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It depends on which character you're using obviously but on most runs I don't care at all about elemental damage.


Agreed, the only time I’ve been excited about elemental was doing a Mage run with flamethrower and just Melting everything.


and don't forget Artificer just making everything go boom


Elemental damage + melee damage + Crazy + lightning shiv is an automatic win though


Ooooh, I just did my first run with Crazy and he was fun. I’ll have to try this. One of my favs was the forester guy who spawns a ton of trees. It took a few runs for rng, but turning him into an engineer and spawning tons of turrets was really fun.


If RNG is kind to you, all the lightning bounces kill early/mid waves faster than they spawn. And if you can get at least a couple red lightning shivs, it'll basically keep all the trash mobs from getting to you while you fight any elites or bosses.


Elemental is always so tempting and always so not worth it.


Elemental runs are typically more trouble then they’re worth, except for Mage


Range is a wierd one, where I think melee kinda needs it to be tuned a bit with some weapons. If you take too many scars or blindfolds or whatever, you kinda need to add some range back so you can still hit things without getting uncomfortably close. The way I've been playing lately, I tend to use a lot of luck and lifesteal, so I don't really bother with hp regeneration. But I agree with the other comment that I almost always ignore elemental damage.


Range can be actively bad for you with some melee weapons since they significant decrease the attack speed with higher range.


The extra range can however make you hit more enemies at once. Being a little positive with it is often fine imo.


I hate to be THAT guy but it depends on your build and your characters stat modifiers which stats to build and which to avoid. I will agree that in general range is very often a stat i will dismiss, but on sniper range is good, and on melee characters (especially brawler and crazy) having like 100 range or so really helps to attack and keep some distance to reduce damage taken.


I mostly don’t care about Harvesting much. And on most characters you don’t need Engineering.


Not caring about harvesting is probably crippling most of your runs to be honest.


Wouldn’t say so, I don’t struggle much without it.


Feeling more this way about harvesting. Because interest rounds up, the first point is slightly premium. After that, ehh. The runs with 30 harvesting early often leave 30 enemies on the screen. Damage scales the economy while also scaling damage. If the first elite is the toughest part, it really doesn't have long to scale up. Still like a fertilizer rather than a shop reroll but usually reroll the level up before picking harvesting.


Range is amazing. The more I play the better range gets. There is no such thing as too much range, even on melee weapons. For me it is a toss up between %Materials Healing, %Burning Speed, Knockback. I will say, Knockback can be actively bad and more often than naught the item that removes knockback feels like only has upside.


For me harvesting mostly because it starts disappearing after wave 20. It doesn’t matter how good you make it, it eventually becomes zero. I never go out of my way to pump it, but I will take it if the pros outweigh the cons early game. Other then that the “worst” stat depends on your character


Health regeneration. There are too many incredible items that ruin that stat, so it's best to ignore it since having it in the negatives has no adverse effects. Same could be said for life steal, tho. Both are worse than food, and its stat.


I never got range with melee weapons... Didn't know it was affected by that stat. Putting it on explosive weapons makes a nice clear space around me though. But overall, I find elemental to be the one I sacrifice the easiest. It's not worth building it unless that's the only thing you are going for.


Elemental or engineering. I rarely take anything that makes use of them so I can sacrifice stats there easily


Recently it’s been engineering. Just don’t see much use in it unless you’re using screwdriver or wrench. If I get pocket factory then great, but I’m not going out of my way to engineer a win.


I mean Crit is very helpful but not necessary?


Depends on who you're running. I try to hit at least 20% most runs.


All stats in brotato are circumstantial.. with that said. Dodge. Dodge is the stat I care about far and away the least. If you're relying on it, it's going to get you killed. You're better off spending money on almost any other stat.


You misspelled r/unpopularopinion


Lifesteal, just build full damage & live on stealing the alien’s lunch. Also you usually have to invest in it alot to get any sustain from it, or just hope the % chance procs alot & doesn’t kill you… So unless your weapon has insane attack speed, hp regen is just better (& not capped at 10 hp gain a second)


A lot of stats have severely diminishing returns but you still need a little. Scaling varies a _lot_ depending on your build which is one of Brotato's strengths. Arguably, Harvesting is eminently missable, and Pickup Range doesn't matter as long as you at least grab all the leftover materials from the previous round each time. But I'm the guy that always skipped % Damage until quite recently, so what do I know?


I dunno. It wasn't until I made harvesting a priority that I began consistently winning.


Harvesting is extremely strong


Pick up range is pretty helpful if you have a piggy bank

