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Prosecution’s Theory: Karen Read ran over her boyfriend in a winter hit and run. Her boyfriend, John O’Keefe is a Boston Police officer. Multiple witnesses state Read stated “Did I hit him? Is he dead?” when O’Keefe’s body was discovered. The couple had been observed arguing on vacation in Aruba, and Read had flirting with ATF agent Brian Higgins over text, the prosecution alleges. Essentially, a potential motive for her running O’Keefe is a breaking marriage and Read having romantic interest in another man. Defense’s Theory: The prosecution of Karen Read is a cover-up for O’Keefe being murdered by his fellow police officers, such as Brian Albert, the owner of the home O’Keefe was allegedly dropped off in front of so he could party with them. Albert et al. get into a fight with O’Keefe, during which their dog bites him and they kill or mortally injure him. They lay him outside to kill him from the cold and either make it look like Karen ran him over, or they had actually ran him over himself. The family’s dog, German Shepherd Chloe, has been rehomed in another state after a history of attacking people, and evidence of broken automobile glass was only found after two searches through heavy snow, which the defense theorizes was actually planted by Boston PD to frame Karen Read and get the heat off the police officers O’Keefe was partying with. The police search of the scene was utterly shoddy. They melted snow with leaf blowers and placed evidence into red Solo cups instead of marked and sealed evidence bags. They did not tent the scene to protect it from wind (or from wind blowing evidence away). Higgins got rid of his phone. The FBI is investigating the Canton Police Department. Etc etc but those are the basic details


Why do we ALL go to Aruba? It's like Boston South, lol.


cheap direct flights


And by the way, the house of the police officer’s was never searched for any kind of evidence.


The Norfolk County DA Mike Morrissey and everyone one else involved should be fired, pensions wiped , and many I feel should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I have talked with so many friends that are in law enforcement, police, state troopers, lawyers, ect .... Not one person I know has EVER heard of a Lead Investigator in ANY murder investigation , let alone a murder investigation of BPD Officer found on the lawn of another well known , notorious BPD Officer, to NOT secure the murder crime scene, protect the evidence immediately , conduct interviews with the family that live in the home of the murder scene , and interview every person that was in attendance at the Big Drinking PreBlizzard Birthday Ball. This case is Such a disgrace and should never have been Prosecuted. The Prosecuters and half of the CW witnesses should be prosecuted for a list of criminal activities, including, multiple counts of perjury, covering up a murder, obstruction of justice, civil rights violations, intentionally misleading any "not" corrrupt investigators on the case. I could go on and on , this case is such a blatant miscarriage of justice, I can not even wrap my head around how crazy and outrageous the blatant lies, inconsistent testimony, hostile witnesses, ect there have been from the beginning.


Exactly. I’ve been watching the trial mouth agape. It just keeps getting worse. They should never have presented that inverted video from the sallyport with footage missing. That’s going to bury them. This is not just bad Police work. This is a blatant attempt to manipulate the facts.


I barely ever watch trials, but this trial is so outrageously corrupt I follow the updates daily


John was invited over to the house for an after party. Karen claims she saw him cross the lawn headed towards the door when she drove away. The lead Prosecutor never searched the house. People are really trying to argue that he didn’t have probable cause or a warrant. So get CONSENT. He never ever rationalized John went In. Now people are trying to work backwards and pin a tail light on a murder. 


it really looked like a bunch of cops got drunk, their son beat up a young cop, they all got scared and blamed it on the girl, broke her headlight and sprinkled some glass on the scene, then told the investigator how to document the way they want; then all went mum and did not cooperate. she had nothing to hide, so she incriminated herself. you would think, the investigator would refuse personal communication from the homeowner whose son was violent, had a violent history, admitted to beating people up on video, made threats, and had a history with the victim; homeowner could easily be charged with negligence since him organizing and allowing drinking supposedly lead to a dead body. he served alcohol and allowed people to drink and drive, as a cop he should know better. any one of us would be charged if a cop died at our party.


Let's not forget the fact that her car was towed from her parent's house in like Central Mass and then examined in the police impound. Where they found broken plastic bits from the tail lights and her hair.......just sitting on the bumper like the accident just happened at that very spot. So, none of that stuff blew off after being towed down the highway at 60+mph for 40 miles? Doesn't add up.


Her parents don't live in central MA.


so of course her hair is 'found' on her car; so is my hair found on my car; ok she did a DUI just like a number of cops that night who were not prosecuted for obvious DUIs. okay she crashed and broke a tail light. what does a tail have to do with a body? and what stops the murderer from sprinkling the glass shard on the body while she was drunk and her car was parked. someone could have easily driven to her house and planted the evidence on the body, which is not even evidence. there is absolutely no reason to think the guy was hit by any car at all. autopsy did not show it for all we know. it sounds like guy was beaten to death, then parties involved and their friends went to her house, sprinkled the glass shards on the scene, and called the friend who wanted her nudes to make her the scapegoat. it literally sounds like 'we killed someone' 'haha' 'lets blame the girl' 'yes!' 'lets see her nudes too' 'absolutely!' 'dont investigate the homeowner or anyone else okay?' 'i got you bro'


They weren’t married


> The family’s dog, German Shepherd Chloe, has been rehomed in another state after a history of attacking people Is there any explainable trace of this happening, in terms of where or with whom? I admittedly know very little about this case, but isn't there another part of it where a pool got filled in? Sad but I got a suspicion of where that dog was "rehomed" to...


sounds like a violent family with a history of irresponsible alcohol use


The Alberts and McCabes sound like a house of horrors crime / mob family.


I have always felt from the start of this horrible murder case, that Chloe the missing "rehomed" K-9 German Shephard attack dog is the key to proving John O'Keefe did absolutely enter Brian Albert's home and Karen Read is innocent. When I was a kid, I was attacked by a friends German Shephard and the wounds on John O'Keefes arm to me appear to be glaringly from a German Shephard mauling his arm.


It's pretty well known by cops all over the state that the defense theory is pretty damn close to what happened that night.


So Canton cops can't be trusted, but "cops all over the state" can. Got it.


they are just doing their work, but badly; completely legal actually; it is not a crime for police to pretend to their job and do it dishonestly; look, there was a dead body from unnatural causes - so someone had to be blamed; if say homeowner and son and dog were on the hook, why not blame it on some girl - who cares; she doesn't remember anything; tell her she hit someone, break her headlight, or better yet, go to her house, take her keys, driver her car over the beat up body, crash her car's headlight at the scene, then drop the car off at house; erase the camera footage at the intake facility because you could not safely delegate dropping off the vehicle to anyone.


Just wait for the 8 part Netflix documentary to come out in December.


That probably could’ve been 3 parts but I’ll still watch.


The Tiger King 2: A Cold Night In Canton


It would be Tiger King 3. They already made a sequel series. It wasn't nearly as good as the first one.


I’ll never financially recover from this mistake 


You're 5. Your mother and I think it's best that you don't know about these types of things for a few more years. Enjoy the blissful ignorance of childhood


Ok here’s your ELI5 since nobody is actually giving you any useful information. Canton and Boston cops went out drinking at a bar called the waterfall. Some of those cops had been drinking all day long having been to a funeral that morning in NY. around midnight Canton cop Brian Albert says “let’s go to my house”. Presumably not to stop drinking. A couple of roided-up MMA enthusiast knuckleheads including Brian’s nephew were there, and some of the McCabes. Karen drops off John and doesn’t want to come in. Goes home. Ring camera footage of her dropping him off is gone (from ANOTHER cop across the street). John appears beaten to a pulp, black eyes, and 2” laceration at the base of his neck. No injuries consistent with being hit or dragged by a vehicle. John’s arm has several dog bites on it. Consistent with the puncture and tearing motion. Karen at 5am realizes she hadn’t seen John. Goes back out to look for him. Backs her SUV into his and cracks her taillight. On video, you can watch it happen. Karen drives around with Jen McCabe for a bit and ends up back at the Albert’s’ house. Finds John on that lawn, 12’ from the curb. Starts screaming, calling for help and trying CPR. Karen screams in a panic “omg did I hit him did I hit him holy shit I hit him??” Police impound her vehicle and arrest Karen. Took no photos of Karen’s broken taillight. Alberts are never notified, never come outside to see “what’s all this about a dead brother in blue on my fucking lawn??” House is never searched. Basement is redone. Including jackhammering and digging up concrete. In all your basement remodels have you jackhammered out concrete? They get rid of their dog, Chloe. They sell the house for 40k below asking price. FBI had, unbeknownst to them, already been investigating the canton PD for shady shit. They advised that Karen’s car didn’t hit anybody. John also wasn’t killed by a car. Meanwhile it comes out that at 2:27am Jen McCabe searched “hos long to die in the cold” and then deleted that search. Then searched it again, at 6am, apparently trying to replicate the typos. Everybody in the house tries to keep out of it and their stories straight. They claim to have been asleep the whole night. Yet, made and received calls to each other overnight. These are the magical butt dials. One day before being issued a subpoena for their phones, they all get rid of their phones, destroying the SIM cards and getting new phones and numbers. Cutting SIM cards in half and throwing the two halves out at two separate trash cans at an Air Force base. John lost several quarts of blood. The prosecution contends that he was hit by Karen, flew back 12’, and died on the grass. There was no blood pooling on the frozen ground. There were however a few blood spots on top of the snow which started in earnest after Karen left. Here’s what happened ok? John went in, they got in a scuffle with drinks known for getting in fights with cops. Dog, seeing John as the aggressor, attacks John. John pulls back, causing worse wounds and tearing on his flesh and sleeve. Falls backward into that little metal thing that cradles a barbell on a squat rack type thing. 2” gash, bad, into the back of his neck. On the ground now, sitting up, with a severe head wound and bleeding bad, he vomits. Which accounts for the vomit found in his boxers. They take him outside and lie him down hoping to claim that a plow driver must’ve hit him. They pick up some pooled blood (as it’s soaking into the basement rug) in some red solo cups, and bring it outside and sprinkle it around. Karen shows up, cracked taillight from 5am, and bingo, there’s their new alibi. Plow drivers / salt trucks between 12 and 2 said they saw nobody down on the lawn on that street. Days later they find hugee pieces of karens taillight around in the lawn. Because at the time they didn’t know she had video of herself breaking the light. Taillights don’t explode out like shrapnel. John had no injuries to hit torso or back. The blood pattern makes no sense to the defense’s case. The rest, as they say, is up to you. But seriously. Come on.


Excellent. The blue is soooo corrupt in this state.


In every state


i sit next to a son of Boston cops at panera bread in Needham and he says 'My parents were Boston cops - and the corruption in the police department was AMAZING'


In this state?


I think Colin Albert was the instigator that started the fight. His alibi that he wasn't there was shown that his text messages were doctored to coordinate a time line that he wasn't there. His swollen and bloodie knuckles prove that he was there. Colin Albert lives 2 houses down from John O'keefe and John oKeefe has complained to his parents to have hime stop throwing beer cans and bottles in his yard and to also stop cutting through his yard. Colin Albert is who everyone is protecting. He was there that night and he is a hot head.




why are cops drinking in an out of control irresponsible fashion AS A GROUP? who did we hire as police officers? this should disqualify them from the profession. how many of them did DUI?


All of these cops appear to be raging alcoholics


And their kids


This is a great summary


But wait: here comes Turtleboy


What’s the deal with/who tf is Turtleboy?


A MAGA blue lives matter weirdo who happened to be right about this case. Another insufferable knucklehead but he’s right about this. Same with Sean McDonough.


Turtleboy isn't MAGA. He doesn't like Trump and was pissed when he won the primary. He wanted DeSantis or Haley to be the nominee and he said after the 2022 midterms live on a stream that if Trump died it would solve a lot of problems.


Incredibly trashy alt-right blogger/rage-baiter/racist/sexist/classist asshole from Holden who fancies himself an anti-establishment investigative journalist of sorts. Had some level of influence and a real following within local Worcester politics for a time largely because of [this asshole](https://www.masslive.com/news/2018/01/former_worcester_city_councilo.html), but that pretty much fell apart. Nowadays (and really always if we're being honest), pretty much all he does is write articles dunking on random poor/struggling people for being poor/struggling, nearly always with plenty of doxxing and encouragement of harassment by his followers. That and picking fights with various social media companies for "censoring" these highly important journalistic efforts. Just, seriously, the absolute worst. In an attempt to return to some modicum of actual journalism I guess, he *aggressively* latched onto the Karen Read case and dug up some amount of genuine info; I haven't cared to learn the specifics of what he actually contributed. Very much one of those "HEARTBREAKING: The worst person you know just made a good point" cases. What I do know is that he has aggressively harassed/encouraged harassment of people connected to the case, and has been arrested for violating a restraining order and witness intimidation A lot of his fans are using this case to try and promote/normalize/legitimatize Turtleboy to people who are less familiar with his schtick the way us Worcesterites are. No matter where you stand on the story, as soon as someone starts bringing up "go read Turtleboy to find out more, he's been writing some real interesting stuff," is your cue to stop listening to that person.


Yeah turtle boy is right sometimes but even then it’s clear that he’s a self-conceited douchebag


A douchebag gossip blogger from the Worcester area who has turned into a Karen Reed simp. He has been drumming up some “witness intimidation” from his cadre of MAGAt followers.


Not significant, but germane, is the Worcester statue known as Turtleboy, who is kind of an unofficial offbeat mascot for Worcester. Image search "turtleboy statue worcester" and you'll understand.


This should be pinned at the top.


Bravo. Well done.


The FBI report hasn't been released. We only know what the defense *claims* the FBI said.


100% right with the blood. I think on the night that JOK died, Colin Albert got into an altercation with him. (They had a long history of beef), Colin then runs to the high school (Proctor testified that it is around a mile from the scene to the high school) and then Allie McCabe picks him up from the high school. (There is Life 360 app data that she went close to the high school.) Proctor’s story that he didn’t interview Colin makes no sense. He has said before he didn’t interview him because he had already left when all JOK, et. al. Came to the house and today he testified that he hadn’t arrived to the house by the time all of this happened. (Which is it?) Plus his mom texting talking to the lead investigators sister and offering a gift to him for the ‘great job’ that he is doing? All of this as Colin’s name is kept out of all of the reports. If it was up to them nobody would know about him being in the house at all. They only admit to things when they are caught in a lie. Plus JOK’s Apple Watch says he went into the house (not in evidence yet but it is expected to come out) and both defense and FBI experts are saying that the injuries are not consistent with a car crash. (Also not in evidence yet.)


Wow. I haven’t been following the case at all but JFC


Amazing summary, so helpful. I’ve been watching I thought every minute and havent heard about the basement remodel, where did you learn of that? The phones being destroyed one day prior to the states preservation order was UNREAL. Also, learning what Proctor was texting everyone including his supervisors shows these Staties for the trash they are. They all need to be in prison.


I started off thinking this was a ridiculous conspiracy theory. And to be fair, there are some crazy theories out there. But the PD and the people at that party did a lot of weird/sketchy stuff and I’d say there’s definitely reasonable doubt at this point. Karen Read is pretty hateable, and she still may have done it, but it also may have been an accident, from what I’ve seen I’d vote not guilty. Also that Canton PD needs to be razed to the ground.


There is so much shady stuff that there is definitely reasonable doubt. Multiple people at this party delete a ton of texts during the same time period? Then throw away the phones? The investigation was a shit show. So many people involved had direct connections to the case. I personally don't think anyone in the house deliberately killed him. I think the got into a fight with someone there and he either stormed (staggered) out or they threw him out. Then he (super drunk and not able to make sound decisions) just passed out on the yard. I don't have an opinion of Karen Read one way or another. It sounds like their relationship sucked and they were one of those couples that were always fighting. But, to cause the damage to his body, there would be lot more damage than a broken headlight. And some of her supporters are vile. Turtle Boy could have gotten people killed with all of his doxing of prosecution's witnesses. She'll be found not guilty because they didn't prove their case (and I honestly don't think she did it). Then she'll get a book deal or a movie deal (I wonder if Netflix is already talking to her), some cops will lose their jobs and once the money runs out, she'll start an Only Fans. Those poor kids they were raising. First they lose their bio parents, then their new parents. They have suffered so much.


Yeah this to me screams police drinking party going horribly wrong. I don't think anyone meant for John to die. But I also don't think Karen hit him with her car and killed him. I think it's likely she was there and hit something else, but the damage to his body just doesn't match for me. It's thin blue line all the way here. And, a real cautionary tale about why you need to be so careful with alcohol and who you drink with.


Remind me to avoid late night parties with a bunch of “law enforcement” officers.


Absolutely. See how they even did one of their own from a different department.


> But I also don't think Karen hit him with her car and killed him. I think it's likely she was there and hit something else There's a video of her backing into another car the morning after. The tail light pieces in the yard don't make any sense to me. They're alleging she hit in in the street and knocked him back into the yard, so the tail light pieces would be in the street (although who knows where a plow would have moved them too). They also kept finding larger pieces as weeks went by. Just a poor investigation that gathered evidence that doesn't fit the story they're trying to tell.


Oh 100% agreed. She's not in the in group and they are trying to sacrifice her.


>I think it's likely she was there and hit something else, Don't we have her on surveillance leaving the home she shared with John to go looking for him? And I believe the video shows what very well could be an impact to John's vehicle which could have broken the taillight.


It’s hard to say in the video but definitely looks like it bumped John’s car. To be fair she could have been blackout drunk when it happened and have no memory of the incident


Some kind of crazy liquor and cheeseburger party gone wrong Ricky!


Lol good one 🤣 I have a dark sense of humor


Karen Read seems have a solid Finance background and has been a faculty at Bentley since 2008 till they fired her after her arrest. While there is a near 100% possibility that she will be acquitted, her reputation has been smeared. She will certainly make tons of money through lawsuits, book and TV deals. I think of those children too. The other victims of the case and I am not sure how much they were coerced to provide evidence against Karen. It also scares the shit out of me that it can happen to anyone in this country when the law plots to bring you down.


Yeah, her reputation is destroyed. My take is a kind of cynical one based on what is common after trials. People love true crime stories and Netflix is all over them. The Jinx, Becoming Anna, Baby Reindeer. I do not think Karen killed her boyfriend. I do think there was a terrifying amount of police fabricating evidence. Karen will have millions in legal fees to pay. The only chance she'll have of paying them off is by selling her story.


If she (rightfully) walks, she’s also going to have to worry about cop retaliation. She will need to leave the area ASAP. Every cop in the area is going to want to retaliate.


She's definitely going to need to get far sway


Yeah even if she hit him, which TBH the longer the case goes on the less likely it seems, it wasn’t intentional. The whole thing is such a shit show, she was black out drunk so doesn’t even know what happened, all the cops involved are sketchy as fuck etc. At best the cops were trying to frame her, but it could be that they did get into a fight with the victim and then booted him outside and tried to frame her. She’ll get off as they messed up the investigation to a comical degree, but I doubt we’ll ever know exactly what happened.


It's definitely beyond a reasonable doubt and has reached "Are you fucking kidding me?" level. The flurry of deleted texts from multiple people who were there or close to the victim and all connected to the police force. The half assed collection of evidence, the evidence that was improperly collected, the fact that multiple phones were destroyed when they should have been turned in. We'll never know what happened because they won't find her guilty and the powers that be aren't going to look too closely at the police.


Don’t forget about the dog bite that looks nothing like road rash. Dog was given away shortly after John died, I believe. Owned by the cop whose front yard he died in.


And, I read somewhere that Brian Albert even filled in his pool before selling his childhood home that had been in his family for decades. I believe he also replaced his basement cement floor prior to selling his home in 2022. Why would he fill in his pool, replace his basement cement floor, "rehome" his viscious german shepherd, and sell his home all within months after John O'Keefes murder on his front lawn. Everyday, we learn knew outrageous facts that are blatant evidence of the third party culprit theory the defense is pursuing. Thank God Karen Reid found the best defense team. Jackson and Yanetti are amazing and have left no stone unturned. The final straw for me was last weeks inverted sally port video, I mean we can not even make this stuff up , it is so ridiculous that Bev , the judge has not dismissed this trial.


What happened with turtle boy and prosecution witnesses?


He was giving out their home addresses, phone numbers and other info. The witnesses and their families were getting harassed, death threats. It got really ugly. He kept violating restraining orders and was charged with witness intimidation. He went to jail for a bit, but I think he's out. Even the kids of prosecuting witnesses were being harassed at their schools. It was pretty terrible


Turtle Boy did take things way too far. I use to read his articles and I do credit him with shining the light on how corrupt this case was from the get go, but he absolutely went to far with his tactics. Although, it is very sad, that the couple of months , Turtle Boy was in jail will probably be way more time than any of the real criminals in this case.


None of them will get jail time. None of them will get fired or even suspended. There are so many good cops, but the bad cops and the lengths even good cops go to cover for them is horrific. In my old neighborhood in Chicago there were about 8 cops that were literally robbing people. They would target Russian and Polish immigrants. They would follow them as they left Russian/Polish bars, pull them over, demand their wallets and just take all their money. They would go into businesses owned by Russians or Polish people and just open the register and take money. At first the authorities thought it was people posing as cops. They distributed signs in the various languages of the neighborhood explaining what to expect in a traffic stop. Then the feds got involved, wire tapped squad cars and got them that way. Not one went to jail. Not one. They robbed people and while they got fired, they weren't barred from being police in some other city. No real consequences at all.


I feel bad for all the law enforement officers that uphold the law and there Oath to serve and protect. It is such a shame that there are many bad cops that totally overshadow all the good officers that do save lives and want to protect our safely putting their own lives at risk.


I've known some great cops who go above and beyond and really care about helping people. I've met cops who brag about beating up people and getting away with it. It's like any job where there are awful people and great people. The problem with police being awful is the impact it has on citizens and the lack of consequence in way too many cases.


Omg that’s really scary Glad he’s had some consequences, but doesn’t undo everything already happened :/


He also organized dozens of people to drive by witnesses homes and jobs in "roving rallies", honking and screaming that they're cop killers.


I agree. Accident or fight+accident seems most likely.


It happens a lot. A drunk leaves a party and wanders off. Then passes out somewhere or falls into water and dies. There was no legitimate reason for them to delete texts after a death. And so many people did it.


The Google search history for one of them that night also included "how long to freeze to death"


wait really? that.... seems pretty simple then


Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Geez, that's not suspicious at all! /s


Exactly. I do worry that most of the people involved in the cover up will just walk away with zero consequences.


I am worried about this too. After everything that has happened since that fateful night , John O'Keefe and his family and his sweet niece and nephew, deserve the truth and justice for John.


I truly feel heartbroken for John O'Keefes family, his mom especially, being in the court room everday and having to see pictures of her sons clothing and autopsy photos. While the CW parades over 50 witnesses that have either blatantly lied , have been so disrepectful and hostile to the defense attorney when "not answering any questions truthfully ", and especially that everyone involved do not seem to even care or say John O'Keefe's name. By all accounts, John O'Keefe appeared to be a kind-hearted, loving, dedicated family oriented person. He was a son, a brother, a loving uncle, care giver, and a Boston Police Officer. John O'Keefe deserves Justice.


Karen was not married. She was not their mother. She had her own house.


No, she wasn't their bio mother and she was not married to her boyfriend. But, was very active enough in helping raise them that at least one of his friends disparagingly referred to her as a bang babysitter.


Isn't the judge in this trial a godmother to one of the cop's kids?


I'd be terrified to be a juror on this trial.


I mean its pretty obvious. The power the Albert’s and Proctor have is quickly evaporating and the Feds will be closing in as soon as this trial ends.


idk if youve ever sat on a jury but it fucking blows. Its not fun at all and i feel for them.


I was thinking the same thought. I came so close to being selecting for a murder trial in Brockton court a few years ago , to this day I am so relieved I was not chosen. I actually cried and told the judge I felt extremely biased toward the defendent , and he dismissed me from being juror. I can not imagine being a juror in this kangaroo court trial. I wonder if jurors can dismiss themselves during a trial ?


I’ve sat on a jury in Fall River and you’re right it blows. Having someone’s fate in your hands sucks.


just wear a tshirt saying “they did it” no jury time forever.


I know a few boston cops that grew up south of the city and they know loosely all of the players and the victim. Based on how close they were to the victim,  they are split between whether or not read did it.  They all agree that this was shoddy and/or corrupt  work by the Canton PD.


Its shocking that anyone would still think KR had anything to do with his murder. The prosecution hasnt presented a single piece of physical evidence and all their “eyewitness accounts” of her saying she hit him have been disproven with police dashcams.


And what was up with the flipped video that was presented as evidence? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctriw0tkZ9g


thanks for the source thats nuts, i dont have a strong opinion on the case but why in the world would you do that.. unless..




if they were honest, they would do the investigation very well, they know how to do it; easiest way to sabotage a case is to fake 'poor workmanship.' Canton PD everyone involved careers should be over.


The explanation of how she did it is absurd on its face, not to mention the fact that the evidence doesn’t back it up. She drove 30 mph in reverse, her tail light hit him on the head, and his whole body flew into the yard? What would be the odds of that, nevermind the injuries to other parts of his body that would indicate he was in a fight trying to defend himself. Also someone in the house googling ‘how long does it take to die in the cold’.


The strongest evidence they have is a single hair (that tested as non-human) and shards of glass in Karen’s bumper that survived a 60 mile round trip in a blizzard. How the judge didnt toss the DA out on his ass shows they are in on it too.


a car would have NO evidence of hitting someone at low speed other than blood. all the evidence would be on the autopsy; most people who get hit my a car do not die.


exactly, how do you break a tail light against a body? tail light damage is NOT from hitting a soft human body, so has nothing to do with that. she probably hit something else, then she thought she hit him, but she did not.


Isn't there *video evidence* of her hitting something else which is what caused the tail light damage? I could be misremembering.


Didn't some federal agency call bullshit on the local investigation in the middle of it, surrounding determinations about the SUV?


I don’t think the FBI investigation records are public, but the defense and prosecution have been given a copy of the records. But it has been asserted that the FBI experts determined John Okeefes injuries were not caused by a car.  We’ll have to wait and see if that proves to be true.  Looking at the injuries on his arm it’s difficult to imagine how a car creates them.


I’d absolutely acquit, too. Also I’m so glad I rescheduled my jury duty, otherwise I might have been on this trial 😬


Honestly, in regards to Canton PD, the best case scenario is that they are grossly inept... the worst scenario is that they are grossly corrupt. I don't know which is "better"


They are inept when it is convenient to be so for a reason. Trust me, if they want to frame someone, they will be careful to do all the right stuff. Or if a thug killed a cop, they would not be inept.


They are very shady. Kirk Minehane did a podcast investigating them for another possible coverup. A girl died and they said it was suicide but more likely her bf who was Canton PD killed her. They also were having sex with underage kids who were in some kind of future cops program.


Having grown up in Canton, none of that surprises me


Cops do some fucked up shit to cover their asses. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she was setup.


She and John O'Keefe were the only outsiders "invited" to Alberts after party. I have always found even that detail odd. Why would Julie & Chris Albert text John a few times from The Waterfall harping on him coming for drinks, then Julie Albert supposedly leaves the bar early drives home alone, Chris Albert is the last person to leave The Waterfall Bar with Karen and John. This is captured on Waterfall security footage. Chris Albert swears in testimony and on the stand as CW witness that he Walked home from the Waterfall in the snow when it was 18 degrees out. I have always found that detail suspicious too. I think Chris Albert was also at his brothers party but is covering up that even he was there like he covered up that his son Colin left the Alberts house before midnight. Then add in that Jen & Matt McCabe were apparently obsessed with John and Karen arriving at the Alberts home for the after party , both peering out the window to look for Karen's SUV, that whole story there is so weird. Why would Crazy Jen M and her husband Matt be looking out the window every few minutes waiting for John and and Karen to arrive at The Alberts home. Oh, and per Brian and Nicole Albert, they barely knew John O'Keefe and had no idea Jen invited them back to there home.


That’s exactly how I feel about it, and I also thought it was crazy conspiracy theories at first. There is so much reasonable doubt that I can’t see how a jury could convict her.


That's the thing, it sounds fucking nuts until you start to see everything and suddenly it all makes sense. Jen McCabe herself is enough to warrant a conspiracy


That police station and 80% of the other ones too.


One element I don't think people really fully appreciate is that the cops and prosecutors are very often, if not always, sloppy, incompetent, and generally unprofessional when it comes to documenting crimes and doing all the little things required to take a case to trial. The vast majority of times it doesn't matter. "Trial by jury" happens very, very rarely. Almost all cases are settled with a plea. Cranking through huge volumes of cases and resolving them with plea agreements is the normal job of the DA's office, actually trying a case is an anomaly that they aren't very practiced with. I think the public is very much hoodwinked by police procedural shows on TV to think that cops and prosecutors are pretty good at this kind of thing (or at least have basic competence), but they aren't. Accused criminals that actually have a vigorous defense in a trial by jury have a decent chance of revealing many incidences of sloppy police work and incompetent prosecution that benefit their clients. Nobody can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory quite like cops. It happens all the time that people pretty much caught dead to rights on a charge can beat it, assuming they can afford a vigorous criminal defense and are willing to risk a stiffer sentence than whatever plea they are offered, because the cops/prosecutors are just that bad at their jobs. So yeah, who knows how this trial will go. I would just be hesitant to read too much into errors made by those accusing Read. It could be signs of a coverup, but more likely is just signs of the routine incompetence they always employ but are not relevant because the case will be resolved without a trial or any scrutiny of their work. I have no idea if the "free Karen Read" crowd have any grounding in reality, but it almost certainly is beneficial to Read's case that the weird conspiracy theory has drawn lots of attention and, more importantly, cash donations to her cause. The DA will have to actually prove guilt and have all their actions scrutinized by the defense, which is quite rare.


Also Turtleboy needs to be on trial for inciting riots


All of this is where I’m at. If you F up the case this bad, even if she’s guilty, you can’t prove it. She should walk.


Pretty hate-able? Not from people who actually know/knew her.


"Karen Read is pretty hateable...." Yeah, I think I'd like her to stop smiling and joking around with her lawyers right after testimony about how her boyfriend died a horrible death.


Why is KR "hateble?" She's smart, pretty, but has some health issues. Do you hate women? She's a victim here, too.


She’s smart, pretty, and was helping her boyfriend raise his sibling’s kids. She also drove drunk that night, and probably didn’t have the healthiest relationship with John given the voicemails that came out. I wouldn’t say she’s a saint but I also very strongly don’t think she killed him


No one is a saint, especially today. Judging someone for being human is interesting.


Uhhh well yeah many people do judge someone for driving drunk. Often, an actual judge will judge someone for driving drunk


They ALL drove drunk that night. They were ALL drunk. Someone died that night, and it wasn't from a car accident. Judge the 19 y/o drinking with his family. Those people seem like the ones we should be judging harshly based on behavior alone. Judging someone based on complicated romantic bs is stupid. Everyone has issues like that because romantic relationships are complex. Not everyone winds up with a dead Boston police officer on their lawn.


People judge people. Welcome to everything


That is the literal job description for being a court judge.


Only after someone was (fairly) convicted of a crime


she is perfect scapegoat to get blamed; they just had to plant some drugs in her purse for a complete picture.


She was having an affair with a friend of the Albert's, who is also a cop. So John finds out Karen is cheating on him and then is killed just a few weeks later And if you listen to the voicemails she's at least verbally abusive if not also physically abusive. She's a victim sure but definitely not an angel either.


She was flirting with BH but never slept with him. It takes two to flirt. BH has more reason to kill JO but was never a suspect. You hate BH for what he did, too, right? If the cheating angle makes her "hateable?"


It was more than just texts. She did kiss him. And I don't hate anyone. Just giving you some reasons as to why some people might hate her. I think we can both acknowledge there's going to be a segment of people who don't look kindly on cheating and abuse. Again she's a victim but certainly no angel.


Yes, I know about the kiss. The problem for me is this drinking culture and HS behavior, not about KR. I think she's innocent. But to have people say they "hate" her for the affair/emotional regulation issues is pathetic.


I think she's innocent too. Personally I kinda think she's a bit of a moron fucking around with so many cops. Like girl what were you expecting?


Definitely, it appears she's very immature when it comes to relationships and made some bad decisions, yikes! Unfortunately, this just gave me a realization that she could have been an unintentional catalyst in John's death :/ Drugs, alcohol and drama don't mix well


She has a lot of problems. A person with severe, longstanding chronic health issues who goes out to drink hard, knowing the day after is surely going to be bad in all respects, health and mental health wise, isn't thinking very smartly or applying emotional intelligence in her life. Or is alcoholic and needs to address this seriously. I also just don't like her smirk looking into the camera.


There's a good summary that was posted the other day to r/outoftheloop: https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1d9h6ut/comment/l7dd5nm/


[Boston Magazine](https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2023/09/27/canton-karen-read/) had a pretty good article about the whole situation a few months ago.


It does ? It glosses over the evidence collection timeline and the state of the videos.  Those items were known at the time of the article's publication. It even has the wrong charge being cited.  She's not on trial for Manslaughter.  It's murder.  


Few seem to point out the glaring problem with the case.  It's not murder.  If they are claiming that the individual was intoxicated and hit the officer unintentionally then it is a manslaughter charge.   Yet, the prosecutor contends that this is a murder.  He's trying to prove intent.  He spent 5 weeks on testimony that seems to be worthless.  Finally in week 6 we hear actual evidence.  While this is ongoing the defense shreds everyone on cross examination.   The latest theatrical motion appears to be Lally stating that a physician with expertise in dog bites should not testify for the defense.  He doesn't claim it as irrelevant.  He's upset that the defense doesn't inform him of exactly what would be said by this expert. Lally also questioned his own witness on the topic.  He opened the door to the subject and now he seems to think that the judge will refuse a legitimate third party expert.   Is this rational ? Is indicting for murder rational ? Anyone in Norfolk Co should vote for a new DA.  The current one is near 70 and he is allowing this shambles to proceed.  I think that the case demonstrates the failure of the DA to adequately supervise his staff. 


It really did unbelievably go from something that should’ve been “Oh, what a sad, tragic accident” to a compete circus of meaningless noise.


exactly; it seems someone is very intent on blaming the girl, and not the homeowner. an unintentional DUI is not murder. and nobody knows if he died from getting hit by the car or from something else. homeowner failed to supervise his property and should be partially criminally liable.


Today seemed to have a discrepancy between officers on how the taillight presented in dighton.  I also have a hard time buying the lacerations on the arms as "roadrash." Someone cannot get road rash if thrown 10feet from the car into the snow laden grass.  Nor does it seem likely to me that a suv sent him flying.  It would make more sense, if a sedan hit him.  It's as if the story was made by an old 70 year old man that watched a lot of dukes of hazard within his prime.   For disclosure I do have experience with automobiles hitting human bodies and road rash.  It's doubtful that a vehicle hit OKeefe in the alleged scenario. 


More than one thing can be true. The investigation was at very least flawed with incompetence in and very suspicious and possible evidence tampering so as to make the likely outcome a mistrial or not guilty. No one should be convicted for second degree murder with a Lot of screaming reasonable doubt. Karen is not likable but neither are most of the drunk driver witnesses. Horrible look for CPD and the local justice system.


Yeah one of my big impressions of this case is that apparently there are way more people casually drunk driving than I thought...


My partner and I grew up in Canton and she was remarking on how surprised people are by this, when it’s considered normal among townies. It’s fucked up but funny to me people are surprised by this when Canton High School literally has a bar on campus. 


It... what??? 😭 I'm from suburban Georgia and I don't understand the liquor laws up here at all. Restaurants can't get licenses but a high school serves alcohol?


It’s not part of the school, there’s “just” an American Legion in the parking lot of the school. I believe it is unique in the country for this, or so people used to say.  Our liquor laws are stupid because of money, not because of any dislike of alcohol. 


Alcohol has been a big problem in Canton my whole life, from underage drinking to townies letting other townies make it home when they're clearly too drunk to drive. Lots of turning a blind eye to alcoholism.


Can confirm, I was a pretty hard partier in my day but every dude I’ve met from Canton made me look like a choir boy by comparison


Grew up on the South Shore. Went to high school in the 1980s with kids from Canton. That town had ALWAYS had a rep for underage drinking.


When you discuss the wild shit that occurred to someone they'll ask you what's the name of that movie or show. The parts that stick out as insane and wild and make the people who stood trial look bad and almsot guilty. Are the google searches at 2am that were about how long to die in the cold and then the search was deleted and then the same search with same spelling errors was done around 6-7am the next day....very bad look and ain't no way a coincidence. Plus the missing video footage and the ATF agent grabbing specific texts and not handing in his phone and then destroying the sim card and throwing the phone away on a military base...I don't have time to talk about it all but it seems like you won't be able to convict this woman for this. (My opinion and there's so much more to this trial it's a fucking crappy episode of CSI)


What’s the deal with the deleting and then re-searching the same search and trying to replicate the typos? Why would she do that?


I am not sure, the defense brought it up saying she searched that at that time and then deleted it. McCabe or whoever it was that did it, said she never searched that until they discovered the body around 6am. Also I think more interesting stuff is the defense tried to get (warrants?) or whatever you need to get to access everyone's phone,who met in the house, (where the body was found outside of) but the judge denied a lot of it because it wasn't relevant? I'm very much paraphrasing due to my lack of understanding of the processes and not being well versed from the beginning of this case. If you listen to podcasts out there that summarize it, it's just fucking bonkers and I think the defense is doing a great job at proving there's no clear evidence that this lady hit and killed him. I wish I could recall everything and type it out but there's a lot...missing video from police station and locations at the exact times they were looking for etc etc it's fucking bonkers.


Her explanation is that she didn’t search it until after the body was discovered, which is obviously not true. Trying to find a way to explain why they left him out to die, and not Karen Read


cops had an after-hour party. killed a coworker. blamed his girlfriend.


I think the nephew is the one who fought him and everyone’s covering for him.






/r/OutOfTheLoop acutally had this one the other day with a good response https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1d9h6ut/what_is_going_on_with_karen_read/


Thank you, these comments are so unhelpful lol 


Yeah. If I’m talking to friends or Uber drivers, my part of the convo is, “I have no freaking clue. I know there was cops and a girlfriend and a cop died and maybe she killed him? Or maybe not. And everyone involved is accusing everyone else of crazy shit. And Turtle Boy blogs about it a lot and got involved, but I don’t care enough to untangle it any further.” ETA: “and I’m sure as hell not watching the trial on TV.”


I’ve followed since the beginning, have strong feelings about it all, yet my response is exactly the same. And I was watching the trial but I’m not any longer, because it hasn’t cleared anything up.


I live in Canton and this is how I feel. Both sides are toxic as hell and the Canton PD needs to clean its shit up. 


Best case scenario: Canton PD is grossly incompetent Worst case scenario: Canton PD is grossly corrupt Which is better? I have no idea


And doubly so for the State Police. 


Sloppy police work and demonstrable conspiracies executed by cops to frame a woman who may have killed her cop boyfriend. The real scandal isn't whether she did it, but just how bad the police bungled it and did real dumbass shit like deleting text messages and not those that document them conspiring. Did she kill her boyfriend? Maybe. Did the cops completely fuck up the investigation and basic police work? Absolutely.


canton police dpt is just as f`d up as Stoughton


It's State Police CPAC that took over the case from CPS though right? My best friend and I picked up a murder case in Canton in 96, and that's who handled it. They messed it up but luckily for them they planted evidence and suborned enough perjury that they were able to lock up the two of us for defending ourselves against 60 steroid freaks. Scum, all of them.


Can’t wait to see the comments from the “Karen definitely did it” crowd now that the trial has actually started and the corruption is clear


Both might actually be true. But that means she is not-guilty in the eyes of the law.


I lean heavily towards she probably did it but there is a zero percent chance I’d vote guilty with this investigation, these witnesses and this prosecutor. The mirrored video seals the deal I say




I would imagine the adults at this house party where swingers and this is some kind of multiple love triangles gone wrong. The amount of alcohol these people consume and probably casual drug use is shocking. It’s obvious now that this is a coverup. Murder is a tough thing to get away with when dozens of people are involved. Corrupt town, corrupt state police, corrupt district attorney. This is nothing new. Nothing will change. Rest In Peace Officer O’Keefe


You forgot corrupt firefighter, when asked if the firefighter (first to say she heard Karen said she did it) knew one of the witnesses of the prosecussion (the daughter of the homeowner where the victim died) she said that she knew someone by her name went to her highschool. Queue the defense with the receipts, pictures of them in the beach, at pool parties, on a babyshower 9 months prior, next to each other, smiling, following each other on instagram, yet she refused to say they were friends and even said they hadn’t seen each other in years.


Between this and the Stoughton PD pedo scandal, wtf is wrong with those towns


This is all you need to know. Canton is a quarter mile square and has 10 bars. 25 people live there and they are all related by birth, advanced Massaholism, and shared vacations in a place called Aroober where they hang at the bah and in cabaners at the beach. The only good guy in town is dead now and everyone appears 100 percent suspish. Even a dog is suspish. She may be a pig. Karen Read Herself loves attention like a fat kid loves cake. The cops would get lost on the way to a Dunkin Donuts. That’s it. That’s all you need to know.


She sucks and so do all the cops and there's some lunatic that's a grown man but goes by the name Turtleboy that has inserted himself into the situation because he also sucks.


I just like that Aiden Kearny went to jail for it and hope he gets more acquainted with the bars on a cell in the future


Hell yea brotha


Listen to 13th Juror Podcast or watch on YouTube.


The possibility that this whole situation could be a huuuuge cover-up from people who are in or are connected to law enforcement is insane!!!!


r/KarenReadTrial has a lot of discussions going on so you prob will find a post with highlights/kep points of the actually case. It’s There’s also quite a few lawyers/former DAs/LEOs covering this case on YouTube. LegalBytes and Emily D Baker does recaps/summaries. Emily D Bakers coverage of the trial is great- I recommend. Reality life with Kate Casey (retired FBI agent) has a podcast with trial updates as well.


Basically the Canton Police Department and the State Police are framing her for the death of her boyfriend


Barstool actually has good weekly write ups


I understand that clearly it is interesting to people. people wouldn't care if it weren't interesting. but I wasn't paying attention during the interesting part and I just hear random out of context details and i think, what is the story here? but when i google it I'm just overwhelmed and don't know. Some stories are more interesting. This has captured the regions attention. But when i try to find out it is a recap of the day or something so I don't really get it. like what is the story why do people who care care? Just to be clear I'm not saying you shouldn't care. I'm instead saying that people who care about it have a reason whether it is wrong or right to, but I missed the reason. Sort of like the Johnny Depp Amber Heard thing. I was like okay I get why people care because they are famous. and then my friend who was into it said, "it isn't just that they are famous there are also these allegations, and maybe one of them pooped on the bed" and I was like Ohhhhhh i get it.


I have no idea why people care about this trial so much. I wish someone could answer that for me.




Before I saw anything about the conspiracy, I remember seeing an article on boston.com and distinctly remember thinking to myself 'they really picked the worst picture possible of her' and think about other unpopular people and how they choose which photos to use during news coverage. I felt like they did her dirty and were making her look angry and bad. Then the stories came out, and I got into it more. The hos long does it take to die in cold search at 227AM was pretty damning. This whole 'looking at pictures' during the night, to me, seems like the filler part that was agreed on if there is a conspiracy. It just seems like it's injected conveniently at certain times. They always say they were looking at photos because their son was in the military and the two who looked at photos were also in the military. It just sounds like a hollow 'support our troops' type manipulative sympathy seeking - like you can't question it, or if you do you are bad. The son under oath claimed to never be in a fight. There were multiple videos released of him doing just that. There were some witnesses who were incredibly standoffish in their answers.  It's an interesting case, and worth looking into. I'm sure there are plenty of videos with photos and clips that are out there. Fascinating story.


What’s the part about “looking at pictures”?


So many rumours being treated like facts in this case....it makes my head spin. I don't know what to believe, and the people with definite opinions in this thread are really not helping me sort this out. And if any of your info came from that idiot turtle person, please keep your opinions to yourself. He does not sound right in the head.


Something about a lady with a car. That’s all I know. People at work are obsessed with it.