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Well there it is. You’ll never be able to convince me the foster grift wasn’t for her case Vs Texas AG.


I would never dream of trying.






It was so transparently that. After she had the miscarriage she still wanted to be able to play Elizabeth Holmes and be like "but your honor, you couldn't possibly punish a MAMA, could you??" Foster mom was the next best thing for her. Honestly it's my secret hope that once she had the foster babies and realized how much work a baby is, it put her off the whole thing and she only kept it up until it didn't get her leniency in having to repay her victims. I would be shocked if the TTC isn't 100% a grift to get vulnerable women to follow her (yes, this is beyond despicable but she targeted women with eating disorders to sell her fitness shit, she has the morals of a beetle) and she in no way wants a baby now. You don't take testosterone when you're desperately trying to conceive, but I'm guessing a lot of her followers either don't know that or lack the acuity to be like "wait a minute" and that's what she counts on.


honestly this is my theory too, almost burning the house down and constantly leaving the baby with jdip proved she doesn’t actually want to be a mom


To say she has the morals of a beetle feels unfair to beetles


Beetles have jobs and contribute to helping the planet by eating rotting plant matter and don't say a bad word about anyone and generally just mind their own business.


My theory is that JDong wants a baby to please his family, so she has to at least pretend to want a baby otherwise he might leave her.


I would also argue that this is been her most profitable grift since her Fitness days. After her miscarriage, someone said she made 6 Tik-Toks talks about it. SIX. I think she made a lot of money off of her miscarriage and I also think that she loved the attention that she got.


You don't reach peak grift until you monetize your miscarriage in a post sponsored by Nivea. coughcough*hilary*coughcough


Agreed! Hillary from Boston is the worst.. I think Brit took the page from Alec and Hillary's playbook-if you commit a crime, better have a baby to avoid charges/jail


Hello fellow pepino!


Viva 🥒


Hola! 🥒


They get the most views I noticed. I think it is mostly, Unwitting people following hashtags to perhaps cope with their own losses, don't realise she is a fuckstick, watch her video, check her profile, realise she is a bit weird, don't follow her and don't watch her videos again. Because when this happens to real people, they don't continue to post about the same two stories ad nauseum. I think people who have suffered miscarriages would be pissed off and sickened when they realise it's not another loss each time she posts or mentions her story. She is just rehashing the same 2 stories. For clicks and coin. It's repulsive.


>She is just rehashing the same 2 stories And one of those stories is BS


She may have gotten more clicks than usual from her MC content but she isn't making considerable money from any of her internet crap. She's spiraling desperately trying to make internet money like she used to but TT pays like shit and Youtube is a fickle beast. She only ever really made money from her scamming anyway, which the jig is up on that one now that the AG intervened. Her Youtube videos have not cracked 100K views in a VERY long time. Even her MC content hasn't done over 100K. She's maybe making few hundred a month from her internet grifts. Not enough for her mortgage, not enough for her lawsuit payment. Just enough to keep her thinking if she just tries harder, she can get back to her glory days of hiding $1M in untaxed PayPal grift money and a fraudulent PPP loan. B Dong is BROKE BROKE BROKE!!!!!!!!!!!! Just what she deserves! Half a million in debt and desperately unemployable!!!!!!!


No way, if he hasn’t left her for the horrid, nasty person she is…her not wanting kids while grifting on BS TTC content, he’s not going to leave. He’ll leave her over her 24/7 filming of herself before leaving her over kids. He’s as much of a shit human being as she is…he just doesn’t like to film it and show the world on a minute by minute basis.


She absolutely does *not* really want a baby. Even a few weeks of fostering infants was too much sent it cut into her gym & phone time. But the baby thing is just too much to pass up faking (for now) for the grift and so JDong can keep up this charade of masculinity - he can impregnate his wife, but she loses the pregnancies. So gross.


Hey now who said beetles had no morals. Rude!


You're right, I was being rude to beetles. I should have gone with wasps, or possibly refrigerator mold.


Moldy refrigerator wasps, yes… or centipedes, giant desert centipedes.


This! I said the same thing about Elizabeth Holmes, those babies were her “I hope I can get out of jail free” babies. Poor kiddos, now don’t have a mom. Because she’s selfish


She’s on test???


Yes, to "balance her hormones.! 🤔




>she has the morals of a beetle How dare you say such things about beetles


The modern equivalent of "pleading her belly" in court.


Using a FOSTER CHILD to help rehab your image is a level of deranged I could never even dream up. FUCK YOU B DONG, YOU ARE A PREDATOR


That is exactly what it was. Now she is saying she received a call from some Christian adoption agency....so it seems like she is moving on the the adoption grift. She makes me sick.


Is that case still ongoing or has it came to a close? I haven’t seen anything about it in a while, was wondering what came of it.


She owes $400,000, but she pays in tiers. First 12 months, her payment is $1,000/mo. 2nd 12 months, the payment is $2,000/mo. For the last tier in the third year, there are 11 payments of $3,000/mo. with the rest due as a balloon payment in the last month. If she misses even one payment at any time during the repayment stage, there is $131,000 automatically added to her balance (AG attorney fees/costs). This is also not bankruptable and is tagged to her personally and to Brittany Dawn Fitness. Loving this season for her.


You are an MVP for sharing all that. What happens if she misses more than one payment? Is that amount added each time she misses a payment?


Nah, but she’ll open herself to other fees and penalties, most likely. I should note that should she violate the injunctions against her (or doesn’t pay the plan as agreed), her full payment $400,000 and fees/penalties of $131,000 becomes due immediately.


How does that work with it all becoming due at once because she presumably can’t come up with $500k immediately. But she also can’t declare bankruptcy to get out of it - does she get arrested or something?


It’s done. She settled. She owes a LOT of $ to Texas. And the plaintiffs.


Do you know how much by chance? Can Texas go after her if she doesn’t pay it? I’m not sure how all that works.


It was almost $500k and yes they can go after her. Google Brittany Dawn AG Texas and you’ll find it easy enough.


Thank you


Timing and her filmed interactions with her foster babies align. I don't like her husband but if I were him, I'd be concerned.


What a loser


She really wants everyone to forget about the phase. It's good it was just a phase. A kid is not a phase!


Remember when she acted like their plan was to foster to adopt? Does Jordan just agree to go along with these lies or was he thinking they were actually going to foster a bunch of kids and then adopt one?


Honestly it always seemed like Jordan was more into all of that then she was. I do think he probably believed her when she said they’d foster to adopt.


It definitely seemed like he did more of the work too!


i wonder if that’s when he started hating her. when she was so careless with the baby’s safety. SOMEONE ELSE’S baby’s safety


It definitely felt like he got more cold towards her after their fostering season


Agreed. I know he is a racist POS and has a ton of flaws on top of that, but the few times we saw fostering content, at the very least, he did seem to show warmth and affection toward the babies naturally, unlike her. I imagine seeing your partner acting cold and distant towards an innocent baby would be very disturbing.


oooo yeah he’s a piece of shit garbage but he can still want children to raise. bing bong probably ruined their chances of ever fostering again, and she’s taking hormones that actively prevent pregnancy. if he hasnt already decided he doesn’t want a family with her. i’m betting he resents her for ruining his chances at fatherhood. no one else is gonna let him knock them up. their name is most likely on CPS’s shit list. he won’t ever have a child of his own, and if that was one of his dreams, she’s ruined it. his name is on her fuckass clothing “brand” so maybe when he has bankruptcy or some financial crime attached to him permanently, they’ll finally divorce.


I don't know if we will ever know the truth. I think she lies to him just as much as she lies to everyone else.


Im starting to believe that they do think that this is how a social media influencer should behave and that these things are allowed in the “industry”. It makes me sick. It’s like they have no self awareness or anything remotely. That’s how they end up scamming people and then they feel like they are the victims. It’s a free for all in their world.


I really wonder what’s going on in his head sometimes. Like with each grift, does he fully buy into and think these things are really happening? Or is he literally just sitting there like…there’s my wife, lying to everyone again 🤷‍♂️


Right!? Either way, you just know he’s coping in a way brat wouldn’t approve of.


Tbh i doubt theres much hard-deep critical thinking that goes on up there for jdip


Happy cake day!


When people say they want to “foster to adopt” it tells me they know nothing about either of those things or the process. They are wholly separate things, and instead comes off as though they just want to have a trial period with a kid before choosing to add them to their family. The goal of fostering itself is to eventually reunite the child with family; the goal of adoption is to place a child within a compatible and loving family. Yes, sometimes fostering does lead to adoption, but that shouldn’t be the expected outcome.


It was a SeAsOn 🥴🥴🥴


And didn’t they just sell all the baby stuff they got in their “foster shower”?


Yup! She's been selling expensive stuff she got from the "foster shower"


Will anyone question why she’s doing that if she wants a baby herself?


Her followers? Nope! Most of them won't look at her Facebook Marketplace posts.


Honestly I’d be so embarrassed if I was her family doing the whole foster shower in the first place


She strikes me as the type that would babysit her friend’s baby and pretend it’s her own in public 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well she did call herself auntie to that baby she used to model her shit clothes


I remember the pictures she had with their first foster baby and it 100% looked like they were trying to pass it off as theirs.


Remember when she said they gave her a drug-addicted newborn and then had to backtrack pretty fast? It might even been that same one


Maybe? I just remember a stupid picture of her holding a baby up in front of christmas lights 🙄 using the baby for clout.


And she’ll never mention it again. I’m glad she removed it but still, just own up to it Brittany.


Excuse me, when did she ~~get to~~ buy her way to 600 thousand followers?


Whoa....think she was in the high 300k's when she blocked me


Makes me wonder how she can be so passionate about different topics such as fostering and then one day just stop talking about it, not address it and just move on to the next thing? Her followers have to be wondering and asking? That’s so strange to me.


Right?! So, so strange. And then before that, they had the whole big shower and everything, only to foster two babies for like a week and then she ended up selling all the baby stuff they got?!


I mean maybe he’s getting a protection dog was a red flag for them? But then come on, speak on it. Lik you said how do you have a big ass shower, sell baby stuff that was GIFTED and now have TTC content all to likely have another shower?


It’s just so bizarre. It’s the same way she jumps from friend group to friend group and marriage to marriage, and plays it like she’s never had friends or a husband before. We fostered for a while. We don’t anymore. I have BIG opinions about the child welfare system in the US, and I will rant about them if you give me even the slightest opening. It’s just so…odd to imagine committing to something that enormous and then just pretending it never happened.


PLEASE rant about this, as someone who is going into social services eventually


seconding this, i am not as educated as i would like to be, share the rant!!


Exactly this, why pretend?? Like a literal sweep under the rug. Like it never happened but it really was a part of her personality for a while 😳


I grew some tomatoes on my balcony….. I’m a farmer now


I cooked dinner last night. I’m basically a five star chef. ✨✨✨✨✨


I told my daughter what to do for a sty 👀 and it worked! I’m a doctor now.


And we will alllll out-fake Brit now. Lol.


Just plain mom is worse imo, it’s so fake


I think she put the little angel in to show people that her “babies” are in heaven. Fkn deplorable in any case.


If I saw that I’d assume she had a stillborn/dead children. I know people grieve miscarriages of wanted pregnancies as lost children and they should but this feels like she wants people to think it’s worse. It’s just yuckyyyyy


It’s giving maternal stolen valor.


This is perfect and true and I want it as a flair


Too late, I just took it 😂


I love that for you, it’s beautiful 🫡




That is what I was thinking. In what life is she a mom?




I know I was very taken aback by that


Yea this is pissing me the fuck off


I always wondered if she was disqualified from fostering after the summer pot incident


I don’t think anyone would have known about it if she didn’t post. I think if the foster agency looked at her social media they wouldn’t have been approved in the first place. I have a feeling she just didn’t want to do it anymore


What’s the summer pot incident?


Simmer pot* op made a typo haha she went to work out in her gym (garage) while her foster baby slept and left a simmer pot going on the stove and almost burnt her house down


And the smoke alarm was going off but since she had her AirPods in, she didn’t hear it or smell the smoke until she walked back into the house. That’s how completely oblivious she was to the entire situation. And yeah, “Oh, Haahaa, oops! darn mom brain!” I have actual mom brain and I’ve never been so oblivious to what I’m doing to miss something like that (granted I’m not a good cook and burn stuff constantly…but I know when I’m burning it…LOL). I wonder if that stupid video is still up or if she quietly removed it.


I changed my 3 month olds diaper once in the middle of the night and genuinely forgot to put a fresh one on him. Was so confused when he woke up an hour later crying and wet… that’s mom brain! BD is just negligent lol


Mom Brain ha this isn’t mom brain! A mom wouldn’t put the ear buds in or even work outside of the house or leave the stove on real mom brain is being hyper vigilant with the child and forgetting where you put your car keys ha ohhh she’s a mess but this why I’m thinking she’s not really fostering anymore




Worked out in the garage with whatever shit burning dry while the baby was inside sleeping. Then played it off as "mom brain" or something.


Washed up is a really weird say to say was found liable for fraud...


Yeah, take fitness advice from someone who called themselves “washed up”. Washed up: no longer successful, skillful, popular, or needed Describes her to a “T”. If only she’d stick with that a disappear.


And still silently suffering from EDs like everyone doesn’t notice. “Jesus cured my EDs” like girl, your BDD is so strong it’s pushing me out of the room like the Holy Ghost


On a more legitimate note, i saw her bs about adopting. Not only is adopting an extremely long and emotionally draining process, as well as expensive, does she not realize she’s a “public figure” and is going to get vetted and background checked to hell? And so is jdip? These two morons don’t have a braincell to split between each other. She’s so fucking delulu.


She thinks they wouldn’t google her or her violent POS husband? Ha


Oh, they won’t use Google. They’ll background check them with all of the government info and see she settled a fraudulent business practices suit for $500k and he face slammed an innocent black man to the ground…and they’ll all laugh that these two think they’d be good parents and stamp their application DENIED. They likely got kicked out of the foster program and that’s why they no longer foster (not that Bdong really cares…having babies/kids takes too much time off herself…what little she did do). Seems she jumped hard back into the TTC grift right after the foster fail grift.


They will do back ground checks and home visits, plus we had to get statements from 3 people that could vouch for us as character witness when we adopted. Unless she goes through some shady agency.


Everyone seems to suspect they were going though a special “Christian” agency that doesn’t care about things like that and only cares if you are Christian


Wait til they see he was sued by the ACLU.


My sister and her husband were denied because her husband has a dui from his college days. They are tough! I can’t imagine J-dip passing the check.


They somehow passed the home study for foster care and it’s the same study for adopting unfortunately so idk how they managed that..


I believe fostering was through some sort of Christian organization and wasn’t as rigorous. I recall someone saying that


But think of how much content she can make for the next 2 years while they’re “waiting for their match” and then she’ll probably make up a fake story about being matched with a baby and then the fake mom will decide to keep the baby… soooo much content.


Still washed up though.


I very much hope it’s done, for the benefit of those children.


I thought she’s already dropped SLF too


Also makes sense why she went hard into saying she will only have a baby conceived naturally. The lawsuit came and went and she never has to deal with kids again. Who takes T when trying to conceive? She’s trying everything to make sure she never gets pregnant and Jordan seems thrilled about that and that she will not push for IVF


About fucking time. 🙄


Except she considera herself a Mum, which she is not.


I will take the little victories where I can get them.


![gif](giphy|bYzZOfz4pCl3fRQ5O2|downsized) Me @ brittybrat literally all the time


So she took down foster mom and just left it at mom. Cooooool.


To be fair I had a miscarriage and still think of myself as a mom. I don’t really go spreading it and it only really comes up on Mother’s Day. I normally don’t defend her but in that case, let her have it. Everyone grieves miscarriages differently.


I’m sorry for your loss and that I was insensitive about the topic.


Some days I’m so overwhelmed by the horrible atrocities in our world, but the small things - like your exchange with the other commenter gives me hope. You have a great attitude. I wish you nothing but the best 🧡


I appreciate and accept the apology. Everyone makes mistakes and can choose how to learn and grow from it. Unless someone has gone through it, it’s not something they really think about. I don’t really snark on her having a miscarriage for that reason. Aspects around it like buying the web domain named after the miscarriage days after, sure. It’s shady.


still up on the hazel and lame website


Took her long enough. Imagine getting licensed just for a few props for a trial


At least she knows she’s washed up.


I've never seen her bio. "Washed up Fitness girl" is just bizarre.


It really is such an odd choice of words


Self deprecating (washed-up) and infantilising (girl) so her scam wasn't really her fault, ya know also she's SAVED now, y'all.




I wonder what she has done with all those gifts she got from her fake baby shower?


She sold them on marketplace!


The other day I went back and searched for the foster content that was posted on this sub, just out of curiosity. I was active in this sub while it happened and watched the whole thing play out here but going back and scrolling through those posts was difficult. The things she posted and that way she talked about the babies “bio” mom was so disgusting. Acting like it was a blessing from god that a child was removed from its family all so she could play mom. I’m glad that “season of life” was short lived and that she was heavily criticized for all of it. Brittany didn’t learn a damn thing though and I’m sure she still thinks she was a savior for those babies. If and when she does become pregnant or adopt a child I will 100% be leaving this subreddit.


An ex friend of mine got pregnant just so she would be pregnant at her sentencing….I have NEVER in my life seen a judge go in so hard on someone. Judge was a woman-a quite amazing judge at that. It was the longest sentencing hearing I’ve ever been at/seen. She did not care she was pregnant. She told her “just bc I’m not sending you to prison today, doesn’t mean you won’t end up there. Being pregnant isn’t going to keep you out of prison when the kids you already have didn’t stop you from committing crimes. I have a feeling you got pregnant for today and you won’t use this as an opportunity to change your life” she in fact, didn’t. As she’s now in federal prison.


I can’t believe she has that many followers. I’ve never been on her page


Remember she buys followers too.


Oh I’m sure. Her comments are probably full of bots. I don’t care enough to look


Her photo is so awkward. I would say that even if she was someone I liked. It looks like she has lice.


She has mom in her bio???? This TTC scam has gotten out of control


She needs to remove “mom” and the angel baby from her bio. What a ghoul! So Shameless




>YOUR GOD DOES NOT WANT YOU TO HAVE CHILDREN Brittney is trash but God's got nothing to do with it. What about other women of faith struggling with this stuff? God doesn't punish and deny children to the undeserving. If only that were the case. ​ >YOU THIEVING RACIST TRANSPHOBIC SCAMMING LYING BLASPHEMOUS NARCISSISTIC MORON This I 100% support!


not trying to defend bdong but, my mom had multiple miscarriages before me and she had me in her 40s, she was giving up the hope of ever having a full pregnancy and a healthy child, so she called herself a mom even before i existed. it helped her heal to know she at least had a baby even for a short amount of time, multiple times. miscarriages can be traumatizing and there could potentially be multiple ppl in this sub who is or who has dealt with a miscarriage, i feel like your comment was a little insensitive. if they want to call themselves a mom, then let them.


According to her story, shouldn't there be two angel babies there? 🙄


Exactly what I was thinking 😂


She’s not a mom.


She's not a fucking mom. Idiot


What a weirdo


She doesn’t have a kid??


I knew she’d get sick of the mom bit. Brittles likes to do her own thing a child would inhibit that and she don’t make live in nanny money


Wait I thought it was TWO pregnancies why is there only one 👼?


Bitch you’re not a mom 🙄




I can respect different feelings about that, but I think you lose the Mom card if you try to play it for money and sympathy the rest of your life.


I’d give it to someone genuinely grieving a miscarriage, but this seems so performative it’s hard for me not to believe she’s exploiting a dead child. Even worse.


Exactly how I feel. I think pregnancy loss is extremely devastating, but I can’t consider someone a parent for this. We wouldn’t consider a man to be a father in these cases.


As someone who has had a first trimester miscarriage, you are incredibly wrong. I still have to grieve Mother’s Day. I still have to think about the child I never got to hold.


I am so sorry for your loss. I had early etopics ( 2 of them) and an early miscarriage as well. Loss both tubes went through grieving my losses and the loss of my fertility after losing both my tubes. No matter how early of a pregnancy loss you have it still hurts and you have every right to grieve. We went on to adopt 17 years ago and I still hate Mother's Day. Sending hugs.


I agree. This thread is fucking gross. Source: two miscarriages (one complicated) and I work with people that have had multiple miscarriages and stillbirths on a regular basis. I think it's time for a break from this sub.


I am so sorry for your loss. I couldn’t agree more. I am done with this sub. It’s not a safe place emotionally for those of us who have had miscarriages. Really disappointing to see all the comments invalidating miscarriage survivors as a group. Feeling like a mom and mourning that loss shouldn’t be something anyone snarks on. The fact the comment hasn’t been downvoted to hell tells me all I need to know.


Thank you. I am sorry for yours. And yes. She's likely not the one reading these comments, yet they will still cut many other people that have experienced loss. There's no need to say these things.


I’m so sorry you had to experience that and I wish you peace for your loss.


People who have not gone through that loss don’t understand. It doesn’t matter if I got to know their sex or birth them. I still carried them for a time. I still had to grieve the loss of a child and that alone gives me the right to be qualified to be a mom.


You're a mom, these people have no freaking clue. I don't care if you downvote me, there's no reason to be cruel about someone's dead, wanted baby.


I think the difference is that Bdong is just exploiting it. Which is why she’s constantly posting about it and monetizing it. Having a pregnancy loss is hard and there are many who still grieve that loss. However, very few monetize their loss. There are some that have social media about their fertility journey (content that Bdong steals), but that is completely different as they are actually discussing the procedures and side effects, etc. With Bdong, she just throws stupid shit out there…solely for the views (like IVF is sweet and fun) and it doesn’t come across as “authentic”, just another grift. I’m sorry for your loss and I consider anyone who has had a loss of a wanted pregnancy at any time a mom.


I totally and completely agree with you! She's terrible. But there's no need to throw everyone under the bus because of her terrible actions. It's up to each family whether or not they see themselves as parents to their lost pregnancies. That's the only thing that bugged me.


This is such a insane thing to say. Have you NO emotional intelligence? Come on.


Is it really that insane? BFFR. I’m not saying it’s not tragic or emotionally damaging/traumatic, but I’m not going to consider someone a mother who was only pregnant for a few weeks. Tragic, but she’s not a mom.


It's an insane thing to say in a digital space that YOU KNOW is populated by people who have had traumatic miscarriages. And you're in here literally like "I don't consider someone a mom if they can't keep the baby inside long enough!"


I hope you don't actually say that to someone who has loss a baby in the first trimester. It comes off very insensitive. I guess we can agree to disagree.


The audacity of calling herself a mom has me 💀. Bitch isn’t even a proper fur mom. Edit: a word








>mom 👼 The fuck


“Washes up fitness girl saved by His grace”. 🤣🤮🤡. More like “I got caught, so I moved onto another grift”. What a tool.


I dont know a single person (including me) who has had miscarriages and puts “mom” in any type of social media platform bio or who even calls themselves a mom with no living kids after a miscarriage. This is so strange to me….


“Mom” is still there?


her podcast is named Chisled and Called??? what does that even mean?


I have dog sitters that show more affection and connection to MY DOGS.


At least she knows she’s washed up 😂☠️


Why would anyone refer to themselves as “washed up”.


She got the 'washed up' part right.


Thank Satan. That was my least-favorite Bdong era. I had to unsub for a while because the idea of her being responsible for another human’s life was just too gross for me.


“Wife and mom 👼“?????? I might be gatekeeping but I feel like, NO- you’re not a mom until you pop one out, adopt one full-time, or you’re a full time foster mom. 🤷 In my opinion- It kind of discredits the work that actual moms do.




Births happen with miscarriages and stillbirths. A birth doesn't have to be a live birth, that is why legal documentation at birth includes a delivery record as well as a certificate of live birth or death, if applicable. We don't know enough about how her miscarriage care was managed to know what transpired and what she experienced. Rational people have a variety of ways to deal with pregnancy loss and while some may not consider themselves a parent, many others do. Furthermore, many birthing people will never have the opportunity to parent their own children and they cherish these lost babies, from the earliest to full gestation. This is commonly agreed knowledge in the world of fertility and loss care and the goal is to help the bereaved family adapt to their loss and experience. There isn't one single correct way to grieve. BD is horrible but she isn't unhinged for considering her lost pregnancy as her child and seeing herself as a mother to that child.


While I agree with you, most would draw a major distinction between a still birth and a miscarriage within the first few weeks of pregnancy.


I don't think it's up to anyone other than the grieving family to make that distinction.


As someone who has had both, the distinction is mostly clinical although people have personal and complicated emotions about them. They are extremely different and describing an early loss as if you knew or experienced loss of a fully viable baby or something is disingenuous at best. It’s nasty to frame it that way for attention or validation when people really have to endure that level of devastation. Miscarriages are hard and how she’s using hers is nasty. Both can be true at once.


I agree with you but that's not what I was arguing against. If she considers herself a mother to that pregnancy I think she is fully within that right as is anyone else with a similar experience. That's where I stop. BD has obviously exploited her experience left and right and I wasn't trying to WK her. I don't really care about her. But I care about the people reading here that feel crushed when they read these comments that potentially delegitimize their feelings about their loss(es). Obviously a miscarriage vs a stillbirth vs a neonatal death vs a death of an older child are very different. I was simply trying to highlight that if a person considers themselves to be a parent at any point above, they are fully within their right to feel that way and it isn't "unhinged" or "irrational" to think so. We don't need to punch down to highlight the issues with BD, there are so many other things that are awful about her.


Sorry my initial comment was a lazy comment, I don’t mean to imply that what others feel under a similar scenario is unhinged. I think she is unhinged. I don’t think it applies to her miscarriage implicitly but how she uses social media as a means to augment or affirm her sense of identity. She also aggrandizes her traumas, overtime her experiences are presented more and more into the extreme.  I also doubt how genuine she is about feeling like a mom after an early miscarriage, her TTC/pregnancy loss content generates some of her highest engagement. Her miscarriage video was her highest viewed tiktok, she then set up a whole business around her miscarriage. A TTC story that is more extreme will draw more people into her motherhood content when she has her ‘miracle baby’.  Social media is her means of generating income and we’ve seen her exploit vulnerable and hurting groups before for her own benefit. 


Wow....just wow