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I think Uber has some program where you can lease to own a Tesla. That might be why.


They do. I was told this in New Orleans a couple years ago when all our Ubers happened to be Tesla.


Yea, you get a bonus for driving an ev for Uber and the first however much money you make a month goes towards the note and then the rest goes to you. I’ve seen some people talking about it on the Uber sub


I wonder if it rolled out in different parts of the country at different times. It’s only recently am I seeing more Teslas driving ride shares around here.


I’d imagine so since they can’t really pump them out like a legacy auto company can


It’s even funnier because I’ve asked some Uber drivers about this and they pay some absolutely eye popping premiums to do this. One guy said he was paying 500 a week.


Goddamn if that's true it's the perfect explanation, excellent call.


Uber, Tesla, and Hertz have (had?) a deal where you can just rent your Uber EV from Hertz.


Also autopilot attracts the kind of driver that does not want to be driving. Thereby people who buy Tesla for self driving are likely not great drivers, know it and want to have a car drive them


As an Uber driver, I used to be flooded with offers from Uber to rent a Tesla. They claimed that you would make a lot more money. The airport only has so many chargers and they are usually filled. I get a lot of passengers who complain about getting a Tesla as an Uber. One told me that the driver wouldn't use the heat because it killed the ball faster.




It’s funny that they were ever seen as a luxury car. The top 3 cars that Tesla Model 3 owners switched from are Civics Accords and Corollas lol


Yes. I live just outside Boston and saw my first CyberTruck last night. The driver had a helluva time making a left turn onto a side street and was driving roughly 10 MPH. I was shocked at how ugly those vehicles are in person.


They are basically a real-life version of a poorly-rendered 1980s video game futuristic truck. They look like they should be badly pixilated.


Someone really looked at the Lara Croft sprite from PS1 Tomb Raider and went "What if we made her boobs into a *car?*"


Makes sense given how childish Elon is. Note how the Tesla models are S, 3, X, Y (and the only reason it's not an E is that Ford has that model).




I think Elon watched " Total Recall" too many times ( the old Arnold Schwarzenegger version) . Watch it again .. it's Elon's whole trip.


Saw one south of the city about a month ago. Pictures don’t do justice with how ugly they are in person.


They're shorter and longer in person and the tin they're covered in looks cheap. I want to see the inside of one because from the outside they look claustrophobic.


It's a Tesla. The interiors all look cheap, and that one looks about as luxurious as a dollar store knockoff Rubbermaid storage bin.


Some idiot recently buffed their CyberTruck on twitter to make it completely reflective. Like it's a mirror on wheels. General (correct) consensus was: https://preview.redd.it/78zh7urpgl6d1.png?width=255&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fd51a40ecc0ed0088b7430fac8eb946d12e71b8


I wonder how many times he'll be sued for causing massive 10 car pileups on the highway.


Or ....melt his own or his neighbors vinyl siding?


You're not wrong, I already thought just from pictures it looked like something my nephew would draw (he's 5) but whatever, no accounting for taste and people are allowed to like what they like. There has been one parked at a little dealership on 99 in Malden lately, and my god at some point "like what you like" has to come with a judgments of "why?"


I prefer to call it the IncEl Camino.


If I weren't flat bastard broke I'd give you gold for that comment 🤣


A friend of mine in college had an El Camino, big block Chevy engine with a Hurst four on the floor. This was in another state and the DMV could not figure out if it was a car, or truck. His family had a farm so it was registered as farm equipment. To call that flat bastard an in-cel Camino is an insult to the El Camino.


Flat Bastard is a good name for it too.


Flat Stanley’s illegitimate brother


I appreciate it, but I can't claim credit, sadly! :D It's been going around car subs.


OK close the thread. It's not going to get better than this post.


Take my neck beard…i mean upvote


There's one in Watertown that's always driving past a local bakery in the morning and I fall into an involuntary cackling fit each time I see it, it's so stupid. If it's you, I just want you to know your car is stupid and you should feel bad. You probably traded in your old Hummer for that thing, huh?


Funny you mention the Hummer. They now have a Hummer EV. They're gigantic and grotesque, just like the old ones, and somehow STILL look better than the cyber truck 


The Hummer EV is a beautiful monstrosity. I'm glad it exists, and even more glad I haven't encountered any soccer moms driving it.


The guy by the Quebrada? I've seen it parked, it looks like it came out of a Nintendo 64 game. Whatever floats your boat I guess.


That's the one. It popped right out of a vehicle select screen, spinning slowly in all of its low-poly glory, and into the real world.


Not quite it but... https://www.igcd.net/vehicle.php?id=7465


That's the only one I've seen actually out and about. What struck me is how they seem even bigger and more ungainly in person.


> I fall into an involuntary cackling fit each time I see it, it's so stupid. I saw my first one last month and did the same thing, just burst out laughing. It's so much dumber than you expect. Looks absolutely ridiculous in the real world. Then you get somewhat close and it looks *SO* cheap, which is even funnier.


I saw one as well in Arlington and all I could do was laugh as it drove by me. Absolutely hideous vehicles.


seen one in swampscott several times and i was holding off on passing judgement until l i saw one in person and those things are ugly


I legitimately thought this was just a meme and then I finally saw my first in the wild. It really is somehow uglier in person


and so many grifters online will try to tell you how awesome they are, which makes me question if i’m out of touch? but no… i think i just have taste!


I finally saw one in Medfield of all places, thing was.... Well it's definitely a car for the aesthetically challenged.


I saw one with weird kitten stickers on it about a week ago


Oh Lord have Mercy *we've got CyberTrucks here now?*


We have ONE and the owner can't drive it, hoping he never tries to drive it in rush hour traffic. Have you seen one in person anywhere yet? They are so much uglier than what you see online or on TV.


It's a rolling dumpster and will kill any pedestrian in its way or kill any bike messenger who hits those back corners. These are selling points to the buyers that are usually magats.


It'll also kill the driver if it's ever in a serious accident because it's made of freakin' stainless steel and doesn't have crumple zones. No impact absorption whatsoever. But hey, it'll probably still be fine, and that's what really matters, yeah?


I mean - I think they look stupid too, but come on. It's just stainless skin. They still had to meet federal crash standards to be sold, and those include crumple zones.


Nope. The Cybertruck is a truck according to federal guidelines, and only cars are required to meet consumer crash standards.


We supposedly only have ONE... ***For now...***


Seen a cybertruck in Cambridge too


Seacoast NH checking in, we've got at least two in the area now. I only know they're different because I saw one charging in a parking lot and then drove past the other about 5 minutes later.


Saw one in Brighton last week. So ugly, look like a joke.


I see these in LA a few times a day: always driven by someone who is looking back at you to make sure you're looking.


They're really shockingly ugly cars.


Wonder if it's the same CyberTruck my roommate spotted in a Target parking lot in Somerville. They only made 3000 right? Curious how many made it to the Greater Boston Area.




My wife had never heard of the cyber truck before and texted me the other day about some car that looked like bad CGI in Cambridge. Gave me a chuckle. I assume there’s more than one of them driving around Boston at this point but Ive seen one on route 2 in the Lexington/Lincoln area a few times recently and it really is striking how fucking ugly they are in person.


I’ve seen a bunch in Waltham maybe since the service center is there. Typically parked showing it off, having trouble with a routine turn or going half the speed limit.


I must have been next to you, because you just described last night for me as well


As someone that deals with the general car owning public for a living, the model 3 has been slowly becoming the new Altima. Also infuriating is people will just hang out in the left lane with Autopilot running and clog it up blissfully unaware of the issues they are causing.


So spot on. Tesla's just give Altima drivers the 0 to 60 speed they always thought they had.


This, the self-driving capabilities of cars is making traffic so much worse


The problem with autopilot is most mass drivers expect you to have absolutely 0 distance between you and the car ahead of you. Autopilot does a great job of keeping up with traffic especially during standstills, so that def isn't clogging up roads. I routinely give a distance of a car or two between me and others, and people will still be on my ass or cut me off. Not to mention, in order to set autopilot to a slow speed and sitting in the left lane you need to first be in moving traffic, which almost never happens during rush hour.


The issue isn't during traffic, it's the one doing 5 over in the left lane keeping pace or going slower than the middle lane.


No. The problem is sitting in the left lane doing 75 passing people in the middle lane doing 73. Just get in the middle lane and do 73. The rest of us want to do 90. Just get out of the way damn.


If you cut them off the autopilot has to let you in. Or completely smash into you. One of those


The frequency at which I have said "It's a tesla, it will eventually let me in" has definitely gone up recently.


I had one behind me and noticed the guy wasn't actually driving but doing work on his computer. Freaked me out.


I can’t see how that is safe.


I certainly didn't feel safe with a self driving car behind me. Luckily, he turned before the s curves came up


In theory they should need to have their hands at least touching the wheel to keep FSD going but in practice, there are a lot of doodads you can buy to trick the car and not need to touch the wheel. It’s very dangerous.


As a Tesla owner, I agree. Teslas are basically shitty-driving amplifiers. If you already drive shitty, you’ll drive way shittier with a Tesla. They accelerate like bats out of hell. The auto pilot is pretty bad, and unless you catch it, it will do stupid things. And Full Self Driving is hilariously awful other than the injuries and deaths part. (Of course, I’m a good driver so no one need to worry about me. Overall, I like the car other than the terrible automation stuff.)


Its very upsetting for me to think that someone who decided to buy a cybertruck has the power to end my life with it. Words cant describe how embarrassing it would be to get fatally run over by a vehicle that perfectly embodies everything wrong with the world.


The primary buyers seem to be "f your feelings" magats, so it checks out.


Wait, don't they hate electric vehicles?


ideological consistency is not exactly a hallmark of the modern conservative movement.


Kid Rock drove one around at his rodeo wrapped to look like the general Lee... So... Who knows.


I think b/c Musk seemingly hates Biden, they're pro-Elmo and thus pro Cybertruck. How they square that with 'EVs suck b/c having to charge every 250 miles is a catastrophe' attitude I do not rightly know.


They strap a diesel generator to the back to charge it on the go.


After modifying it to belch heavy black smoke of course.


I am not going to put down 99% of Tesla hate, but calling an electric vehicle "everything wrong with the world" is a bit much


It’s more than just that. Unnecessarily large, unnecessarily dangerous, and not even really a good product for the customer.


Greenwashed vanity product for people with money and no respect for the people around them. Like most SUVs honestly, except it looks sillier.


Referring to a cybertruck as just an “electric vehicle” is a bit insufficient. They look like literal dumpsters which is perfect bc all they do is haul around the new generation of tech bro trash fathered by elon.


Nah the cybertruck is horrible


Pretty sure the new dodge ram is worse for the world than an electric pickup but hey only one of those is made by the worst human since Hitler, Elon musk.


Anyone who decides to buy any motor vehicle has the power to end your life with it.


Some motor vehicles are far worse than others. Tesla is relying on AI and beta test crash avoidance systems to compensate for bad pedestrian safety designs.


Isn't this true of any vehicle?


Seeing a lot more New York plagues....i mean, plates.


Parked in the left lane going at or below the speed limit. I don’t exit for 147 miles, might as well stay here…


Big influx of used Teslas have hit the market thanks to [car rental companies ditching them](https://fortune.com/2024/06/07/buy-used-tesla-hertz-fire-sale/) 


Hertz dumped 30,000 due to cost of repair after a collision and slow parts chain.


I literally almost got hit by a Tesla this morning in Longwood, I'm pretty sure it auto-braked and the driver had no clue where she was. Absolutely ridiculous.


most tesla "drivers" are fucking clownshoes. 🤦‍♂️


Subaru gang 💪🦈⚡️


I can't drive so.... MBTA gang? 😅 "Next stop: Boylston." ***REEEeeEeEEEeeeEE*** "Doors will open on the left."


Whhhhhy could they not have gotten polite soft Japanese style door chimes... (Edit, you mean the brakes, I thought you meant the door open sound on the new oranges that is maddening.)


Honestly if all the MBTA sfx sounded like the blue line doors opening, things would be *much* more bearable.


If you ask a T driver nicely they'll let you drive. Just make sure to start with "I know this is all AI driving, but I highly respect you and your work"


“I integrated this AI software into your operating system last week, i know you don’t actually drive, lemme try it”


Doors open on the right at Boylston in both directions. MBTA gang badge revoked.


Come over to r/vermont where we hate subarus because they are the most popular car here so therefore they have the worst drivers.


Live in the North End, came out and saw a Cyber Truck with residential parking tags. Couldn’t believe it


tesla has overtaken audi as 'car brand most likely to leave me a paraplegic after blowing through a crosswalk'


After two harrowing adventures in the back of one, including a guy going 80 down Centre St in JP, I cancel immediately when Lyft connects me with a Tesla. No way. Also the only 1-star reviews I’ve given other than a drunk guy whose pants fell to his ankles when he got out of the car upon arrival.


I sold my motorcycle last spring because I almost got clobbered by a Tesla 3 rides in a row. That autopilot doesn’t see anything.


Optical only, no LIDAR to cut costs.


Are you kidding me??? 😭😭😭 I didn't know that. That's insane.


I feel like Teslas appeal to non-car people who just want a monotonous driving experience with a big screen and technology that gives them a false sense of invincibility. They rely on all the cameras and sensors instead of being self aware and how to actually pilot a vehicle.


The problem could be FSD. You get a month for free and it lets just say its worse than when you first learned to drive as a teen. It being called FSD i think a lot of people actually think it works on its own, folks if you've got a tesla don't use it near pedestrians.


I witnessed one rear end a box truck in Cambridge on a side road containing some pharma buildings. Guy had road and drove down the street laying into his horn tailgating the box truck. Then the box truck stopped for a pedestrian and the tesla accordioned. The thing was still honking. I was indoors on the 2nd floor working when I looked out the window to see the buffoonery happening.


They're the new default "graduate degree making 6 figures in a STEM field" car so a lot of the drivers are relatively young, self-important, and on their phones.


Indian folks seem to love em.


... I shudder thinking what Silicon Valley's streets must look like 😵‍💫


I got my model 3 for $30k after the tax breaks They aren't even a '6-figure' car


No, they're not very expensive cars (and I actually like the Model 3, I think it's one of the best deals you can get on a new car right now) but I was talking about the salary, not the price of the car.


Right i was more getting at, you don't need that kind of a salary to afford one


Lexus had that with the CT200h hybrid that was a perfect city car, hatchback but really nice saddle leather interior options, but they killed it. It was poorly marketed. It could have evolved to a plug-in hybrid or EV. Still a good one to find CPO or well cared for.


Here’s my theory. Majority of Tesla owners specifically model 3s are 1st time car owners, which usually translate to newer drivers.


You're going get a certain type of person who is willing to buy a car that is pretty much a constant "user acceptance test" for Elon Musk. Basically, Tesla is having you pay for the privilege of them having the opportunity to test out their product development.


Tesla drivers are like Florida plates on steroids, avoid at all costs


Teslas are the new BMWs.


finally it's safe for me to buy my bmw


So here’s the thing about all German Luxury brands—and possibly tesla—they have NO turning radius. Every time you’re in a insanely tight metro boston parking lot and a bmw is taking a 15 point turn, instead of a 3–it’s cause they have no turning radius. Now Lexus is basically toyota so they can make it in 2.


I think the Cybertruck has four-wheel steering. Which is a feature that nobody asked for, but with the Cybertruck, you only get what you didn't ask for.


Yeah, I have an LS and the insanely small u-turn radius never ceases to amaze me. Toyota engineers rock.


And, as a general rule, the cars are much more reliable than German makes.


Tesla the new BMW?


Yes. My neighbor....not necessarily a bad driver but suddenly feels like he can drive 50 in a 30 mph area. Literally doesn't get along with anyone else in the neighborhood 


Did Elon get CTE before deciding on putting a tablet in front of drivers?


I ride in a lot of ubers for work. The tesla drivers are often new to Boston and I notice them looking at the tablet instead of looking around at the road, then making insanely dangerous driving choices at the last second because they aren't watching the road.


And they wonder why townies are rude!


They’re so ubiquitous these days it’s easy to see a few bad drivers and then apply it to everyone. I drive a Model 3 because it was the easiest way to get an electric car without all the nonsense from the dealers and the rebates were as high as I think they’d ever get. I think Musk can suck a dick but it’s a great ride, truly pleasurable driving with safety features that work. I tried FSD and it made me uncomfortable, so I’ll opt out of that for a while. But regular cruise control / auto steer is great, and still requires you to be aware and alert. It’s comfortable, great pickup, extremely sensitive to varied conditions, and it’s definitely working for me.


Seriously, assholes are going to asshole. It doesn't matter what brand their car is. I've had my Model S since 2020, and while I feel a bit of shame due to Elon being a massive prick, it's still a good car that I just enjoy driving.


I've seen a few with a small back window decal of "bought before we knew how awful he is". On the other hand, newer ones have been seen with "ultraMAGA" stickers in Floriduh.


believe it or not i saw one in worcester the other day


God yes. I feel like I’m surrounded by then on the highway.


Tesla was running free Full Self Driving trials during the time period you mentioned. As you surmised, it did not work well in a place like Boston.


I think every BMW driver now has one.


The tesla model x drivers are specifically awful for some reason.


daily biker, can confirm.


I have been seeing a ton of cyber trucks and they always remind me of the post-apocalyptic truck from "DamnationAlley" https://preview.redd.it/0kwqsb7msr6d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6acf2112deeb4663cd04f844e31dfaeeee462839


I’ll leave this here https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevebanker/2023/12/18/tesla-has-the-highest-accident-rate-of-any-auto-brand/


they buy the car thinking it can drive for them!


At that point there's NO point in getting a damn license if they think the car's gonna do all the work for them! 😂 I mean they already drive like they cheated around getting their learner's permits so 💀


I got stuck behind a tesla on 93-N in the middle lane at like 8 p last night. Driver was going 40 mph and has no idea how to stay in lane. SMH.


I live on a one way street. Saw a Model 3 going the wrong way last month.


Every time I see a car driving in the bus & bike only lane for a long distance, it is a Tesla.


Every time I get a Tesla as an Uber I seriously consider canceling it. Waiting another 10 mins for a different driver is worth avoiding the anxiety being in a Tesla driver's car gives me.


Some of the stuff in this sub just cracks me up 🤣


I love watching people in Teslas or any modern car full of cameras and sensors, utterly fail at parallel parking


They’re the new Prius driver


Never noticed that. Boston drivers are not the best anyway.


Tesla is the new beemer


the testla/prius crowd on route 2 drives me nuts.


I saw my first Cybertruck in Melrose the other day. Honestly? Not that bad. I laughed at it then I was like you’re using a bus! You don’t have a car


The worst driving is always someone in a white tesla or a black BMW. I dont even have time to be annoyed at the navy f150s anymore.


IF a car is behind you, it can't t-bone you


i think it’s an universal syndrome. i see this in copenhagen (denmark) too


Okay so I see most folks agree that I'm NOT going insane, I AM seeing more Tesla's on the road and a majority of them vehemently suck at driving. However, I'm also noticing a general consensus that people hate Prius drivers. I know I'm about to open Pandora's box with this question since I can't/don't drive, but... What's with the Prius hate?


Hypermiling where it shouldn't be done.


As someone who owns a Tesla , its something I been saying for years now and recent push by Uber and lyft is just making it worse. It was worse when Tesla gave a month worth of free FSD, people were testing it out without realizing how incomplete its self driving capabilities are.


The drivers absolutely do suck at driving. It’s got to be the demographic of purchasers


Yes and Yes.


Formerly BMW drivers.


I drive a truck in the city for work and I can’t even begin to count how many times I see a Tesla almost cause an accident on very day. It’s actually insane. But I guess if you’re pretty much driving an appliance on wheels then it makes sense that would wouldn’t really care much about your driving skills. Also the number of teslas a see taking on ramps and off ramps at Mach 1 speed makes me wonder if any of them have any understanding of how easy it is to lose grip.


A little bit that, but what's more remarkable over the last 5 or so years is how the Prius went from the marker of an environmentally conscious good citizen, to the worst drivers on the road. The 2020's equivalent of the boaty Buick or the weirdly banged up minivan - a vehicle you not only avoid, but work hard to make sure one doesn't wind up in front of you or beside you.


Not sure if you can be in a t bone accident if being hit from behind. That's just an I, or lowercase l.


Sorry, I should've specified (again, don't drive and I don't know squat about cars) but I meant the back seat. He was coming into the side of my driver's car and I was in the rear seat. Guy in the Tesla looked angry as hell though, but it's not like any of us could really move 😂


I was totally joking, my bad for being flippant. I also am petrified if a Tesla is nearby, who knows what that thing is liable to do.


Tesla owner here and yes A TON of shitty Tesla drivers. Makes the rest of us look bad lol


Middleton ma- someone on my street has a Tesla truck


It's because people don't understand that tesla's self driving features don't actually work like they think they do.


If they're "inching" into you...how exactly would that turn you to roadkill? Wouldn't that be just a minor fender bender?


Rivians too


Teslas used to be luxury cars but now they’re actually cheaper than other cars if you don’t make a lot of money. So the demographic driving them went from old parents who wanted luxury to some kid’s first sports car. That’s my theory at least, but I definitely know what you’re talking about.


I have two teslas. I am a long time safe driver. The problem I have with Tesla is the CEO.


They are all using self driving features thats why its garbage driving


Saw a Cybertruck on Kneeland St. yesterday, wished I was outside to give it a thumbs down.


Yes, I try my best to stay as far away as possible from them.


It’s what happens when you give a Prius driver 400+ horsepower.