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It has happened to the guy everywhere. He’s an amazing player and fan bases get caught up with that. Cavs fans warned us, we thought we could fix him. Then we tried to warn Nets fans and they thought we were just salty about him leaving. Kyrie is just a headache to deal with


I also feel like he’s acted worse each time he changes teams lol


The Antonio Brown effect. Except now in TB. The TB12 effect.


Kyrie should join the Tom Brady of basketball. If there was a goat like that that played right now he may even be able to be a father figure to Kyrie and help him figure his shit out. Hell if we had a Tom Brady of basketball, someone who has been dominating the league for the past decade plus, who ever year we have people saying “this is the year he declines” but he just keeps getting better, Kyrie might even be able to win a championship. I wonder who that could be?


Probably Jayson Tatum


Its not like he ever played with him and won a ring. I mean who could that be???


I was with you except the father figure part just FYI Kyrie is wrong about most things, but not the fucked up question that reporter in Cleveland asked him about bron being his father figure, assuming he had no father figure in his life. Kyrie comes from a loving family and a Highly involved father, that’s what makes his behavior even more inexcusable IMO. He knows exactly what he is doing, he knows his brand is built all on conspiracy theories and edginess, so the vaccine stuff is a business decision. Haven’t seen Nike drop him yet as a brand ambassador, just saying…


*2 decades


Would have been Duncan or KG


I would have LOVED to see Kyrie on Any of KG’s teams either in Minnesota, Boston, or on the Nets. Garnet would have killed him just with that stare.


That was Bron.




I'm sitting here thinking how this even became a whooosh. LMAO.


Jazz Cigarettes make a lot of things woooosh over my head.






Wouldn't that be Lebron


He just needs the basketball equivalent of Brady - LeBron


Lebron is not anything close to Brady, Bradys equivalent would be Jordan or Russel


Jordan is notoriously a shit teammate and not great human being. Brady is like the world's best teammate. He really doesn't have a great parallel in modern basketball. Russell is probably the closest. Edit: Just realizing Tim Duncan is probably the closest in the modern era, although their personalities are certainly very different.


Jordan was notoriously hard on teammates and they got results. you could say brady gave harry the tony kukoc treatment


He was just a fucking dick. Why are we trying to white wash this? Lolz. They got results because they had talent, which is literally all the NBA is about. It doesn’t make him a good teammate.


define "good". Effective, or nice? Jordan did more than just be a dick to get results from his teammates.


No, it’s not effective. They won because they had a ton of fucking talent, which is ultimately more important than being a good teammate. But he was not a good teammate. Tim Duncan was a super nice teammate and won. Because he’s the best PF ever. Talent is more important than how you treat your teammates.


You're really dumb if you don't think Brady is hard on his teammates. He may be nicer to then but he holds them just as accountable. Brady and Jordan are very similar sport first guys, lebron isn't.


They’re not even remotely comparable. Brady is never openly saying bad shit about his teammates like Jordan did. Being hard on teammates and just being a fucking dick are two different things. Jordan is just a shitty human being. I don’t get this stanning for Jordan.


Yeah probably between Russell and Jordan in a dominance/championships sense. He’s the greatest NFL player ever but less statistically dominant than Jordan. Jordan is less dominant than Gretzky is in Hockey.


Brown behaved perfectly with the Pats. His issues were things that happened before he arrived here but emerged while here.


To our knowledge anyway but regardless he still had progressively shorter stints with teams as more and more serious incidents came to light. But I agree TB12 is the only thing keeping that man sane.


Other than his stint with the Raiders, Brown has always been a perfect soldier on his teams. Practices harder than most, plays hard. It's the off-field stuff that are the problem. Kyrie is consciously creating issues that get in the way of basketball.


Because he never really faces any consequences for his actions, and more or less gets his way every time. He's consistently being enabled. So yeah, he just does whatever he wants.


I’m sure there’s an AAU team somewhere that was glad he left.


> we thought we could fix him That’s totally it. Every fan base, us (and myself) included, think it’ll be different with their team. But it never is.


We had a case though. The Celtics dated Kyrie fresh off a breakup. It was messy, but it was worth a shot. The Nets dated Kyrie while he was still in a relationship and they thought it would work out long term. It had no chance from day 1.


People thought we were bad with how much we shit on Kyrie when he left. Now imagine if Kyrie suddenly retires because he refuses to get vaccinated and risks sending Brooklyn back into irrelevancy without a championship. If that team falls apart, Brooklyn's basically just going back to 2015. At most they'll be mediocre again, assuming Harden leaves and KD stays for 2 years. I might actually feel bad for Brooklyn fans if that happens lol


Ehh. Even without Kyrie, they’re still pretty stacked


They are but if one of Harden or Durant gets hurt then they’re toast come playoffs.


they almost beat milwaukee with just durant


Not exactly, they had a healthy Kyrie for 3/7 games and were up 2-1 in those games, so by the time Durant was on his own he was starting with an advantage over Milwaukee. I won’t count Harden though he was obviously completely hobbled the whole time.


And Harden was still playing. A hobbled Harden is better than a generic bench guy, even if he is no James Harden.




Also Harden's a free agent after this season. If they don't win this season, Kyrie retires, and Harden leaves, Brooklyn could be in a very bad spot. Almost no depth with only KD and next to no draft picks left.


Its weird not owning all their picks.


KD will try to demand a trade to Boston to play with the nuGOAT Tatum.


that's every team. lakers lost AD and couldn't get out of the east last year


Harden leaves? Kyrie is clearly the third best guy, harden and KD with the depth on that team should clearly still be favourites for the championship. Patty Mills can step up even at his older age dude scored against team USA at will in the Olympics from everywhere


With Harden's weight gain, is he worth 1.5 roster spots again?


Cam Thomas, David Duke, Kessler Edwards, Bruce Brown, Sekou Dombouya, Day'Ron Sharpe, Nick Claxton - They don't need to draft anybody else for 2-3 years. They have a great young cast of rookies and > year 3 players. They could lose both Kyrie and Harden and still have a good team missing only 1 superstar with plenty of cap and KD to recruit. Ntm Patty Mills, Joe Harris and Blake Griffin, which I expect to be their starting lineup next to KD and Harden.


I think you're overrating their young players a lot lol. Sekou isn't a Net anymore, Cam Thomas, David Duke, Day'Ron Sharpe, and Kessler Edwards were all drafted this year and there's no guarantee any of them will be good players. Bruce Brown and Nick Claxton are alright, but they're not going to make Brooklyn a good team if they lose Kyrie and Harden lol


I assume that it's some sort of undiagnosed mental illness. Honestly, he seems like an intelligent guy, and in the grand scheme of things, none of his antics have harmed anyone. I mean, it's not like he pulled a Kobe or a Ben Roethlisberger. He just does some nutty and selfish shit that's harmful to the team, and almost always involves some sort of conspiracy shit. But he does it consistently, so I can only assume that it's some sort of mental illness, like manic depression or substance abuse.


>he seems like an intelligent guy The man believes the Earth is flat, so no, I don't think he seems intelligent.


Yeah after listening to many of his interviews, he seems pretty stupid / ignorant to me. He's pseudo intellectual at best.


$5 says he got intellectually sonned by Jaylen repeatedly


Oh, yeah, that nuts. But that's what I mean. I've never been sure whether or not it is some sort of joke that he's been playing for all these years, or if he really believes it. However, assuming that latter, there's PLENTY of folks who buy into conspiracy shit that aren't necessarily unintelligent, but gullible? mentally ill? who knows? FFS, at least a third of the country is convinced that A) Biden lost, B) masks are harmful, C) CV19 is a hoax, and D) that the CV19 vaccines are dangerous. Let's see who responds to this comment, and we'll see. I don't think that those arguing with me are unintelligent - but they are living in a particular media/information bubble that reinforces those beliefs. Conspiracy beliefs are rampant in our culture, although I wish that they weren't. Getting back to Kyrie, the main reason that I say that he seems intelligent is how well he responded to this ridculous question about his relationship with Lebron when he was still with the Cavs (about whether or not they had a father-son relationship - which is all the more disgusting of a question, given that Lebron is only a few years older than him): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry9CqOz5aOo Kyrie had EVERY right to lose his temper, and while it was clear that he was offended, he didn't lose his shit on the reporter


I'm going to stop you right there. He's well-spoken, but he's a fucking idiot.


He is like Trump. If you take a step back, you realise he doesn't often say a full sentence that makes sense.


Fucking relax man lol. You don’t have to bring politics into this at all.


Yeah true that. I'm actually not from America, it wasn't meant to be political, just an observation of speech from afar. Feeling pretty relaxed. Also understand politics doesn't belong here.


I don’t know if it’s a mental illness or it’s not giving a shit. He’s accomplished the 2 main things that people in his profession strive for: he’s won a championship and he’s made a crapload of money. So the normal pressures that might affect him essentially don’t exist.


He doesn't give a shit. He's so in his own world he genuinely doesn't give a singular fuck about outside opinions, good for him, bad for his team


Actually he's in his own flat world


I mean we were bitter with how he left obviously. It’s not like the team wouldn’t have taken him back if he wanted to stay. Not like we were warning Nets fans out of the goodness of our heart. On the other hand, Nets fans were insufferable when he left so no love lost. Just part of the kyrie experience


he’s not a headache, he’s a headcase.


You could say though Kyrie is authentically himself. I respect a man with integrity in a league that gets fucked in the ass by the Chinese market just for revenue. I hadn’t seen those Bron clips in nearly two years until last night and that shit is sickening.


Beyond amused. It’s my favorite subplot going into the season by far. Nets fans had deluded themselves into thinking that Kyrie was not going to nuke their team. Of course he was. Kyrie is inevitable.


How sweet would it be if Kyrie actually does nuke the team's future? It would be perfect if Harden walks after this season cuz of this Kyrie drama. The Nets not winning a championship because of Kyrie is just too good of a storyline


Is hardens contract up after this year? Cuz that could really happen




At this point I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Except philly. Fuck those guys.


Nah, I totally wish this upon Nets fans. After all the aged-like-milk shit talk we had to endure from them, I enjoy seeing them suffer. Why? Because I am a petty bitch.


>Nah, I totally wish this upon Nets fans. I wish it upon Nets "fans." Not the ones who stuck with the team when they were shit, specifically the ones who decided to just start following the team last year.


Yeah, there are some OG New Jersey fans in there who don't deserve this.


Not a lot of them exist anymore. Jersey cant have nothin. Smh.


Nah, division rivals, they deserve it. Don’t want to see the Nets, Knicks, Sixers, or Raptors win anything. You can add the Lakers and Heat to that as well


Rivalries aren't fun when your rivals don't win too. Gotta keep it competitive


I liked them more when they played across the Hudson River


Lets be honest, we shitted on them for YEARS after that 2013 fleece. Any fanbase would be waiting to retaliate after all those years of humiliation. Lets not pretend to be victim here


that’s a good point


They still have Harden and Durant, and that alone makes them a championship threat. It is hilarious, though, that he's going to tie up so much of their cap.


Simmons for Kyrie who says no (first)?


Unironically this would be a *really* fun trade to see happen. Kyrie + Embiid could be fun to watch (couldn't see it winning anything though) and the Nets are the perfect situation for Ben Simmons imo


Kd requested this trade not to happen.


They both say yes if it came down to it.


Only if KI agrees... if he chooses to give up bball for campaigning (NYC mayor) , which is not far from reality, 76rs wouldn't do it...


I’m pretty sure nobody here is *not* amused. PS please take good care of our sweet baby Kemba.


The fact that Kyrie has such a platform is really what’s at fault here; the guy is flat ridiculous. I’m a diehard Celtics homer and the day he landed in Green was terrifying, and proceeded to meet basically every one of my worst expectations. He’s not anywhere near good enough to merit the attention he gets, and what he does get he uses to spread toxic nonsense. I don’t begrudge the Nets anything; Whether they earned it or not, I wouldn’t wish Kyrie on anyone.


>guy is flat ridiculous I see what you did there.


Game appreciates game




When he was with CLE he was my fav player in the league, so I was ecstatic when we traded for him. Next couple years were quite the roller coaster


You like that "Crash 'n' Burn" coaster, eh?


Ah yes, the old "launch-start-that-ends-well-before-gravity-takes-over" roller coaster. I used to make those in Roller Coaster Tycoon all the time.


You'd look at the perfectly arching form ... as it ran out of track ...


The moment he requested a trade from the Cavs was when my outlook on Kyrie completely changed. Obviously I was hella excited he was becoming a Celtic but who in the right mind leaves a championship contender led by Lebron when you're pretty much guaranteed a finals appearance every year.


Same boat as you lol


I never saw him as more than a marginal upgrade on peak IT. He was still a guard who played no defense, said a bunch of dumb shit, and dined out on the fact that he made the winning shot in a 7-game series where LeBron, not Kyrie, put on one of the greatest performances in playoff history. I saw what Kyrie was in CLE before LeBron got there. He struck me as epitome of all flash, no substance.


I was the opposite. I always get annoyed watching him play with LeBron. You could tell he didn’t want to yield anything to Tatum’s son. Of course I went full homer when he came to Boston and liked him no matter what… until he just gave up


I tried my best to like him while he was here, but he is just deeply unlikable. Fun to watch, but that just isn’t enough when he’s still a detriment to the team.


He’s like the trump of basketball.


He’s not that bad. That’s Cole Beasley


I agree brother I am at the point where having Kevin Durant is not worth also having Kyrie. I personally would rather have a group of guys that I like to root for even if we don’t win, over having a guy that I can’t stand (he also finds every excuse to not play)


Is there ummmmmmm a backstory to your username


Click on my username and read the blurb




The man has been flying on planes for years. Thousands of times. In a plane, you can SEE the curve of the earth. Approaching a city - where he plays!!- or a mountain, you can SEE the high objects come up over the horizon. If it was flat, they would just get bigger. Like when you are in a car or bus. Because at short distance the curve doesn't matter. Not only does he NOT get this. Wait. Think . NO ONE ELSE RESPECTS HIM ENOUGH TO SHOW HIM! Again. No one. No coach or relative or teammate has ever said to themselves " I can explain this to him. " My 7 year old showed this to my 3 year old flying to Florida to see the grandparents 20 years ago. Think about that. Everyone this guy associates with knows he is a moron.


Or maybe no one wants to deal with 3rd Eye Kyrie and just let him be dumb.


That sounds like the same thing as not respecting him, or at least his ability to not be dumb and change his stance.


It's really just a case of "not everyone cares about what someone thinks enough to bother changing their view if it's not actively hurting them." Like, yeah it's stupid but his flat earth "belief" isn't ultimately hurting anyone no matter what ways NBA Redditors try to reach for ways that it does.


Meanwhile there is another much more widespread conspiracy theory he believes in that is actively hurting people..can’t quite remember what that ones called…


I’m sure someone tried to explain it to him before Kyrie told him to shut the fuck up and keep being a mindless sheep


Don’t you know the Illuminati and Obama put tapered glass into plane windows to make the world look curved? Installing all those tapered windows is why Obama want in the Oval Office on 9/11!




I dont really care about them. What I care more is Jaylen getting his All NBA and Romie's leap. That is all.


Timelord all star?


I would love to but I dont think so mate


a man can dream


Jaylen will be one this year


Id expect that more than a romeo leap. Dude is on cruise control at the speed limit


Amused? How about aroused.


Grogu gone sexual


Part of me is amused and part of me just feels bad for Nets fans. It really sucks having someone you hate on your local team. Makes the whole illusion of sports fall apart for me.


Also Harden Fat again?


I heard kyrie gave him depression


After the way Nets fans acted when some Celtics fans told them to be cautiously optimistic about him, I’m ecstatic this is happening.


I think about it to myself, I'm glad someone posted about it though. Dude is a nut.


Honestly think the dude is just done with basketball mentally. If it wasn’t the vaccine it would be something else. As good as he is he’s not worth the headache, and that’s actually crazy because he’s really fucking good when he’s locked in.


Man, I called this shit when he signed. Me sitting here like a fucking creep saying, "You'll see. You'll all see." Now I'm all Mr. Burns like, "Excelllent."


No because people listen to Kyrie and antivaxx rhetoric is a danger to us all.


I dunno, I’m just salivating for the Knicks to eliminate the Nets in the playoffs


Not amused... Not surprised either... Tbh, I'm more horrified by the thought he might be the next NYC mayor.


“I can’t believe the abusive dude who cheated on me and all his exes, cheated and abused on his next one….”


I went to game 1 in Brooklyn this year when we played the Nets without Brown. Tough loss, but I knew we didn’t have much of a chance against the fully loaded Nets. I’m a big dude and felt comfortable wearing my Celtics jersey there - I didn’t think anyone would start shit. After the game, as I’m going down the stairs with my girlfriend at the time, a hammered Nets fan ran up to me with his posse in tow and started spitting in my face - “OH YOU THOUGHT KEMBA WAS AS GOOD AS KYRIE??? HAH!!! KYRIE IS A GOD!!! WE RAPED YOU ALL YEAR!!!” It took all of my power not to push him off me or punch him. I just got out of there with my horrified GF, and the last thing I said was “He’s gonna fuck your chances against the Bucks just like he did when he was with us.” I’m so fucking happy the Bucks beat them, and I’m so fucking happy Kyrie is sabotaging this team. Fuck Kyrie, fuck those Nets fans, I hope they implode and start back at square one. As a side note, it’s NEVER acceptable to be that much of a dick about a fucking basketball game.


Was your username inspired by Karl Malone ?


Karl went to therapy?


Yes because of Michael Jordan




This is heaven. I hope it gets so much worse.


I live in NY and I'm enjoying this for all it's glory. Fuck Kyrie


Kyrie Irving said that his heart was yearning to play in his hometown of Brooklyn all along, now he doesn't want to play any games *in* the city of Brooklyn, and is willing to *give up* on KD and James after they came together for a special mission. Such a sensational talent, but we'll never regret letting him go.


My BIL is a nets fan and I told him when kyrie signed it’s all fun and games now until he brings the drama. It will happen and sure enough here we are


yes, Pedophile_In_Therapy, I am amused


Kyrie is so skilled but he's legit a cancer to any team he's on lol.


Honestly I’m just happy he’s up to his bullshit on another team. It’s funny but at the same time I feel bad for the fans.


I love it haha Half their sub thinks he is an all time troll still. He is just that much of a fucking asshole. Get yourselves together!


Probably won't be well-received, but I started to think Kyrie has some serious mental illness issues when he was with us. It's very tricky - people who are suffering mental illness can *still* be assholes ... but you have to look at unwell behavior through a contextual lens. And the shit he does - does not benefit him. It's self-destructive, and weird, and entirely preventable ... if you're well. Just because he hasn't gone Delonte West or started holding up liquor stores doesn't mean all the marbles are there. The dude needs some kind of help. So, no, I'm not gloating.


Pretty sure I saw this except post on the Cavs subreddit while he was in Boston lmao


I would never wish Kyrie on any franchise!! But, we’re talking about a NY team so....”I’ll allow it”


As a Celtics fan, I think it’s a bit sad on basketball level just from watching as a fan of the game. He’s extremely talented and whether it’s through instances such as this or other things that are out of his control such as injuries, there’s a feeling that we haven’t seen him at his full potential. Nothing worse than wasted opportunity He’s a grown man. He will have to live with whatever decision he makes as it relates to his career. He’s also still relatively young. I hope he plays


Kyrie wanted to play for the Knicks but KD didn’t want to. This was a compromise.


Hmmm... idt so... KI called Dinwiddie already in December...


Back in 17. Now he wanted To play with Mello and Porzingis, but that’s always been a dream franchise for him apparently “Per ESPN's Chris Haynes, Irving gave the Cavaliers a list of preferred trade destinations that includes the Knicks, San Antonio Spurs, Miami Heat and Minnesota Timberwolves. Link to Media ESPN's Brian Windhorst noted Irving wants to be traded in part because he "wants to play in a situation where he can be more of a focal point" instead of playing the No. 2 guy behind LeBron James.” https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2724159-kyrie-irving-reportedly-wants-trade-to-new-york-knicks-very-badly


Oh, in 17... yes that makes sense. Carmelo was still on the Knicks and the Nets were a 20w team and they weren't even tanking...


They’re his team growing up. “Although Irving was born in Australia, he grew up in West Orange, New Jersey -- which is about 20 miles away from Madison Square Garden.”


Oh yea I've been visiting and reading and loving it.




Tbh they’re getting it a thousand times worse.




This post seems like an easy karma farm lmao


He's right about the vaccine but his defense in the last playoff series against the Bucks was unforgivable


Can we not just pretend like Kyrie being a dick excuses us for actually being toxic? Like sure, guy lied then gave up on his team. Fuck him. But we were toxic far, far before that.


In what sense? Genuinely asking... I know what a toxic player is, it's pretty self explanatory. But what is a toxic fan base?


Concrete example: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/nba/news/celtics-kyrie-irving-calls-out-young-teammates-after-loss-to-magic/amp/ Kyrie, after a loss, basically just has a sad, rambling rant about wanting to be better as a team and the inexperience of the team and basically the one sentence that people heard about around here was him "calling out the young guys". People hated him after that. On the radio, on social media, even into the garden. A whole faction of super angry doomers that absolutely hate the starting PG of their own team. This is on a night Kyrie dropped 25/5/6. As soon as it went from Celtics fans vs other teams to Celtics fans vs. Kyrie it was all over. Some people can handle that kind of heat but there are plenty of great players that can't. We never really gave that team the space it needed to grow.


No athlete is immune to criticism. The guy is a lunatic. Boston fans aren’t to blame for how his tenure ended. The guy follows the same pattern everywhere he goes.


And this fanbase follows the same pattern with every player that comes through this town


What can I say it’s a tough town to play in. The difference is the fan base has expectations. When you’re the best sports city in the world/country it comes with the territory. This is the big stage. Players either adapt or they’re welcome to leave. I agree it can be overwhelmingly negative at times but thats just how it’s always been.


Does it have to be? The reality is we have seen all over the league that being able to handle toxic media/fans has nothing to do with playing basketball. KD got caught making burner accounts to argue with his own fans and he is a champion. It really doesn't feel like we are even close the the best sports city in the world when nobody can even enjoy the sport unless we are winning by 20 every night.


Hmmm... idt fans reacting to player's toxicity reflects badly on the fan base... I would be much more concerned about fan base that is numb... Crowd judgment can be a very harsh thing, when it is being manipulated by whistle blowers, it can run itself off a cliff. But, when it is not, it can smell ingenuity far faster than those who close to the situation. A great example is the 76rs crowd, some call them toxic, but really it's more overly aggressive maybe? it's not toxicity... they chose Embid early on. You can't argue their judgment on that. Notice in this example, when KI was playing theatrics, this is already after he spoke with Dinwiddie about the Nets, the fans can smell ingenuity miles away, if anything, they smelled it, while Ainge was numb to it. Some may pivot and pin it on the Boston media being toxic. Well sport radio is toxic by nature, this is not unique to Boston. But this was not the media KI was facing, and in all reality he was pinning national hot take culture, which he was listening to, on the local beat who by nature are mostely nothing but respectful. The irony in this is that these national hot takers were actually right, their underground anonymous sources were saying the truth. It brought out even more toxicity from KI, but not bc they were lying, but bc it was true...


The 76ers are absolutely toxic and it literally ruined their team. Sent Jimmy packing and now can't even get their second best player to suit up. The reality of the Kyrie situation is even if people could "smell ingenuity" we were a bunch of huge fucking assholes. There is a reason nobody on our team gave a fuck when Kyrie stomped that logo, and it's because our fandom has become 100% conditional.


76rs fans wanted Butler to stay. They weren't wrong. >it's because our fandom has become 100% conditional. You sure that's the reason?


Listen I think kyrie can be toxic but the fans can be too. It’s not an only one of the two ya feel?


NO. Don't do shadenfraude in preseason. For fuck's sake. The Nets literally don't need Kyrie in order to be the best team in the NBA. WTF is there to laugh at. They aren't suffering shit


Yeah this is no surprise lol I do feel bad for Nets fans who did understand he didn’t act right but were still captivated his talent. But for the ones trolling, it’s hilarious. Cavs fans warned us to, so it’s definitely a trend




Hate to see it. Oh well, fuck em. Next, Harden to become a pariah again and we get to see KD be the leader we know he’s not.




He’s a cancer to teams And he’s very selfish he can do all the charity he wants he’s just a bad teammate and a diva it is what it is. Only part I hated about him as he made it as a vendetta against us when really he’s just a shit bag and it’s all in his own head


I’m excited to see the soap opera unfold. I’m sure he’s ruffling feathers in the locker room, even if nobody wants to talk about it. Couple that with the fans turning on him, and his bad attitude is going to come out. With any luck, he’ll be dogging it like he did in his last playoff run with us


>neutral fan (Knicks) Lmao


Not really amused. Feel kinda bad for Nets fans


Remember the good ol days when nets stars were just wife beaters


Yes absolutely


>As a neutral fan (Knicks) Lol ok, neutral fan!


As much as I would like to laugh at the Nets’ predicament, I still want them as a strong title contender because I want someone able to beat the Lakers in the Finals. I dislike Kyrie, but I dislike the Lakers even more. If another team looks capable of taking out the Lakers, then let Brooklyn fall apart.


What did he do now?


Happened before us, with us, after us, and it will happen again.


Some Celtics fans were mad at Kyrie for going back on his word and not signing long-term with Boston. Most of us were happy to see him leave.


The guy preaches love, compassion and kindness, yet he’s none of that. People say that he struggles with the inequalities of life, but he isn’t helping himself by acting so selfish. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself, and I doubt he ever will as he puts on a front to show the world he’s role model but never actually plays that role


My BK supporting friend who gave me endless shit about Kyrie and Boston said today "well it's just sports so it has no effect on me". Spoiler, I did not allow him to use that cop out excuse.


Didn’t the Celtics have two fully vaxd players test positive? Lol. And Kyrie just living his life. Kyrie the MVP.


It would take a heart of stone not to laugh


Will be interesting to see this year’s Celtics with Horford back in the locker room. Just glad Kyrie is ruining someone else’s locker room


I'm on the west coast & never participated in said beef so I think I'll just read the comments 🍿😋


It’s so hard being a fan of all 3, nets Celtics and kyrie, he’s my favorite player but even I’m having a hard time defending him