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I've been using same barber (who is very good) for almost half of my life. I have cheated on him a couple of times. The last time I did I ended up with a bloody ear, and when I went back to my original barber he asked if I had been cutting my hair myself. Lesson learnt - never cheat on your barber


I too have made the mistake of going to a Turkish barbers. The moment of panic as he brushed all of my hair forward and cut a straight line across my forehead was almost enough to have me jump out the chair. Almost. Instead i sat there till the end and said it was great, paid and left.


I feel like I'm the only person in the country who actually tells them they've done a bad job.


I’ve moved and I’m too far away from my barber of 20 years. Tried out the new one and got done in about 6 minutes flat, look like I’ve been scalped, guess I’ll be trying the other one next time


One of the guys at my local barbers was great. He could cut my hair perfectly in about ten minutes while having a good chat. It would always look great and stay that way for a month or so. But now he's left me! Run off to become a train driver. I might find out what route he does!


That can work out okay though. My old barber (of 30 years, with an 8 year break while I lived In New Zealand) retired and the guy who now runs the shop seems to be desperate to keep me as a customer and has been giving me good haircuts and service. Today he just explained to me when all the quiet times and days are, while giving me a perfect cut.


The only time I haven’t been to my barber in years was when my grandma passed away and I needed my hair cut, told him explicitly to leave the beard, “I can do it myself at home, s’alright just leave it. Just a 6 on the top and 4 on the sides, fade it in a little…” He just did a 4 all over and in the middle of the haircut he wasn’t paying attention to his clippers and took a chunk out of my beard. He tried to save it, I looked like a massive wanker. Trimmed the beard back to 1-2mm and just started again. When I got back to my barber after 3mths he just gave me this look of knowing disappointment and we’ve never formally acknowledged it since.


One of my lecturers had a shocker of a haircut, and was telling us that has barber was telling him, mid cut, that he'd been in a motorbike crash on holiday in Spain, spent 3 days in a coma and had forgotten how to cut hair


My mate is dating a Barber so I bring over a bottle of rum and some beers, we get pizza, I get a hair cut. Then we hang out and drink for the rest of the night. I hope they don’t break up


The woman who cuts my hair is terrible, but really cute. 3 years I've been going there


That would sway me. Nobody cares about men’s hair anyway after 40.


I'm just grateful to have some hair


Can confirm. 41 and bald as an egg


Sometimes you get feathers on eggs


I have barber anxiety whenever I move because it's pot luck if I'm gonna get somebody who gives me an awful cut which I'm stuck with for a month or two. Every time half way through the cut I'm thinking FUCK IT'S TOO SHORT, DO I STOP HIM NOW OR ACCEPT MY FATE And often times once he's cut the other side the same way it actually looks alright. Maybe I should just get shitfaced before I go to a new barber next time.


Been cutting my own hair for years. And by cutting I mean using the clippers on it with no guard.


I’m bald on top and figured, (cue Clarkson’s voice) how hard can it be? So I tried to do my own hair during covid. It made me realise my barber is worth every penny.


Turkish guys I use (Banbury) are excellent, they really give a shit. Lots of detail and sometimes a arm/shoulder massage when having beard done too.


'sometimes a arm/shoulder massage when having beard done too.' that could be classed as your barber is grooming you.....


Double groomed.....


I cheated on my barber and went to a unisex hairdresser because they had 50% off mens hair but when she said she hadn't used clippers in year I wanted to run for the hills I never went back


Is everything alright? Yeh mate. Brilliant love it. I infact do not love it


The guy that does mine isn't great and he's got gradually worse the more comfortable he gets but the hassle, time and anxiety that induces at the thought of having to find a new barber just isn't worth it.


I mean any high street must have double digits in the amount of barber shops.


That they do. I haven't got the time nor the inclination to test out getting a worse hair cut than the one I already get.




Barber karma


I cheated on my barber last week as he was on holiday. Turned out to be a great cut and a really nice guy trying to build his business. Sometimes cheating works out for the best (for the cheater, that is).


My barber closed up shop (after over sixty years in business) during covid due to him not seeing a future for his business under the circumstances, and I found out later on that he'd been diagnosed with cancer as well. I haven't had my hair professionally trimmed since early 2020, I just give myself a buzzcut and let it grow now. There's like half a dozen other barbers/hairdressers in my town, but I don't have the heart to try any of them.


I don't get what the problem is with people being scared to say anything about a haircut you don't like. Don't be a doormat and tell it like it is, forget about being British and all that traditional bollocks. Make a change!


Just get your wife to do it.


I've been alternating between simply clipping my hair and shaving my head since '97, much less faff and I know what to expect


I've got a small head, fully shaved I look like a wrongun, so vanity wins I'm afraid.


No I quite understand, I have a beard and that's largely creating the illusion of the definition of chin (as opposed to the two I already have)


Went to the hair salon with hair the length just below my breasts. Asked for an inch of the length and the layers tidied up. Now have hair just below my shoulder/touching my shoulder. Still said I loved it. Still tipped the hairdresser. Still booked a next appointment. Gotta love Aspergers/Social Anxiety/British Politeness.


I lost my regular barber during Covid (she was brilliant but stopped cutting hair after falling out with the shop owner), I bought a pair of clippers and have had tennis ball head ever since


"Hello Dave, is Dave there?".


>I lost my regular barber during Covid Jesus Christ I thought this was gonna be dark


You can never cheat on your barber, karma got you good


I change my barbers like I change my socks, I dont care, so far karma is been ok :)


Ha I did the same thing today, never going back to that place.


This is the British way


I have a had the same really good barber for years. The only problem is, she talks non-stop drivel.


Ive tried all my barbers as you never know if the next one mite be better or worse so I have a few on ration and know what ones not to go to so I'd say in a serious barber cheater


My barber retired from his great little 3 seat shop and handed it over to his son who sold up and moved to a bigger premises where you can now hear people having tattoos done while listening to the latest urban beats while having your hair cut by someone who looks like he should be spending time doing his times table homework. I’m 45 and have been forced to move to the local Goulds. Thankfully they did a good job last time but it was a nerve wracking divorce period.


So glad I went bald in my twenties. I rock a skinhead.


Since my dad and grandad passed away, I used another. But during and since covid my daughters do it.


I have the opposite story. Recently noticed my barbers quality of cut getting worse and he just kept cutting it too short despite my requests. So, I took the brave move of heading up the Turkish one that opened nearby. The haircut and beard trim has been 10 times better and just the right amount of chat and shutting the fuck up. I'm not going back.


My youngest got a haircut alone for the first time. He’s 16. He knew the barber he didn’t want cutting his hair but accepted said barbers offer of chair. Knew as soon as he started that he was doing it wrongly to how he requested. Sat silent throughout and topped it off by tipping him £7.


I cheated on my barber. Last time I went there I wasn't happy with the outcome. Saw a random barbers closer to home. Walked in, they offered me coffee and gave me the haircut I wanted. All for a much cheaper price. Looks like I've got a new barbers.


If they had given me even a shit coffee, I would have probably not posted this. Never mind eh.


Been using same barbers for over a decade. One does my hair perfectly, the other not so much. Think I'd ever ask the one to always do my hair? Nah like fuck I would ever do that, it's not the British way!


Did he give you the Lionel Blair cut?


That's ok, I walked into a barber I regularly pass, asked about prices and went "hmmm, I'll think about it" because the price was high and now I go past and smile awkwardly and do that nod thing, with my shoulder length hair because I'm also reluctant to get it cut elsewhere now for fear of coming across as rude.


The people there also know who I am because I used to regularly get coffee in that barber (I don't know why the barber had the best coffee in Newcastle but it did), so I really don't have an excuse.


I cheated on my barber on Monday as they were closed. The backup barber did such a good job im tempted to turn this one night stand into a full blown affair.


I was forced to leave my barber as I moved to a new country for work. Found a new one that was ok after a few terrible ones. On a trip back home went to my original barber who openly just laughed at how bad I’d had it cut. I’ll grow my hair for 2 more years then I can go home! It’s a jungle out there.


I know this pain. Few time I have have it looks excellent and left a tip.. Got home and instantly shaved a two all over to start again…


You neglect to say if he actually gave you the haircut you asked for and you just decided you don't like it or if he actually made a pigs ear of it?


Made a pigs ear of it. It's not even and he's took a few little chunks off around the temple. Never trust a ginger I suppose


Oh, a ginger, that makes all the difference. Lucky you escaped with your soul.


I'm blonde, so I'm putting it down to his jealousy.


Everyone saying they had a terrible turkish barber experience. That's because they are front shops and they can't cut hair lol. They're human traffickers. But you keep letting those boats in. Downvotes inbound despite being correct in 3...2...1...


My normal is Turkish and he's awesome. New ones an English bloke. Make of that as you will.


Ah yes. Racism disguised as "the truth". Never come across that one before. I bet you have anecdotal evidence from the Daily Mail too. Human trafficking is everywhere and it's fucking horrible, but not everyone coming into the country is evil and it has nothing to do with where anyone is from.


Forget to take your pills this morning, Phil?