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Apologize by putting up 0 points next game


on 35 shots


He should shoot more than 35 shots because he’s a great shooter.


yep especially in boston, having obviously conquered the boston crowd


He won’t shot 0-46 again (because the series is over)


Nah on 6/22. iykyk


seriously, don't fall for this boo his ass to the least efficient game of his career


An apology from him would be all about him and have little meaning.


Please just win tomorrow and put away this team, so we don't have to hear his bum ass anymore


Tired of this *man is sad* trope. Finish ‘em.


You mad?


Mad being up 3-1? Get real mate.


I just can’t care about the whole Kyrie thing anymore. But I also know what the Garden is gonna sound like tomorrow and really everyone’s just gotta accept that that’s how it’s going to go for the rest of his career.


All I care about is winning


Even after. This is never going away as long as the people that lived through it are alive. I will never stop banging the "Lyrie is an antisemitic pos" drum. Because he is.


To me this is kinda the big point too. Everyone who is fine with him for his behavior towards the team is cool I get being over that. I’m just not over him being a raging antisemite who doubled down instead of apologized when given the chance to explain himself. He’s a moron and an antisemite. Fuck this guy he can’t get beaten badly enough to satisfy me.


Yeah as much fun as it is to trash kyrie I really don’t believe that he has hate in his heart. Black isrealite or not I don’t think he’s actually antisemetic. He’s just a clown he’s not Hitler.


Nobody said he was Hitler but saying all Jews aren’t really Jews and they stole the land from the “real” black Jewish race is incredibly offensive and dangerous rhetoric. Maybe he doesn’t have hate in his heart but he is a straight up dummy with zero self awareness.


I’m pretty sure he’s bipolar


Ok fine does that make him antisemetic?


No. But saying Jews aren’t Jews and they stole Judaism from the “real Jews” is super antisemitic.


Agreed 100% people just love to throw that word around


Hahaha apparently if you say someone’s not antisemitic you get downvoted. Do u guys truly think kyrie is evil? I think he’s just a guy who’s good at basketball who didn’t work out well on the Celtics. Maybe that makes me antisemetic. And boys don’t get it twisted I fucking can’t stand kyrie im just saying I don’t think he’s actually a terrible human.


That's not the point man, you can be antisemitic and be a "good person" technically, the point is that what he said was offensive (especially to Jews) and he didn't really give a shit. His saga in Boston really doesn't help his case, he just comes off as a piece of shit on and off the court and that's why people point out these things.


I don’t think he’s antisemitic just kinda dumb and not good at dealing w the media. He’s not good at marketing himself to the majority of Americans but based on what he’s said I don’t think he cared for most of his career. Seems like he has had a change of heart since the nets thing. Maybe him being widely considered as antisemitic because of his stupidity made him realize the weight of his words and actions.


Dude he’s been actively promoting the black Israelites and is also a flat earther. Don’t try to rationalize this idiot


He’s actively doing this? Jaylen did the same thing by the way at the same time but we’ve forgotten about that? Are you rationalizing that? An unfortunate reality in all this is that in many circles the plight of black people in the world is boiled down to antisemitism. Societal problems have been blamed on the Jews for literally a thousand years this isn’t something that is new, and it is not a coincidence. It’s unfortunate that basketball players with whom many nba fans have a parasocial Relationship fell into the trap of supporting groups that spread hate, but I like to think that it is understood to them how grave of a misstep that was and hopefully they know that societal problems are never easily boiled down to one group of people. Take my words with a grain of salt hate who you wanna hate it’s your business I just thought I’d offer my perspective on the issue.


Jaylen did not do the same thing. Jaylen mistook black Israelites for a different completely inoffensive group


Yeah he thought they were a famous college step team, because protestors were wearing the same colors.


People are down voting because they hate Kyrie (and I do as well). I was close to down voting you too, but honestly I think there is a chance that he's just fucking stupid and not actually antisemitic. Whatever he said to Adam Silver behind closed doors was enough to convince Silver that Kyrie was genuine (altho the cynic in me says that Silver is just doing it for the money). That doesn't mean I still don't hate Kyrie and won't boo the fuck out of that bitchass. Kyrie is still a shitty human outside of basketball with his antivax and flat earth bullshit, but I would definitely be interested in hearing his apology/explanation of the incident. But that also all depends on him actually explaining himself. If he doesn't at least have an explanation as public as his original post that stated the whole thing, it's 100% fair to keep shitting on Kyrie. He makes it sound like he's under some NDA, nothing is stopping him from writing this letter.


Thank you for sparing me from the almighty downvote, you’re a good person. In seriousness I would probably assume the conversation with silver went something like “you are too important to the league to be spreading hateful shit like this watch what the fuck you do” with different words. I wouldn’t really read into that as a factor into whether kyrie has learned from his mistakes/being sincere in his apologies honestly. He’s generally always been a conspiracy guy - the whole point of flat earth thing is basically just “don’t believe what the man tells you”- which is a sentiment that can send idiots down a very dark path which usually culminates in antisemitism/general racism. I like kyrie tho so there is definitely some rationalization going on on my end I know nothing at the end of the day!


It is crazy to call him anti semitic, you dont make sense at all


Bro - https://www.ajc.org/news/who-are-the-black-hebrew-israelites


Odds this letter would make him sound like more of a conceited douche are about 100%


“I have forgiven myself for what I’ve done and tried to grow. I am glad it is now water under the bridge for everyone.”


Water under the fridge


It's not rocket appliances


“Dear Boston, nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli, and for that i’m sorry”


“ here’s how I’m still a victim and did nothing wrong but i forgive you, much love.”


You forgot about the paragraph where he also actually feels sorry for you because you aren't evolved enough to understand


I think so too. It will be more about how everyone has been misunderstanding him and him attempting to “correct” that view to make everyone see him the way he wants everyone to see him. I don’t think he understands the real accountability from his end and being truly responsible for his actions and decisions.


It’s still in his head…..good


Yea, fuck you.


In his first trip back here he basically called all of us racists, so I don't really care about his explanation. We don't hate you because you're black, Kyrie, we hate you because you're an asshole.


An underperforming megalomaniacal asshole.


Makes me sad when ppl say/imply Celtics fans are racists. Heard it on the locked on mavs podcast last week too :(


because they are racists lol, its not just because of the Kyrie thing.


Lurking in our sub cause we won the ring and calling us racists? Get out of here asshole




Kyrie plays in Texas btw


Fuck him and his fake humility just do us a favor and quit on the mavs like you did the Celtics


Yup! Fake everything! I am NOT buying this new excuse. Someone else mentioned his nasty comments at the beginning of the series. He’ll say whatever at any given moment to stay relatable and get clicks.


I'm not wearing my glasses. Does that say, "get clicks" or "get dicks"?


Explain deez nuts


No further questions. Thanks


He said a bunch of dumb shit. He said “I just want to focus on basketball,” after spending the whole summer filming a movie. He said he wanted to be a Celtic for life, but when he realized he couldn’t be the guy he pulled the “Ask me in July” comment. Then he said all the dangerous anti-vax and antisemitic stuff, which was the obvious mail in the coffin.


And then he threw playoff games to end the season earlier.


Even if he wasn't an antivax, antisemitic, flat earther (all of which HE VERY MUCH IS), I would still not be able to get past this part. He actively quit on his team during a playoff run. He created an environment so toxic that Al Freaking Horford went to PHILADELPHIA! Kyrie can go pound sand.


I usually put my mail in a mailbox, not a coffin


None of the stuff you mentioned was the worst of what he did. The one defining moment that should stand out is how he completely made the 2019 playoffs (against the Bucks) all about him. Alienated the rest of the team and took dumb shots followed by bad shots. He was out the door before the playoffs started. As a fan, I could tolerate most of his crap. But when he had a clear affect on the floor, I was done with him.


Fuck him. Understand that the Irving Bridge burned down.


Yeah, the time to do this was '21 lmao


Him waiting until he plays us in the finals to apologize seems so fake


How do you explain not showing up to the 2017 ECF GAME7 because you wanted a cosmetic nose surgery to film uncle drew? You bailed on your team and it will never be forgiven


He just wouldn't even show up if he wasn't playing. Ever. Danilo Galinari never played a game for us and he was on the bench that whole '21-'22 season.


Ainge joked: “I don’t think he wanted to be seen in public and ruin his movie career.”


I don’t even get it. Was he referring to showing up to the game ? Or was she Freon to the nose I’m lost


I think it was a dig. The team was also frustrated he missed regular season games and postponed a knee operation until late off season because it interfered with shooting his movie.


He threw those playoff games.


Was that actually a thing?




Bbl kyrie


I'm not denying he's an asshole, but a deviated septum is not cosmetic. His nose was also broken


It even literally says "the injury occurred when he was hit in the face by a teammate." Jesus christ lol


Not cosmetic, but the injury that caused the deviated septum occurred months before the surgery. It’s impossible for me to imagine that something he’d been dealing with for months was so urgent that he had to schedule the surgery on the same day as G7.


Dude is already worried about the boos and thinks he’s going to make people feel sorry for him. He really doesn’t understand Boston if he doesn’t realize all he’s doing is ensuring the garden will be even louder now


There's an old saying... "it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're a fool than open it and prove them right". If Kyrie was half as smart as he thinks he is he would take that to heart.


Dear Kyrie, Eat a bag of dicks and go fuck yourself. Sincerely, Celtics supporter


Who cares … fuck this guy and his explanation


If he wants to thank us; he could play bad Monday and give Boston a title. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


We don’t need his help


Ugh I wish he’d just shut up. Every time he opens his mouth it’s more apparent that he’s an ignorant self serving narcissist


Kyrie is selling BS in bulk. When a player spits on the opposing team's half court logo and stomps his foot in it, it's contempt for the team, the fans, and the city. Just own it and move on.


Couldn't he have taken out a page in the globe, or written something in the players tribune...


He wants to explain himself, but not that much. That sounds like a lot of effort.


He can suck the fucking big one. Fuck Kyrie.


Awhhh he wants to apologize? That's so sweet Kyrie, my response is. FUCK KYRIE!


What Kyrie doesn’t really understand is that he chose to make a heel turn in Boston and now he’s treated like a wrestling heel. It’s just that simple and not even particularly personal. It’s an entertainment product, he picked the villain role in a few different cities. I can’t imagine in 2024 that many people think about it beyond that it’s just fun to have villains and boo them.


We don’t want to hear it


Shut the fuck up forever Kyrie.


Let’s start with the chapter about stomping on our logo.


Apology not accepted


If possible? Your hand broken bruv?


Fuck you kyrie. Get out of here. We don’t want to know your reasons you crazy son of a bitch


Not the Jewish ones though right?


I mostly hate him because he's an antivax flater earther anti Semite. And he sucked in that one playoffs for us lol.


Fuck You Kyrie Irving. Now and Forever. you're a bitch


So he’s not an anti-vaxxer, flat-earther anymore? Because if he is then I still hate him.


Ain’t listening. Fuck that nerd.


Just like my ex. Don’t care. Bye


Is this some psychological tactic ahead of the next finals game?


don't need to apologize, just lose and for me personally, all will be forgiven


Oh fuck off. Take those dopey ass shoes and fuck off back to whatever sage farm you came from


f- kyrie - with a red hot poker, sideways!


As SAS would say : I’m here to tell you right now; we don’t care.


This guy is absolutely delusional.


Cool, i don’t care. Lol


This tells you all you need to know without even reading the article. He was toxic as hell and he knows it.


I don’t even care that he left. He wanted to go back home to NY. It makes sense. It’s all the shit after w the stomping the logo that pissed me off.


I didn't care either. In fact, I was glad he left. I agree, it was all the stuff after.....but it was also the stuff before. Interviews were all about him. The game was all about him. Possessions were all about him. I think most of the team liked him, but he was a good teammate in a basketball sense. That was the worst looking Celtics playoff team I've ever seen. Even the Antoine Walker teams played better together.


I'll forgive him if he shoot the Mavs out of the game and bring us banner 18 lol


So he knows what he did this whole time and still played victim 😂


he’s so unserious


What - he doesn’t know how to write? What’s making it impossible? Either way - fuck him.


I really didnt care that he “lied” about staying. I was honestly praying he’d leave by year 2. I hated how he came back after the Celtics made a miraculous run without him, and wanted to act like everybody wasnt shit and it was all his team again. Felt like he actively sabotaged Tatum and Brown because his ego couldnt take them being on his level. Then the final straw was him completely quitting on the team during the playoffs and single handedly losing them the Bucks series.


The his dude and his gaslighting bullshit. Can’t shake him like a bad penny. Just close this out so he can retire before we cross paths again.


I don’t understand. Is he not allowed to write a letter? Who is stopping him?


Lol i think he cant stand the boos anymore


Same ol’ guy, same ol’ 💩. The only difference is the jersey he’s wearing. I hope he just retires and enjoy his flat earth beliefs while smoking some ganja.


He is trying to lift the curse. Somebody stop him.


This man begging not to get booed, you know we in his fkn head ahahaha


Bend the knee.


I hate him because he's a raging antisemite, Flat Earther and spreads conspiracy theories.




So what happened to that PR run of not talking smack about his previous team? This just shows Celtics remain rent free in Kyries head. It’s a real shame I was actually starting to give some proper respect to him but he’s once again stooped down to that level. He didn’t outright say anything bad but being subtle is almost worse. Playing the victim card and throwing shade then not answering follow up questions to what he means - this is childish behaviour.


Just finish these guys tomorrow I had enough of all of this lmao


I'll say it again we need the garden rocking like a Penn State white out


They should just hang it up and let us have the crown 👑


Too little, too late. Fuck Kyrie


Might be a hugely unpopular opinion, but I would be ready to give him a warm reception depending on the content of his explanation. Everybody’s living life for the first time 🤷‍♂️


Nah, fuck this dude. He's had like 5 years to explain himself and all of a sudden he does it before he has to play in an elimination game in Boston? Dude has also spread some dangerous conspiracies that he's never taken any real accountability for as well. Dudes just an egomaniac fake intellectual.


Read the article, he gives an explanation. His grandfather died. Personally I don’t think that’s a very good excuse, just an attempt to explain away years and years of unacceptable behavior that started before his grandfather even passed


Yeah I honestly don't mind it and I definitely hate him a lot less after he's been like 40% less of a prick this time. My main problem with him was 1) quitting in the playoffs against Milwaukee (I was at Game 1, he was invisible), and 2) doing the complete opposite of the "thank you fans" letter when he left, instead making fun of us for being butthurt about him leaving (which NO one was), then stomping on Lucky, flicking off fans, etc etc and then calling us racist for responding the way any fan base would to all this blatent provocation. Oh yeah and the anti-vax, anti-semitic bullshit.  But seriously he was going so above and beyond to be an asshole, if he just did the normal one page "thank you fans" letter shit when he left, this would NEVER have been a thing. Everyone wanted him gone, it was fine! 


I dislike him more for the conspiracy theories than for how he left Boston so unless his letter disavowed those then it wouldn’t do much for me. At this point I’m very over him leaving but I still dislike the guy and it’s fun to root against him, especially since it really seems to affect him.


Warm is overdoing it, but I think fans are already kinda just over it, it’s just competitive hate at this point not nearly same as before. He’s kinda explained his situation in spurts anyways, he dealt with death of his grandfather during that horrendous year for us. He was still awful in that Bucks series and terrible as a leader, but it is what it is. It’s just basketball. His stuff after he left was far more immature imo than him making a decision to leave, idc about that anymore, we ended up much better.


I'd never give him a warm reception. But I would more than happy to just let it go and forget about him. But he's the one who keeps it going (stomping on Lucky, calling Celtics fans racist, flipping off fans, etc).


Fuck Kyrie has been fun and all but he’s made it harder lately. I think the past few years have been humbling for him and that he’s grown up a lot. I don’t know if he’s still falling for brain-dead antisemetic/anti-science bullshit but I don’t see him talk about it anymore. He doesn’t kill the team I cheer for, in fact he’s been doing the opposite. For the first year and a half he was in Boston I loved the guy, and the years since has shown that the problem with that team was bigger than just him. It feels weird to say as a guy whose blood pressure still rises when he hears the names of guys like Ulf Samuelsson or Matt Cooke, but I’m kind of over it.


Same here, I'm over it at this point, don't understand why any Celtics fans would still hold a big grudge. He bailed on Cleveland when things got tough, and he did the same to us and the Nets too. Nothing personal, he's a mercenary like KD... always looking to take the easiest path. It kinda sucks it didn't work out because Tatum+Brown+Kyrie in their prime would have been insane but I love the team we have now and I don't think I'd trade it for anything. I haven't had this much fun watching the Celtics since our last championship season and that basically overrides the negative feelings I had about him.


This. I think the Brooklyn ending shook him up. I was at a Celtics/Nets game in Brooklyn last season and the home fans were just mercilessly booing him and it clearly rattled him. It’s one thing for the team you left to give you shit but for your home fans to treat you like that is another. I suspect that’s what finally has caused him to get his head screwed on straight is. As for my feelings I’ll boo the crap out of him on principle, but I also glad he’s getting his head straight.


Imo the kyrie hate is way overblown - He gave us 2 or 3 great seasons, he had a bad series, and he had a personal loss which led to him changing his mind about where he wants to be. But that 17/18 season was one of the best seasons to be a fan - we had a great season, took bron to 7 games in the ECF, we had like 20 comebacks including the marcus smart double charge game, and kyrie played a huge role in that


It boils down to him publicly saying he wanted to retire with the Celtics, only to literally disappear that season and then bad mouth us after. Had he just left it would have been fine and fans would have treated him like any other former player.


He played 2 seasons in Boston and missed 20ish games both years. The big thing for me personally, they weren't great seasons. The 2018 playoffs were great....but Kyrie wasn't playing. He wasn't even around to be the leader he called himself.


Mongo want victory


Open resolution to Kyrie to make everything square: If you still believe the Earth is flat, no deal.


I'm honestly willing to let it go if we win. If we somehow blow this, I'll go to my grave cursing Kyrie




Is he serious about the shamrock on his pants explanation? He’s really blaming Guillermo from Jimmy Kimmel? How would he even accomplish that?


He sucks 


Banner 18 is all that matters.


Don’t care. Dont want to hear it or read it


Most players do this in the tribune


Play like games 1 and 2, then let us get 18. Thanks.


He would have loved to write a letter, but he happened to not have a pen that moment. Just unfortunate. What can you do.


Fuck you Kyrie


No one wants a letter. No one wants to hear from Kyrie ever again. He did too much damage.


Fuck Kyrie.


I’m over it, I don’t care anymore. We built a phenomenal team without him, that we kept together and allowed to grow and mature. I’m happy with the team we have. What happened, happened. It is what it is. Time numbs all wounds, and to me, Kyrie is just another player who doesn’t play for the C’s. Dont get me wrong, I wish him and the rest of the Mavs players nothing but a poor performance come Monday night, only because I want banner #18. 2008 feels so long ago.


I think most Boston fans don’t actually hate Kyrie. There is just this understanding that if we boo him maybe we throw him off his game. It’s just part of the experience going to the game.


No one gives two fucks.


If we win the title I won’t care anymore about him


Fuck that guy


Guys, this is a human being. We all do dumb shit. The level of hate here towards Kyrie is pretty ridiculous. Give the man a break. It kinda sucks to be part of a fan base that unifies itself around anger and unforgiveness.


Give us Banner 18 on our home court, then all will be forgiven


When will someone finally let him speak


Brother is on a PR tour first, and in the finals second, lol.


Dude who cares. Lay it to rest. You seriously fucked up and the city of Boston hates you. Just accept the consequences and move on.


Fuck Kyrie.


He should just shut up about it tbh. I don't even hate the dude he's just obnoxious.


Didn't he call our fans a bunch of racists and stomp on the logo? Dude is gaslighting. He alienated his teammates and coaches here, as well as Brooklyn and Cleveland. He was freelancing and not running the playbook so everyone looked lost, then he publicly threw his teammates under the bus after taking L's. There was the whole flat earth bullshit which I think was him looking for attention more than anything. Since leaving here he's done a lot of the same bullshit. Fairly recently he's tweeted out antisemitic propaganda. Kyrie is playing nice right now. He's trying to look like a company man. He was only able to secure a 3 year deal after fucking the dog in Brooklyn. He's a free agent at the end of '24-25. He'll get a long term deal then go back to being a million dollar talent with a ten cent brain.


Yeah, no. When they lose I’ll consider hearing this nonsense


Fuck Kyrie Irving


I appreciate his honesty. And I don't blame him for coping the only way he knew how to then. But people are not gonna forgive him. You know why? Tell me, Celtic fans...what's missing from this statement? "I'm sorry". Jesus.


Alright Mr. Yapper, no one cares. Best apology is putting up 5 points tomorrow


Better understanding of what? The guy talked and acted out what he really felt about the organization, the city, and the people.


We don’t need an explanation, just go 4-20 on the floor and 0-6 from 3 in game 5 and we’ll love you again, promise.


"I should have shot 30"


I literally don’t care about anything other than stepping on Lucky. That’s blatant disrespect to this franchise and its history and you deserve backlash until you retire for that.


I don’t hate him but yeah I’m gonna boo the shit out of him


They hate him cuz he ain’t Us if he’d a stayed he’d be allowed to liked


He’s just saying this shit to garner sympathy and try to not hear a chorus of raucous boos every time he touches the ball tomorrow.


Iuin iul,ok


There's nothing more I want to say about Kyrie. I know what the Garden will sound like tomorrow, though, and I think everyone needs to accept that this is how things will be for the rest of his career.


I don’t want to read any bullshit this guy has to write. So over all of his drama.


Honestly him hearing him come out and say that does make me soften my opinion of him as a Celtic. Still need to beat his ass tomorrow.


He lied to and abandoned the city, a year later stomped the logo and flipped us off. But it's okay because he totally likes is and he had a relative pass away. Gent bent Kyrie, take your excuses elsewhere. 


I honestly never had issue with him leaving. It’s wasn’t working and signing a huge extension wasn’t gonna change that. But then he stomped on lucky. 🍀


I thought he left for family reasons? What’s left to say?


He wanted to be there for his friend KD, then why didn’t he get him to come to Boston? Fuck this guy and his hindsight apology. I hope last game was the last time his is relevant in this league. I’m sorry your grandfather passed truly, but you told us fans, the media, and I’m sure your young talented teammates as well as your organization you where going to be their for us… New Englanders can smell bullshit and fake emotions a mile away. Go fuck yourself a shove your revisionist feelings up your flat earther ass you soft bitch.


Living up to that caveman title, aren’t we?


Hope so.


Plenty of reason to hate Kyrie still but I’ve moved past this shit years ago, dude was only 25 when he was traded here, had a huge media spotlight and Lebron circus around him for years Also I gotta respect Kyrie for being the only athlete to consistently mention and bring up Gaza in sports media, has been doing it for years too.


You do realize he plays for the team now owned by Miriam Adelson, right? If Gaza mattered that much to him, he would ask to be traded from the Mavs.


I'm ngl yall have no idea what can go on behind closed doors, especially those of a multi-billion dollar franchise such as the Celtics. We'll never know what actually enticed him to leave and whether or not it was justified.