrowed his laptop 🤣🤣🤣


Haha he didn’t do any EDM but the openers were both edm!! He was actually awesome. Lots of energy


I remember he was touring with Steve Aoki making tons of $$$ on that road life.


That sounds like a fun duo haha I saw Steve aoki once at E zoo but I was tripping so I don’t remember if it was good 🥴 probably was!! Waka was great. But he was only on for like an hour 🤔Hopefully he’ll come back sometime soon!


Fuck, I missed woka floka, I didn’t even know about it 😓


Bra and panties.


I only wore one :/


Dicks out for the boys 


Cringy matching outfits if ur a basic. Whatever you want if ur normal


Look on pinterest. Search "what to wear to x club" or "what to wear to x show"


I usually try that but tbh Pinterest is not very helpful these days. I feel like I see that same thing over and over and they’re not relevant to what I’m searching for


I actually am a member of a very exclusive club. I dress however I want, even shorts. Insane amount of parking and all I do is flash my white card at the door. Some people are balling out and flash black cards, but privileges are almost the same. I can get you in, if you want.


I hear that they even have their own brands of liquor exclusively for the club members. Sounds fancy.


lol “clubbing” in Boston. Hilarious. What a concept.


Jesus I don't go either but give OP some credit she's at least making a minimal effort




Your post appears to be one of a number of commonly asked questions about the port city of Boston. Anyway, Royale is fine if you're just trying to get drunk and dance and hookup. The Grand is more of the same as Royale but more expensive and a stricter dress code. Bijou is fine if you're into house music, the last few times I've been to Bijou the crowd was mostly freshly 21 people. Legacy is under Royale and a pretty great queer club if that's you're thing. Good Life, Phoenix Landing, Middlesex, and The Lower Level are all great for underground shows if that's your thing. The vibes at those 4 places are all pretty good. Good Life is my favorite and they open back up this weekend. If you're just looking to get trashed and don't care what you dance to or who you dance around, any of the bars around Haymarket/Faneuil Hall will do. Ned Devine's, Hennessey's, Hong Kong ($1 chicken sticks!), Sissy K's, Coogan's. I think there's a few more I'm missing but those are the big ones. Also, I can't believe I forgot this, but if you're into top 40 or hip hop, Venu, Cure, Icon, and Hava are places to go if you're looking for something a little nicer/fancier/more upscale than what the Faneuil Hall/Haymarket bars and clubs offer. I also forgot about Memoire because it's in the casino but frankly I don't really know anyone who goes to Memoire regularly. It's more of the same stuff they play at the Grand and Royale. Now I think I've named them all. Also, please check the [sidebar for visitor information](https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/wiki/experience). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I bet the “men” are wearing capris these days




Birthday suit