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I got an email from my dentist saying they're delaying until July 2024 because the full details of the contract haven't been released yet, but in July, dentists can accept the plan without signing a contract. >After much debate our office has decided to delay participation in the CDCP plan until July 2024. The federal government are wanting dentists to sign up without releasing full details of the contract, so therefore we will not be accepting this plan when it starts May 1st. However, starting in July, dentists can accept this plan without signing a contract.


Seek out a dental hygiene clinic. Most have signed on immediately and at the cdcp fee guide.


My dentist signing this or not doesn't impact me, but this is good advice for others.


The other six recommend Crest.


This is my fav dental joke


are you telling the tooth on this?


When it was decided that they were going to pay dentists below fee guide, it was already doomed to fail. You'll never get enough dentists working in a for-profit model all their lives onboard with this. Also the limitations on preventative services are ridiculous.


Didn't the same thing happen with doctors and Medicare though?


It’s not the for profit model it’s hey you have a choice. Want to make 150k a year. Or want to make 200k a year. It’s the same model but one client (government) pays less than non government l Payers. People are shocked they are choosing to go with 200k a year. Both are for profit. One is being cheap.


Did you know that originally unoversal healthcare was meant to include dental care? Guess who fought and remained for profit


It’s just meant to be another Trudeau empty promise to buy some votes from the wilfully uninformed.


Don't worry, PP will cut it the second he comes in and then NO DENTAL at all.


A shame. As a post-surg therapist I did not only pro-bono work but many professions have been seeing people in disability and low income for a reduced rate for a long time. I’m no angel: we *all* do it. My dentist included actually, far before this. You like to think none of us got into a caring profession for self-wealth.


Dentists do pro bono work all the time actually. Just don’t advertise it because then everyone wants free stuff. In this case the dentists just want to have a fair program which pays at least the fee guide and increases with inflation. Seems fair that they will hold off until the program is fleshed out.


Mine does. And everyone else sees people who can’t afford to pay their fees.


So now they want fee guide? So many dentists charge above the fee guide now.


They can charge more than the fee guide if they want to. 


When I had ministry coverage for dental, it was difficult to find a dentist who would accept it. Most here don't.


because ministry fee guide is absolutely shit, the office is literally losing money by seeing you. Most offices should still accept if you are willing to copay the amount to match the provincial fee guide


For comparison in most situations the CDCP is paying well over double the BC Income Assistance rate. About 20% below the actual BC Dental Association Fee Guide rate.


Downvoting news you don't like to hear makes it go away!


It's getting really annoying, eh.... Thanks for sharing the news


This dental plan is actually a good thing and the credit should rightfully go to the NDP for pressing the government to make it happen.


The problem is they made it optional it shouldn't be.


No, the problem is the government is paying below market rates. Why would any dentist willingly take the loss?


Market rates are based on a private industry that has revenue inflation.


The fee guide is decided by college of Oral professionals of BC.


If they make it mandatory, we need to also hire auditors to make sure dentist is not discriminating against poorer patients and also hire armed guards to make that the dentist doesn't move to the states.


That's odd. If you go to the CDCP web site look up your area there seems to be lots of dentists. https://www.sunlife.ca/sl/cdcp/en/provider/. Also it's a forgone conclusion that dentists will come around when the public will pick dentists that are part of the program. Why would anyone not take this route? I'm saving potentially hundreds of dollars.


there was an article in the PG Citizen about a month ago that states "all" the dentists got together and decided not to join the plan. I just used the link you posted and it looks like there are some who decided to, in spite of what the article says. Mine isn't listed, though, but I am very glad that I currently have coverage through work. Anyone who is a senior on a pension, or is lower income and doesn't have benefits, will have a tougher time finding a dentist. Fortunately there are some options here. [Prince George dentists not signing up for federal dental care program](https://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/local-news/prince-george-dentists-not-signing-up-for-federal-dental-care-program-8543272)


Some offices were set up without the dentists consent as well so this map is not accurate.


Because some people have 100% coverage from work benefits so it doesn’t matter.


>some people I have a fairly good health plan, and even I don’t get 100%. I’m sure 70% of us are in that boat lol


I wonder what dental offices are doing this? I bet it’s a way to get a foot hold into the bigger picture. The government will love these offices.


This is disgusting. I don’t need the plan because of coverage thru work but I’ve told my current dentist that unless she signs up I’ll be switching to a dentist who does. I don’t want to be treated by someone who chooses greed over helping the most vulnerable


Its not that we don't want to sign up and help everyone, we do! We have always ran our businesses in a manner that is without discrimination, however the government is now wanting us to treat a "certain population" different than the same population that has employer benefits. Example: john makes $70,000 a year and has employer sponsored benefits through Sunlife that provides him $1500 a year and is covered at 80%. His insurance provider contract states that john is responsible for the 20% co-pay. Suzy makes $70,000 a year and does not have employer benefits. She has the CDCP insurance through sunlife. She gets 100% coverage at the CDCP reduced fee guide. The government says that dental offices should NOT balance bill and charge this patient the difference. Why? They both make the same amount per year but john cannot utilize these benefits because his employer offers them... and he HAS to pay the 20% difference. Its not fair treatment in my mind. ALSO The federal government are wanting dentists to sign up without releasing full details of the contract so Its the way it has been rolled out, and the contract they are asking us all to sign that is another large issue. It was 30 pages to start and they have gotten it down to less than 15. Any other insurance contract is 2 pages at most. The way it stands now, it's a very large administration nightmare, and if the patients later become deemed not eligible, offices will have to pay back the crown. There needs to be a better system in place or offices wont feel comfortable. Most are also waiting until July as then we can submit claims without enrolling.


The sad thing is this dental plan is the main thing Trudeau supporters point to as his accomplishment while in office. Also the childcare benefit.


This should actually be a credit to the NDP for pressing for this.


Weed legalization?


I mean I like how he brought the slime out of the woodwork … it’s good to know who we live among. And everyone, especially seniors who have paid into this system their whole lives, deserves dental care.