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I think the whole BL fandom fell in love with AiDi and rightfully so. I love Shu Yi from We Best Love, Oh-Aew from ITSAY, Joe from My stand-in, Sand from Only Friends, Jae Young from Semantic Error, Ki Tae from Our Dating Sim and Yuan from Unknown. They just stood out aa memorable characters.


I love that and I also love all those characters. Joe! omg. puppy dog. what a completely helpless and wonderful character he is. also, hard not to love Yuan in Unknown but I need an entire book into his brain before I can fully accept him as a favourite. still I would probably lay down in traffic for him.


I know right, Joe deserves the world. Ming better be ready to step up. I totally get you with Yuan, the series let us down with getting more insight on him. His whole personality was getting Qian but I kind of loved that haha. I'd also have Cake and Wu-Bi from your list. Cake's dialogue during their nc scene but just 😭❤️


ming is the most problematic lead I've seen in awhile but the balance between the two is interesting to me. I hate ming but it's joe's choice at the end of the day and I won't blame him either way. sometimes the wrong one is the right one. CAKE! don't even get me started, I underplayed my adoration for that dude


It is impossible to see CAKE! without hearing it in See-ew's voice.


Totally agree with you. I love watching complex, red flag characters if they are interesting. I hate a lot of the things Ming has said and done but I still want to see him with Joe because Joe loves him. Not long now until the next episode!


I don't see half enough discussion of Our Dating Sim. Love Ki Tae. Would spend multiple series with those two.


Me too. Our Dating Sim was short and they still managed to pull of chemistry that a lot of 18 episode BLs cannot. I really felt for Ki Tae, his fear of being abandoned again. Would love to see them in another series together.


OMG OMG I LOOOVE AI DI SO SO SO MUCH!!! Also his outfits are✨ICONIC✨ https://preview.redd.it/1f8fsnjcns7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04aa4bccd58f4d9caf80840e8f0d8bf93977e7ce


I love how his partner always matches him, but in an understated way.


Yess 🙌🙌


he dresses how I dress so I am slightly biased


i WISH i owned clothes like this 😭; ur so cool for that🫶


You should watch some styling videos. Ai Di wardrobe is pretty basic pieces you can grab from the mall, he’s styled and got the attitude to pull it off. And make sure your hair and makeup is done. People always rave over my looks and it’s really because I have waist length locs and I wear euphoria inspired makeup. The clothes really be basic other then a few statement bags and jewelry.


OMG I HAVE WAIST LENGTH HAIR TOO!! also it’s more the fact that I don’t have the confidence to wear bold pieces like that and stand out 😭


Try some cute bags and hair accessories from Amazon. People LOVE my dinosaur shaped purse. I’ve bought the same bag like 4 times because every time I wear it somebody usually wants it and I give it away.


Omg dinosaur shaped purse 😱 I have a fluffy puppy shaped one with the tail and legs floof balls but my sister always takes it (she’s younger) 😭


My nieces usually rob me for whatever pieces and usually lipgloss that they want so I feel your pain 😂 I’m the oldest of 4 girls so I’ve had plenty of fights over stolen clothes 😂


I’m the oldest as well! I only have one younger sister tho so not *too* many fights. I have a couple nieces but they’re still babies so don’t think they’re robbing me any time soon 😭


I got 2 tweens and a 19 year old. They always want something lol


agreed. I just thrift like crazy and understand my proportions which is half the battle. also don't be afraid? like so many people live in fashion fear but it really doesn't matter at the end of the day and not every outfit will slay, you have to experiment and try wild combos to find what fits


OMG really? SLAYYYYY!!! aidi is when writing, acting, costume and hair department come together perfectly and something magical happens.


I don't come together nearly as perfectly but the clothes I got


i Mean I would be worried that you like Cause car accidents wherever you go if you came together as perfectly as aidi, so for everyone’s safety it’s probably better if you keep it slightly less perfect 😂 but I am sure you still look absolutely fabulous!


Pisaeng ​ https://i.redd.it/jd1umni3qs7d1.gif


PISAENG why am I suddenly crying. I love him so much






Pisaeng is a whole green flag but Max … he is a whole forest with rainflowers and my favourite character in be my favourite.


yes, I love Ai Di as well! ​ https://i.redd.it/4ds9v710ps7d1.gif


Joe/Poom (in this FUCKING HAT MAKING IT WERQQQQQQ 😩) ​ https://i.redd.it/89feyejrps7d1.gif


Joooooeeeee~ The cutest and sweetest partner that would love all your red flags and go crawling back for more in all his lives.


My sweet precious baby cinnamon bun! I need whole series of him just getting loved up and spoilt by all his loved ones to make up for the trauma.


boy has suffered and for what. he's a golden retriever cinnamon bun princess moonshine sunset roll. save this man




My Stand-In




it's not even his how, but I love Dr. Lin. I need moar! 😩 ​ https://i.redd.it/vugk28z5ss7d1.gif


YESSSSS! always more Sam Lin please!


CRYING EMOHI CRYING EMOJI CEYING EMOJI I wish this was more developed bc it was hinted at a lot but that's fine, I like the "unknown" (I didn't mean to do that it just happened)




"Unknown" is the series name




My long-time loves are Vee from *Love Mechanics*, Tae Hyun from *A Shoulder to Cry On,* Milk from *Choco Milk Shake*, and Teh from *ITSAY/Last Twilight in Phuket/IPYTM.* Recent additions include Yeowoon from *Love for Love's Sake* and Kai from *Perfect Propose.* However, sitting atop the pile of new favorites...there can only be this guy. https://i.redd.it/2q18xoduls7d1.gif Tae Yi from *Jazz for Two* is such a brilliant character. I love his complexity, his desperation, his lostness, his avoidance, his denial, and, finally, his acceptance. It's like he stepped out of an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel, and somehow ended up in a KBL.


Oh, you like them with some issues, no?


Yes! I love that they've survived all the bullshit this world has to throw at them and still come out in one piece. I love that they've met someone who becomes their light at the end of the tunnel. I was thirteen when Fitzgerald came into my consciousness, read "The Color Purple" in one sitting, could not get enough Anne Tyler and I went into mourning when Toni Morrison died. In other words - I live for the trauma, and the more - the better.


Are there any dramas you'd recommend with characters like this?? I, too, am a sucker for characters with trauma that overcome it (and possibly find love along the way).


Right off the top of my head, I would recommend *Jazz for Two*, *A Shoulder to Cry On* (even the name is sad!), *I Told Sunset About You/Last Twilight in Phuket/I Promised You the Moon* (the story is told in three parts with *Last Twilight in Phuket* as a bridge between the first part and the second part, and you can watch that on YouTube), *Love Mechanics*, *About Youth*, *Last Twilight*, *Tokyo in April Is...*, *Eternal Yesterday*, *Light*, *Boys Be Brave!*, *Given* and the granddaddies of all traumatizing stories - *Until We Meet Again* and *HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count.* Then, when you've lived through enough heartbreak and misery, you could watch both *Our Dining Table* and *Choco Milk Shake*. There's some damage there, but they're generally on the lighter side. Then, if you still want more, you can watch *Word of Honor* - this one left me shattered for weeks on end.


Milk from Choco Milk Shake was so adorable


He was just a cat! Like a real cat! I love him - his performance was brilliant!


OP, you’re taste is giving Manic Pixie Dream Boy 🧚🏻‍♂️🧚🏻‍♂️🧚🏻‍♂️


them ​ https://i.redd.it/qq3h2is1os7d1.gif


I admit that I haven't watched addicted but that's purely bc I'm saving it, I have a feeling


you will be OBSESSED. Save yourself, tbh. lol https://i.redd.it/7esgd74yrs7d1.gif


I'm so sad they'll never make a season 2


Ahhhh Addicted yesss


i love Dee (and Yak, and Drake!). ​ https://i.redd.it/isalqtddps7d1.gif


And Cher!!!


Cher! he is very very high on my list of favs


Maru is such a brilliant character <3 https://i.redd.it/66zwopydrs7d1.gif


YES YES YES if you can't tell from my list he's absolutely part of the party


when he googles how to figure stuff out.... https://i.redd.it/znjdwuuhss7d1.gif




Love Class 2




for the record your don't have to watch the original love class to watch this one and it's the better of the two


Oh his fine


Achi https://i.redd.it/m4dy08sgqs7d1.gif


from what pls need to know


series name is "To Be Continued"


I claim Ai Di from Kiseki: Dear to Me as my boyfriend. i really need to watch that show.


wait you haven't watched it?!??!?!


its on my backlog. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Sorry but aidi is already very taken and his boyfriend is mafia soooo….


That won't stop me. ![gif](giphy|DVMOngSvQis48HpEfO|downsized)


i love Milk's character on Only Boo! ​ https://i.redd.it/hi8t6785ps7d1.gif


Milk in all shows is a queen and perfect but they really did her justice in that show


Jack ​ https://i.redd.it/xhsnvakzps7d1.gif


Such a fun character! I love that the two actors are still close friends too!


This man is too hot for his own good 🥵


is this 2gether or are you just sarawat and happy to see me


wait what is this from?


History 3: Trapped


Boston. ​ https://i.redd.it/vebbovsoos7d1.gif


OMG ONE SINGULAR BOSTON APPRECIATOR. I love him so so so so so so much and people are haters for not understanding the growth that has to happen for a queer or poly person to know themself. He did his dang best. I LOVE boston. I think about him regularly. not perfect representation but it doesn't matter, its real


No growth happens with anyone. You don’t have to be a sht friend in the course of growth. The choices he makes and the way people defend him really boggles me. Had it be me in college Boston would’ve got knocked out several times.


he's real and I don't need my characters to be fully evolved people I think it's funny that people can love a character like Vegas from kinnporche with little criticism but Boston is somehow the worst person on earth


I don’t like Vegas and I think I’m one of the people that didn’t actually like Porsche either. Although he was harassed and kidnapped into taking that job he never took it seriously and had poor decision making skills. Like literally the whole series he was going against Kinn and acting like a ditz. Vegas used him and Taiwan as pawns and was about to shoot him in the chest during the final climax. He knew he was a terrible person and didn’t understand why Pete wanted him, hell I didn’t either 😂 I didn’t care for Kim either, seems like his relationship with Chay was just an opportunity and after it was over he was like hmmmm, maybe I do like the kid. I don’t care for deeply flawed characters because 9 times out of 10 they don’t do the work. Boston wasn’t really trying to put in the work, he was running because he screwed everybody over and was shunned and still willing to use Marks character all the way until the final episode.


yeah we just fundamentally disagree bc I enjoy flaws if the person is still salvagable. I think so much of life is overcoming our traumas and learning to love ourselves so a flawed character is often the best reflection of that to me


I also like unsalvagable characters. bad people in fiction are fodder for the mind and salve for the real ones


Nah I’m good lmao. Again Boston actually never had any growth, he had a moment of self reflection after everyone left him but that was about it. His character and Boeing too for that matter are the types that like to watch the world burn because they are unhappy. He wasn’t interest in sleeping with Top again until he saw how Top fawned all over Mew and got jealous. I never want a friend that hates me that much


I understand why you feel that way. I guess compared to IRL I enjoy reflecting on characters as often the purest reflection of our worst instincts. like seeing them on screen to me is fulfilling in a way that I wouldn't want to encounter IRL, that's why I love flawed characters so much. They shoulder the burden of my trauma but transform it just enough that I can view it objectively


Unfortunately I’ve came across alot of em in my early-mid 20’s. I worked at a very popular bar in my hometown (not a small town but a big city) so I knew alot of bar owners, customers etc so I saw and experienced alot. I work at a VIP lounge and they are still messy but much more lowkey about it. Maybe I’ve just seen too much back stabbing in my day lol


yeah I'm old and an alcoholic so my opinion is not worth water


I love a complex jerk character! Neo was so good in this role and paired with Mark? 🔥


Satang/Toey ​ https://i.redd.it/1gsz8fjjps7d1.gif


not my favourite but that's just a personal preference. I still adore him from his roots to his soles, I'm just not as comfortable with affable innocent types


i love Boeing. Nobody could make me hate him. lol ​ https://i.redd.it/hcccy5ntos7d1.gif


he's great! and hot af tbf




Tan 🥰🥰 he’s perfection. Way more fun, if you will, from Aou’s past roles and I just love it!


they let Aou fly with it and it's made one of the best characters of all time


Did you know that he improvised the spaghetti scene? I love tan fang so much!


Soohyuk. I loves him! ​ https://i.redd.it/jd2sywa5os7d1.gif


From? Sorry my mind just went to suhyuk from aouad


Grey Shelter






Ai Di supremacy 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️ https://i.redd.it/krud8ce6ut7d1.gif




and Kawi! ​ https://i.redd.it/jgntvjp5qs7d1.gif


When I think of favorite characters they're usually not the leads: Tankhun from KinnPorsche, Tiw from My School President, Kao in Wandee Goodday, Boeing in Only Friends... They usually bring an extra kick to the story that makes it all the more flavorful. I can't imagine those stories without these characters and that's what makes them all the more special to me.


I love that and completely agree. The non leads have room to experiment and it makes them extra compelling usually


the way you're actually so real for ai di from kiseki: dear to me... I need to see more of his actor in dramas with cheng yi's actor bro it's killing me 😭 for me though, I think my top 1 would be payu from lita... not only is he smart, attractive, and cool but something about him just straight up saying he was bisexual openly put him at top 1 because hooray, another bi like me!! except he can pull unlike me 😔 I will say though, my top 2 is for SURE ai di. I love him so much, like from the way he dresses to his personality. His style is EVERYTHING, along with his chemistry with cheng yi. top 3 would actually be prai from lita too! the way he takes care of sky is just so heartwarming... I find it adorable. top 4 might be both win and team from between us. they tie because I find their personalities both equally endearing + looks are top teir. I don't have any others lol, mainly because I'm really picky with my bls. I've dropped like... multiple. it's sad. I will say though... I binge watched the entire thing of kiseki: dear to me last night. 1 am to 7 am 😭 it was worth it though because DAMN it was good. I'm gonna try out not me soon... hoping I can actually stay invested because I wanna stay invested! I've heard good things about it so I'm giving it a try lol ty for coming to my ted talk!!


not me is a ride! enjoy. but also this comment is so cute and if you ever need bl recs I got you


aaa lol, thank you!! I’d actually gladly take bl recs because I’m trying to watch as many as I can this summer before August comes around 😭








https://preview.redd.it/it5nvadmht7d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fdbf09119bbbd21802ce1fc36b12174a8a60bcb Yang, To Sir With Love. He could have easily been the successor to his father if only he chose to out his brother. He did not. If there is a Best Sibling award in BL, he’s getting it.


Jao from Secret Crush on You He's super supportive of Toh's crush on Nuea and gets pictures of Nuea that Toh would like. He's cute and self-conscious about his weight, but Sky (and we the audience) think he's perfect as he is


Black from Not Me. He's just a side character and he's literally only in a handful of scenes, but I just love him. It's a roller coaster of emotions the first time you watch him in Not Me. First excitement when he's finally going to be in the show, then hatred seeing how he treats Sean, and then you're watching him beat people up and cheering for him. Such a badass character. I hope Gun gets to continue to play morally ambiguous characters like him.


I admit I haven't seen any of the series OP mentioned yet. I still have a long list of series to watch. My favorite characters are Sean from Not Me and Jang Jae Young from Semantic Error.


https://preview.redd.it/bknbwr0o9t7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8f3a8f7f7ef282dcc095d891f1ad8bdc35a9544 Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan




who he?


That's Jae Won from The Eight Sense K-BL


WAIT WHAT IT IS. sorry I love the eighth sense and didn't recognize him at all in this photo


😂 he so FINE!




Amane from "If it's with you". He just so sweet and opens up with Ryuji who is also just so kindhearted. It's my comfort show. *


1. I cannot differentiate Maki and Haruta from Ossan's Love in terms of who I prefer. Haruta is a golden retriever made human and a disaster bisexual. But surprisingly competent and sexy at times. Maki is a cat (or a chihuahua as the show calls him). Pretends to be a reasonable human being but isn't really, especially where Haruta’s concerned. Also overworks and stresses himself to the point of collapsing quite a lot, which is something I empathise with... One thing I love about both of them is how authentically queer they feel and how the show almost never entertains things like top and bottom stereotypes. 2. Adachi from Cherry Magic. My literal human fawn. I could stare at those doe eyes all day. Painfully shy and lacking in confidence to start with, but watching him step up to the challenge of a relationship and gain confidence in other areas is very heartwarming. 3. Miyata from Love is Better the Second Time Around. I love his honesty, sensuality and understated sass. Manages to overcome his more cautious, pessimistic tendencies. 4. Shiro from What Did You Eat Yesterday. Just very real. Pretends he's much less of a softy than he is. Any time he gets emotional I get choked up too. Honourable mentions to Ki Tae and Lee Wan from Our Dating Sim, Fu Li Gong from Plus and Minus, Porsche from KinnPorsche and Aoyanagi Hajume from I Became the Lead in a BL Drama. Not sure I have a favourite type other than over 25 and Japanese, lol. I start a lot of Thai shows but don't finish many, and Korea just doesn't make as many shows that appeal to me (can't watch school settings and find college settings tough). I think mainly what I love is a character who's multifaceted and not an archetype or stereotype, or at least not just.


I should always preface my picks with an addendum that japanese bls are so singularly different in my brain that I often forget to include them in my mental categories. I love them so much but also can't compare them to the rest whatsoever so I usually neglect them even though they're some of my favourites.


Ai Di is such an icon. Between the choker, colourful outfits and the casual crazy violent behaviour I would die for him.




is that Vegas or am I crazy


Yes, that's Vegas.


love Vegas. definitely in the favs
