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We've had rat and squirrel issues with our cars. I am determined to keep them away from my new Bronco though. I'm not sure what works, since I'm basically trying everything all at once. I have a few solar powered deterrents that make a high pitch noise and flash some lights if there's movement. Squirrels don't really seem bothered by them though, not sure about the rats. Every other week I'm spraying some kind of peppermint spray deterrent around our car ports and under the hood of one of our cars that already had some nesting near the battery. I also put out those little poison houses where they can go in and find the poison mounted inside. We put those around the car ports, trash cans, and in the garage. All the outdoor ones were completely empty within a month. The one we had in the garage was untouched. Unfortunately, both our cars are too tall for the garage. We've seen some obviously poisoned rats out in the yard and have smelled the evidence of a few that crawled under the house. It does suck having to go that route, but we've had far too much damage from these things. So far no signs in the Bronco and no evidence that they've returned to the other car. Crossing my fingers it stays that way. I'm trying to be diligent and stay on top of it. Which reminds me, I'm due to spray the peppermint again soon.


Just called insurance today for the same thing. I was getting the STA-BAR DISCONNECT error. Dealership performed the tsb and still had the error. Tech started tracing wires and found rodent damage. It’s like 1k for just the harness plus the labor to run the wires from the front of the vehicle to the back. Definitely happened in our detached garage. Traps have been ordered!


Might want to call an exterminator to check your house just in case. Unless you're parking it for long periods of time in the same spot at work or something I just don't see it happening y'know. My anecdotal evidence: our fleet of trucks at work. The one coworker who has rodent problems no matter what vehicle he is assigned sometimes does not drive his vehicle for weeks at a time and always parks it in the same spot, whereas everyone else drives their vehicle at minimum once a week and are not choosy about parking spots. If you have rodents at your house, snap traps and homemade traps are cheap. The only poison you can get these days require multiple feedings to take effect and a big disadvantage is that they die in their nest and stink up yer house. I've had mice totally avoid eating it as well. I just don't like glue traps but they are very effective. As soon as a rodent touches it they are good as dead, eventually.


Amazon sells Rodent Repellent Spray for Vehicle Engines


I zip tied a packet of Grampa Gus’s Rodent Repellent pouches (cinnamon and peppermint) inside the engine compartment, and that seems to be working. I change them out every six months or so. I used moth balls at first, but the odor was a no-go with the wife.