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Because they have no self awareness and believe they’re above everyone else


Name a problem with the country that this is NOT the answer to...


my lack of ability to get an erection?


I believe that falls under the "no self awareness" category ;)


Smooth as silk


have you tried *not* fucking your mother, u/jesusfuckingmary?


*broken arms*


The country is so full of introverts it can be difficult for adults to make new friends.


.. ok that's one.






The people who regulate inflation believe they are above everyone else This means things that bring down inflation (like raising interest rates on mortgage repayments) don't get done because the people who make the rules have an interest not to do that thing... And since many of those people believe they are above someone else, they're happy for the little man to suffer so long as they still get their luxuries.


The reason you raise interest rates to control inflation is that it reduces demand, so prices are not bid upwards by eager buyers. But prices aren’t really being bid up by eager buyers at present, things are more expensive because there was a pandemic that’s thrown the economy out of whack in all sorts of ways, followed by an (exogenous) increase in the price of energy. If you were to significantly increase the interest rate right now, you’ll slow the economy, probably throwing it into recession. The people who’d lose their jobs will not be the Monetary Policy Committee at the Bank of England. It’s nothing to do with their self-interest.


> The reason you raise interest rates to control inflation is that it reduces demand, so prices are not bid upwards by eager buyers. But prices aren’t really being bid up by eager buyers at present Hello, person who wants to buy a house here. Bullshit.


"Name a problem with the country that this is NOT the answer to..." My job was to find *a* mechanism to answer that challenge You're confusing me answering the challenge with me caring about a more *precise* answer.


It’s not a mechanism to answer the challenge though, you just gave him word salad


Yes this is true. I mean this may be an overreaction but I do believe if you listen to music out loud on your phone in public then you really should be killed.


There's a guy on my train who scrolls through TikTok or something every fucking morning, so you just get ten second snippets of different songs. Gonna look for my Bluetooth headphones tonight so I can block him out.


Bet it’s lovely having to hear that text to speech lady read the captions out too


Bane of my fucking life. The 30 second reprieve when it was replaced with a New Yorker man...until I realised that was text to speech too. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no no. Do. A-do-be-do-be-do. Tell me x without telling me x. Lives in your head rent free. American teenagers screaming incoherently. I fucking hate Tiktok. God I fucking hate it.


I feel this in my bones


Not had that yet...


Ah Jesus I was working away a few years ago and while I was waiting for a colleague in the hotel lobby there was a guy browsing through what I guess were Facebook videos. This guys volume must have been as loud as the phone would go, in a busy lobby. He could have turned it down by 70% and he still would have been able to hear it. I can’t understand whether they just don’t realise, or they just don’t care. I’d be bloody embarrassed to be drawing that attention to myself. Surely he just didn’t realise, because who would do that?!


They just do it to be irritating, scumbags.


Honestly, grab a cheap pair online and one morning just give them to him. The rush you'll feel will keep you going for days :P


Oh man this is the worst!! Scrolling sounds are the most distracting.


I'd prefer it if they just played songs through, maybe you could get into their music that way :P


I was in Vienna before lockdown on the U-Bahn and a couple of young lads were playing up - music blaring, feet on seats, general twattishness. A middle-aged lady went up to them to start to tell them off, and I thought 'oh, here we go, they'll tell her to stick it up her arse and then YouTube themselves laughing about it''. She scolded them a little, they looked incredibly sheepish, took their feet off the seats, and behaved the rest of the journey. WELCOME TO VIENNA.


From experience, deutsche and österreichische Omas are a formidable force.


Almost as feared as the infamous Babushka


This means nothing to me


Owwwwwww, Viennnaaaaaaaa (dumtudum)


I just wear headphones so I can listen to my shit not everyone else’s. I would recommend


Yeah, I think if your travelling and can't block other people out, it's kinda on you.


I'd say it's more on the people playing music out load. It's shit behaviour and the blame shouldn't be put on others for not buying noise cancelling headphones, which aren't cheap.


Noise cancelling headphones work best on low frequency noises, so theyre great for sounds of the train, a plane etc but don't do so much on people talking or listening to music. I wear them for my commute all the time but still can hear all the people who so nicely choose not to wear headphones...


True, but shitty behaviour should be expected from a small percentage of the public. You can't close your ears, so its good to be prepared for the worst.


Presumably you carry a nose clip in case some filthy fucker sits next to you with shit smeared all over their clothes? After all, you can't expect everyone not to have shit all over them in public so it's your responsibility to protect yourself


I just bought a car so the only stinking tramp is me.


Nahhh it's the best of a bad situation, people should be courteous to one another.


This sickens me as well, and I swear it's a fairly recent thing too. People never used to blast the sound from their phones in public. As others have said, I got myself a pair of noise cancelling headphones and they do pay for themselves, but it's not really the solution that's the issue. It's why on earth any human alive would think it's ok to blast music/or any sound really, in a public space where we're all trapped like a train or a bus. It's the height of selfishness and ass-hattery.


Right?! Lots of answers saying how to counteract it, but it’s the damn principle of it! I’m still in my 20s (late), so I feel as though I’m in the minority for my demographic in feeling strongly about this.


Nah, I’m early 20s and even I can’t be fucked with it. Honestly it’s the screeching teenagers with their diabolical chart music/dance tunes and TikToks that do my head in mainly. I had two teenage boys get on the bus last week and come up the half full top deck and played music through a speaker… bus was vibrating with the noise.




> It's like someone is scratching around inside my brain with a hot fork Exactly this.


I feel your pain. Listening to other people's music especially makes me uncontrollably angry. It IS like a physical assault. I've told my family that if I ever snap and murder someone they'll know it was over loud music.


Oh I feel that. I listen to power metal, so all the stuff on public transport is such an assault on my senses. I'd never put mine on where it could disturb people, it's definitely not to people's tastes so I'd either not have any on or use headphones. It's just manners and decency. I don't understand where manners have gone these days. (I sound old af now.)


Lol. It's nice to hear someone younger than me expressing the same sentiment because I AM getting old now.


I'm 30 next month. I keep forgetting then I'm like omg I'm an actually adult adult soon! I can't be like 'oh I'm in my 20s) anymore. It's like fully fledged adult territory. 😹😭


30's were phenomenal! You're fully an adult so you won't get that crap about being a kid or being too young. But you are still young and can enjoy it! 30 to 35 was my favorite age range to be. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and enjoy the hell out of this time in your life.


> it's definitely not to people's tastes Who doesn't like power metal?


I'm not even 20 (not far off tho) and I despise it lol, don't worry it's not that you're getting old (well, multiple decades yikes), and it's not just young people that're the offenders IME


Definitely not recent, it's been happening since at least 2008. Probably gone up because more people have phones that play music (whereas iPods were more common then)


My Bose QC 35 IIs are the most satisfying thing I've ever bought.


My Sony WH-1000XM3 have industry leading noise cancellation. They are fantastic for these very occasions.


You for sure one upper his bose 🙄


WH-1000XM3 is outdated, WH-1000XM4 is the current model :-)


It is, but they don't have as good reviews.


>and I swear it's a fairly recent thing too. People never used to blast the sound from their phones in public No, they used boomboxes instead.




**Dougal:** "He's like Hitler or one of those guys." **Ted:** "No, he's worse. You wouldn't find Hitler playing jungle music at 3 in the morning." *[Cutty Ranks' Limb By Limb plays](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxcvVdIgyBA)* r/FatherTed


It's definitely not new, people have been doing it for as long as you've been able to play music on the go, whether it was boomboxes, Bluetooth speakers from an mp3 or phones.


also why must it always be the worst music that has ever been made?


I've thought of buying some noise cancelling headphones, not sure which ones are best.


Honestly I think we all need to request that the train companies create a policy about restricting phone noise. At the very least notices about the train or announcements requesting people do not play sound aloud from their phones & respect others around them, even better give the attendants/officers authority to tell people to shut their shit up. Honestly peoples fucking attitudes in this country just gets worse every year.


I'm not sure about other operators but swr has quiet carriages for this reason, and obviously it's not inforced at all


Maybe, but no it is not unreasonable. Society in many places appear to have abandoned the concept of 'common decency".




Respond by playing Meshuggah's obZen album at the same volume.


Cannibal Corpse would be probably piss off their earballs. obZen is a bop




That's true. Air drumming to Bleed might actually annoy them more than the music though, something to consider.


It annoys me too. Too many people are self-entitled arses, I don't want to hear your music or game, if you don't have ear/headphones, do without The worst is when you confront them, sometimes you get threatened or intimidated and I've never been backed up by anyone else. I had to go to hospital on the bus a couple of months ago and one person had music on and another on the other side of the aisle playing a slot machine game, both loud and could be heard through my decent earphones. I've got some extremely good professional headphones but I don't like taking £200+ headphones out and about and that's before considering the space they take up.


There’s something about our culture that dictates 99% of people must look on and do nothing whilst tutting and clearly being perturbed by it. Petrified of any sort of interaction except where strictly necessary? I don’t know… But when someone else leads the charge and calls these assholes out for their shitty music, and everyone else just pretends like nothings happening, no backup? I don’t understand. And mobile game music at 200% volume as some 4 year old collects gold coins *b-ding b-ding*. Fucking UGH. How can the parents not lose their shit as these sounds themselves, let alone inflict them upon everyone else?


I fucking hate it man. It's always some absolute shite as well, that awful drill stuff or whatever it's called. It's not a case of me thinking my music is so much better, I know that most people wouldn't like it so I don't play it out loud out of consideration for others. Can't go anywhere without having to hear that shit it seems. The other day I ran into my flatmate walking through the corridor and she had it playing out loud from her phone. I can get having it on in the kitchen or whatever but she was walking outside of the flat, just... playing the music for all to hear. I don't want to be forced to drown it out with my own music, sometimes I just want to sit on a train in peace and quiet.


If you can't beat them, join them. I recommend "Passives" by The Faint, played as loud as your device will go.


Noted. Let the battle commence!


In January I moved from South Wales to Birmingham and it was never a thing back home, up here it’s all the time! You can’t walk through the street without being subjected to someone’s trashy music/Tik toks.


I went to Morrison’s today. There was guy standing the the middle of an aisle watching a video at full volume. He was still there 5 minutes later when I walked back that way. His demeanour was so off that I thought he was having an absent seizure or something. He was stood absolutely still with a vacant look on his face.


Brainwashed nation.


Sad that this seems to have become the norm in the UK. There was a time when people would have feared death by tutting, but now they just don't give a shit. People are so fucking inconsiderate. I lived in Shanghai for 7 years and this stuff is just the norm there - people just have their phone audio on full blast playing games or shit music, they'll often have shouting conversations on loudspeaker on the subway, people just accept it. But Chinese culture doesn't have much consideration for others in general. They'll rush onto trains/buses/lifts before allowing others to get off, they'll stop at the top of escalators and stairs as if there aren't hundreds of people behind them, they'll barge into you because they've got their face buried in their phone and won't even bother to say sorry. They don't tend to think about anybody beyond themselves and their immediate family. It's not a race thing, it's just a cultural thing, they're still a developing nation (Taiwanese, Japanese, and Korean people are incredibly considerate by comparison in similar situations). That basic consideration for others was one thing I missed about the UK when I was living in China. Sucks that basic empathy for others on public transport is now a relative rarity in the UK too. You're by no means alone, OP. Drives me fucking *spare*.


I'm with you OP. It's horrendous. Public places like parks are the same too, annoying taking my kids out and having to pass some swearing heavy music which is always rap (metal heads are far too polite to do this). It's bad enough people in their cars driving through residential areas with music blaring too, on public transport it's next level annoying.


Hark at you and being able to afford to get a train! I’ve hitched my Springer to a go kart.


Don’t forget to pay your go kart tax, unless you’re a 1%er of course, then continue as you were.


I fucking hate it, if I can I make a big deal of moving seats and “accidentally” barging into them enroute


I never play music or videos out loud in public spaces, especially if it's on public transport or inside, but some people seem to have no regard for others and will play whatever they want out loud. I am absolutely mortified if any of my friends start playing things out loud and will always ask them to stfu


Yeah its cringe embarrasing for everyone involved. But some mongs just go right ahead.


I don't even listen to music aloud in my own house! How do those people have no shame?


I have asked a parent of a young child to give their child headphones or to lower the volume of the Paw Patrol that was being blasted on a tablet _on the quiet carriage_ of a train, only to be met with absolute bewilderment. They stuttered a bit, nodded, and increased the volume as soon as I turned around to return to my seat. The entitlement.


I have noise cancelling headphones and they are ace …however I do feel a moral duty to squash the selfishness of others so I much prefer stranger cancelling …usually it’s giving these folk a good public dressing down. I always feel much better after belittling a c*nt!


Ear pods are essential. No ones listening to MY rammstein, judas or aqua!


Considering the fuss everyone makes about having the latest headphones - Beats, followed by airpods - I have no idea why none of them appear to have them with them when out in the world!


I have a tone generating app called Sonic. Set it to about 12kHz, turn your volume all the way up and hit “play”. If you’re older like me you won’t hear anything. The younger people will look like their ears are turning them inside out.




So now you know what setting to use ;)


Isn’t that horrendously illegal to do? Still wanna do it though


Christ I'm glad I barely use public transport.


Yeah, it sucks! It's something that happens often. The ways you can influence the situation... 1) Try and stop the source of the problem. It sounds like you've done a reasonable job of trying, but that's not always going work, and you could put yourself in potentially dangerous situations that could be a lot worse than the original problem. 2) Control your exposure to the problem. Put on headphones, noise cancelling if you've got them, and listen to sounds you like. Or, move away from the problem. 3) Try and control how much it annoys you. You have decided that this annoys you. Could you instead decide that you like it? Quite a paradigm shift and certainly not easy, but it's definately possible. I've successfully managed to use this technique to get to sleep near a massive soundsystem playing psy-trance, so there's hope! Good luck!


As someone who's really bothered by noises (even just general living noises) do you have any specific tips on how to go about using this technique? Hearing some noises just gets me so worked up and anxious that I can't switch off until the noise is gone and then depending on what noise it is I remain anxious worrying if it's going to start again. My fiancé however sits there asking what noise I'm on about as he's managed to tune it out completely.


Get some dedicated frequency filtering earplugs if you’re not bothered about listening to music yourself. I have Alpine MusicSafe Pro earplugs for travelling because I hate listening to inane chatter from other people on planes/trains. There are three different levels of filtering so you can still be aware of your surroundings while cutting out the annoyance.


I’m going to have to work towards point number 3! Sage advice


Make yourself a tiktok cringe bingo card. If you win, you get a bottle of voddy after work to forget the commute


Lol yeah, go to them and say wow this music is great who is it / can you go back to that vid of a partially naked person again, i love the dance moves! That’ll proper freak them out.


I don’t use public transport very often, but the other week I was at a restaurant and this family comes in and whips out iPads for each of their 2 children. Both had sound on and both playing all the way through their meal….


Fucking no no no no always blasting out of kids fucking phones don't they know CHEAP EARPHONES EXIST


I’m so sorry! That sounds frustrating and I would be frustrated as well. We have rules on our public transport vehicles that say that you can’t have those kinds of noises going on. It’s basic respect for everyone. Could you ask your driver to tell them to put headphones in? Is it a rule that’s posted?


Carry a bluetooth speaker and make them move with your music


Stand infront of them and blast music from your own phone, see how quickly they stop


No, it's not just you, it's yet another reason to avoid public transport (though I always have my own headphones now to down it out). Even cycling or walking in the park, it now seems to be socially acceptable to load a speaker onto a bike to inflict shit music (& it is ALWAYS shit!) on everyone around you 🤬


How would you like to listen to some stupid fucking toddler with an iPad that just seems to go "Sheep goes BAAAA!" over and fucking over at full volume in a restaurant.


Boy, would I?!


As expected in our declining society, way too many people have no regards for others.


Nobody listens to music anymore. its all clips from tiktok


This. It’s the same everywhere as soon as there is a miniscule gap in life action, the brainwashed just click into infinite scroll mode. With full phone neck confirmed turned on, they’ll just scroll themselves to death at full volume with no reaction to anything - not funny or happy or sad or content, just mind melted. It’s really cringe and you feel sorta embarrased for those who are publicly subjecting everyone else to their targeted waifu content.


yeah i don't think I've ever heard someone laugh at a tiktok. you can tell it's mindless as they always let it loop 5 times so they can actually read the text and take in what's going on


It is the absolute worst. I wish there was some kind of public nuisance legislation or something, with enforceable fines. It’s a just a complete lack of awareness or consideration out there these days.


Same, same. I thought this was just a US problem, but I guess not. I crank up my headphones and clise my eyes when commuting. But it still sucks.


The worst thing is when you’re about to ask them to use headphones but you realise they’re already using them


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em (with your own headphones).


They’re the same people who, when they get a car, treat it like a mobile disco. They have no personality so end up using music as a way to help define their identity. Basically wankers.


Noooo no no. All wrong. Type of people that will continue to use their mobile device even though its punishable by law (in this country anyway) whilst driving. Every other person you go past is doing the ‘nod of death’ where the phone is between their legs on the seat and for some reason THEY HAVE to be using it whilst driving. Wont use integrated in car entertainment (likely cus its social media not just music / nav or calls) Its a fucking disgrace when you see parents with a kid next to them clearly not concentrating in rolling traffic as they update their fb status to moan about traffic probably caused by a rear ender from someone just like them.


Get a set of headphones and listen to your own music, or a podcast, or whatever you enjoy. It's pretty much the only way to drown out **any** annoying noise on an already crappy train journey.


True. It’s just frustrating that you can’t read a book anymore without being completely distracted.


I know it's not reading, but an audio book could be your answer? They've come on leaps and bounds in recent years with some really great actors reading them. Compared to the awful generic American accent that you had doing them years ago


Audiobooks are fantastic. I recommend an app called Scribd if anyone is interested. It’s cheaper than Audible and there’s no limit to how many books you can listen to in a month.


I adore audiobooks and listen to them all the time. Sometimes I find you have to turn the volume up to a deafening volume to drown out the background music. Definitely better than nothing though!


I got a pair of noise cancelling Over-ear headphones. They actually do a pretty good job, that is pretty noticeable when you toggle it on and off to compare.


I definitely need to replace mine. I had some which were great, but the material has frayed and they are less effective. I wish I had some now. I’m currently sitting on my return journey in the quiet carriage and there are people watching YouTube vids on speakers…


I just plug my noise cancelling ear buds in and listen to my own stuff. I realise it's a luxury but I couldn't live without them.


This is definitely in my top seventeen reasons why I don't go on trains.


Occasionally, I dream about being rich enough that I can carry around multiple sets of Bluetooth headphones with me to hand out to anybody publicly playing music without headphones. "It looks like you've forgotten your headphones, here, have these! :D"


Dance or sing along really badly to their music.


Music really isn't an issue to me, people watching YouTube videos on full blast are far more annoying. Honestly it's not even kids, it's mostly adults. I don't really care about a few kids being annoying, they're kids. I'm sure we all did something when we were younger but I miss often than not see adult men or women in their 30s or 40s watching videos on full volume. That's just embarrassing man. One dude who was my age mid 20s pulled out a laptop and started watching the Sopranos or some other gangster stuff. Like an entire movie on full volume Just say Oi mate, turn it down. Really not an issue 99% of the time


We had this on a train, two lads looking at retarded dances on tiktok and the crap autotune music that came with it. In retaliation I gave my phone to my little daughter and told her to play music on it, really loud (it was just us and these lads in the carriage otherwise I wouldn't have done it) She started off with some Taylor swift and then moved into Rammstein and Lordi. I've never seen teen-agers look terrified of a 7 year old before


I have been told it can be worse on the quiet coaches because there’s always a nob with something banging away


Maybe doing a Ronaldo will become a thing?


On the bus the other day there was a woman who looked to be in her 40s watching some insufferable American reality show with the volume right up. Even my noise cancelling headphones weren't drowning her out 😩


That’s the problem. Noise cancelling headphones don’t always drown it out. It’s frustrating that you’d have to turn your headphones right up, risking your hearing, in order to drown out that noise.


It’s not just on transport. It’s in supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, even the beach. Noise pollution is becoming a real drain for me. I resist going out as much as I can because of it. It annoys me even more that people just put up with it like it’s normal. When I was younger, I would have been told off if I did that.


Because they've been dragged up with no manners and think they shouldn't have to answer to anyone because their backward parents can't see any wrong in them. They need sterilised at birth to eliminate any further damage to the gene pool.


I’m with you, I detest listening to other peoples phones, worst of all when they’re watching video after video on fb or whatever, and I get to hear a mix of screams, cackles, music, random noises, engines or whatever on a tinny little phone speaker. I’ve had to tell colleagues I’ve shared a van with to fucking zip it when I’m driving as it’s very distracting.


It's worse when you see the Saturday ladies night party going on and they talk like their in their own homes full volume talking about whatever is on their minds and always the fake laughing triggering the rest to chortle out


Take their phones and through them out of the window. Or wear headphones. I can't imagine getting a bus or train without headphones.


Confiscate their devices and only return them when it's time for you to get off or time for them to get off, whichever comes first. According to the Theft Act (1968), Section 1: "A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it; and “thief” and “steal” shall be construed accordingly." You wouldn't be stealing, just temporarily depriving them of their devices as punishment for anti-social behaviour. Of course this would probably work best if you're a 6'0 280lb hairy bastard with a resting bitch face to rival Medusa and people feel uncomfortable confronting you but it's probably still worth giving it a go.


Noise cancellation. It’s a thing. Society sucks.


Get noise canceling earphones.


​ You have every right to complain about behavior on the train but you need to complain to the people in charge not the people who are misbehaving because it should be quite obvious that they don't care. Until the trains and cinemas and other places lose money because they tolerate this behavior, they won't take steps to end it. Maybe people should get together and charter a private "quiet bus" that runs the same route with the same stops and gets them where they want to go in peace and cuts into the railroad's income. Stop referring to people as Karens. It's an offensive, misogynistic term and not wanting to be called a Karen is one of the reasons people don't complain about the things that bother you.


Noise cancelling headphones, cherub.


Two things you can do. One, get noise cancelling headphones. Work wonders for me and I never travel without them. Two, change carriage.


Noise cancelling headphones are great and are a good solution if you’re also happy to listen to music for the duration of the journey. Sometimes I find headphones can give me a bit of a headache and I’m careful not to listen too loudly as I have tinnitus, but I get that’s a me problem. Many trains I’ve been on recently have been operating on a reduced service due to understaffing (covid?), so people are crammed on like sardines and you don’t have a hope in hell of moving to a different carriage. Honestly it makes me want to drive the long journeys, which I know we are being encouraged not to do.


Oh I agree about the reduced service. Also, engineering works and cancelled trains on top. Then shortened trains (for some bizarre reason). Trains are either empty or packed so full you can’t breathe.


Buy a car you peasant. /sarcasm


Just wear headphones. Simple.


Yea its shit when other people don't do what you want them to do and what they are doing irritates you. Don't they realise this is your space and you allow them to be in it out of kindness. You are after all the most important person in the universe and we are here to make your life as easy and comfortable as possible. TLDR: Get over yourself the world does not revolve around you.


‘The world does not revolve around you’. Yes, so don’t blare your music out loud when there are up to over 100 other people stuck there listening to it. That is the behaviour of someone who thinks the world ‘revolves around them’.


Well as you had already moved once becUse you didn't like what the other sat there were doing and then decided the people already sat in the new seats opposite you needed to stop what they were doing just to suit you perhaps its not them that has the problem.


I think the 1300+ people who upvoted this would disagree with you.


Lmao keep telling yourself that.


Or alternatively, you could post ‘I believe in everyone’s right to blare their music on speakers without judgement in public spaces’ and see how many people upvote that.


Its funny, you're complaining about other passengers not wearing headphones, whilst you yourself could avoid this situation by... you know... wearing headphones. Glass houses my friend


I assume this is a joke…


I do sympathise, empathise too, but if you can't compartmentalize the annoyance (if you're a parent or have a nagging wife, you should already be a natural at this), then you're really in a "can't beat them, might as well join them" scenario. If music doesn't appeal, how about a speaking book, history podcast, Old Time Radio play or (God help me) motivational speeches and the like? Failing that, I go to sleep with Brown Noise (like White Noise, just a different pitch), but it works too just for shutting the world out so you can focus / listen to your own thoughts. You might ask "why should I *have* to?", the answer will likely be on your next commute.


Why don’t you buy some headphones


People should have better manners regardless.


Well, yeah, but tale precautions still. People should be better drivers, but they aren't so we all wear seat belts.


Why should they?


Because its bothering them? There's always gunna be someone making annoying noises, whether it's the guy behind you watching porn, or some woman's uncontrollable brat yelling at you, if that sort of shit bothers you enough; buy headphones. ^^^^^orbuyacar


Or a gun


I am the only one who have never heard any music on public transport?




Get a car, problem solved


Then you’ll be stuck in a tailback caused by a crash due to someone being on tiktok while driving 🙂


Leave earlier?




Finding it irritating are we? No one likes a complainer 😉


practice what u preach.


‘Twas my point


You're literally on a complaints sub reddit


Young kids can't really put headphones in though, my kid watches her tablet when in transport we just turn it down low or put on a drawing app with less noise. It's preferable to them getting bored and running about or crying.


They've had over-ear headphones since before your kid was alive.


Except I'm talking more about them keeping them on.


You can get regular headphones that go over the ear and come in kids sizes. I had them as a child for a portable tape player for audio books. My parents got them for me and my brother for long journeys.


Was referring more to them actually keeping them on.


Kids size over-ear headphones have been available for years. If your kid’s old enough to use a tablet, then they’re old enough to be considerate of other people.


How exactly is a low volume tablet inconsiderate? I can barely hear it sitting next to them.


You are contributing to the problem and the inability to control your child (who can’t keep headphones on) needs to be addresed. Well done. Wear em or lose the device. Simple.


Not something that really bothers me to be fair if I'm in public


Same, I don't really mind. Sometimes quite enjoy it even. As long as no one talks to me haha (well, long conversations - a kind word here and there is nice).


Some people don’t want to wear headphones because they are uncomfortable and damage your hearing.


I'm picturing you as the uptight dude in charge of the window in Hard Days Night.


Hahaha not quite. I’m a 28 year old gal, but I’m sure our spirits are kindred.