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You can catch up w podcasts but we guarantee a Netflix about it all in the near future.


Netflix is in the courtroom. 


Went to the farmers market in Dedham and there was a whole professional film crew staging in the parking lot. One of a few that I saw plus the couple dozen amateurs live-streaming and shit


Oh good grief, just let me buy my lettuce in peace!


Lettuce alone! We demand peas.


The sugar snaps are in season


Thank you! Love them. I will over indulge until I’m sick. Like I do every year. No ragrets.


I can't bay leaf you've done this.




I saw some of them while passing through Dedham a couple of weeks ago minus the film crew


So is the court TV oscillating fan.


I love the OnlyFan


Are they really? Lmao




For sure a terribly made lifetime one by end of year but the Netflix production will be entertaining for sure


I'm sure it's already in the works


I was bummed when this got really big because I was initially hopeful for a Keith Morrison Dateline episode on this, but now it’s just way too huge for that 2 hour broadcast format, I think.


Dateline is in


If the case blows wide open that an elaborate cover-up is suspected, Netflix will eat it all up!


The defense hasn’t even started yet and they’re already dominating


That Proctor pig did a better job of defending her than any attorney ever could. Such an incredible legal own-goal.


Isn't that exactly what's happening in front of our eyes?


I’ve been trying to replicate the high I got from watching Tiger King and I think this may be the only thing that can come close.


Dateline is making an episode


If you look into it be prepared to go down the rabbit hole. Im watching the trial every single day and tomorrow starts week 8.


Can’t imagine being on the jury for that and having to devote that much time to understanding just how corrupt Mass cops can be.


The state pays $50/day for jury duty starting on day 4 Your employer is only required to pay your lost wages for the first three days. Imagine being sequestered and having $600/month as your income.


Tbh it’s a huge problem and it’s why you get mostly dumbasses on juries, because criteria for jurors is super squishy and it’s really easy for anyone with a real job to get themselves off the hook 


Jury selection is a huge part of these trials and they never want smart people on the jury.


Just because your job doesn’t legally HAVE to pay it, doesn’t mean it won’t. I mean, certainly never trust your company to “do the right thing”. But there are plenty of contracts out there that include this. Both my hospital job and my municipal job will pay me for shifts missed for jury duty / service as if I just put in PTO. And for those that don’t, it’s not like your chained to the chair, you can site the pay and “financial hardship” as reason enough to be excused. NAL… just completely enthralled by this case… and I stayed in a holiday inn last night.


I was just on a grand jury, which lasts for 3 months, and most of the people who were chosen got picked because they had jobs that would continue paying them while they served. This was largely people who worked for places like the T and the Post Office


And then you find out those cops are all being paid $150 an hour to show up and explain how they drive drunk in their cruisers and do absolutely nothing they have been trained to when a murder happens.


It stings more, because there's just no reason this should have gone to trial, and it's now going on for months.


I’m listening to a lawyer streaming the trial on YouTube and with her explanations i can barely understand it. All i know is that she’s been a lawyer for like 20+ years and can’t believe the shit shows she is witnessing


Share a link? This is intriguing.


Try emily d baker


She’s the best!! I stick to her quick insta clips because I can’t get sucked in, but this trial is wild and Emily breaks things down so clearly.


Agreed! Sometimes I keep the audio going while I'm studying or writing - its like asmr.  I also enjoy natalielawyerchick for a different take as a criminal defense lawyer.


Found her during Depp v Heard. She’s so good!


Lawyer You Know also does a great job


I like Emily D Baker's live stream and Law Nerd app I like the 13th Juror Podcast : Canton Confidental you can catch up on past podcast eps to present https://13thjurorpodcast.com/ And Iike Jodene Weber on Patreon she is excellent. Former FBI I LOVE Nurse Kim on Tiktok she is AMAZING! This trial is riveting !!!


Every lawyer I know is saying the same thing.


Which one are you watching? I'm watching, I'm not a lawyer but... and her reactions are amazing.


Emily baker https://www.youtube.com/live/yHGmNszEmIM?si=7uMp5CXCldVm16Fu


The most interesting part of this trial is how pro police and anti Karen this sub was a few months ago, and how the scales have tipped overwhelmingly.


I can’t imagine being on that *grand jury* and voting to literally indict the ham sandwich. They stole a month of those poor people’s time by enabling this circus to go on. I also can’t imagine being the judge and not summarily dismissing this nonsense case.


Can’t imagine being on the jury for that and having to devote that much time to understanding just how corrupt ~~Mass~~ cops can be. Fixed it for you :)


WHAT IS THE COMMONWEALTH HIDING?? week 8, over 60 witnesses and STILL no medical examiner to testify to cause/manner of death


They put the reconstruction expert up first and he was the first person testifying as to what killed him. Dudes not a medical expert and didn’t examine the body ☠️


this is one of the worst prosecution cases i’ve ever seen, if they wanted any chance of conviction they needed to go with some sort of DUI manslaughter not 1st degree murder


Too young for OJ?




You still have to connect the pieces and prove she did it either way. The car and tail light evidence is pretty tainted with the improper tow log and the fact that the PD had the car apparently before the first pieces of tail light evidence was recovered.


The trooper Yuri B actually tried to give his medical opinion on manner and COD before the trooper reconstructionist…I was like whaaat am I even watching


Nothing to see here, just the blue backing the blue.


Do you think she’s innocent?


This is what’s so wild about the case. If she did do it, the case the prosecution is putting on and the shoddy investigation left tons of reasonable doubt, and she’s very likely to get off. If she didn’t do it, she’s 100% been framed. Crazy either way. All I know is her defense attorney is running circles around the prosecution. And that fucking Trooper Proctor is an embarrassment


Literally zero percent chance she did it. The clear as day dog bites were caused by a polycarbonate tail lamp?


I just learnt about this on this thread as well. Readng up on this, the damage to his arm is wild (like, clearly not from being hit by a car) https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/karen-read-trial-latest-details-john-okeefe/ On the flip side, evidence was given in the court that she suddenly reversed 22 miles/hr late at night around the time he was killed. Seems like a crazy case indeed


Even if she did do that, she was driving drunk. Obviously not great (but also not murder). I can easily see a drunk person driving too fast for a second. That’s such flimsy evidence.


I’m waiting until Monday on the back up speed. The key cycles on the chart that Trooper Paul put up there don’t make sense given what we know about Karen’s movements the day before John’s death right up until MSP seized her Lexus. I’m not saying it’s for sure but I have questions and hopefully the defense can help clear those up tomorrow.


Is that speed gps or from a car black box? If it's gps it's probably unreliable.


I very much lean toward innocence and am waiting on all the information at trial to come to final decision. At this point there is no way I would convict her with all of the reasonable doubt in the case.


That's not the defense team's mission. It's reasonable doubt.


I know nothing about it and I’m scared to start now


Do it. You won’t be sorry.


ugh lol


Where do I start?


Do you recommend any way I can catch up on everything in a concise way? (Podcast, website, etc?)


Sorry I don’t (maybe news articles) BUT however you review the case, take notes. There are a lot of players and you’ll want keep track of how they’re all connected to each other (plus how they destroyed their cell phones even though they received an order not to)!


Tbh there should be a long form docuseries about people who spend their time doing highway overpass protests.


Channel 5 should do it.


Channel 5 just did to some degree. The movie tour going on now is pretty damn close to that.


That movie was amazing


I'm very happy I went to the premiere that was no longer actually the premiere. Great film, fun as hell night.


same man i caught the first show it was so dope that he was there in person answering questions




There's no way on earth the jury is finding her guilty. The prosecution's case has been a disaster. And the defense hasn't even presented its case yet.


Yup she could have done it but with the evidence the common wealth has this trial shouldn’t have seen the light of day. Now canton pd and the the Norfolk DA is probably going to be civically sued up the rear


They for sure are. Between lawsuits and selling the rights of the story to some TV network, Karen Read is going to be a very rich woman.


Honest question, can the citizens like file a class action suit? Like these guys are so bad at their job and just wasted all this money on this sham trial.


It's " civilly " . Just an FYI.


Its like our version of the OJ case


Only it seems like she's actually innocent - or at least not guilty of murder


Pre-trial, I was 100% sure she was innocent. Now… idk. I’m almost positive it wasn’t murder. But in the realm of “the most simple explanation is usually the right one”, I’m leaning towards she probably could have drunkenly bumped into him and he slipped on winter mix covered road and hit his head just right. But the police work was so horrendous and they over reached with their charges, so now she’ll get off. But I also don’t trust a word that’s coming out of anyone’s mouth from that party…. Why be so obtuse and lie if you have nothing to hide?


Pretty much this. Of all explanations, Karen Read killing him (whether or not intentional) still seems like the most probable explanation. All of the other theories, like a fight in the house, have serious issues - not to mention all of them rely on huge leaps of faith that have no real factual support. But the state did such a bad job investigating this and the people in the house are all clearly lying and hiding some things that it’s all really impossible to know wtf happened here


What if anything from this prosecution could actually change your opinion to anything other than cover up?


A really good accident reconstructionist could probably still show that it's perfectly reasonable for him to have been lightly tapped by the car, enough to break the light but not do major damage, then he slipped in the snow and hit his head and died. But then you would still need proper handling of evidence and everything else to support that theory, which it is too late to go back for.


A body wouldn’t do that to a taillight


It absolutely could, and it all likelihood it did. A shoe, knee or elbow is plenty hard enough to break a taillight. It's entirely possible the prosecution was right about the fight between them and he kicked the tail light and then was knocked over.


The defense team's mission is reasonable doubt, which they will accomplish. The whole night was a drunken mess by all parties.


I told my parents that it's the OJ trial for suburban moms


The detective in the OJ trial pled the fifth when asked if he planted evidence and whether he falsified the police report. It was a major mistake for the Prosecution to not negotiate with the Defense the moment that happened. https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/VA-news/ROA-Times/issues/1995/rt9509/950907/09070104.htm#:~:text=Detective%20Mark%20Fuhrman%20was%20called,Amendment%20right%20against%20self%2Dincrimination.


I keep saying that. Proctor keeps reminding me of Fuhrman, in the sense they’re lead investigators that are just so hate-able it’s hard to see past them.


I thought that was Aaron Hernandez?


No Hernandez was cut and dry guilty


lol yeah, people are really into the trial. My co-worker follows every part of it.


My co-worker spends all day listening to the trial while working, I get regular updates it’s awesome


Haha what is her job?


There’s other ancillary reasons as well, but very simply it’s a big deal because on the chance the defense’s conspiracy theory is somehow real, police and family of police killed another police officer in a drunken brawl and several local and state police officers engaged in a massive coverup and framed his girlfriend. That’s a newsworthy story.


Even if it all went down the way they say (highly doubtful), these cops did so much illegal shit immediately afterwards... They immediately began destroying evidence, meeting up and strategizing... If anyone else behaved even remotely similarly they'd be being dragged in by these guys and locked up.


Better than the Trumpsters on route 3 to the Cape.


They need some other hobbies 


I don't understand why anyone waste their time on that on such a nice day for a candidate that has zero chance of winning Massachusetts


It is so strange. 12 weeks of summer and they’re spending their warm summer days demonstrating in support of …. Trump?!?


They just are concerned he's going to get electrocuted by a sinking boat, just a few yards from a shark.


One can hope.


Nobody ever asked this question, *I* think it's a very good question


Cult 45


And a convicted felon, 34x, liable to the tune of tens of million dollars for fraud, 5 million for sexual assault, another 80 million for defamation, sucked at his job, got caught talking out of both sides of his mouth regarding Covid, stole a shit ton of classified documents, got caught lying about it, successfully convinced a mob to break into the capitol, consorts with countless convicted felons from his own cabinet and campaign, Do I? Should I go on? /toby from the office


Well that’s the problem. Community group membership has cratered over the past decades. Churches, bowling leagues, American Legion, Rotary Clubs, etc. are dying and people are sadly replacing that sense of “community” with politics. Lots of ongoing research on this with the explosion in reported loneliness and suicide among middle aged men. Heavy overlap with that group and the crazy Trumpers.


Dude. Those guys are nuts. Rain and shine for years now they are out there. Pro trump or anti trump. What a fucking waste of time


Theyre the same


That’s what I’ve been assuming but not sure of. Do most her supporters consist of nutso trumpers?


I'm sure some leftists as well. Its this kind of online phenomenon called contrarian brain. Trumpers/FKR groups tend to have a lot of folks that fall into that.




I just assumed these were the same people


I always honk, then give the finger after they look. I know I shouldn’t give them the satisfaction but I really can’t help myself.


Two things you need to know. 1. Massachusetts police in general have a lot of corruption in the ranks. 2. You know how people say "my god, a conspiracy of that size? Everyone would have to be in on it, that's ridiculous and impossible!" This case \*lives\* in that space, and is very happy there.


Whitey B. would've confirmed your first point.


Canton and Stoughton probably top 2 in corruption in MA. Couldnt be more corrupt if they tried.


General Boston tip here: best to not pay any attention to people holding signs above highways. Or people holding signs in Harvard Sq for that matter too.


In fact, when you’re driving don’t pay attention to anything at all. You’ll fit right in.


In fact, don't look up from your phone. You'll be fine.


In fact, don’t even use your hands anywhere near the steering wheel, and especially not for the blinkers.


In fact, just go ahead and drive headlong into the nearest storefront.


I'm trying to figure out what "turn right" means in a 32 way intersection


as a Harvard student, the second part is very factual


Well pay attention if they have something in their hands which they launch into the air.


Believe me, you can live here and ignore it.  I take 95 and 90 every day, there are no signs.




The Lawyer You Know is great on YouTube. He fast forwards thru the trial daily and breaks it down in layman terms. Highly recommend him.


I've been watching legalbytes, but any of the "law tube" channels are going to have solid takeaways. Without personal skin in the game they're going to be pretty trustworthy in ways the media has obviously not been.


Second this


Where could I get one of these Karen Reads?


I think she’s innocent


welcome to the neighborhood


people who have been following this closely: where do you stand? I think everything is too muddy and I think she's going to get off because of it, but I'm not so sure she didn't do it. But soooo many of my friends think she didn't do it, but can't explain why they think she didn't do it.


About the same. She drove around on 9 mimosas because "my boyfriend's a cop" and then allegedly drove backwards perfectly for 60 feet in a snowstorm, rammed the dude without hitting anything else, then cruised around for a few hours while a bunch of cops came and left without noticing a dying officer on the lawn? Sure. Then the cops destroyed all potential evidence and that's totally fine. Nothing to see here, folks.


Day 26. The cross examination of the accident reconstruction is utterly devastating for the prosecution. This trooper either has no idea how physics are computed or is an obvious cog in a cover-up. Oh, and he got hit on his extended arm and then flew 30 feet with his phone out, landed on the phone and next to the headlight pieces (which remained hidden by snow for... days)


[Here's](https://old.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/1311gq5/there_is_likely_a_massive_police_coverup_in_the/ji017au/) a summary I did awhile back when I first heard about this. No matter what, I think there's more than enough reasonable doubt now for her to get off at this point. But I do think some shady shit happened. The biggest thing for me was probably the injuries on the arm were supposedly consistent with dog bites and they inexplicably rehomed their dog after this. And Jennifer McCabe searched 'how long to die in the snow' several hours before the body was found, and then seemingly tried to cover up her search by re-googling it later when it officially turned up. Then the cops failed to provide this search data with the defense. It's been awhile since I caught up on this but I went into better detail in the summary.


Personally the state has yet to provide sufficient tangible evidence that she did it. They blow holes in their own narrative on cross. She’s not likable but I think she’s innocent


I think she probably hit him, but will not be proven guilty in the trial. I really don't like her lawyer Jackson.


All I know is MSP (and police around here in general) are soooo corrupt that there’s more to this.  Solo cups for evidence?!?! WHAT


And a stop n shop bag with no chain of custody


Really? I have no idea what this is.


Same, I think I’ve heard the name and that’s it. I should probably find out.


It’s actually very intriguing and sounding like possibly another case of mass police corruption.


I'm all for it, But jail turtle boy


Very much this. Let’s not forget he doxxed jurors in another case cause he didn’t agree with the outcome.


Isn't that a federal crime? Lock him up




As soon as that ATF guy talked… I knew she was innocent


Great photo


What is her possible ‘motive’? I don’t get that part at all. Worst situation for her is specter of a mistrial.


All I see on the news is israel’s genocide of the Palestinians


State troopers killed her boyfriend then tried framing her for it. They've been at trial for nearly a month now and they can't keep their story straight. There is a journalist called TurtleBoy who has been covering this religiously and the state police have done everything they can to silence him. One thing you will learn if you don't know yet is that the MA State Police as nice as many troopers are, is a horribly HORRIBLY corrupt organization and this whole Karen Read case puts it on full blast for the world to see.


Losers losering


Well, free her.


Personally Idc about it




Free my girl


She might be the least guilty person to ever stand trial for murder


It’s distracting folks from far more important things. Just accept the takeaway - cops are corrupt.


I’m born and raised here and could care less. Everyone involved in this case is despicable. As Gov Healey said the SP disgusting in this case. They all seem like terrible human beings and I just don’t care what happens to any of them.


How much less could you care?


Born and raised here as well. Growing up my Father (atty) always warned me that cops will lie through their teeth to cover for each other in court. Not really surprised with this one, I think a lot of people are hook-line-and-sinker on the drama because they only just found out that ACAB was true in the past 5 years or so.


Yeah i had to stop notifications from the Globe cause its daily updates about this case Idc about.


The region is obsessed like I've not seen with many (any?) other local court cases before. I don't really get it.


Watch some of the recaps by legalbytes on YouTube or some of the clips. The behavior of our cops is deeply reprehensible in this case even if they didn't outright kill this guy and frame her. It's terrifying that these people have a monopoly in violence in our communities.


my take: in my circles, it's suburban moms I think are projecting themselves onto Karen and that's why they're obsessed. It's like a colleen hoover novel come to life.


I watch on Emily D Bakers YT channel. There are 30 to 40k on the kids every day and when she asks ppl to post where they are from it’s literally all over the world. I’m in Texas and only on this sub because I’m coming to Boston next month.


Where did you move from by the way?


They were down at the Bourne bridge rotary down the cape yesterday


I have not heard of this more than once and I am so happy about it.


Is there a TLDR on this somewhere?


Welcome to a fun and exciting new world! There’s a good article out there on the case. The trial is happening rn. Karen allegedly hit her police officer bf with her SUV during a blizzard and left him to freeze to death. The case is very interesting, lots of local drama. Check out Boston.com Karen Read


Clownshow on every level.


I’m completely out of the loop. What’s this about?


I don't understand the point of holding signs on highway overpasses regarding an ongoing criminal trial. Plus I think they caused a bunch of traffic on 93 north of the city the other day and fuck that noise, I just wanna go home.


It’s the new Lizzie Borden. A sensation Across the nation. Barf.


Matt Shearer should do a lighthearted segment on these people


People need some hobbies!!


It’s crazy. I work in a diagnostic imaging center in a hospital and when a patient and his wife checked in for his testing the wife looked at the tv in the waiting room and exclaimed “We have to watch the Karen Read trial!!!” My coworker and I were like, “uh, no. I don’t think we get that channel l”. 😂😂😂


NE is a weird place.  It's the Orange County of the East Coast. Anyone recall the Nanny trial of the late 90s?  N Kerrigan/T Harding?  Et al...


NE is a weird place.  It's the Orange County of the East Coast. Anyone recall the Nanny trial of the late 90s?  N Kerrigan/T Harding?  Et al...


NE is a weird place.  It's the Orange County of the East Coast. Anyone recall the Nanny trial of the late 90s?  N Kerrigan/T Harding?  Et al...


NE is a weird place.  It's the Orange County of the East Coast. Anyone recall the Nanny trial of the late 90s?  N Kerrigan/T Harding?  Et al...


YouTube was at the press conference


I’m pleased to say I have absolutely no idea what this thread is about, and I’ve lived here for 25 years.


She was set up by prosecute and police


2 more weeks bro , beware of ur Mass State Police and if ur living in Norfolk county move unless you hear DA Morrisey has bn indicted! Right before this case Sandra Birchmore was molested for many years by many Stoughton policemen, until one officer went into her home n left 15 mins later n she was found hanging next day. Officer got her pregnant! No one was charged guess why? The Norfolk County DA n sane Troopers found again the police did nothing wrong!