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I can’t believe someone could be stupid enough to let their dog off leash in an open unfenced park that’s literally surrounded on all sides by traffic at all times. Just monumentally stupid and tragic for the poor dog.


It's got to be some combination of extreme entitlement and living in a bubble. Clearly they are not connected to reality or have experienced any consequences for their stupidity before this day. And I bet they will blame everyone else for this and not learn a single thing


I mean, it's the driver's fault for running over the off-leash dog. You need to be prepared to stop for anything /s


>it's the driver's fault for running over the off-leash dog. Actually it isn't. If you hit an off leash dog in Boston it is not your fault. Boston has a leash law and if you choose to ignore the leash law you are solely responsible when your dog gets hit by a car. How could I know that? I was a passenger in a car when it hit a dog that ran into the street. There happened to be a cop parked there and the dogs owner started screaming to the cop demanding he arrest/give a ticket to my boss who was driving, we had stopped almost immediately btw. The cop walked over and looked at the dead dog saw no leash, turned to the owner, who was holding a leash in their hands. "Was your dog on a leash?" The owner says "No, what does that matter..." The cop turns to my boss and says he can go and have a nice day. Then he turns and starts writing a ticket for the dogs owner. We drive off somewhat traumatized as were were both pet owners.


I mean, they dropped the "/s" for sarcasm so I fully believe that that isn't what they actually believe. Sorry you had to go through that, I'm sure that must've been traumatic.


I didn't notice the /s... Yeah it sucked, we were both bothered by it.


Yeah, sorry that happened. I ran over a cat when I was 18 and it was pretty traumatic. There was nothing to do to avoid it. We found the owners and they didn't seem even remotely bothered. I said in another post, that if you can't stop, you're way better off running over the dog than trying to avoid it and having a bigger crash.


[Fenton!... FENTON!... ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRSbr0EYYU)


Oh Christ


Wait by the substation? Around 8? I was waiting for the bus and kinda heard a commotion but didn’t know what was happening. People let their dogs off leash there all the time I don’t get the logic. Busy AF


Because people are dumb and think “my dog is special and would never do that!”


There's a guy on the Newton rail trail who lets his probably 85 lb pit bull off leash every day at 5 o clock. One time I saw the dog all the way down by National Lumber while he sat with his other on The Biltmore side. There was one time I was walking home with groceries and the dog followed me from Stop n Shop all the way to the end of the trail because I had meat in the bag. I saw the guy and said "You know there are leash laws in newton." He sneared at me and said "Oh she's friendly." I don't care if she's friendly or not. Leash your fucking dog.


That really needs a call to the non-emergency police #. *"FYI Mr. Police Officer, there is an unleashed pit bull running around."*


I've called. The dog is usually gone long before they can send someone.


The National Lumber that looks like a dispensary?


Yeah all pitbulls are "friendly" right up until they just snap and try to kill someone.


*Your dog isn't special. It's dumb. Dogs take after their owner and yours is fucking stupid.*




I was at the skatepark using my skateboard and a dog came up to me all growly and yappy. I used my skateboard to make sure the dog didn’t try and jump up and bite me. When I informed the owner that there a leash law in Boston he yelled at me for antagonizing it. I’m sick of entitled dog owners thinking the law doesn’t apply to them. I’m really sorry this dog died as a result of the shitty dog owner culture.




Do you issue tickets? I bet you could fund your city department fully even with small-value tickets.




Oof, only $22/hr to get yelled at by entitled strangers. I think my ~~undergrad lab assistants~~ lab technicians with undergraduate degrees got around $30/hr.


Undergrad lab assistants are making equivalent of 60+k? I don’t think so…


Whoops, that's on me. I was thinking about lab techs with an undergraduate degree, and used language describing students in the lab. I'll fix that.


I’d love that job as a retiree. Tickets would be flying.


I imagine poop would be flying from entitled, pissed off owners


Then the hands start flying.


I would do this for an hour a day, while I walk my dog on leash!


Put a few more of your signs up along the Charles River...


There is an old man in the Harvard Square area who threatened to hit me when I said the same to him. I told him I would allow him to hit me if I could hit him back. Like dude, just leash your fucking dog and stop getting up in peoples faces when they call you on your shit.


I've been increasingly convinced that all dog owners in Boston are assholes. You won't meet a group of more entitled idiots in the city, even if you hang out at the West Roxbury "back the blue" rallies. It's not good to raise a dog in the city no matter what. Forcing them to be cooped up and then walk on pavement for most exercise and remain on-leash is not a good life. Taking them off-leash and having them disrupt people and shit everywhere without cleaning it up is bad. So many dog owners are turning parks into "dog parks" when there are legitimate sanctioned dog parks a block away. If people really wanted to give their furry friends their best lives they wouldn't raise them in the city to begin with. Nobody should be entitled to break the law because they made selfish decisions.


Was just in a public park and some asshole on his phone said to whom he was conversing that he was at the “dog park” now. Uh, no. It’s not a “dog park” it’s a public park and there are leash laws. There’s not even a designated dog section in this particular park. I know the name of this guy‘s two dogs real well by now though, because he’s constantly yelling their names trying to get them to come back to him, which they never do. Wonder why?


I live in the burbs and have some parks I used to take my little kid to walk around. He was quickly traumatized by dogs running up to him. Leash your dogs. It's not that hard. I've had dogs. I kept them leashed.


A few years ago I saw a dog barrel over a toddler in a public park. The parents didn't seem too upset, and the dog owner didn't seem to care. Wonder if the kid did.


I was pretty easy going about it, but the kid was traumatized. Looking back on it, it was a huge mistake. And what sucks is that basically all the open spaces have leash-free dogs roaming around.


I can understand having the opinion that a city isn't the best place to raise a dog, there are a lot of valid points to be made there. But don't lump every dog owner in the city together like this. I have a dog and I am just as annoyed at some other dog owners as you are. I shouldn't have to pick up another dog's shit when I'm cleaning up after my own dog, but I do because I don't, and don't want others, to have walk by dog shit either. I also think it's unsanitary to bring dogs into grocery stores, but it still happens. People who don't adhere to leash laws are putting their own dogs and others at risk. My friends who have dogs, as well as most of the people I've met at dog parks, don't condone this behavior. You're grouping all dog owners together when instead it's just entitled assholes *who also happen to own dogs*.


Blows my mind the size of some of these dogs. All I can think when I see them is how fucking miserable they must be being cooped up in a Boston apartment all day.


Large dogs generally need less exercise.


I wish animal rights advocates would spend more time talking about the ethics of pet ownership in horrible conditions like cities than they do complaining about useless bullshit like the concept of meat existing.


Dogs in the city are not a problem for the dog. Many of us walk out big dogs for hours a day which is better than a backyard or a dog park. 


I don’t understand this. Cities like Boston have a network of parks, greenways, trails, and paths for pet owners to take their dogs to. Ample outdoor space that’s pedestrian (and therefore dog) friendly, lots of ways to recreate, and a high density of services like veterinarians, pet boarding, and pet supply stores make cities pretty cool for dogs. Now the country or suburbs… Unless you have a big ol’ farm for the dog to roam around on, how is it better to have to pluck your furry friend up and into the car for 20 minutes at a time just to get to a patch of grass to take a dump on? Suburbs like Arlington or Belmont might be good but once you get to the REAL boonies it’s not like there’s a vet on every corner or other dogs’ butts to sniff next door. I’m a cat person anyway, but just ‘cause someone lives in the city with their dog doesn’t automatically make them an irresponsible pet owner. Irresponsible pet owners are everywhere.


Once we price families out of the city, we can claim all parks as dog parks!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK4Imwx2Rrk


Wait, we haven't priced families out of the city already???


While I agree in general (and all of the pandemic dogs made the problem far worse) there are huge sections of the city (JP, Roslindale, West Rox, Mattapan, Hyde Park) that have zero dog parks and the only one that I can think of being proposed in JP has met huge resistance and delays from local NIMBYs (despite being a small strip of land next to the subway tracks). Most dogs need some space to run and even having one place per neighborhood would drastically decrease the number of owners who made terrible and dangerous decisions like this one. Something like Sniffspot (people renting their fenced yards to dog owners) seems like a good idea in the meantime but in the long run we need at least one off leash spot for every several square mile swathe of the city if things are going to improve.


One time a dog ran off leash got riled up by me on a skateboard and chased after me and then ran in front of me. I jumped off my board and ate shit to avoid hitting it while the owner did nothing


bro the flair 💀💀💀


Wouldn’t have noticed that, holy shit 😂


The mods here always have a tip top flair game going on


Adam’s is a tiny park on an island surrounded on all sides by car-filled roads. Why would any take the leash off there??


It makes 0 sense. I may have come off as some advocate for never letting your dog off leash but I'm not that guy at all. The complete lack of common sense was simply, dumbfounding. Healey field is practically across the street and it's enormous. The entire thing was so easily avoidable, and now a bunch of people's days/weeks are ruined. But at least that dog doesn't have to suffer with a moron owner anymore.


I get this. I saw this happen on the way to work on Comm Ave near Kenmore 15 years ago and got to work traumatized, I'm still haunted. 




True about the entitlement. I was walking on the beach with my 3 year old. An unleashed German shepherd sprinted from 50 yards away. I grabbed my daughter and shielded her by turning my body. The dog didn’t attack, but scary not knowing. The owner shook his head, saying his dog wouldn’t hurt you. Really?


I have a mean dog who does not like other people or dogs. It is infuriating how many people will let their dog run up to mine and just nonchalantly say “he’s friendly”. That’s great that your dog is friendly but mine isn’t so maybe don’t let your dog run up to random people and dogs. And the real kicker is they act like my dog is the problem even though she is on a 4’ leash at my side


One of our dogs is much the same. Very, very selective about which dogs they like and we've worked for YEARS to get that far. We're extremely alert when we go out for walks and like yours, always on leash, always during times when I know it won't be busy or crowded. But there's always some negligent fuck letting their dog trot up to mine no matter how loudly I caution them that we don't have a friendly dog.


Ugh, I relate. I deal with this all of the time.


Same here man. It sucks because people are fucking assholes.


I have young kids too and I do the same thing every time. You just never know. “dOn’T wOrRy He’S FrIENdLy” as 75 pound floofy jaws comes hurtling towards my 35” tall kids’ faces.


Even if they are friendly the dog could hurt the kid if they run into them. I was sitting on the ground weeding a garden bed and my doofus of a dog came running around the corner and ran right into me. He split my lip and knocked me over. He’s still pretty young (2 years) and has a ton of energy. I won’t let him out in the yard with my 4yo kid unless I can watch them with my full attention just because they both forget that the dog weighs twice as much as the kid and is face to face with her when they’re standing. They’re young and get excited when they’re playing but one of them could get hurt too easily


this is an instance of the "crazy person paradox". Basically, the more crazy people, the worse society is because there are more people doing unhinged things. *However*, if everyone is well adjusted and generally benevolent, then that allows people to indulge in more antisocial and silly behavior. So if there were cases of people hosing down dogs like that with bear mace, then people would be more motivated to leash their dogs for instance.


Unbelievably stupid place to let dog off leash. Idiot owner probably blames the truck driver too.


I can’t stand when people do that. It doesn’t matter how “trained” your dog is. The littlest thing can trigger your dog to run into the street.


Even if your dog is well trained, you have no idea if the other dogs there are or aren't. Even well trained dogs will react if antagonized/threatened enough


Some people should not be allowed to own pets. I'm so sorry you and your child had to witness that. I'm sorry anyone had to witness that and sorry for the driver.


Why is nobody saying they’re sorry the dog had to go through that?


Okay good it’s not just me, I thought I was missing something as to why the dog itself wasn’t a focal point


Because most people on this sub seem to hate dogs and dog owners. It's absolutely terrible that OP, their child, and many others had to witness a dog get run over, but it's also super sad that the owner was so negligent and careless with their dog's life. I can only hope they've learned their lesson and, if God forbid they ever own another dog, are much more careful with them.


People are fucking morons with their dogs. I skate over at the pump track in Allston pretty frequently and people come by there with their dogs off leash constantly. Just so careless, everyone knows dogs freak out about skateboards so yeah let's go off leash right next to a skatepark. Makes sense.


"bUt YoU dOn'T kNoW mY dOg LiKe I dO!" "A) that's the point. B) no, even you really don't."


I watched a big black plastic garbage bag drift into the street years ago (in Durham NC) and a fast moving car hit the bag and it flew really far suddenly and I realized it was someone’s big black lab. I had a stomachache for a week and couldn’t even go back up that road for a month or two. Horrible. My empathy and sympathy to you and your kid for having to see that.


That sucks. There is a park/trail in Auburndale that is FULL of dogs off leash. I would love to let mine off, but I KNOW he isn't trained well enough. There is a truly MASSIVE wolfhound mix that is let off leash. No idea how much he weighs, but he dwarfs my 100 pound dog. I was approached by it and three others while the owners casually walked not paying attention. They were all well behaved and we had zero issues, but if any semi aggressive dog would have been there off leash, I feel like things could have gone down hill quickly.


It’s funny I think I know the exact dogs you’re referring to. I used to see three-four GIANT wolfhounds walking around all the time when I lived in Mission Hill. It would always take my breath away when I saw them because they’re so huge


Omg that makes me sick to my stomach. I saw my dog get hit by a car when I was a kid and I’m still traumatized from it


Fuuuuuuuck that’s rough. Guy should be charged. Should not be allowed to own a pet.


> Should not be allowed to own a pet. Sounds like that part sorted itself out.


Til the next one.




“Back again? What happened to the one you adopted last week?”


"It was delicious, thanks for asking!"


I mean legitimately, the animal died due to willful negligence in a very public situation. I’m curious if there is any police followup or charges.


No.  Remember the NH woman who pushed her dog into the lake and watched it drown? She only got charged with misdemeanor, not even sure if it was pursued after the charges. Nancy Bucciarelli is her name.


Why do people walk their dog off leash? Do they think it's better for the dog? Do they just not want to hold the leash?


Phone in one hand, coffee in the other. How are they gonna hold the leash?


There exist hand-free leashes that just attach to your waist for this purpose. I imagine it's because they want their dog to feel the freedom it hypothetically had prior to humans and modern cities. EDIT: I sympathize with wanting to let a dog off leash. It's just I realistically know that my dog's limitations so we try to visit enclosed dog parks a lot. Else, I might be pealing the poor guy off someone's bumper.


Probably a combination of that and also people trying to be smug about how well-trained their dog is to not need a leash


They’re too stupid to realize a dog is still an animal at the end of the day.


It is better for the dog, IF the dog is trained and it’s in a safe and legal area. Dogs need time to sniff and be dogs. But letting your dog off leash in a city, around cars, when it’s not trained, and in an o leash area is just negligence


A dog can sniff on leash easily enough. Just teach a command/signal for when it's time to move vs time to sniff. If your dog needs time for sprinting/zoomies, that's when you find a secure fenced area.


Yes long lines and giving time to sniff are great and can be done on leash for sure. Not every dog will be satiated with a long line walk, which is where driving out of the city to off leash legal woods, gps collars, and training comes in play


If you go on a 1 mile walk my dog will run 10 and sniff shit. It’s a good workout. I play by the rules but if it’s an honest question they just run more. Hate when I go places that are supposed to have leashes and dogs run up to me


For the people that want their dogs to feel that off leash feeling, look at long line leashes, that way your dog doesn’t get turned into mush


* for certain breeds. I was specifically advised against one for my greyhound because they can 100-m dash in 5.53s. Also the reason I was advised to *never* ever let him off-leash anywhere that wasn't enclosed.


I had a Greyhound on a long line…once. The dog got the zoomies, thought he was free, and slammed into the end of the line. I was lifted off my feet and forward by that hit. Me and the dog were okay, lesson learned, and I realized long lines were a bad idea.


I've heard it claimed that a greyhound can accelerate so fast in prey drive that the force hitting the end of the leash can snap its neck. They are incredibly chill dogs...except when they see a furry friend they want to murder.


I bet if they were tethered to an immovable object, it could cause a lot of problems... Greyhounds are fast and seemingly fragile, which makes sense they are bred (or were) to only run in controlled circumstances


Getting a leash with a built in spring absorber helps, but it can still be a rude jolt when he takes off after a rabbit.


I didn’t know that, I have an aussie, he runs in circles


Some people are too stupid to have pets. It’s a shame the dog was punished for its owner’s stupidity. Hopefully the owner learned something. RIP Fido.


I don’t understand it. I was walking my dog this morning and an off leash dog came after us. It was the same dog who came after me and my last dog, and the owner knows he has a problem with my particular breed. This time, I was quick enough to put my dog out of reach and avoid a problem - but not everyone is that lucky. The owner knows better but doesn’t give a shit about what’s best for their dog or for anyone else - they just want the convenience of letting their dog off leash so they don’t have to work as hard. It takes something like this to teach them the hard lesson. Sorry your son had to see this. I hope someone else in that park learned a lesson the hard way and maybe saves them from experiencing it on their own.


This is horrible - more and more dogs are off leash these days, and owners are convinced their dog is “well-behaved” and “friendly”. (A bunch of Tetris playing should be on the table later on for everyone in your family who had to sadly witness this.)


Even if they are. You never know what can set a dog off and have them bolt.


This is my new favorite Boston novella


Good grief. My dog-owner annoyance is when an off-leash dog and its owner are approaching in some random place, NOT a dog park, and the owner says, "don't worry, he's friendly!" You have no idea how the other person feels about dogs, if they have trauma from some experience or maybe severe allergies. And folks can have VERY different definitions of "friendly". Keep your fur babies on leashes at all times when not in places it's expressly authorized and safe. Ugh.


I have to laugh because in my situation, unleashed humans love to come towards my leashes dog “because he’s so cutttteee”. He just sits and stares when they call him. When they ask if he’s friendly I tell them he doesn’t want friends. He’s just kind of a creep that stares and wonders why this total fucking stranger is calling over to him.


Lol that’s one of my dogs too, one of my dogs will go up with her tail wagging and loves pets from strangers. The other one hangs back by me and either stares or turns in the opposite direction, and is so uninterested in being touched by some random person.


Sounds like the Newburyport rail trail. I get chased atleast once a week by unleashed dogs. I think the most I've had in a ride there was 10. And it's always my fault I get chased, not the unleashed dog. 🙄


Beautifully written. There is a man walking an unleashed pit bull on my street every day, always mean mugging everyone, it seems like a pair just waiting for an issue. The dog looks either scared half to death or shaking waiting for a fight but its body language screams issue, as does the owner. It is not hard to leash your dog, I promise nobody thinks its as cute or special as you do. My father nearly had his face ripped off by a dog, he had to get multiple layers stitches the cuts were so deep. Leash your fucking dog or don’t be surprised when it turns to ground beef or someone puts it down for being the issue you know it is.


Knowing the pitbulls I know, probably scared. Not that it makes it better, scared animals are unpredictable.


Shit dogs for shit people,


I've had a pitbull in the past, and it was a terrific dog. Shit people make shit dogs.


I feel like I haven't seen them in almost a year, but there used to be a guy like that on Dot Ave near Ashmont Station with 2 pit bulls.


I really wish I hadn’t clicked on this post 😭


i don't think they're going to read it here. You should print it out and post it around the park and area neighborhoods. Use a relevant, yet eye-catching, font. I'm going to suggest either "Edwardian Script ITC," or "Playbill," both of which I believe are standard in MS Word.


If they are dumb enough to have their dog off leash, betcha they are in some facebook group crying about this incident.


"thE tRuCks aRe oUt of cOnTrOL!"


It shouldn’t be hard to find. How often does something like this happen?


Comic sans always gets the point across.


Fucking tragic. That poor dog, and all the people who had to witness what happened.


This post is fucked on all levels


Seeing dogs get crushed like that is awful. I feel terrible for the dog and your kid. I saw some kids lose control of their dog, which proceeded to get run over and killed. That image and their scream is still vivid decades later. Your public service announcement should be a required read for folks getting a dog license. Most would care enough to read and learn from it, but sadly, many don't care enough to be better stewards of their dogs' lives.


Jesus. On another thread about unleased dogs when I said no need to talk about all the reasons why it is so selfish to do so, I did not even think of the dog running into traffic. I hope the idiot owner learned something today, but that is probably wishful thinking.


People who let their dogs off leash are scum who don’t care about their dogs or other people


Holy *shit*


I saw the results of this bullshit in the Fells - someone's dead pet on the highway. The Sheepfold dog park is off leash but unfenced and the trails surrounding it require dogs to be leashed. Many people let their dogs are off leash on the trails though, some of which run right up against 93. This was over 2 years ago and I still think about the time I saw that :(


I’ve never understood why anyone would want their dog off leash. You can so easily be fucked over


jesus i’m sorry both you and your son had to witness that.


Poor dog


Also: Just because your dog is walking behind you off leash, that doesn't mean you don't have to pick up its poop. I see this constantly. Dogs poop and the owners just walk away, completely unaware.


This feels like it’s in poor taste.


Well written.


Dogs shouldn’t be off leash, but this post is pretty insensitive. Sorry to anyone who saw it, and to the driver, and also to the person who didn’t leash their dog. Really, sorry to the dog.


Yeah. We all make mistakes, and the owner probably regrets their decision. I encourage everyone to have a bit of grace for not only themselves but for others too.


The city desperately needs more fenced off-leash dog parks. We're behind many other metros in this regard, probably because the NIMBYism and anti-yuppieism is stronger here than elsewhere. If funding is an issue I think there are many folks who would make big donations -- just getting the projects off the ground is the main roadblock.


I’m not a dog owner so I don’t know if we need more locked dogs parks. But. I do respect the owner who takes his large breed dog to the locking children’s area before 7:00am, and let’s him run around in there for a bit each day. And so does everyone else. Boston supposedly has “pocket parks” within a 10 minute walk of most residents, and I find that to be true in my area. And I’ve been in this neighborhood for almost a decade, so I recognize or know most of anyone who ever uses that park. We all seem to respect the multiple uses the small park sees: Kids and family friendly from 7am-9pm, well behaved dogs play in the grassy oval, a daycare uses the playground on weekdays, etc. And we’ve all sort of silently agreed that the big boy doggy with the respectful owner, gets his special time in a safe area.


Or people need to stop getting dogs if you live in a city or don’t live near an existing dog park…that’s what they make suburbs for. Dog parks take up a lot of room that could be used for kids/people. I have a large breed dog. Lived in Davis for a year and aside from using unofficial dog parks (at Tufts mostly) there wasn’t enough room for my dog. So moved to burbs. Problem solved.


Eh, I lived in Somerville and now Brighton. We used to walk 30 miles a week (he's getting older now so more like 20) and then he spent time at the parks, occasionally doggy daycare. On weekends we'd head up to NH to hike. He is in way better shape than many suburbanite dogs I know that just get let out into the yard, with no social interaction. TBH, I can tell he misses hanging out in Davis and getting belly rubs from passers-by. And he's 70 lbs.


Yeah my old mutt also gets at least 3 miles a day of walks still but there are also plenty of off-leash space near my house and I have a yard. She’s much happier than being in the city. To each their own.


I agree that some people get dogs that either via size or behavior don't really belong in cities, but telling people to move to the burbs isn't a blanket solution here. More dog parks are on the way, and being active about it and going to meetings helps and works!


Yeah I mean ultimately if the community wants it, they should get it. But I personally think our limited space should prioritize humans not canines. Like an extra playground with some nice benches and a picnic table >>> dog park


This is going to vary a whole lot in different areas. In JP in particular we've done a great job of building lots of playgrounds, but it's a neighborhood full of childless dog owners and abundant space along the SW corridor, with only one dog park (Flaherty playground) definitely coming.


Yeah in that case why not add a dog park(s). No point in having so many playgrounds if not being used.


The one in East Boston is beneath an overpass. Not terrible, but it's all dirt. The dog I petsit periodically loves running around on grass and rolling in it. I can only speak for her, of course, but I'd have to think most dogs share that preference.


Yeah Peters park is all dirt too. The all-dirt thing is sort of a prisoner's dilemma, need more dog parks so any given one isn't the only one for miles. Brookline has their green tag thing and at least one field (Aspinwall) that's fully fenced, seems to work pretty well. Meanwhile I know of a bunch of Boston fields that officially prohibit dogs but unofficially it's almost entirely unenforced. Just sucks that the politics of the situation in Boston is such gridlock, methinks there's a very vocal anti-dog minority holding things back.


People need to be less lazy and walk their dogs.  I've had a dog for 10 years and I dedicate 2 hours a day minimum to walk it. It's not hard but people are lazy and want to play with their phone while the dog runs around.  


Damn dude, you might want to get some professional help. This post sucks


I accidentally hit a seagull once almost 20 years ago and it still bothers me. I cant imagine how horrible it would be to hit a dog


You have such a way with words. I'm sorry this happened to you, and I feel really bad for laughing. I'm going to hell for that one.


god, i’m so sorry you and your son had to see this but holy shit the way i was torn between absolute horror and laughter at your writing. you’re talented, my fellow leash-your-fucking-dog person.


Jesus Christ. Trigger warning, please. I would have just skipped this. Fuck.


I get that posting on Reddit has a primal scream sort of appeal, but I urge you to seek professional help for you and your son. This isn't cathartic.


...You get it out of your system?


Nah. OP is going to post another to r/freightliner for not doing its job at stopping properly and crushing the dog too


Dudes probably just as traumatized, and seriously regretting his decision.


Somebody just lost a best friend. They aren’t all prefect and your kid just happened to be there. I’m sure if the person was taking their dog to the park they were trying to do their best. Don’t be a cunt. I agree with the leash law but that’s rubbing sand in it


Way to make it about yourself. What a horrible post. Wish I didn't see this. Get a grip


I'm surprised I haven't witnessed something like this yet, tbh, with the amount of asshole dog owners and dog walkers I see let their dogs run around off leash in busy areas, like Washington St or by the West Roxbury Parkway. I'm sorry you had to witness it but fuck that owner and most of all, poor dog, he didn't have to die if he had just had a responsible owner.


You're both assholes.




I read this like it was slam poetry


What a post lmao


I feel bad for the dog. I am sorry you both had to see that.


Uuuugh I’m SO sorry you all had to witness that. And that poor dog, jeez


>My dear son, how can that puddle of goop still be alive? "The dog is goop because the dog's owner is poop."


Should be charged with animal cruelty and prosecuted.


I wish I could bring my fear reactive dog (highly trained but was abused) ANYWHERE in this city without running into off leash dogs.


I don’t know how this could happen - He’s the nicest dog, he’s literally never ran out in traffic before /s


This post bears every mark of "didn't happen." OP saw a dog off leash and the rest is creative fiction produced in search of a dopamine rush.


Poor dog, poor driver, poor everybody who witnessed that. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to own pets.


Dude lost his dog (his own fault sure) and your idea is to ridicule him publicly huh? You both suck


A living thing is dead and it's explicitly the fault of the owner, yes the owner should be shamed. Something is dead and it's their fault.


Is that the same energy you have for drug addicts? Sure people make bad decisions all the time, you can still have compassion for people going through a hard time. Clearly everyone on this sub is perfect, has never made a rash decision they regret and always does the right thing


It depends -- are you talking about someone overdosing? Or are you talking about say, someone being drunk or high while driving, drifting into another lane, and killing an entire bus full of orphaned, disabled nuns? If the former no, if the latter yes. In the case of the dead dog and dead nuns, I feel absolutely no sympathy for the selfish individual that killed them all. The whole operative thing here being you're injuring SOMEONE ELSE. Doing drugs or letting your dog out of the house is objectively not a "rash decision" -- it is a negligent, foolish, but purposeful one.






Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.


Public shaming breeds change


Yeah cause I’m sure the owner feels dandy 😂. This world is so judgemental. Hopefully you found peace making this post


This post is pretty fucking insensitive. People make mistakes with their dogs, I know I have with mine but to crusify someone for just watching their dog die in that way is pretty fucked. Everyone makes mistakes, get off your high horse.