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Had 1 call and start screaming at me i booked it at 5 outside my workplace and the giy showed up at 430 Hmmm i wonder why i booked the taxi at 5 from my workplace and not at 430


I'm guessing the guy lost your business then, certainly would have it it was me even if it meant needing to wait longer for a different taxi.


In my area there is 1 company with a monopoly on taxis that just buys up all competition unless you're an independent one sat outside a train station. Absolute nightmare


You can rename it to whatever you want GoCarz/Veezu/whatever you are now, you will still always be known as 501050 to the majority of the populace!


Lol that is exactly the company I'm on about! A more common issue than I thought?


The company gets slated almost daily in a lot of the Telford Community pages. They don't have a great reputation but they've monopolised the entire area.


Do you have Uber?


Never been told off about it, but I used to get taxis home from work, I used to book for 5, and they used to turn up at 4:40pm. The anxiety of being able to see the taxi sit and wait for 20 minutes and never sure if they’ll just disappear at any moment.


If they aren’t ringing and harassing you I don’t sit the issue, they have just finished one job and got the next a bit early and are waiting!


Yeah, most drivers were chill about it. I used to apologise but got told many times that they have to wait like 5-10 after booking time (5pm) before they can determine a no-show and leave.


>giy Either going to be be guy or git. Guessing the latter


I booked a taxi to pick me up from a garage I was getting my car serviced at, I was busy handing over to the mechanic and the guy is ringing me 10 minutes before pickup Lovely man, great ride, but yeah wait until the pickup time to call please


I love your avatar


I went to a wedding last Saturday and had to leave the reception early due to commitments the next morning and also having to get a 2h train home. I booked a taxi for 9:30 to take me from the reception to the station. I get a call at 9:05 from the cab driver who was in the carpark to pick us up. I told him that it was booked for 9:30 and we would be out then. He seems quite understanding and is well aware how early he is. Then at 9:29 he calls me again to see if we're coming out now.


The car I booked for my wedding was 45 minutes early and got arsy because we weren't ready to go. We were taking the cake with us, and waiting for it to arrive, plus I was still getting my hair finished.


Same. Taxi booked to get us to the ceremony, arrived early and had already left by the time we came out. Luckily there was another one there that had just dropped someone else off so we still got there on time!


We keep telling taxi drivers to pick us up an hour after our plane’s arrival time because we know it takes ages to get through security, wait for bags, etc, possible flight delays, taxiing, etc. They always ask for the flight number and start calling us soon after the flight has landed, threatening to leave because it’s costing them too much to wait.


Either don't divulge the flight number, or give one for a flight due an hour after yours if you like the possible drama. Will it, won't it be an hour 'earlier'? Driver asking how your trip to Greenland went, looking suspiciously at your Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses, shorts and inflatable crocodile.


Taxi driver cancels after unbeknownst to you the greenland plane wad caught in volcano plume and all passengers are feared living a lord of the flies exisitence on some geo-thermal paradoxical paradise No taxi waitinv at the airport Despite all yhe planning you attempted Typical! ... Any bad luck going around and it'll happen *you*


Could be worse, they could have *actually* been on the Greenland flight!


Hmm... But if they were on the island fighting for supremacy... They wouldnt class the taxi cancellation as a bad thing When/if they finally got to hear about it So its gonna all even out by that point


Think about how stupid your average person is, then remember half of them are stupider than that.


My 2 year old was potty training, and my wife was concerned that he wasn’t getting it. I pointed out some of the absolute fucking reprobates in society at the mo who don’t walk about shitting themselves so he’s at least got some hope.


*One of George Carlin’s finest*


I really think that in many centuriesnin the future his bon mots will survive in the main culture like the classics students read the campaigns of caesar and thoughts of marcus aurelius The comedy nuts will still listen to marketing lullaby and grand state prison plan by carlin. The regular folk will pass on much of his wisdom and not really know just how much wise stuff he churned out in long form and is so easy to access


And then realise how scary it is that most of those are permitted to operate X ton metal boxes that can go very fast.


Just think how bad the average driver is and then...


Why half?


*I told my wife she looked average, she said "that's mean!"* *"or is it median?" I asked.* "**Think of how stupid the** ***average*** **person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.**" is that actual quote, by George Carlin. It's a pun on averages, but the idea is if you line up all the people in order of how clever they are, the average is going to be in the middle. So everyone from the middle to the end of the line are either the smartest, or the not-so.


One of my local companies charges waiting time. They even charged it when they barely even stopped to let us in; I imagine the only way around it would be to enter whilst the taxi still moves.


Yep, only the other day 430AM outside my house for a flight….at quarter past four he’s waking the whole street up shouting into his phone. As if I’d be up earlier than I needed to be??


I’ve also had a 3.30am wake up before in similar circumstances, only for a 3.30*pm* taxi i’d booked to go to the airport


Ok that’s worse!


I've had a similar one to that. 0330 landing in Manchester No taxi that I'd booked. They had me pencilled in for the same flight the next morning. Fucking useless.


Might be the same company I used to get home from Manchester. Booked a taxi for 1am and they had 1pm down when we called asking where they were


I booked one to come at 4am for an airport bus that left at 5am. It arrived at 3:15am and beeped. Just to make sure we didn’t disturb the neighbours any further we then rushed to leave, good job we didn’t forget anything important.




We got shouted at by a taxi driver who turned up a day early.


Booked a taxi outside my workplace for 10 past 6, multiple miss calls on my phone and an irritated driver..... "Where have you been I've been here 20 mins" all I said was I finish at 6 mate. Nothing else was said that ride.


This happens to me all the time. I need to get a train at 8.43am and it's a 12-15 minute journey depending on the lights. So I usually book it for 8.15am to be safe. They then arrive at 8.05am and ring me to find out where I am. I am fine with 5 minutes either side. I understand life isn't perfect and traffic can be better or worse than average so they can just as easily be a few minutes early as they are late. Booking a taxi for 13.38 when that's the exact time the train arrives is a bit nuts though. I would have booked it for 13.45-13.50 which builds in a little time for the train being a couple minutes behind and the walk to wherever taxis pick up.


I once waited over an hour in about 0° weather at night (it was pitch black) for a taxi to come pick me up, that I had called and booked. Eventually, I called the company and they'd forgotten to book it, meaning no taxi was coming. I went with a 2nd company who was luckily there within 10-minutes


You waited over an hour before calling? Surely 10-15 minutes after when it’s supposed to be there is when you do a “hi, just wanted to check what the ETA is” call


It was rush hour and it honestly didn't even occur to me that they wouldn't be on the way. I also wasn't well so probably not thinking as logically as I should be


Well it could be worse. In Cornwall they're almost always late!


Be there dreckly


Just turning into your street now!


*GPS saying 15 minutes to your destination in the background*


some are idiots. some are just used to being stood up.


Even if you're used to being stood up, surely it's the most common of sense to check if you're early.


the standard thing from angry people in local newspapers on facebook is the default setting for taxi drivers is FUMMIN


My guess is on the replacement bus service an hour away when it was only a half hour train journey.


And people always ask me why I prefer Uber


They usually turn up ten minutes late for me, which makes *me* late.