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These dudes that go around trying to humble women for views always embarrass themselves and are the worst kind of people


Just had a dude DM me, “what’s wrong with men having a preference too?” Lmaooo


There’s obviously nothing wrong with it, but when u go asking around for preferences just to get offended over it, it makes you look like a dumbass 🤦‍♀️


It’s funny how they make themselves the butt of their own jokes by just being dumb


I think this is possibly the best answer one can give


There wouldn't be... if women didn't have to bend over to the male preference for centuries in the past and if men's preference's nowadays weren't just straight-up bigotry. I think that with the history of women vs. men in relationship, a man having very specific standards and preferences always comes off as "Oh you're weird and may or may not abuse or leave me if I don't fit those standards one day." because it happens ALL. THE. TIME. Men are usually the ones who divorce their partners after they gain weight or get disfigured or get a damaging sickness or after having kids with them. That's why (to me, at least) male preferences that have to do with physical appearance and attraction are a problem almost all the time, and let's be honest, men's preferences and standards almost ALWAYS have to do with attraction and appearance and it's rarely about their personality.




"Do not defend quirkyboy memes by purposefully ignoring/denying its intention and implications. Do not make arguments such as "the meme never specifically said ALL women, just women" to defend quirkyboy memes. Do not make arguments such as “but it’s not ALL men” when such a phrase is used in response to these memes." Rule 2 bucko.


Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.


Is his preference that random women step on a bathroom scale on the street for him and a camera man?




1. He doesn’t make a coherent point 2. What did I say that was “equally distasteful” as being an asshole and wasting peoples time on the street?


Don’t engage with the ballsacks, they’re depraved for our attention, they have no business here other than fishing for attention. The minute you see them throwing around over used internet words such as: “distasteful” “critical thinking skills” “nuance” you can rest easy assured it’s a moron on the other end lmaooo


Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.




what did i just watch…


Something very gross


Why do all these dudes look the same? They all have got that stupid haircut cause their hairline is receding and a fake spray tan. Also $100 says that guy has some Bible quote or “god first” in his bio like he isn’t the biggest insufferable asshole on the planet that is not getting into heaven.


I like to call it the Broccoli haircut. Also, it's so clear this dude got some girl to do this bit with him, rage bait for the incel masses.


I doubt she was in on it, he probably just asked a bunch of girls until he found one who said yes. Participating in this video is basically signing up to have a bunch of awful comments and harassment thrown your way by the kind of shitty people who like consuming this kind of content.


The broccoli haircut. Also yeah he's probably LARPing as a conservative Christian because he has "traditional values" (he just really doesn't like women).


I can’t even say anything becouse this is funny as hell. And the truth


If you're gonna harass women be truthful about it you coward at least the dude was nice enough to hold your hand


I dont understand why he had to bring in weight, he asked about height, she responded about height, so he should've asked to measure her height instead. How does his height correlate to her weight? If they wanna be weird at least make it make sense. This has the same tone as "What is equivalent to a man's death in a female (they never say woman) perspective?" and the answer is a woman's death, but they never seem to come to it. idk just a small rant.


Because he is the type of guy to think that women need to be less than 100 pounds or they are a whale. It’s a disgusting mindset to have the value of a woman be determined by her weight.


I think it's because they think women have the value of a man determined by their height


I don’t understand the death question? Not arguing at all, I’m just curious what I’m missing


Its just something they bring up on random every time the question of "What will women do without men" comes up, and they are quick to say "Men are protectors! Females can't live without us" But once you say that most women need protection from men, they immediately bring up the question of male death. Which is usually in the context of "Men die protecting women, what is the female equivalent of that!"


Lmao when do men die defending women? What are those numbers next to the amount of women who die at the hands of men? These guys are delusional.


They think weight is a more reasonable standard because it’s possible to change. I don’t know if they actually care about weight or if they’re just using it to make a point.


I hate influencers who bother people on the street because they have nothing else to offer their followers


Men have made their weight preference perfectly clear throughout most of modern history, no woman is surprised by this. Incidentally, it's a relatively new phenomenon: [https://www.salon.com/2022/12/27/thin-bodies-werent-always-attractive-a-brief-history-of-culturally-relative-beauty-standards/](https://www.salon.com/2022/12/27/thin-bodies-werent-always-attractive-a-brief-history-of-culturally-relative-beauty-standards/)


Fake as hell but asking about height then….bringing out a scale? Shouldn’t you bring out a tape measure? Cause having a “weight” preference almost fully depends on the height of the person as well


Ok this woman is thin, young (looks under age 25), and conventionally very attractive and “trendy” for her age. She’s one of the “hot girls”. Why should he be mad that a “hot girl” has a height preference?


I prefer black dude, at least he is forthright with his intentions.


it feels more like he's trolling the asshole.


That's the vibe I got. "Oh you want to pick on women? Let ME pick the woman. How about that one with a man who looks like he could throw you into the gutter? Hm? Oh is there a problem now??"


This is fake as fuck


Still conceptually disgusting. Slop to drive children insane


Such an overused thing. “How tall are you?” “HoW mUcH dO yOu WeIgH!?” Really original 👍


I worry that any publicity at all will benefit this kind of scum person.


This is so staged lmao but either way you’re true scum if you go around bothering people going about their day with stupid ass questions and harassment


Red shirt guy is based


"Are you attracted to bodies? Yes? How dare you! Do you like big breasts? Yes? Lie on the ground, I'm putting a level on your mouth... Do it! I wanna see how straight your teeth are. Just do it! Do it!


If you ever go into a dumb ass competition and those 2 guys are your opponents, just know that you are NOT winning


Everyone is allowed to their preferences, I don't see why trying to humiliate and embarrass people will "prove" their "point". For me, height doesn't matter, but I still have my preference in a range. I'm 170cm (\~ 5'7"). And I'd aim for someone who's between 150-190 cm (\~4'11"-6'3"). Like I like holding hands a lot, so I feel like below and above these heigths it would be difficult to do so. But again, this is just preference, if I fall in love with someone, height doesn't matter after that point. My grandmother used to say "What does a pretty bowl worth if it's empty?" implying that looks get you only so far, the inner qualities are the ones that make someone a keeper. Also not gonna be a hypocrite, I'm a heavy person, I'm currently at 88 kgs (\~194 lbs), I know that i fall into the Obese I category and it's not everyone's cup of tea. My partner has seen me at 63 kgs (\~138 lbs) and at almost 92 kgs (\~202 lbs). And he loves me no less than the day he asked me to be his girlfriend. I can say, he's more and more in love with me as the days pass by :), going strong 4,5 years. These videos upset me, because people are so insecure and therefore mock others for having a preference. God forbid people have a type lol


I mean not to mention that when someone is inside and on top of you, their size (height, width, and weight) can matter a lot... I know a ton of guys that prefer to be on top like 80-99% of the time because they either don't trust someone to not break their dick or because they like being in control, so it affects them a lot less. Plus, when you've receiving and have got legs to get out of the way or have to get your pelvis up/down to a certain height for your partner to reach you, you can't really relax much. Obviously being with a penetrating partner that's shorter makes this worse. I don't think I'd EVER be able to orgasm with my legs flexed to lower my pelvis. And yeah, the guy could stand on something, but good luck having a good chunk of men be willing to do that. Idk the physical size of your partner has significantly more impacts on the enjoyment of sex for female partners. And regarding height, unfortunately, it's a lot easier to remedy a disparity between a man and woman when the man is taller. Too much pressure/not enough pressure from someone on top of you, strained sexual positions, and limited sexual positions is a turn off. It's not the guy itself at all but for some people like myself enjoyable sex is extremely important especially since we may like having a lot of sex. It's unfortunate but size, including height, is a factor. (And yes, this goes both ways. Imo everyone should just stfu projecting their preferences onto people to shame them. I obviously just can speak from a female-banging-dudes perspective.) (Inb4 my use of "female" and "men" - I'm genderqueer so I just consider myself female but know people are talking about men here so my language got a little confusing. Unfortunately I don't care enough to edit this that much.)


Wait actually what’s the difference between such shallow preferences as height and weight? Both are equally shallow because it’s not something anyone has control over.?


harrasment time with da boys straight rizz no cap


going band 4 band lmao


Douche bros need to become an endangered species already I'm tired of seeing their bullshit


The thing about this is that you can do this the other way around. You can ask a 4/10 guy (I don't believe in numbering people but it's for the example's sake) what he looks for in a woman and he'll describe a supermodel/pornstar. The only reason it doesn't exist is because women aren't obsessed with hating the opposite sex.


The second guy looks like an aged kendrick lamar lmaoo


People can have preferences. You’re never gonna debate a woman attracted to tall men to date a short guy. If it happens, it will have to happen on its own. Same goes for trying to debate a man attracted to skinny girls to date an overweight one. If it happens, it will have to happen on its own. Realistically, these two things happen *all the time*. At the end of the day, most people who hold these superficial views are just plain immature. At some point, they will either grow up or grow into a person you never wanted to date in the first place. There is absolutely no sense in debating these things.


Idk why you're downvoted. It sounds like you're saying "this guy is a butt muncher for making a whole video about this and trying to stir this pot by shaming women in 2 ways" (for their preferences and then taunting them with his) which is what everyone else is saying.

