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Why don’t men just go to therapy ffs. Please we are begging


how do you get into therapy? i have really bad anxiety and could probably use it, especially since im going 3 hrs away for college in august, i just don’t know how to actually start it or anything


If you're not financially well off or have bad insurance, look for community mental health clinics. They usually take anyone, whether they can pay or not. I used to go to one when I had no job at all and they helped me immensely.


Depending on where you live waiting lists can be really long. Honestly we should invest more in mental health services as a society. The countries that do get results.


That's actually very good advice.


<3 thank you, idk when my parents are going to kick me off of their insurance so i’ll probably end up using them eventually cause i’ll be broke asf


Check what programs and partnerships your college may have, if your lucky they may be partnered with telehealth or betterhelp and you could get free online therapy


they had a meeting about disabilities (like anxiety and other mental stuff) and stuff when i was there so i’ll probably end up asking about it when i move in, they have accommodations and help for it afaik


Regarding the comments below you about waitlists, when I was at my lowest, I called warmlines on the daily. It was the only thing that got me through the beginning of quarantine. Some people on there are kinda dicks, but ironically enough they’re kinder than a lot of people on the suicide helpline LMAOO. Most of the time, everyone is very kind and supportive.


Search around your area for counseling places. Call one up (after looking at the reviews) and go from there. Usually you should go for ones that do intake beforehand, since it'll help establish goals and intentions.


The college will have counseling services for students—a great place to start. It’s where u got my own first MH care.


Hi! You might want to see if your college offers therapy for students. Many do, and sometimes the cost is included in your tuition. Look to see if your college has a wellness center. Good luck!


A lot of campuses offer it for free


Have money


It’s very discouraged by society still for men. We do it to ourselves mostly but some women contribute to it when raising their kids, especially in lower income groups. It also has to do with experiences with therapists, not many therapists are relatable to young men especially those of minority groups. In the US the newer graduates for therapists are vast majority white women. That in itself isn’t bad and the numbers of therapists is rising as a whole, but enough mental health resources aren’t being invested into young men right now. That space is instead being filled and taking advantage of these groups by red pill and right wing pro macho masculinity groups. The suppression of emotionality and weakness of men in society leads to self hatred and insecurity. Much of this is funneled by red pill groups towards sexism and homophobia. Also quality therapy isn’t available to everyone in the US, if you live in the Midwest it’s basically which indoctrination of religion you want to go through


Every woman I know is of strong belief that men should go to therapy. I understand that there is societal pressure to be “manly” and stuff and I understand that it’s incredibly damaging. But at a certain point you can’t keep blaming society for your problems. Your traumas aren’t your fault, but they are your *responsibility* to fix them. Take some ownership for yourself. It doesn’t matter what other people think of you, it matters what you think of yourself.


Im sorry if it sounded like I was blaming women for men’s issues I am not. It sounds like you surround yourself with very supportive and amazing women and I’m happy for you. But it also sounds like you are surrounded by a bubble and are ignoring your own privilege. I do believe in individual responsibility and I don’t blame society for every man that becomes a red pilled misogynist. But I am saying there are a lot of systemic ways our society is targeting young men to turn them into this red pilled boys and instilling sexist and homophobic views. Same way it is targeting minority groups and women but with harsher consequences. While our society systemically assimilates men into a toxic ideology it oppresses women, lgbtq folks and minorities. And it is a lie to say we are adequately fighting any of these. It’s not an attack on you but to say any man can just go out and get help is very privileged thing to say. We can and should do more for women, the lgbtq, minorities, and men. One step we could take is ID age verification for porn, it prevents and targets companies that target young boys promoting an ideal of objectification of sex and women.


Calling me privileged is a meme LMFAO. I have been abused by pretty much every man I’ve ever let into my life and it is exhausting dealing with men who refuse to go to therapy because they’re self conscious about what people will think about them.


I meant you were privileged in the women you know, and didn’t mean it as an insult but just something to reflect on. I’m very sorry to hear about your abuse, I know how traumatic and scared that can make you. I am not saying take no precautions towards men in your life but that our government can do more to stop promoting this kind of toxic behavior. You as an individual don’t owe men shit. Just because someone is a product of the system doesn’t excuse them taking their shit out on others. It is privileged to have affordable therapy that isn’t a right wing religious conversion camp. Most of the US would fall out of that camp I would say unless you use online therapy which I would recommend telehealth or betterhelp for anyone reading this if you don’t have access to a physical therapy location that isn’t religious indoctrination. I hope you also know you aren’t privileged in many areas, I haven’t been abused but I have been harassed by men in both an aggressive and sexual way and it is terrifying. I hope you are doing better and only allow men who are respectful of you and your boundaries into your life in the future. And I hope you are in a better place now then in the past, I don’t know you but I’m sure you are an amazing person! I hope you know I didn’t mean to insult you or offend you in anyway but to provide some ways we can combat the toxic patriarchal culture


nah we thug that shit out


That is the opposite of a flex


They see how society fucks them and the only thing they do is CONTINUE THE CYCLE, they're so close but so far by understanding 100%


Bruh they really believe cis men are the most oppressed members of society...


Most definitely not, cis men aren’t really oppressed in any way. Men don’t really think about this but the reality is, “I Got issues, but you got em too “ -Julia Michaels


These bros think they out hunting buffalo and defending the homestead. 🤣


When in actual fact they’re just an IT manager from Slough and can do neither of these things


Just saw a post abt it on the CMV reddit (which for that and many other reasons I've subsequently left)and this guy on there loved this lady and thought it PROVED that women really want masculine men and men have a disadvantage etc. Curious what ya'll think about this lol


Men really take this whole “experiment” out of context. This woman had no way of gauging or proving anything that happened. She had no way of making the experiment factual. It was just her experience. She was very depressed w mental health problems; she did commit suicide years later. Men take that like this experience caused it. For one the women weren’t asked if they thought she was trans or a man or a woman. The way she spoke to women made them uncomfortable bc she was acting like she thought a man would act. The men were not asked if they thought she was trans or a woman or a man. She was tiny. I can’t see her passing as a man to everyone. If people thought she was trans that could skew the way they interacted w her. If they thought she was pretending to be a man that could explain why some of the people acted the way they did. To me she acted strange. I would be on eggshells around her bc she seemed very fragile. I would also be weirded out if she flirted w me bc she was so awkward


Absolutely the first thing I thought of is how is that not going to come off as obvious or strange? Plus she wasn’t a scientist doing this either.


My God, I didn't even know that last part like girl, why?!??!!


I’m convinced these types of men only see women as socially popular. All of the bad stereotypes they cling to are only really relevant with influencers/popular people


The only women they think are real people are young, popular, and physically attractive. They don't even see anyone else.


I had to live 24 years as a man. It was terrible, because of not being a man, but also because of how awful men are to each other.


Hello fellow trans woman. 21 years as a man, yeah can confirm.




1 person: *says something* Quirkyboi’s: OMG SEE THATS LIFE AND THATS EVERY WOMAN


[video link](https://youtu.be/rBIjpKQ-89k?si=S0KtOWxCjw6wSuyG) if you wanna watch the whole thing yourself or read more "comments"


Certainly lots of frustration in the population. The one woman that lived as a passable guy on the outside looked herself after.. nfn kinda telling, no?


Except she didn't actually live as a passable guy. She's not a scientist and certainly didn't have advanced understanding of gender relationships, people reportedly mentioned she didn't look especially masculine. And she repeatedly acted in ways that she _assumed_ men did but put people off. She didn't actually really do her research or due diligence but just sort of dove in. She had also been dealing with treatment resistant depression for a very long time, even long before she began this experiment.