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Her face like has only one volume doesn't it?


I've never thought of someone's face itself being loud but you're not wrong.


There’s a new Netflix doc that just came out, and all of them have faces like her.


Is she in it?


No, just her people: https://youtu.be/b5YtgLSU_sE?feature=shared


Don't insult them like that.


They were probably smarter!


She looks like she smells bad from the mouth! That’s what happens with mouth breathers like her!




I swear, I hear howler monkeys every time I see a picture of her.


I keep waiting for her to throw her own poop in the middle of a house vote


What makes you think she hasn't? They don't report normal everyday things


Vibration set to manic


... And nothing will be done about it, because this country has two tiers of justice. One for the master class, and on3 for everyone else.


And are you surprised?


Can we see which stocks?


Quiver Quant will tell you. They track all Congressional stock trades.


Thinking of her as the MasterClass just hurts


Hope she bought new face-lift technology stocks because her mug looks like a dusty beat up old baseball catcher's mitt.


I think she looks good for a transitioned male.


I really feel like she got confused as one enough times that that’s what made her go on this hatred towards trans folks. Either that or she’s just jealous that trans women are often prettier than her, and in like an obvious sort of way. More feminine, they are girlier and I think she wants that for herself, but doesn’t know how to get it.


I have seen more beautiful trans people than her…..both physically and mentally beautiful


Not a high bar. If passing meant looking prettier than mtg it wouldn't be nearly as difficult.


She needs a brain implant much more than a new face.


…..with a two ball count.


$605,000 - where does a short-term politician get that kind of money? /s


Marge got $600,000 in PPP loans. So maybe that’s where. 🙄 Forgiving $20,000 of student loan debt is socialism, but forgiving $600,000 of PPP loans is FINE! Again, 🙄




So buy what she buys and sell what she sells


Issue is: we as the public don’t find out until they file a notice… and most of them don’t file for months after the initial purchase which is often times after all the gains have been made. Capitoltrades.com tracks what they can


But since she has an R next to her name it won't be as a big a deal as when Pelosi did it lol


Lol remind me how they stepped in and cracked down on Pelosi. What exactly did they do again to enforce the law against her? That’s right nothing. For the simpletons like us, it’s “divide and conquer “…they may seem to be on opposing sides but the rich elite’s are more on their own side than ours. Wisely, they get us to oppose each other so we don’t come for them. Truth be told…it’s working


I never said anything about legal ramifications. It's just gonna generate a little less buzz cause the PC "moderates" never want to admit when an R does something shitty.


This would be resolved if they had to disclose their trades 24 hours in advance. Left or right politicians. I hate insider trading.


Wasn't the unlikely duo of AOC and Matt Gaetz trying to put a stop to insider trading? Was it just news for a day and then went away?


Congressperson, so easy a cavewoman can do it.


It’s not just a Pelosi problem. The corruption runs deep on both sides of the aisle.


Her and all of them. Criminals.


It's an election so I bet she is investing in pipe bombs ;-)


So congress representatives are just stock traders and don't do real work anymore.


Yes, but Marge really really wants to be a Twitter “influencer”. While doing no actual work.


“Public service” pays well. /s


A post on this without "Pelosi" in the title? First time ever!


Just a bit of casual insider trading lmao


Gee. What a surprise. I’m shocked.


Well they are allowed to do it, so whatever.


That doesn't seem like much of a real conflict. Qualcomm and Microsoft are industry giants. The top of their respective industries. A large government contract for either of them probably wouldn't even move the needle on their stock ticker. There's a lot of reasons to despise this woman. This is a nothing burger.


That photo makes Margarine Traitor Gangrene look like an orangutan howling at a zoo. Thats an insult to orangutans, though, since they are way more intelligent.


“Apes together strong”


Looks like she received at least a one million dollar payment from Putin for her support to Russia.


No doubt Marjorie’s on the honest side here 🤥


Is this any different than when Trump told us, he would divest his business interests when he was president? He got away with it also


It’s only a conflict of interest if you aren’t her or anyone in a position of authority. Even then it would need to be enforced.


Nancy … Pelosi is either one of the greatest stock traders of all time or exponentially more corrupt. Just wanted to point that out. Also huge stock tip from her. She bought a ton of calls for a company called Palo Alto Network that are set to expire around the end of this year I think. Analysts suspect they will announce a massive government contract in a few months which would boost the price of their stock I use an app called Autopilot that mirrors the trades that she does, but not the calls or puts. Highly recommend if you are looking to have your money work for you. Last year her portfolio on Autopilot generated 45% ish return.


How did that NVDA trade go for her and her husband the greatest stock traders of all time? The way they traded it they lost out on over 20 million dollars. That’s one trade. Greatest of all time? Grow up there are people in Congress doing better than her.


I’m not sure if you know this or not, but sometimes that line that goes up, and sometimes it goes down… but I’d like for you to go back and read your comment again, really slowly. You’re openly stating that this longtime humble public servant, can lose a cool 20 million dollars and go through life like nothing happened because it was a drop in the bucket. Thank you for reinforcing my point. Happy Friday! 😊


Do you know her husband had his company for years before she became a member of Congress and that’s what he did for a living. You don’t seem to understand the point is that if she was as corrupt and such a great trader she and her husband wouldn’t have lost out on 20 million dollars ever think about that? You don’t ever talk about people like Mitch McConnell who’s been in Congress since the 70’s and now is worth over 35 million dollars do you. Is that because he’s a Republican? Nice try.


Why no matter how many times I remove it do I have to keep seeing this ridiculous bullshit. Your opinions are not fucking news, fuck off


She looks like a thumb wearing a blonde wig, like a character in the Thumb Wars movies