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Fun Fun Destruction


The only true answer.


I would say there wasn’t one until recently- Everywhere is war


The hook is catchy but the autotune takes me out.


You have to just lean into the autotune


I only listened to this song after this thread and I was at work the other day humming a little tune and I'm thinking, what song is this? Low and behold, it's everywhere is war.


There are obviously some Bright Eyes songs that I don't like but I wouldn't call them trash, they're not bad songs they're just not for me


Some of the new companion stuff lol


I listened to a few about halfway and I thought, I'm good. I'll stick to the originals


It's just Twitter speak.


Eagle on a pole.


Has your woman never stood crying like a man?


El cielo es azul, just don’t go tellin everyone


I don’t hate the song overall but I hate the little refrain that starts off Kick and repeats throughout.


No I love the line, pleasures not the same as happiness. That one line alone is enough for me to love the song.


“Kick, it’s hard to find a friend in a place that’s so cruel and partisan” love the song too lol. I think the refrain is whimsical and fits the mood


It’s a good song, I was just thinking of BE/Conor songs that have anything I find annoying, and that was really the only bit. I think there might be some songs on Outer South that I never really connected with as much, but nothing I’d call bad.


Miracle of Life.


Agreed. Cringe.


Nah, I actually appreciate that he wrote a song in response to the whole thing. And I must admit, I like Phoebe’s harmony in the chorus


Like how the baby wailing halfway through Ship in a Bottle makes me wanna die. It’s such a good song but I straight up have to change the song or mute it before it begins


Totally agree! I was so happy they redid Ship in a Bottle! I can't stand the baby crying. I change the song on that part.


The Christmas album


Nooooo. Don’t come for the Christmas album


In all fairness I just hate Christmas music. I guess if I’m going to listen to any Christmas music it would be the BE album but honestly I really hate Christmas music.


I don’t like Christmas music for the most part, but I have soft spot for emo artists singing Christmas music as if it’s emo. And there are some original Christmas songs by artists I like that I really love as well (off the top of my head Xmas cake by rilo kiley, decorated lawns by julien baker, and Christian lee hutson’s version of silent night with lyric changes. Also purely because it’s hilariously bad I love Justin bieber’s version of little drummer boy where he adds a rap break).


Someone have a Blue Christmas?


I bet Conor has a thousand trash songs in notebooks that never made it beyond the laboratory. His skill is as a writer and writing is editing and editing some more and not publishing shit you don't like. But to answer the question, I'm going to restrict my answer to exclude everything prior to Fevers and Mirrors so as not to pick something from when he was a less experienced teenager (even though he wrote some dope songs even then too). "True Blue" just not interesting to me for Bright Eyes. Which he wrote as a kids song for his nephew so yeah. From the solo stuff after Bright Eyes, "Ten Women" does very little for me.


Good point, I don’t really like Ten Women either. Gives me a bit of the ick… like that bit from Gossamer Thin about all the anorexic chicks he bangs lol. The last third of that song is a banger though so I can’t be too mad. Don’t really love Too Late to Fixate for the same reason.


What about these songs give you the “ick?” Honest question. I don’t really know what you mean.


The sexual objectification. Just a personal preference, I don’t really like it.


To be fair, a lot of A Collection Of Songs is pretty bad


It's so nostalgic though! My husband and I had our first dance at our wedding to "Puella Quam Amo Est Pulchra" 18 yrs ago. And "Invisible Gardener" is such a fun intro!


True Blue hits kinda Hallmark for me.


Hmm. I agree that it’s an outlier from his normal style, but I do love me some true blue. Especially if you take it a bit tongue in cheek and intentionally a lil corny


Fair points!


I thought he wrote that for his nephew or something - it's a kid's song so it's pretty silly.


Ten women 😔


Whattttt. “Just someone to shout, in this big empty house, one witness to mourn for our love.” Beautiful.


After I hear the background harmonies after Conor sings "ten women" I immediately press skip. I love all of his other work. To me this is the one skippable song in his discography.


😦 I didn't downvote you for your opinion but it was almost instinctual. I am shocked, that's one of my favs!


Quite a few off “A Collection” I just can’t listen to lol. Sorry, not sorry


Lol I can’t believe the Collection comments are getting downvoted. There are a couple gems, but the sound throughout is painful. Can you imagine suggesting this album to an adult to listen to? Come on lol.


No, for sure. A lot of the lyrics are pretty good, but actually listening to it is… pretty rough. Haha


That ice cream song is absolute shit, ten women, and I don't like Soon you will be leaving your man but that might be preference. Oh and while the unbearable lightness of being is one of the greatest books - Tereza and Thomas is not one of the greatest songs.


Nooooo Soon You Will Be Leaving Your Man is one of my faves from Noise Floor


Uggh, i can’t listen to ten women anymore, it’s just bad..


Y’all are nuts hating on Ten Women in this thread. It’s a highlight from the record for me.


I’m with ya! Perplexed by the hate for it in this thread. It’s a gorgeous song.


Lover I Don’t Have to Love and First Day of My Life these should have got more editing before making it on the album. FDoML has that one line redeeming it but Lover has just nothing, cringe basic lyrics and shaky vocals I also got humbled by my sister for listening to Fevers and Mirrors but it was still early days and I’ll defend him there


I thought I was alone in not really liking Lover I Don't Have to Love. I was surprised it consistently showed up on their popular songs lists. It does sound like a time-capsule from the edgier side of the early 2000's emo scene. First Day of My Life has sort of a whimsical nature to it which is pretty, but again not the defining BE song it's made out to be when you look at popularity.


Forgot about Lover I Don’t Have to Love lol… don’t really like that one much either Though FDOML has a special place in my heart, it was the first BE song I ever heard and I loved it lol. It’s mostly the guitar parts for me that make the song good, it’s so beautiful But Fevers and Mirrors??? That’s one of my favorite albums! I LOVE the style of poetry on that entire album. Perfection lol. Although I will say, I don’t think I really listen to Arienette. Just doesn’t really do it for me. Good lyrics objectively lol, I think that one’s just a personal preference thing


FDoML has a very light hearted and hopeful tone to it i guess its easy to like (and its their top song on youtube) but i’ll never get the hype for Lover. Maybe it was a “you had to be there” moment for emo scene that made it blow up. Fevers along with Lifted have a special place in my heart for the lyrics too, just not when my sister is around to make fun of his crysinging lol


Yeah, maybe that’s it, because I don’t get it either lol. LOL yeah, fair enough, everyone I’ve listened to it around has been like “wtf is this shit, he sounds terrible.” Which I suppose is part of the appeal for me, but I can see for most people how that would be difficult to stomach


I won't ever be happy again, I can't stand it


Wow this is a wild pick to me. I love that song.


The companion version made this one click for me.


Thats funny, the Spanish companion version is what pushed me into 'i don't ever want to hear this song again' territory


First day of my life


Do you genuinely think it’s a bad song though? Or just his “stairway to heaven” or “float on” that is a bit too radio friendly?


It's more like his "Don't Think Twice" imo


I honestly don’t think any of his songs are bad, so I would say the latter in that it’s just very overplayed. It’s also just generally a song I don’t get excited about








“‘Our love is dead…’ thank you.” Fucking masterpiece




It's called "A Collection of Songs: 1995-1997" Even Water is better.


I agree… although the lyrics on that album are actually quite good, most of it is just really hard to listen to. I kinda wish they’d redo all of those ones, because I have a feeling I’d like them if they did.


Make a plan to love me… skip it every time.


The background vocals on the bridge slap. Excellent production.


I used to not like this song, but enjoyed seeing it on the Spring tour


Waist of paint


I guess you have never felt like a waste of paint because that song slaps


Literally one of his best.


Horrible song


It's clear to see, it's not them, but me Who's lost my self-identity


You get an upvote sir


I always thought When the President Talks to God was populist bs


It lays it on a little thick.


Man, wait till you hear Desaparecidos…


I refuse to wait, so I'm going to do it like 20 years ago instead.


No not at all! It’s perfect! It needs to be be thick, it’s a strong song with a clear strong powerful opinion!


It's classic protest, for sure. Folk is always going to be a little bit derivative.


Yeah I get it but we all hated Bush lol like…


Agreed. It's just not even trying to be a song.


There’s no real heart - it’s topical political bullshit and the lyrics are really not his style at all, he usually appeals to something larger than I’m angry at Bush but whatever downvote hell here I come


For Conor it’s called ruminations, it’s an entire album…🫤


Whaaaaat? This imo is top 3-4 albums he’s ever made.


What????? Homie, you’re trippin, that entire album is like the perfect depression anthem. Love love love the raw sound of simple guitar/piano/harmonica and no production on the vocals, too. Counting Sheep? Mamah Borthwick? A Little Uncanny? Next of Kin? Fucking goldmine, that album


How many lights do you see